[2.6] Scion Vampire Bloodletter Build Help/Idea

Hey guys, i'm new to POE, kinda, well i don't know enough about builds and build synchronizations and i wanted to create a build of my own, with a theme of my own and that would somehow be viable.

I made a path on poeplanner and was wondering whether the community could help me to get the best out of this build or build idea. For example i know you need a minimum Resistance and Maximum health percentage to be able to survive later on etc.

So i'm basically going straight for Life Leech and Bleeds on the Passive Tree, trying to max those out as much as i can then going to duel wielding bonuses and crits for extra damage.

I'm duel wielding daggers with Spectral Throw and Puncture (Not sure what other abilities have Bleeds and Life Leech, only 14 at the moment, discovering abilities as i go).

Using support gems like extra life leech and what not.

All in all, Bleeds and Life Leech, then combining that to a strong enough build to Consume the blood of my enemies!

Thanks, Vellaura :)


Последняя редакция: Vellaura#1441. Время: 6 марта 2017 г., 3:00:34
Last bumped13 марта 2017 г., 19:57:41
Hey so I took a look at your post and I had a couple of potential suggestions.

I get that you want a build that incorporates the following mechanics:
- Bleed
- Life Leech
- Crit

Here are some notes about each that you might find useful.

Any build that uses bleeds as a core damage mechanic should ensure that they have a consistent chance to apply that bleed. Unfortunately, there is currently only one skill in the game that applies bleed as an inherent function of the skill, puncture. That said, there are other ways of flaying your enemies.

Bleed chance can be achieved through Unique Gear, Crafted Mods, Ascendancies, Maraketh Thrusting Swords and The Tree.

There are some unique items that provide a chance to cause bleeding on hit.

- Atziri's Disfavour is obviously the best of these, but as a new player it's probably way out of your budget. It's also a two handed weapon so you wouldn't be able to dual wield like you had mentioned you wanted to do.

- Another option is Jack the Axe. This will provide bleeding on hit with a one handed weapon but comes at the cost of base damage. Overall, the weapon is a little lack luster performance wise.

- Mark of the Doubting Knight would make an excellent stat stick for any crit based bleed build. It provides a chance to cause bleeding on crit, a chance to cause poison on hit, provides added block chance and resists. Just make sure to use a skill that won't attack with this weapon as it's base damage is quite low. As an added bonus, it's super cheap.

- Rive is another great weapon, but it again can get pretty pricey. It also doesn't have the best damage but it's decent enough to be usable.

If you get Vagan to level 7, you can, for 2 divine orbs, craft the prefix "causes bleeding on hit" onto a axe, sword, claw or dagger. This can be really strong, but it does come at the cost of a prefix which means you're losing a good chunk of your base physical damage. It also can get really pricey looking for a good 1 handed weapon with only 2 prefixes and then dropping 2 divines to craft your mod on.

I have a gladiator bleed-splosion build that uses an axe with this mod and a shield that I enjoyed greatly, but I'm not sure it's the best or most efficient option for getting your bleed.

There are 3 Ascendancy classes that add a % chance to cause bleeding. These are the Shadow's Assassin, the Duelist's Gladiator, and the Scion's Ascendant with the Gladiator node taken.

These provide 30%, 50% and 15% chance to cause bleeding respectively.

- Gladiator

This Ascendancy is really good if using block to mitigate incoming damage. It also provides the added bonus that bleeding enemies explode, dealing 10% of their life as physical damage on death (a property which scales incredibly well into late game and will increase with the %increased damage and %increased physical damage you'll need to scale your bleed.

- Assassin

This Ascendancy might be the route to go if you're set on going crit. The Assassin provides massive bonuses to crit chance and crit damage as well as providing a means of generating power charges and applying poison.

- Ascendant

This Ascendancy could potentially work, but I doubt it would be the ideal choice. To really make the best use of the Ascendant, you need to take nodes from opposite sides of the tree, which isn't entirely necessary seeing as most of the nodes you need are in the dex corner.

