[2.0] The IceBreaker Scion. Ice Crash + Facebreakers + Counter Skills = Great fun!
![]() EDIT: All trees are updated and links are working. Sorry for the long hiatus guys, but I am back now!
Pros & Cons
Pretty cheap to gear up Easy to level with Very flexible to suit your own play style with jewels and gems Incredibly fun to play Can run most map mods without any issues 9 possible jewel sockets High block Cons 4 link chest works just fine but 6 link chest really brings out the potential Physical reflect can be tricky and mostly not worth it but not impossible Elemental reflect is much easier to manage but might still be a pain Blood magic is not possible with this build High hitting physical damage mobs can sometimes be an issue in high level maps
Leveling & Full Tree
When leveling with this build you can use molten strike with a one hander and shield and it works just fine starting off for the first little bit. Once you have a pair of facebreakers and meginord's girdle you can run through the rest of normal all the way to the end of merciless. With facebreakers any FLAT physical bonus on any of your gear is a HUGE dps upgrade it is the main stat that we will be going for. Once facebreakers are gotten use infernal blow (can buy from the vendor) up until level 28 when you can make the switch to ice crash.
18 Points
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAAMZ411jrhPC1FCnKpfNmDzKZXtz6-vMT2xq7YvfJF9Mb3Mv4K Gives some very nice start nodes of some damage, some str, and a good amount of life. Resolute technique is your first goal to get as you will now never miss and makes leveling much more fun. Seeing as this is a facebreaker build crit is not needed.
27 Points
Some more physical damage, a little attack speed, a bit more life, a little regen and armor and finally diamond skin for +15 to all elemental resistances. You can respec out of this later pretty easily IF you want to once you have the res on your gear to do so.
46 Points
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAAAecFLQz3FCAaPhpVMZ411jboOuE8LUCgRQpQR18_YSFnm3KpdO15OXrvfNl-4oPMhO-ezaZXpzCplayvrj63Pr68wL_E9sau2L3aweRR6dXvDvIv8kX0xvcy_go= Now we concentrate on some much needed block nodes. Get a little life and melee phys dmg on the way. Until mana leech is gotten on a jewel, testudo helps a lot with the +8 mana it gives you when you block.
65 Points
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAAAecFLQz3FCAVIBm0Gj4aVRutLYMvzDGeNdY26DrhPC094kCgRQpHfkjuUEdfP2EhYuxlTWebcql07XiueTl673zZfuKDzITZhO-ezaZXpzCplayvrj62irc-vTa-p768wL_BgsT2xq7Tfti92sHkUenV7w7vevIv8kX0xvaj9zL-Cg== Some very nice melee damage to start off with. Then getting some more life and some armor while going to art of the gladiator. Now ignoring movement speed penalties on armor and giving some good dex and a good chunk of attackspeed. Then getting some good dex/intel nodes on the way to finesse which gives another good boost to dex and a better boost to attack speed. Finish it up with weapon artistry and precise interception.
77 Points
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAAAecFLQY5DPcUIBUgGbQaPhpVG5cbrR7fLYMvzDGeMk411jboOuE8LT0PPeJAoEUKR35I7k9WUEdRYF8_YSFi7GVNZ5tyqXTteK55OXrvfNl-4oPMhNmE757Nn8umV6cwqZWsr64-r6ezP7aKtz69Nr6nvrzAv8GCxPbGrtN-2L3aweRR6dXvDu968i_yRfMG9Mb2o_cy-6r-Cg== Get the last 2 shield nodes at the very bottom of the tree for a nice boost to melee phys dmg and attack speed. Pick up unwavering stance so you cannot be stunned now. Head up past resolute technique to take the block node wheel right there. More block and another +12 to all resistances while holding a shield. Finally grab the block nodes right at the scion start.
100 Points
First grab the life over by unwavering stance. 2 Points to get juggernaut for some armor/life/flask recovery. Then grab the 4 life nodes for bloodless and get a good amount of life and the ability to not have enemies leech life from you. Then start working on the jewel sockets right at the scion start. Getting some regen, some more res, and attack speed along with the jewel sockets. Pick up the other 3 jewel sockets that are very close to your path so far.
