Known Issues & Common Technical Problems

i have this bad boy, some kind a problem with sounds... yesterday it was a woman's voice that had problem when loading zones.
Последняя редакция: amakatanau. Время: 26 окт. 2013 г., 2:21:12
Hello. I got a problem. When i install Path Of Exile on my laptop i cant download the game. its says

Connection Failure.

Disconnected from patching server before patching complete.

Please help me out i cant understand what to do
I have a bug in the Breaking some eggs quest. When I put the three items in the door it never opens but I get a notification that I can get a reward. Happens to me every time since the release.
I'm Trying To Change My E-mail For My Account, But POE Has Not Sent Me A Verification E-mail To My Address!! It's AllReady Been 2 Days!! Can You Please Tell Me How To E-Mail You My Change Of E-Mail Account?

I have problem with ingame chat - I can't add my mesages to it. I can write them but enter won't add them. Also I can't add linked items to what I'm writing
i am still having trouble getting to dominus it keeps disconnecting everytime i try and get past the last staircase. ive tried everything lowing settings maybe it into a smaller resolution and nothing works so please fix this getting really anooying not being able to progress
I keep getting the following in the middle of the download:

Title: Connection Failure

Error: Server returned nothing (no header, no data) while downloading

The http path and file names change but the error is always the same.

The good news is that when I restart the download it picks up where it left off. The bad news is that I have to babysit the download.

I am like 100% sure this is not me. I've done the following:

-Cleared my DNS cache
-Turned off my AV protection

I'm using Google for DNS (

Razer_Lazers написал:
i am still having trouble getting to dominus it keeps disconnecting everytime i try and get past the last staircase. ive tried everything lowing settings maybe it into a smaller resolution and nothing works so please fix this getting really anooying not being able to progress

Same here!
Hi there, I am having issues getting disconnected every 5min : "An Unexpected Disconnection Occurred." Other games work fine and I am not running firewalls or antivirus programs. Do I absolutely have to use vpn? Isn't there another fix? Or will GGG patch it soon so that it doesnt happen? Also, will vpn work if I run/installed the game through steam? I will run the WinMTR when I get home tonight...

This is weird. I made my account after I already had a character to purchase something from the shop and my character has been deleted from POE! I don't know if it would be possible to bring it back at all or something. Please, if you can give me my character back I'd appreciate it! His name was DemonsRetributioner. A Templar.

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