CI Scion Essence drain question
Hey guys,
This is my first try making my own passive tree for a scion ED. (for 3.0) I would like to know if it's viable or not. And so, if you guys could help me to improve it or explain me why i'm wrong on my pathing,etc... link to passive tree : or PoB 3.0 version : For ascendancies: Occultist, witch's starting point, Trickster Thanks a lot, and sorry for my poor english. (frenchie here) Almighty Last bumped24 июня 2017 г., 16:09:20
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Ascendancy choice is right. Occultist + Trickster + PotW sounds fine.
Some random thoughts: - I wouldn't take the whole ZO + Sovereignity passives. This would save a lot of points (including traveling ones) you could rather invest into the Growth & Decay cluster, into Influence, Charisma and the extra jewel socket near to Vaal Pact. - Essence Drain in 3.0 will not scale anymore with projectile damage modifiers. So passives like Sniper or the ones at Ranger start will not impact the DPS anymore. The same goes for items like Winds of Change or Brinerot Whalers; they are total trash for ED builds when Oriath goes live. - The Sorrow of the Divine (unique Sulphur flask), coupled with the Alchemist node (extra duration and effect), provides a free source of Zealot's Oath when it's really useful, i.e. in large packs of trash mobs / breaches / whatever. On single target the ED regen via ZO is a lot less impactful, I have never felt the need for it in the past 3 leagues. - Using Decay on both support gem and dagger (modified by the essence of Delirium) does not stack. So you choose, one or the other. I highly recommend to use the essence-crafted Dagger, since the support gem is going to take a massive damage nerf (50% LESS) in the next beta iteration and since it opens up an extra support slot for ED which should be taken by Empower. - Essence Surge is not that great if you don't play a pure Occultist (witch ascendancy). Plus, there is some inefficiency in travel nodes in the witch Area: you can connect the Melding Area with the Scion Area with 2 travel nodes (plus an extra jewel socket which should be taken by the Energy from Within unique jewel), you can take the last area of effect node in the Blast Radius Cluster and you can remove 4x 10 int travel nodes between the Essence Surge cluster and the Witch area. A final consideration: I don't know if CI will be super valuable, unless you are going to play hardcore and need the chaos damage immunity as an extra defensive layer. Considering that Presence of Chayula compensates the ES loss from using a Shav instead of a Regalia (and brings Chaos Resistance into positive numbers), the 30% spell power gain from Pain attunement by going lowlife is pretty huge for both AoE and single target purposes. Cheers! Последняя редакция: djnat#4628. Время: 24 июня 2017 г., 16:19:10
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