110 Point END
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAAAecDlgUtBjkIZwz3FCAUTRUgFbgYVhiRGbQaPhpVG5cbrR7fLOktgy_MMZ4yTjXWNug64TsoPC09Dz3iQKBFCka3R35I7k9WUEdRYFcNXz9hIWLsZU1nm2hYaGVuPXKpdO14rnk5eu97w3zZfuKCB4Lkg1-DzITZhO-Gs4nYkBGUoJYyns2fy6ZXpzCplayvrj6vp7M_toq3PryfvTa-gL6nvrzAv8GCxPbGrshb0iHTb9N-15bYTdi92mLaweRR6dXvDu968i_yQfJF8wbzm_TG9qP3Mvuq_Ev-Cg== Grab up the remaining 2 jewel sockets and get some armor as well. Then back to the scion start wheel for the increased area of effect radius. This should bring you to level 89 concluding the build. If you want to go further I would suggest grabbing the ninth jewel socket under bloodless and then the soul and steel wheel right above bloodless for some giant armor upgrades and phys damage reduction.
Facebreakers- The very first piece of gear you should try to get with this build is of course facebreakers. Obviously Higher the unarmed physical damage the better, its the only stat that matters on this item. Facebreaker's have a required level of 16 so you can use it early on and it will last you till the end of your days ;)
Meginord's Girdle- The next piece of gear that should be gotten as it will allow you to run all the way from normal to the end of merciless. The flat physical damage boost this early is HUGE. This unique is one of my favorite in the entire game. Gives big physical increase, 10-20 cold resist, 10% maximum life, and life recovery from flasks. It also gives strength as an implicit AND as a mod so it gives a bunch of strength in total as well.
Abyssus- Absolutely HUGE dps upgrade flat 40-60 physical damage is just enormous. The + all attributes really helps for our lack of intelligence as well. Crit multiplier does not matter with this build so its a meaningless stat for us. The downside of this helm which isn't a huge problem but can be annoying with certain mobs in certain high level maps/areas is the increased physical damage taken. It goes from 40-50 Try to get the lowest number possible on this stat. Heavy hitting physical damage hits that get through our block can hurt a little bit. It is so worth the trade off with the amount of damage this helm gives you though.
Great Old One's Ward- The very last unique we need for our build. This shield is simply awesome and I feel it is highly underrated. First it gives you a flat physical damage boost, a pretty damn good one too. It gives a good amount of life, nice attack speed, AND spell block. The only thing I do not like about this shield is that it is evasion based and not armor, and I do so love my armor.
Rare Chest Armor- As high armor as you can get with a high amount of life. Resists are almost a bonus. With boots/jewelry and the 8-9 jewels that you can get with this build and the resistance passives already on tree, getting max resistances is not to hard. The 2 most important mods I would look for is high armor and high life. Astral plate base would be great with the implicit of + all elemental resistances. If you get a lot of res and can spec out of diamond skin on passive tree, even better.
Rare Boots - Not any really good unique boots, rainbowstrides can be ok but I will take a good rare anytime. First I LOVE high movespeed 25-30 is a must for me personally. Then you can get armor based (+armor if your really rich) and one of your main sources gear wise for res + life.
Rare Amulet- Flat physical damage is the most important stat here and it can get pretty high. Life/resists is what should come next. I would recommend trying to get a Lapis amulet for the bonus intelligence
Rare Rings- Very similar to the amulet. Flat physical first and foremost, life/res after. Would also suggest on one ring to try to get a good intelligence roll. Two stone rings or single res rings work great as bases, if you do not need the res I would suggest using coral rings for life or iron rings for even more physical damage.
While leveling I like to use 2 health + 1 mana + 2 quicksilver. On merciless or higher and once mana leech is gotten on one jewel or piece of jewelry mana flask is not needed anymore and nor is a second quicksilver flask. I then like to run 2 health + 1 quicksilver + 1 granite and the last one is open for a third health or atziri's promise or my personal favorite rumi's. Make sure one of your health flasks removes bleeding and one removes chilling/frozen. Granite should of course be rolled with as high an armor roll as you can get. Quicksilver I like to roll with + charges and + movespeed. This way you get 3 uses out of it before it runs out.
