Scion's Missing Skills
So I was getting ready to start working on a SSF Scion character and it occurred to me that there are some skill gem's I may have to mule for myself to maintain the "self found" status. I looked around online to try and find a comprehensive list of the skill gem's not available to the Scion, but most of them just linked to the vendor rewards page on the wiki and I figured if I was gonna work through the info I may as well consolidate it for others to use as well, so here it is!
Format: ACT # Quest Name Skill Gem - Characters that get the gem (M - Marauder, T - Templar, W - Witch, S - Shadow, R - Ranger, D - Duelist) ACT I Enemy At the Gate Ethereal Knives - MWS Fire Trap - MWSR Freezing Pulse - TWS Glacial Hammer - MTD Ground Slam - MTD Breaking Some Eggs Caustic Arrow - SRD Detonate Dead - WSR Flame Totem - MTW Frost Wall - TWD Puncture - SRD Reckoning - MTD Riposte - MSRD The Caged Brute Clarity - TWS Freeze Mine - SRD Rallying Cry - MTWRD Shield Charge - MTD Smoke Mine - MWSRD Whirling Blades - SRD The Siren's Cadence Arc - TWS Firestorm - MTW Lightning Arrow - SRD Lightning Trap - WSR Reave - SRD Searing Bond - MTW Sweep - MTD ACT II Sharp and Cruel N/A The Root of the Problem N/A ACT III Lost in Love Assassin's Mark - WSR Determination - MTD Grace - SRD Poacher's Mark - SRD Projectile Weakness - SRD Vengeance - MTD Vitality - MTD Warlord's Mark - MTD Sever the Right Hand Ball Lightning - TWS Explosive Arrow - MRD Glacial Cascade - TWS Shockwave Totem - MTW A Fixture of Fate Blood Magic Support - MTRD (Scion reward for Eternal Nightmare on Cruel) Chance to Ignite Support - MTWS Increased Duration Support - MTD ACT IV Breaking the Seal N/A The Eternal Nightmare N/A Totals M: 21 T: 23 W: 18 S: 22 R: 17 D: 24 Templar/Shadow only misses Explosive Arrow Shadow/Duelist misses Flame Totem, Firestorm, Searing Bond, and Shockwave Totem Duelist/Templar misses Ethereal Knives, Fire Trap, Detonate Dead, Lightning Trap, and Assassin's Mark So the least work to get them all for a Scion if you didn't want to trade for them from other players would be to get a Templar and a Shadow through A Fixture of Fate in ACT III and hope you find an Explosive Arrow, otherwise you will have to use three characters for it. Don't know if this will be useful for anyone else, but I figured someone out there may find themselves asking the same question I did. If I am missing any (or if you find any errors) please let me know and I'll add them ! Последняя редакция: Diethro#2116. Время: 7 нояб. 2016 г., 22:07:17 Last bumped8 нояб. 2016 г., 7:49:59
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Note that getting your off-class gems isnt that hard solo self found, you have a good chance to come across what you want during leveling.
Of course, if its your planned active skill gem, things will get tedious, but if its a support or utility skill that has a reasonable alternative, go for it! Those skilldrops are some of the more memorable drops you'll have on your journey. To provide some context, last 48hr flashback race i played an RF Totems Chieftain. I got to lvl 55 in the weekend, and finished him solo self found without masters in Prophecy league to about 86. I did every new map the moment it dropped as another challenge, which ended the story at Malformation Piety, where i couldnt manage kill a speed aura totem in time in her boss room. (I placed the first few totems in her storm clouds :(). Anyway, Sure RF totems is a build with next to no gear requirement. The totems have no mana cost, and arent scaled by spell damage, flat damage, cast speed, etc. I ran a blue 40% ele sceptre with a fire damage roll for really long, as there wasnt really anything to upgrade it with. Totem Life is the other thing that scales it, but is only available on jewels. I alted a few, but i'm derailing. Marauder misses a lot of gems for RF totems however. here's what i'd get from Marauder, and sort of the worst-case build: RF-Spelltotem-AoE-IncBurning/Less Duration Blasphemy-Vulnerability-Flammability Searing Bond-IncBurning-Blood Magic-Less Duration Purity of Fire to start playing the build late normal cwdt-golem-immortal call leap slam-fatt-bm(-fortify) -> Found Temp Chains twice, great upgrade over Vulnerability. Never found a third curse unique, but did find Arctic Armour to go along with double blasphemy. -> Found Elemental Focus twice, and Rapid Decay once. Used them for serious upgrades to Less Duration and Inc Burning on both the RF totems and Searing Bond. -> Found Ice Spear and Increased Crit Chance to proc Ele Overload. -> Found Lightning Trap and Cluster Trap to proc Elemental Equilibrium. (alternatives to those would have been Orb of Storms and Ice Trap, which i found as well) -> Found Culling Strike for my golem. -> Found Enfeeble to swith out with Flammability, or in case i wouldve found a triple curse item. -> Found Conc Effect for bosses. (even found enhance & empower, but they're still level 0). All in all, the only things i didnt get that i was somewhat on the lookout for were mainly Controlled Destruction gems. Elemental Focus and Rapid Decay do the same thing really anyway though, and i never found me a fivelink. On the wanted list i made when creating the char i also see Item Rarity and Discipline, but i dont think i'd really have used those should i have found them. Last one i didnt get was Elemental Weakness, the second most damaging curse, but i think there too i would've chose temp chains over it anyway, prolly even enfeeble should i have gotten that third curse. Those Temp Chains, Ele Focus/Rapid Decay and EleEq/EleOv proccing gems were the most fun drops i had on the character, maybe even the experience that made it worth it. Последняя редакция: Toverkol#3305. Время: 8 нояб. 2016 г., 9:03:56
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