Scion KB CoC Spell Build Advice

Hello everyone! I was just hopping on to get some advice about a build I am currently working on. I'm still fairly new so I figured I'd come here for help :D

What I am trying to build is a Physical/Chaos KB+CoC build.

Passives are:

I was thinking something along the lines of doing
KB + CoC + Bladefall + Ethereal Knives + Multiple Projectiles + Void Manipulation.

I also have the one armor that does 30% physical damage converted into chaos.
I'm not certain if I am aiming for 100% chaos damage but I have a decent amount for now.

I suppose I have a few questions to regarding this passive setup:
1. Do I need more of the reduced reserve mana nodes?
2. Is it worthwhile to pick up that one passive Piercing Short for the 30% pierce?
3. What are some of the biggest downfalls you see with this build?

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thank you very much!
Last bumped22 сент. 2016 г., 18:26:55
Hi there! I have no idea what I'm doing with my char and have no time/patience to start other right now, but... if my opinion doesn't help you, it's at least a free bump to your post.
Actually I'll ask u a question. CoC with 2 others skills still available, since the last patch?!
I mean, if you can't trigger both skills ant once and have cool time for trigger wouldn't be better reinforce (buff) your main skill? I hope you understand me.

Ps.: I'm not sure, but watch out for poison.
I saw a video that points out that some end game bosses are imune to it.

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