Scion Spark Build Question

So i'm trying out the ziggyd sion spark build. I like it, it's cool and pretty cheap. My question though is. How do I increase my lightning penetration against elemental resist mobs. Almost every rare I fight is elemental resist as well as takes me a while to kill. I'm not even one shotting whites.

Am i doing something wrong?

Here is my current gear set up;

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Last bumped5 июля 2017 г., 21:10:50
I like the scion spark build as well. I think one thing that will help is the "winds of Change" gloves. I also use incinerate if the mobs or bosses are not melting with the sparks flying. I've hit a wall at 82 with my meloniatrump char. I believe it is due to needing better gear and also I am a lazy player and do not like to use skills like flame dash or teleporting. I pretty much just stand and fire

Your skill tree is about the same as i'm running also.

I also have a lot of evasion which I'm thinking I need to change more to armor/evasion or just armor.

Check my profile to see what i have for equipment. PM me if you want to
I'm no expert but it looks like your biggest problem is that you aren't at 75% resistances (140ish) on cold, lightning and fire. I would shop gear pieces that would get your resist up first. I like the armor and energy shield combo

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