[BSC 2.5] Srs MF - 58IIQ/296IIR - Zombie/Animate Guardian/Chaos Golem - 4 aura - Life/ES

This is my first guide ever so go easy on me :)

Just wanted to share my mf char that i've been using during breach league. I made it mainly to farm dried lakes and low tier maps and it does that very well.

It's a perfect league starter as the items required to get it going can be obtained by yourself, and slowly as u build up your currency u can start buying mf specific gear.

Tons of rares will be dropping so it's very nice for chaos recipe which i made most of my currency by.

I'm running 7 zombies, chaos golem and animate guardian. We are very glass so its nice to have some meat shields to take a beat while u stand in the back shooting off spirits.

Let's get right into it..


6L Pledge and 6l Greed is not needed at all to make the build work.. A 4l Pledge is all u need to get it going. We are running alot of uniques so we dont have a lot of resistances, so we need alot of res on our jewels.

We will be taking Necromancer ascendancy obviously.
#1: Mistress of Sacrifice - Makes us benefit from our Flesh Offering, cast and movement speed.
#2: Commander of Darkness - 20 res and more cast speed as well as damage to our minions
#3: Spirit Eater - More cast speed and more damage and attack speed for our minions
#4: Either Flesh binder for more phys reduction or take the 2 small nodes for more damage to minions

Normal: Help Oak
Cruel: Kill All
Merciless: Kill All

Weapon: SRS - Melee Splash - Minion Damage - Item Rarity(4l) - Culling Strike(5l) - Empower(6l)

Armour: Raise Zombie - Summon Chaos Golem - Animate Guardian - Minion life(4l) - Fortify(5l) - Empower(6l) (If u make the armour RRBBBB u can switch out Empower to Raise Spectre to get even more minions in the field.)

Gloves: Discipline - Haste - Clarity - Enlighten

Helm: Flame Dash - Faster Casting - Portal - Desecrate

Boots: Hatred - Generosity - Flesh Offering - Increased Duration (Don't need to be 4l, can be 2x2 (Hatred and Generosity - Flesh Offering and Increased Duration)

Animate Guardian Gear

Just to buff our SRS.. On Gloves, Armour and Boots look for high life and high armour


Последняя редакция: ManseBanse. Время: 27 февр. 2017 г., 16:01:26
Last bumped26 февр. 2017 г., 17:35:10

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