[2.2] Scion Clone Generator - Mirror + Blink Arrow Army (100K++ DPS) [Easy Atziri kills]
![]() Fancy having a personal army of your own and watch them shower your enemies with arrows? Then look no further, the Scion Clone Generator is here to answer your prayers of having your own army of archers shooting enough arrows to turn your enemies into a pin cushion in seconds. This build was made on Softcore Perandus which using 3 main things: - Sunblast Cloth Belt - Lioneye's Glare Imperial Bow - Cheap Construction Viridian Jewel x2 Build concept is for the player to drop use Mirror & Blink arrow supported by Trap & Cluster trap support gems to quickly deploy lots of traps which results in a lot of clones. Your only job is to constantly deploy traps to summon clones, dodge incoming attacks and pickup loot. Pro / Strength:
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- Easily reach and go beyond 100k DPS
- Atziri viable - easy Atziri kill and Apex runs - Safe from most incoming projectile and melee damage from enemies thanks to wall of clones - Good clear speed - Can go for high IIR & IIQ stats in your gear as damage mods is only required on bow+quiver - Immune to reflect map mods - clones do all the fighting - Does not require mana, runs on Eldritch Battery - Summoner that can constantly be on the move, don't need to stand still like SRS summoners Con / Weakness:
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- Might get tedious to continuously have to summon new clones
- Not advised to run Blood Magic map mod as the clones are much weaker without auras - Minimal to practically no armor - Physical damage hits hard - Minimal evasion - getting hit often - No ES & Life Regen - ES converted due to Eldritch Battery & Life Regen goes to ES due to Zealot's Oath DPS of Mirror & Blink Arrow Clones
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To get the proper damage output of this build, we first need to look at the damage of the clones individually as the damage tooltip provided is not the damage of the clones/minion.
As some might be doubtful that the clone can go above 100k damage, individually, the clones can do about 10.2k damage with only 2 Auras and 6-link. At any given time, there would be 8-16 clones alive. That is about 81k to 163k DPS from the army of clones. Below is a simple calculation (hope I got all the calculations right), lemme know if anyone wants the excel, I can upload it. ![]() The calculation takes into account the upcoming Cluster Trap support gem nerf which causes the less damage to apply to minion which it currently does not. Gearing Up & basic Mechanics
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Build Enablers
First off, damage of the clones only comes from your Bow & Quiver added together, no other damage from any of your other gear is taken into account, always keep this in mind when gearing. This build has 3 build enabling gear (these items is a must to make this build work due to the build having very low accuracy & the traps must trigger instantly upon deployment). The item required is a unique Lioneye's Glare Imperial Bow, Sunblast Cloth Belt & Cheap Construction Viridian Jewel Lioneye's Glare provides the Hit's can't be evaded" mod which helps overcome the builds lack of accuracy and allow the clones to always hit. Sunblast Cloth Belt is required to reduce the traps duration by 80%, but this is not enough to make it trigger instantly after being deployed. Using 2 Cheap Construction Jewels along with Sunblast, the total trap duration is now -100% resulting in traps triggering automatically upon deployed. This will instantly summon a group of mirror/arrow clones. Others Any quiver with a high Increased Weapon Elemental Damage mod on it would great for increasing the clones damage. Additionally, getting a corrupted quiver with "Adds an Additional Arrow" will significantly help with clearing packs of enemies but not the boss as the clones cannot shotgun/hit the boss with more than 1 projectile in one attack. For your helmet, gloves and boots, your aim should be to get pure or hybrid Energy Shield items as you will require a minimum of 600 ES to be able to continuously summon clones. If you have fairly high ES gear for helmet and boots. Updated to use Aurseize for IIR and all elemental resistance to help me reach resistance cap. For Amulet, the aim would be to get a corrupted Sidhebreath Paua Amulet with the corrupted mod of "Minions deal % Increased Damage". As for rings, you should be aiming for resistances to reach 75% cap in merciless and as much life as you can. Item rarity is a bonus of course. For chest armor. I was using a Tabula Rasa for the longest time until I got a cheap corrupted 6Link with the colors I wanted. The end goal would be to use a Victario's Influence to let me support 3 auras or at least 2 auras and Arctic Armor. Greed's Embrace is also an option, but another -20% movement speed would make you a tortoise... Flask setup is cheap and simple as there is no unique flasks required, except for maybe Divination Distillate but I am I not too sure how one would use this flask cause build as it runs on Zealot's Oath. A good flask setup would. 1) 1x Staunching Flask - preferably on Life Flask 2) 1x Flask of Heat - preferably on Quicksilver or Granite 3) 1x Seething Life Flask - Instant heal flask with Profane Chemistry is very useful 4) 1x Catalysed Life Flask - You will have no life regen due to Zealot Oaths, so a gradual heal flask is good to counter any damage over time. 5) 1x Any Flask - Basalt, Amethyst, Adrenaline Quicksilver, etc. For Jewels, get any Jewel with Minions deal X% increased Damage, X% Increased Maximum Life and All Elemental Resistance or a particular one to get your resistance to 75% cap. Anything more would be a bonus or that it won't apply to your clones. Skill / Gem Links
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The ideal setup would be a 6Link bow and 6Link body armor which would give both Mirror & Blink Arrow maximum damage. But this build functions just as well with a minimum of 4Link.
