Wings of entropy cyclone HC Heimerdinger

Running a phys heavy wings cyclone build, picked up a 6 link, and was wondering if there's a better support I could be running, right now I have added fire, faster attacks, added phys, fortify, and the new one I threw in was ruthless.

Also, does anyone know if the dual wield passIves by dualist boost dmg with wings, or does it only get passive boost from 2h weapons
Последняя редакция: PyroAmos#2276. Время: 7 сент. 2017 г., 3:08:36
Last bumped7 сент. 2017 г., 3:00:23
For reference

is my current build,

is where I want to take my build if i finish ubers

asside from the cyclone 6L I listed up there, I'm running vengence+ripose+added fire+added phys+Ice bite in 5L chest, blood magic/faster attacks/leap slam/ancestral protector in helm & herald of ash/hatred/haste/ice golem on gloves (hatred normally, put haste on in party when someone else has hatred up). Nothing in boots ATM, just some junk gems to lvlup. Any suggestions?

I've only played hardcore, and this is my first char above 75 so any suggestions in general are welcome
Последняя редакция: PyroAmos#2276. Время: 7 сент. 2017 г., 3:02:30

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