[RIP Best build of 3.9]

i just wanted to thank you for the build. its just funny to play.

its not really "optimized" but it works pretty well.
i went a slightly different route on the skill tree because i tested a few things with life only etc. and didnt want to respec. (i took those life and energy shield notes on the right side of the tree + growth and decay)

my items:

sporeguard is cheap and works well
shapers touch (allrounder, es/acc - was just too lazy to search for smthing else) - i use careful planing (int to dex jewel) and tempered mind for accuracy
i use spectres (carnage chieftain) for frenzy charges (blood rage has increased attack speed).
Yoke of Suffering: actually i dont know if it works well :o

Gems: Explosive Arrow - Barrage Support - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Burning Damage - Unbound Ailments Support - Deadly Ailments

Последняя редакция: wgfromanov. Время: 29 янв. 2020 г., 5:40:34
limonenovecento написал:
Pimpernickell написал:
I'm having some issues. I checked the tree and it's good. got a 6L with lvl 19+ gems, full ascendancy, helm seems correct, but killing a T5 map mob takes awhile. With auras on my info screen says my mainhand damage is 447-999, 123% ignite chance, 1.7-3.3k ignite damage. I'm wondering if I'm suffering from the bug and it's not patched yet as I'm on Xbox.

Sorry, I am afraid I can't help you since I never played on Xbox, but I would guess there might be another problem, since T5 map mobs should be blown away by the explosion alone.

Xbox got patched today. This is so ridiculous, thank you.
Последняя редакция: Pimpernickel. Время: 30 янв. 2020 г., 0:31:40
Hey there, been playing the build for a bit now but I'm looking for ways to improve. I found that in PoB my ignite damage is massively less than your PoB and I am struggling to understand why.

Can you give me any hints as to what I'm doing wrong?
Here's my pob: https://pastebin.com/PetbS8yP

(Edit: I do have and use a Dyadian Dawn, as well, I'm playing around with a bunch of different gear setups to see why it's so lacking)

Sorry, I don't have much time these days but will try to look into it on the weekend.
Please help to fight the climate change!
deeveejay написал:
Great build, real fun. The only problem - my PC is shrieking in pain with all these balls, arrows and effects :P

But anyway, great idea - thank you. Hope they will not nerf it soon, cuz it's so fun to play.

Glad you like it. Enjoy it as long as it (and your PC) lasts ;P
I guess that the additional attack & cast speed from Corpse Pact might get capped next league.

Codiak324 написал:
Finally gotten this build to level 65 with 3 ascendancies and I have to say ......Ridiculous! The damage is obscene and it's so cheap. Unreal job mate, keep thinking for us. A couple useful things I've found: hitting thief's torment with attack mod catalyst puts it up to 72 lgoh which is just absurd with our AS and proj count, hitting dyadian dawn with elemental damage catalyst can take it up to 42% faster ignite, and you can get a nice pair of gloves with fire dot multi, life, res and any stats you need for super cheap (mine were 12c with 15 fire dot multi 75 life 40 lightning res and 40 Dex). Thanks again and keep up the great work!

Thanks, nice to hear ;)
Yeah, the new catalysts can be put to good use here if you want to spend the currency. I threw a couple of them on my gear as well. I will probably add it to the 'pimp' section ;)

wgfromanov написал:
i just wanted to thank you for the build. its just funny to play.

its not really "optimized" but it works pretty well.
i went a slightly different route on the skill tree because i tested a few things with life only etc. and didnt want to respec. (i took those life and energy shield notes on the right side of the tree + growth and decay)[...]

Glad to hear! I'd argue that the build is very well optimized, just towards an optimal price-performance ratio instead of minmaxed with infinite curency.
The alternative skill tree should work very well. More life adds more safety versus all the chaos damage of this league, whereas energy shield can be regenerated much faster (without Thief's Torment that is), see also my comment(s) on the previous pages.
Sporeguard sounds like a funny variant. I strongly doubt that the Yoke of Suffering is worth it, especially since we already seem to reach the ignite cap and Presence of Chayula adds so much safety (stun immunity, chaos resist, life as es). Let me know if you find some good additions to the build ;)

Pimpernickel написал:
limonenovecento написал:
Pimpernickell написал:
I'm having some issues. I checked the tree and it's good. got a 6L with lvl 19+ gems, full ascendancy, helm seems correct, but killing a T5 map mob takes awhile. With auras on my info screen says my mainhand damage is 447-999, 123% ignite chance, 1.7-3.3k ignite damage. I'm wondering if I'm suffering from the bug and it's not patched yet as I'm on Xbox.