Yes, this build requires you to use both Mirror arrow and Blink arrow skills to ensure that you have a good supply of clones at your disposal. The trap cooldown is fast enough to have 100% clones uptime with just 1 skill alone. Therefore you are require to cycle through both skills to have a constant flow of clones on the battlefield. A Blink Arrow and a Mirror Arrow skill gem is a required for this build. Quality is not a must but helps get your clones into battle more quickly. Mirror & Blink Arrow should mainly supported by Trap + Cluster Traps + Minion Damage + Point Blank + Weapon Elemental Damage. These support gems are chosen due to the "More Damage" modifiers instead of "Increased Damage" as more damage provides a much higher damage multiplier. Trap Cooldown support gem is a good option to replace Weapon Elemental Damage if you like to spam more traps/clones. Some of you might be wondering how this build keeps its Energy Shield up to meet the high mana cost of a 5 or 6 linked blink/mirror arrow. This is achieved with the help of the Summon Stone Golem gem supported by Minion Life to help it stay alive longer. The flat life regen provided by the Stone Golem is convereted to ES regen which greatly helps with ES/mana sustain. Sharing the link is a Vaal Summon Skeleton used to handle bosses and Perandus Boxes or when wall-of-minions is required. For curses, you can either run Projectile Weakness, Elemental Damage or Enfeeble. I am running an Enfeeble to reduce the odds of me dying in 1 hit due to low defenses. Curses are manually casted instead of a split arrow + curse on hit setup as I find it faster and requires less links. Lastly is Auras of which I am currently running Anger & Wrath supported by Generosity to make the auras significantly better for the clones but useless to me personally. To top if off, if you have a Vaal Haste gem, it would greatly increase your clones damage output when used. There are probably 1 or 2 more slots left depending on your gear. Your options could be to run a Decoy Totem for even more survivalbility or Summon Spectre's like Chieftain Ape to give free Frenzy charge, etc. Skill Tree, Ascendancy Class & Bandits Quest
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Ascendancy This build uses a Scion with the Saboteur & Slayer Ascendancy from Shadow and Duelist. Saboteur was chosen as a key point for its "20% increased Cooldown Recovery Speed for throwing Traps" which is essential to keep a steady flow of clones and the "20% chance to create a Smoke Cloud" which has save my hide countless times. After finding out that almost all mods from Deadeye are useless (does not apply to clones), I have decided to go with Slayer. From my testing, the only bonus that applies to the clones are the "30% increased Damage against Rare and Unique Enemies". Don't see the" Always Stun Enemies that are on Full Life" in action unless its like 0.01 second or something... After running a few tier 9 maps, the 30% damage seems to be quite noticeable when clearing rares and map bosses. Other options to replace Slayer would be Necromancer for 15% increased Damage while affected by Auras you Cast. You can either choose to level as a summoner, archer or trapper initially until you unlock the Saboteur Ascendancy from Cruel. From there on end, you can switch to the build as a Clone Generating Trapper. Bandits Quest Normal Mode - Help Oak to get +40 Life Cruel Mode - Kill all Bandits to get +1 Skill Point Merciless Mode - Kill all Bandits to get +1 Skill Point Skill Trees
