[3.2] Forest Fire.
![]() This is the build i was playing during 3.0 patch Harbinger League, got 40/40 challenges and level 100 with it. Pros: -Fast -Easy -Fun -Can do all content well (Maps, Lab, Atziri, Guardians, Shaper) -Cheap to start, expensive to max Cons: -Good at everything, best at nothing. Story of my life :D Gameplay: LVL100 all Guardians(white) + Shaper in one go Minotaur -max, EE, boss life Phoenix vuln, poison Hydra extra life, 40% extra res, poison Chimera -max, extra fire damage Shaper For Shaper you can replace Stibnite flask with Taste of Hate for some extra deeps and max cold resist. You could also swap Fortify and inc AOE to Added Fire and Concentrated Effect supports.
3.1 QotF nerf left us with some excess evasion.
Option 1: Drop Graceful Assault cluster and swap Stibnite flask to Granite/Lion's Roar. Potentially use Pure Talent jewel. PoB link Option 2: Drop Grace and HoA, go Blood Magic. Then move points from Vitality Void to connect to Duelist and Marauder starts and use Pure Talent jewel. Quick PoB test tells i would gain about 600 HP, 15% AOE and lose ~15% DPS. Seems good if you are trying to push for 100. PoB link Option 3: (Very expensive, but the best)Drop Graceful Assault, replace Grace with Anger and get Watcher's Eye jewel with %phys added as fire and damage penetrates %fire res while affected by Anger. It is still a good option if you want more damage even if you don't have the jewel. PoB link Path of Building lvl 100 -6.7k HP -72k Evasion -+325% Movement Speed -139k Cyclone DPS with Fortify, Increased Area of Effect and Faster Attacks -8.75 Cyclone Attacks per Second -68.4k per Meatball, 9 projectiles -71% Fire Penetration Core Unique Items: Must have: Ngamahu's Flame gives this build a strong single target with Molten Burst procs in addition to Cyclone. Doesn't have to be linked, any socketed support will link to Molten Burst. Queen of the Forest is used for massive bonus to movement speed gained through stacking evasion. (6-link not required) Highly recommended: Devoto's Devotion gives us speed and then more speed. And extra speed. Staple helmet for Cyclone builds. Xoph's Blood has very strong bonuses one of which is Avatar of Fire. Having AoF in combination with Ngamahu's Flame enables full physical > fire conversion which opens extra ways for further damage scaling on skill tree, gear and flasks.
Ideally you want evasion based boots and Gripped Gloves. Stats to look for on gear: life, resits, int, str, elemental damage with attacks, fire damage, evasion. Level 97 Skill Tree For Bandit Quest i killed all of them, but helping Oak or Kraitlyn is fine too, if you like that more. For ascendancy - Veteran Bowyer first, then go after Master Alchemist and leave Natures Adrenaline for uber lab. For pantheon i use Yugul and Lunaris/Arakaali. Arakaali will boost your Leech and Regeneration every time Immortal Call procs and prevents Blood Rage from damaging you. Level 60 Skill Tree High Priority Nodes: -Point Blank -Iron Grip -Resolute Technique -Master of the Arena Raider Skill Tree I would try to fit in Three-step Assault with +1 frenzy corrupt or Darkray Vectors with the same corrupt. Raider has about 10% higher MS, slightly higher damage on bosses due to frenzy charge sustain, but no additional flask sustain. If you can't afford Xoph's Blood amulet right away - consider leaving Lava Lash and Primeval Force clusters for later or pick up Avatar of Fire Keystone. Cheap unique items you might want to use at some point: It's been a while since i wrote a guide - let me know if there is missing information or you have any questions. My build guide(s): Tempest (Map) Might from Within (Boss) Poet's Way (Boss) Inpulsa's Fury (Map) Forest Fire (Map) Have fun! Последняя редакция: dvs_m0rph#4605. Время: 19 июля 2018 г., 8:19:11 Last bumped4 июля 2018 г., 23:10:55
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Looks interesting,goin to try this build next week, what do u recommend for fast leveling as a cycloner?
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" I'd go with Sunder |
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Hey man, this looks interesting. Im playing wander right now, well the clear speed is amazing but the boss's are meh! I cant kill t12+ boss without dying once or twice and I hate to die. This build seems pretty solid in terms of tankiness and clear speed. for a person who loves cleaning speed and wanna do atlas and guardians atleast (maybe shaper too) but hates to die/squishy builds do you strongly recommend this build? If not, do you know any builds that can do this?
Btw I already have a 5L Qoft and 700 chaos to get started. And Why PF? Isnt Raider faster? Последняя редакция: ratz#1771. Время: 5 сент. 2017 г., 9:13:49
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" With my current gear Raider would get 350% MS, i have 347% as PF atm, slightly higher dps and flask sustain. But yea, Raider is good too. I played wander as well this league and know exactly what you are talking about - you will enjoy this build. Shame neck slot is too important, that is the only thing i'm sad about. |
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Another question, in your tree you have 34 INT. In your gear you have 0 INT, how you are using gems that need 111 INT? And for 5L I drop added fire damage right? im buying xophs amulet first then i go for 6L qotf
Edit; Just found the jewel. Последняя редакция: ratz#1771. Время: 6 сент. 2017 г., 14:36:04
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what pantheon power do you use? =) love the build so far at level 60
and have you considered using the taming ring? =) Последняя редакция: Dahmi99#7941. Время: 6 сент. 2017 г., 11:51:32
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" Yep, added fire. |
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" Taming is ok, but no life. You could use it if you have one, but i would not buy it. For pantheon i use Yugul and Lunaris/Arakaali. |
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How good is this build for lab farming?
Will be starting this build tonight. Just sucks we cant use Bisco's :(( Последняя редакция: Jihax#0884. Время: 7 сент. 2017 г., 9:00:18
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