Gems & Links
CWDT > Molten Shell > Punishment > Increased Duration Now that enduring cry no longer works I tested a bunch of things to find the right fit for me and I really like it. Molten shell was always a skill that I enjoyed but I really hate self casting it. CWDT allows me to not have to. Currently I run with CWDT level 8 allowing me to run level 52 or lower on punishment and molten shell which comes out to a level 14 molten shell and a level 11 punishment. Molten shell and increased duration give me some nice added armor and defense which is always great. Punishment since it has been buffed is an awesome curse. If you want to keep it unlinked and use yourself that is fine but not really necessary.
4 Link: Ice Crash > Fortify > Melee Physical Damage > Faster attacks/Added Fire Damage 5 Link: Ice Crash > Fortify > Melee Physical Damage > FA/AFD > Increased Aoe 6 Link: Ice crash > Fortify > MPD > FA/AFD > Inc aoe > concentrated effect. Entire build can be ran with a 4 linked chest and I used one all the way up to level 82 or so and never had any issues at all. Most trash mobs get one shot, champs/rares 3 shot, bosses not many more. 6 link REALLY brings out the potential though. It is not required but I would recommend it to anyone that is able to get one. NOTE 1- I used faster attacks instead of added fire damage while leveling since I hate attacking slow. Once I had all the attack speed on tree I made the switch from faster attacks to added fire damage. The DPS between the two is almost negligible. The difference is without faster attacks you do a bit more damage each hit and attack a bit slower. With faster attacks you do a bit less damage but hit a bit faster. Choice is completely up to you. NOTE 2- If you get a 5 link chest, you CAN use concentrated effect over increased aoe. It is definitely the better of the two gems. However I myself did not like the decreased aoe it gave. That is why I use increased aoe to offset it and give actually more aoe. If a smaller radius does not bother you, feel free to use concentrated effect. If you get a 6 link chest, then it doesn't matter.
Summon Flame Golem > Life Leech > Culling Strike > Item Rarity I love my little golem companion. Flame golem gives a nice little dps boost and life leech sustains him. Rarely have to recast him. With culling strike and item rarity he gets the last shot on bosses and some rares/exiles etc a lot of the time which is just an added little bonus for the nice loot that drops. Really enjoy this setup. Other Options- Golem is all your own personal preference. If you would rather tank him up you can throw gems such as minion life and minion resist on him. If you want to boost his dps you can throw things like fire penetration and minion damage on him. If you want to make him more "flashy" you can throw GMP on him and watch him throw 5 fireballs instead of 1. You can also use the defensive based chaos golem which gives you more physical damage reduction and helps offset the downside of running abyssus. Choice is up to you.
Riposte > Reckoning > Endurance Charge on Melee Stun > Increased Area of Effect I love this setup so much. First the counter skills Riposte and Reckoning are awesome. They go off constantly and do massive amounts of damage. While leveling they are even great and do a good amount of damage. Endurance charges are up almost constantly as well really giving you a boost to your physical damage reduction. Increased area of effect allows both riposte + reckoning to travel further and in a wider area. It is not uncommon at all to make your way around a corner and see a bunch of ranged mobs shooting at you and have them all instantly explode without even touching them.
Hatred > Herald of Ash > Tempest Shield Hatred/HoA are your main auras and give you a great dps boost not much left to say on that one. Tempest shield since buff is pretty nice but personally I do not use it to much because I hate recasting it. Usually only end up casting it right before im fighting a giant pack (like at a strongbox/shrine) or during a boss fight. The damage it deals is not very much as we are not linking it to anything. But the animation is cool and it gives some extra block. Use it or don't completely up to you.
My Current Equips
*Will update once beta goes live as it is definitely the build I will be starting with and I will be able to link the gear*
Offense & Defense
*Will update once beta goes live and will be able to show the stats a lot better*
One of my favorite new additions to POE! With the passive tree you can get 8 jewel sockets on tree pretty easily. If you want to level higher you can pick up a ninth! Jewels are simply amazing. First and foremost they are VERY flexible. You can choose what you want the most. If you neeed defensive stuff you can get armor/life/res/leech. You need offensive you can get a LOT of extra damage. Want a mix of both? Then get both. Get what suits your needs!