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Passive Skill Tree at my current Level of 90 (114 Points)
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAADuAl8DBASzBx4RDxSwFm8XLxpsHNwi4iSqJLAo-ipNLOkvbzLRNZI26TpYOuE7DT8nQYdFR0WdRwZH4kjnSVFKyEwtTLNNuU3jU1JVxlqRYN5irGSqaPJqNmqsa9tsCGyMbqpwUXC7dm97w36wgKSCHoLHguSD24VghrOIQIhCiq-PGo9Gj_qQEZAzlS6YrZrgm4aboZ2qna6iAKQMpDmmMqZXpqynCKh9qLuqxKyYsVu0xbXytz64k768wGbBxcy80B_Q0NP72E3YVNi92RPbC9vn42rly-vu7Bjsiu_r8B_w1fGK8kX3wffX-ej60v4K_o8= Skill Tree at 50 Skill Points
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- Start off by leveling as either a caster (any spell) or a trapper (ice trap). - Initial goal is to get to Clever Construction while picking up a few useful nodes. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAAAAREPFLAc3Cj6MtE1kjpYQYdFnUcGSshMLVNSVcZkqmo2bqpwUXZve8N-sIIegseC5IhCiq-PGo9Gj_qQEZrgm4aboacIrJi18rc-uJO-vMHF0NDYVNi92t3b5-vu7Bj31_no_go= Skill Tree at 80 Skill Points
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- By now, your goal is to start to transition into using Blink & Mirror arrow supported with Trap + Cluster Trap. - Try to get Dexterity on your gear when possible to allow you to use a level appropriate bow as you will have minimal amounts of Dexterity. - A good jewel to use to get some Dexterity early on is a Careful Planning Jewel (converts nearby Intelligence to Dexterity). Place this jewel in the jewel socket between Elemental Equilibrium and Mind over Matter. - You should also be transitioning into Eldritch Battery with Zealot Oath as you get minimal mana regeneration from your tree. Alternative is to run Clarity with Elreon Jewelry. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAAAAQDuBLMRDxSwGmwc3Cj6Kk0s6S9vMtE1kjpYPydBh0VHRZ1HBkjnSVFKyEwtU1JVxlqRYqxkqmjyajZqrGyMbqpwUXC7dm97w36wgh6Cx4Lkg9uGs4hCiq-PGo9Gj_qQEZrgm4aboZ2qna6iAKcIqH2smLTFtfK3PriTvrzAZsHF0NDT-9hU2L3ZE9rd2wvb5-vu7BjwH_DV98H31_no_go= Skill Tree at 100 Skill Points
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- You should be having sufficient Dexterity on your gear and tree to allow you to use Lioneye's Glare by level 66.
- The aim now is to get the rest of the Minion Damage nodes and Life nodes on the path to reach the end build. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAAAAQDuBLMHHhEPFLAWbxcvGmwc3CSqJLAo-ipNLOkvbzLRNZI26TpYOw0_J0GHRUdFnUcGSOdJUUrITC1Ms025U1JVxlqRYqxkqmjyajZqrGvbbIxuqnBRcLt2b3vDfrCApIIegseC5IPbhWCGs4hCiq-PGo9Gj_qQEZUumuCbhpuhnaqdrqIApwiofarErJi0xbXytz64k768wGbBxcy80B_Q0NP72FTYvdkT2t3bC9vn42rr7uwY7Irv6_Af8NX3wffX-ej60v4K Video of Build in Action
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Here are some videos of the character in action.
Rare Gorge Tier 9 (Done at level 84) Rare Plateau Tier 10 (Done at level 89) Rare Precinct Tier 11 (Done at level 89) Rare Village Ruin Tier 12 (Done at level 90) Unique Map - Death & Taxes (Done at level 90 with a silly death) Refer to "Atziri Runs - Video & Setup" for video and setup for Atziri Map run. Atziri Runs - Video & Setup
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Finally got around to running Atziri upon hitting level 88 and did not expected it to be that easy. I anticipated that I would have some trouble with the trios, but they get melted so fast, I can barely tell when they are all dead. As for Atziri herself, the clones lived up to their DPS and melted her in every phase with ease, which I suspect that the 30% increased damage to rare and uniques from Slayer is contributing a lot.