These sword bases are going to provide 18% to 20% chance to cause bleeding on hit. They also have a high attack speed and a decent critical hit chance. These would be a good base weapon for your build.

There are 3 nodes within the tree which provide some minor amounts of bleed chance. The 2 nodes within the Duelist area are hidden within some increased damage over time nodes which seem like they would be useful, but usually fall short compared to double dipping nodes like % increased physical damage which will increased the damage of the initial hit as well as your bleeding damage thus applying twice to your overall bleeding damage.

It is possible to take these nodes, but I would only take them if you're struggling to generate bleed chance in other ways.

Some other notes-

I've touched on this before, but getting damage over time nodes isn't the best way to go to power up your bleeds. Bleeding as a mechanic allows you to "Double Dip" or use one scaling option multiple times. Bleed damage will double dip with damage, physical damage (not melee physical damage as bleeding isn't a melee attack), area damage (if applied with an area skill), projectile damage (if applied with a projectile), trap/mine damage(if applied with a trap) and minion damage (if applied by a minion). You probably need to be most concerned with damage, area damage, and physical damage.

Some great ways to scale your bleeding damage include frenzy charges, conc effect, and vulnerability.

Enemies can only have 1 stack of bleed on them at a time. Because of this it is really important to use attacks that hit really hard one time rather than attacks that hit many times. Skills like Earthquake are really good for this reason. Cyclone or Lacerate, not so much. Another thing to note is that Bleeding damage is based off of the physical component of the hit, so any skill that converts damage into elemental damage isn't going to help you. Stay away from skills like Ice Crash or Molten Strike for this reason.

If the enemy target is moving, the damage from bleeds is multiplied by 6. This is huge. The number one way to ensure that targets move is knockback. One of the best bleed builds of all time was the lioneye's puncture trap build that used knockback from bow crits and lioneye's glare to ensure that the target would be moving and therefore take massive bleed damage.

Another way to ensure that your victims are always getting knocked around is the unique flask- Lion's Roar. This will add knockback to your melee attacks, as well as giving you armor and melee physical damage. You can technically craft "melee attacks knock enemies back" onto any flask but Lion's Roar is a go to for most melee bleed builds.

Ok so I know I threw a lot of information at you in the bleed section but the next two sections will be much more succinct. Leech has come to be almost necessary on almost every life based build aside from regen tanks. There are a couple of ways to do it.

- Vaal Pact
Everyone's sick of putting Vaal Pact on their builds, but it's just really good. This makes all your life leech apply instantly at the cost of having 0 life regeneration. If you want to use life leech as your main defensive mechanic, I'd say it's necessary unless you use ...

- Duelist's Slayer Ascendancy
This Ascendancy allows you to never stop leeching, even when you're at max life. This is amazing because leech normally has to ramp up to its full effectiveness, but with slayer, you can always be at max life leech. This also allows you to instantly begin regening health after taking a hit which can be really clutch in certain situations.

- Not relying completely on life leech
The other option is to not 100% rely on life leech as your defensive mechanic. Basically here you get other defenses such as block, fortify, endurance charges, arctic armor, dodge, evasion, and armor to mitigate incoming damage. You're probably going to want some of these going so that you're not 100% reliant on instantly healing back any damage you take.

Ways of getting leech
- Warlord's Mark
This is my favorite curse because it solves soooo many problems most builds have. Need life leech? It gives 2%. Mana problems? 2% mana leech. Can't generate endurance charges (which provide 4% physical damage reduction each!)? %chance to gain endurance charge on kill. Honestly, you'll probably want either a curse on hit set up, or you'll want to stick WM on Blasphemy.

- The tree
There are some great life leech nodes located in the duelist area and the shadow area of the tree. I suggest getting at least one of them for your build.