Sorry, I am afraid I can't help you since I never played on Xbox, but I would guess there might be another problem, since T5 map mobs should be blown away by the explosion alone.

Xbox got patched today. This is so ridiculous, thank you.

Good news! The difference to the pre-patch version is like night and day!
Please help to fight the climate change!
Последняя редакция: limonenovecento. Время: 31 янв. 2020 г., 9:07:26
First of all looks like a really nice build and I would love to try it, but the presence of chayula makes me think that a lowlife would be possible?
Did you already try that direction or would it be senseless?
Because I dont't know if LL would make it that much better but it sounds so fitting.
Well on to the next build, I might try to work on this one a bit later. Its way to squishy in this rippy leauge.

So far I've done/working on several builds. None of the builds are minmaxed

Scoring is from initial impressions and how they scale.

S:single target CS:clearspeed T:Survivability

Lacerate gladiator 10+ EX
S 10/10 CS 8/10 T 7/10 Survivability can be increased with investment.

Scourge arrow Pathfinder 50+ EX
S 9/10 CS 10/10 T 10/10

Iceshot deadeye 10+ EX
S 8/10 CS 10/10 T 5/10 Single target can be improved with voidfletcher, a friend needed gear so I loaned the chest to him after 6L so it's nowhere completed.

ED-C LL block assassin 10+ EX
S 5/10 CS 10/10 T 7/10 Both single target and survivability can be improved with heavy investment.

This EA build. 5+ EX
S 10/10 CS 8/10 T 3/10
I have no idea how to improve this builds survivability, will try with Divine flesh.

This leauge is so rippy you need several layers of defence and high damage to progress and have fun. Scourge arrow has Dodge, evasion and Divine flesh with 30% phys converted to chaos damage. 4 million shaper dps atm. It feels great to play, piano on the flasks can be tiresome. 100% flask uptime np.

The lacerate gladiator I need to tune in some chaos resistance in it and get hp to over 6k other than that it's great.

Friend is working hard on the iceshot, evasion/Dodge helps it. But getting enough life to not get oneshot will probably be hard.

ED C tank is fun, run, hit one and watch everything melt. I would say getting survivability to top tier is no problem. But bossing feels awful, playing this right now so gems still needs levels, will try wither totems later, maybe bane. ED feels like it won't reach more than 2 million shaper dps optimised.

This EA build is fun, as a leauge starter it would probably be great if you can get the head for a decent price. But I feel like it probably won't have enough survivability for my taste, a bit like the iceshot does not. Some metas hit more than 8+k life in a hit. No easy way to build Dodge, evasion or block. Any suggestions on smart defensive options.
Последняя редакция: Immikern. Время: 31 янв. 2020 г., 13:16:51
MrMcWar написал:
First of all looks like a really nice build and I would love to try it, but the presence of chayula makes me think that a lowlife would be possible?
Did you already try that direction or would it be senseless?
Because I dont't know if LL would make it that much better but it sounds so fitting.

its worthless to go lowlife, cuz you main damage is not spell damage
What would be the optimal EA gem setup?
I'm running EA + Burning dmg + barrage + combustion + ignite + Awakened Deadly ailments.
Considering switching combustion to GMP. But that would mean one more off colour socket :-/
--== Enjoying the game ==--
Twiiik написал:
What would be the optimal EA gem setup?
I'm running EA + Burning dmg + barrage + combustion + ignite + Awakened Deadly ailments.
Considering switching combustion to GMP. But that would mean one more off colour socket :-/

Trying it out like this at the moment:
--== Enjoying the game ==--
Trying this build out since it looks relatively ok for my budget!
Последняя редакция: spectrearc. Время: 2 февр. 2020 г., 8:48:31

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