Here is a video of a run, probably not the fastest Atziri run, but I am quite happy about it, gonna do my 3rd run now. >>> https://youtu.be/0ZNMghcRHNc Setup for Atziri Run Gear - There isn't any changes to my gear when running Atziri. Used a cheap rare 6linked armor instead of Victario's Influence. Refer to Gearing Up for information on gear used. Skill Gems - Trap Cooldown was swapped out for Physical Projectile Attack Damage and Elemental Weakness via Curse on Hit was used on a 3linked (had to remove Increased Duration on my Vaal Haste for the links). Skill Setup Mirror Arrow (6L) + Trap + Cluster Trap + Weapon Elemental Damage + Point Blank + Physical Projectile Attack Damage Blink Arrow (5L) + Trap + Cluster Trap + Weapon Elemental Damage + Minion Damage Aura (3L) Anger & Wrath + Generosity Supporters (4L) Stone Golem, Vaal Skeletons, Spectre + Minion Life Curse (4L) Elemental Weakness (or Projectile Weakness) (I used EW cause I had a blue based boots, rolling 3G isn't worth it) + Split Arrow + Curse on Hit + Chain Just let me know below if you have any other questions regarding Atziri run, thanks. Tactics & Playstyle
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This character is played like a Trapper, Archer and Summoner all combined into one.
Due to relatively low defenses, you will not be able to tank often or too much. Always try to dodge projectile or melee attacks manually with lock-step. Always put your clones ahead of you and deposit them directly in packs or infront of packs so that your clones separate you and the enemy, helping you block any incoming damage via projectiles or physically obstruct them as the clones have collision. When surrounded, facing Devourers or Spikers, the best thing is to throw the traps on your feed and surround yourself with clones. This will stop most projectiles from reaching you and sometimes cause devourers to target your clones instead of you when they pop up beside you. In general, this is your ultimate defensive army stance. Remember to cycle between Mirror & Blink Arrow as it does not cooldown fast enough if you only use one skill. This helps to ensure you always have clones ready to be deployed. You can learn more from the video link I posted which mostly shows the forward marching of clones but little to no clone around me for defensive purposes as I was not in much danger. With more life and mode defensive gear, I think this build is Hardcore viable. My next move is to get a few more levels then head for Atziri. Feel free to give me any feedback or questions that you have about this build below. I know I made mistakes here and there, do let me know. I also have doubts about the clone dps calculation but I don't think I am that far off from what I counted. Will add anything I missed out if I spot it. A shoutout to Dariidar's Blink/Mirror Arrow Summoner which I used as a reference and idea of using Eldritch Battery instead of mana to overcome the high mana cost of this build. Don't waste your time making a mana version of this build, its painful... Thank you all for the support, cheers. [3.7]Chaos Agnostic - CRAZY Life & Mana Sustain!!!: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2590042 [S1E8]Hideout of the week, Mausoleum of Bones: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1088469 Последняя редакция: 174nana#3124. Время: 10 мая 2016 г., 23:25:54 Last bumped8 нояб. 2016 г., 22:07:18
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Nevermind clear speed, I get to infiltrate Wraeclast with ZergXiles.
Didn't expect Kraityn to go down that quickly, to be honest. Build looks super solid, especially as an HC option, with some adjustments. Well done. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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WTB Suit + Sunglass MTX
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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" Thanks for the support and glad you enjoyed it. True that clear speed isn't king but some people use it as the definite criteria in builds... UPDATED: - Added reasons for Saboteur and Deadeye. [3.7]Chaos Agnostic - CRAZY Life & Mana Sustain!!!:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2590042 [S1E8]Hideout of the week, Mausoleum of Bones: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1088469 |
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" Yes, GGG needs to add some classiness into Wraeclast pronto. Then I can have a classy party with myself! [3.7]Chaos Agnostic - CRAZY Life & Mana Sustain!!!: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2590042 [S1E8]Hideout of the week, Mausoleum of Bones: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1088469 Последняя редакция: 174nana#3124. Время: 16 апр. 2016 г., 6:32:13
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I really like seeing concepts such as this, being an avid Mirror/Blink fan myself since I first crafted such a build in Ascendancy :-)