- Claws
If you want to used claws as one of your weapons, you can get leech from your claw, but I'm going to assume you're probably going to need to use the maraketh thrusting swords to get your bleed, so this might not be an option. If you go to master craft a 1 hander for bleed chance though, a claw would definitely be a solid choice.

So crit is a nasty beast that can either be really strong or a giant resource pit.

Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming power of crit builds, crit gear is generally really expensive. This doesn't mean it can't be done, it just means you're going to have to invest a good portion of your tree into crit nodes.

If you're dead set on going crit/bleed, the obvious choice is the Assassin Ascendancy. I'll post a sample tree below for this path. This is very doable, and Assassin makes it easy, but just know it's not totally necessary.

My Gladiator Bleed-Splosion build did not go crit and I still managed to hit 64k dps and more than 37k bleed dps, that said it wasn't super budget friendly the way I did it either. Really it's up to you, but abusing double dipping can be just as effective as going crit.

The last problem with going crit is killing yourself with phys reflect. If you jump onto a phys reflect pack with some massive physical hit to apply your dope ass bleed... it's going to come back at you hard and if you don't have vaal pact, physical mitigation, and a good life pool you're probably going to die.


This was my Gladiator tree. I had a few things changed around, but essentially, I'd used a Maraketh Thrusting Sword in your main hand, a shield in your off hand, and then I went flicker strike-melee splash- m phys- multi strike- fortify in my 5L and ran blood rage for frenzy charges


For this tree, I'd probably use a high phys damage Maraketh Thrusting Sword in the main hand and Mark of the Doubting Knight in the off hand.

You could use whirling blades for movement and heavy strike linked with melee splash as your main attack. Or if you wanted to be a bit sillier, you could use leap slam for your main attack. Cleave or lacerate could also potentially work, though lacerate has a pretty low initial hit damage.

Anyways, I hope this is helpful. Best of luck to you. Let me know if you have any questions.

PS- Get life from your first bandits, especially if you're going life based and try your hardest to get around 150% increased life from the tree. Trust me, it'll make your life much much easier.
That was a incredibly detailed guide, i really appreciate the effort you went into making this! So much going on but i got some nice pointers from it. Thanks again, going to try and see what i can muster up.


Also, not sure if your able to go into my profile to check out my character, but would you be able to look into my character real quick to see if i'm kinda heading in the right direction? If i have any redundancies or bad syncs or just overall something not doing anything for me.

Thanks! :D
Последняя редакция: Vellaura#1441. Время: 7 марта 2017 г., 14:31:18
Sorry for coming out of the blue here, but I saw this build idea and I thought a Scion bleed build. Which made me very excited to try to come up with a build.
I made this tree: http://www.poeplanner.com/AAYAAREQDwCGvryC5JARiq9KyG6qtfJ4DcAabzupblivNugaVVqfRalmtkZpAeenMJ7N8pxul_e-IWB08Y9gbycj05pqGNsuI5OZLTDt17ueNZL-j9i9PycqTUfiIuKkOdIhVw3ZYa2Nz352rBR1W697w5AK_goA7izphrPdDRUgo-9Ugg2NLYMZtL6nZU29NsGLgUE17zrth3ZKfWBBY3BttKgHZ4DyQYIHaGXZfPObcsOrC8wGsNii2cgU9W9qjBa_tNHIDHaCtUgmlWHi62MRLw-rJIvDOio4Kwpd8g5ItzAUCRNtJogi6jIBshnPeujW53RLCqk0t9nqGPcyfNkAwYRT7_0QYrFbpjIDBKlI0ugaegAADQAAAgAH0AEB9AEBCgAAAA==

This tree stack a lot of damage over time and I will be using this build with the new Haemophilia gloves, and the Jack, The Axe. I will later transfer over to the Rigwald Savagery Axe, and the other hand will be a high dps rare sword. I still am questioning what skill to use. Just wanted to let you know I'm doing a scion noncrit variant, and I am very determined to make a scion build work.

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