Just getting jewels with 2 mods is already worth the points you invested to get the slots and are really easy to attain. Just alt/aug whatever your looking for. If you regal for a third mod and get a good one it is wonderful. If you exalt or trade for or happen to luckily find one with 4 great mods you are simply OP.
My Recommended Jewels
1.) Only unique jewel I think is great for this build is martial artistry and gives a big boost to area of effect radius while unarmed. 2.) I would highly recommend getting mana leech on a viridian jewel. It is the only one of the 3 base jewels that allows you to roll mana leech. 3.) I like getting lots of damage on my jewels. You can get unarmed physical damage, damage while holding a shield, flat melee physical, flat damage period, area damage, cold damage and probably more which I forgot to mention. Can also pick up any remaining resistances you might not be capped at or some intel if you are still lacking in that stat a bit. Life is always very good as well and if your an attack speed junky well you can get that too.
Oak, Oak, Kill all. +life and physical damage for this build is awesome and last one skill point is best.
*I will be keeping this post fully updated and upload some pictures, link the gear, and hopefully post some videos once it goes live. If you have any questions/comments/concerns feel free to post up.* *This is my first POE guide so be nice to me :( If I missed something or left something out feel free to let me know* Hope you all enjoy it and enjoy playing the build as much as I do! Последняя редакция: g00fy_goober#7177. Время: 26 сент. 2015 г., 17:58:16 Last bumped13 февр. 2017 г., 10:18:41
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No feedback/thoughts :(
Guess I'll have to wait until it goes live |
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Time to get the 2.0 builds ready and rolling!
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do you think this build is HC viable?
also is the clearspeed good enough in high level maps? (76+) do you recommend using facebreaker forever or would you switch it out if you found a really good weapon? Последняя редакция: Booed#6691. Время: 2 июля 2015 г., 10:37:32
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" Im sure especially being a new skill there will be many viable ways to play it. I have seen/heard of some really nice 2 hand ones being pretty powerful. As for myself I love the unarmed feeling and leveling and late game where you get something like 2-3 physical dmg on a piece of gear and watch your damage sky rocket. I will go facebreaker for end game build. Also with certains jewels and stuff like martial artistry it all applies to unarmed, even magic/rare jewels can roll unarmed dmg, dmg while holding a shield etc. I would deff recommend staying with facebreakers for this build at least. I have not tested maps as thoroughly as I want to but just with a 4 link armor and mediocre gear at best I have done mid tier maps with almost all mods (around 74-76) and haven't had any issues. As for HC I am not a huge HC person myself, but with abyssus and extra physical damage I would not recommend it. Some things just hit really hard for phys like brutus map bosses or kole in lunaris on merciless and on maps etc. 99% of stuff it doesn't even effect but there is that 1% |
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Three more days people! I really hope to get guide updated with pics/stats/videos as soon as possible, let me know if anyone has anymore questions!
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nice build bro! i can't wait to do this build with my scion! you're the only one that i saw posting a build with ice crash for scion, thanks for making it! i really appreciate that
Edit: just one question, i can't get great old one's ward shield (lack of exalteds) what shield should i use instead of that? Последняя редакция: PrimeraAlpha#3528. Время: 11 июля 2015 г., 10:50:42
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Hey i just speced into your build and was wondering if botb would be viable?
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" I would highly suggest great old ones ward (at least at some point) as the damage increase and life/spell block/ attack speed really is glorious. However it is NOT required for the build. The 2nd best option would be lioneye's remorse. Third best would be a good rare shield with high armor/life and some res. " Unfortunately I was not able to get belly on beta, but I deff plan on trying one once I get fully geared up. However belly should be a completely legit option if not better for the build so long as you can sustain your resistances. The trade off is going to be much less armor for much more life. Choice is completely up to you. |
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I love your build, so much dps :)
You should add Entropy shard to recommended jewels, that's the stats: Rarity: Rare Entropy Shard Viridian Jewel -------- Item Level: 68 -------- 10% increased Global Critical Strike Chance 0.22% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana +2 Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks 12% increased Melee Physical Damage while holding a Shield -------- Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket. |
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