While you've got a solid idea going on here, there are certainly some tweaks do be done: * Trap damage has no effect on your clones. Regarding the skill tree, Hasty Reconstruction is probably still worth picking due to the cooldown recovery speed, but I'm less certain whether Clever Construction gives enough bang for the buck with insta-traps. When it comes to gemming, Trap/Mine damage does nothing for your clones - and it's good to keep in mind that while Multitrap's "Less Damage" modifier does nerf them, Cluster Trap's "Less Trap Damage" leaves your clones unaffected. * Your Elementalist/Catalyse clusters do nothing for your minions, even if you picked them for other reasons (allres?) they're not worth it. * Your Deadeye piercing/far shot ascendancy does nothing for your minions. * Your 16% physical damage from cruel Oak does nothing for your minions. * Your Winds of Change do nothing for your minions. Essentially, not much besides minion damage and auras do much for your minions just like on any other summoner build - of course with the notable exception that you can adjust your bow/quiver accordingly to what you need. From my experience Lioneye's Glare is indeed the best option for your own private army when it comes to bows. You might want to try to get hold of any quiver with a +1 arrow corruption and/or a Drillneck to try out, I've found that Pierce is a really solid gem to use even without Drillneck. An important thing to keep in mind about X arrow minions is that the gem already has a rather large built-in "increased minion damage" modifier, so it's good do stick to what you've already done in the tree - aim for minion attack speed in the tree rather than increased minion damage. Jewels with minion damage aren't all *that* important until you reach min/maxing state, either. Having said all of this, what you've missed out on isn't really a lot, mostly you're just paying the opportunity cost for faulty passives which results in a somewhat lower defense than your character could've had. Your offense seems to be pretty much in place as is. Feel free to poke me if you're wondering about more mirror-blinky stuff. :) Most importantly, I hope you have a blast with the build! -C |
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" Thanks a lot for your solid feedback. Had no idea that the trap damage gem does nothing for the minion, guess trap cooldown would be the better choice. Are you sure Elementalist/Catalyse does nothing for the minions? I did some testing and it is quite clear that they do noticeably more damage. Confirmed on the piercing part... tested with worms. Guess Deadeye is dead useless here... Need to think of another subclass to use. Guess I will respec cruel Oak. I did cruel Oak cause the scion I used is a recycle facebreaker character >,< Lastly, does projectile damage buff all projectile damage globally, eventhough its on a minion? Does that mean Physical Proj Damage gem is also useless? From what I gather about other post on mirror/blink arrow, getting attack speed on passive tree helps too, right? [3.7]Chaos Agnostic - CRAZY Life & Mana Sustain!!!: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2590042 [S1E8]Hideout of the week, Mausoleum of Bones: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1088469 Последняя редакция: 174nana#3124. Время: 16 апр. 2016 г., 9:51:47
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Hi again,
The setup you have on display now (X arrow - Trap - Cluster traps - Minion Damage - Point Blank - WED) looks rather solid as is. I haven't done much testing with the trap version as I'm still biased towards non-trap variants, but I suppose trap CD might outperform at least the conditional Point Blank due to the smoother overall experience. Again, I really like having the Pierce gem on the minions for both damage and utility so I'd have a hard time pointing out an optimal 5-link setup for this... As for Elementalist/Catalyse, yes, they are strictly your own character's stats and are not inherited by minions. Unless there's a bug involved, of course. Physical Projectile Attack Damage would not be something I'd opt for with the route you're going (elemental auras), and in fact there'd be better options available for pure phys minions as well. Attack speed and projectile speed are not inherited by minions, but do help in gaining a smoother experience due to being able to deploy them faster. Unsure how much attack speed helps in a trap build though - likely not useful at all. On a related note, from what I gather, the minions even have an attack speed cap so trying to buff their attack speed through Haste / Faster Attacks seems useless too. A nicely (attack speed-wise) rolled Lioneye's Glare with an attack speed quiver seems to be already hitting this cap with the minion attack speed nodes from the tree. Come to think of it, my builds have probably had some excess minion attack speed beyond the cap that does nothing... derp! Yeah, there's a lot to learn about these clones. But aren't they ever pretty? :-) P.S. Don't try Mirror Arrow mines or totems. Ever. |
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Hey, I've been testing a similar build recently, using sunblast and cheap construction with mirror/blink arrow traps. It's fun!
I haven't chosen an ascendency yet either, but the character is a witch I respecced, so I'm limited in my options. I considered saboteur for chain reaction, that way you could scale skill duration (losing the sunblast) for the most dps, but I found even with 3 sec clones my dmg was enough and with any more than 20 on the screen my fps drops. I'm using zombies as a meat shield since I picked up most of the +1 zombie nodes anyway but I hadn't thought of using the stone golem - thanks! - I've been really struggling for es regen. I think someone mentioned above but increased trap damage doesn't scale mirror/blink arrow damage. Nor do the trap and cluster trap skill gems. Have you considered using a curse on hit setup with elemental equilibrium? |
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Interested in the build i'm keeping my eye on it for some of the changes you stated you were doing,
Is the current build worth doing or should i wait to see whats coming? I currently have a lvl 88 scion that i can refund all the points + bandits + lab i'd love to use this build it looks fun. :) |
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