[3.3] Elemental Molten Strike/Frost Blades Ranger Guide
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No changes to passive tree.
Deadeye is the strongest class out of the 3 ascendencies. Loreweave BIS chest (try to get 80% max res) as there is no more Farrul's Fur. https://pastebin.com/jk2zWhtd Minor gem changes with deadeye: - Enfeeble over Assassin's Mark for Curse on Hit - Blood Rage/PCOC combo back in since Cat of the Aspect is out. BEFORE STARTING
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This build originally started as a pure Molten Striker PF (Abyss League). If you do not want to use the pseudo 5/6L frost blade gloves version for clearing, please see post #2 which is an amazing build in its own right
Also please try to read the first 2 posts to see if it answers any questions. I don't have any problems with you guys messaging me in game but I'd prefer if you posted in this thread so that if anything it helps others. I try to check this thread everyday and answer any questions. I also recommend getting Path of Building as I use that a lot to explain my decisions. BEASTIARY LEAGUE - CHANGES & WHICH ASCENDENCY SHOULD I PICK?
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This seems to be a very common question right now. I have thought and wrote up a the pros/cons to help fellow exiles base their decisions on this. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses but what I truly believe is that with the best boss/end game gear, Deadeye would win out. However I will say that all 3 classes are game viable and I have cleared end game content with all 3 ascendencies using my Abyss/standard character.
DEADEYE Pros: Highest DPS, best at life leech/face tanking, does not require accuracy in gear Cons: Can be squishy, no shield/lyco = reduced life pool RAIDER Pros: Extremely versatile, many ascendency pathways. Easiest to play with permanent Onslaught/Frenzy. Best 'defense' out of the 3 classes due to Phasing and Elemental Immunity. Cons: Possibly lower life pool if you choose. PATHFINDER Pros: Fastest at mapping, decent defenses due to constant uptime flasks, highest life pool Cons: Requires solid flask management KEY GEM/SKILL POINT/TREE CHANGES BETWEEN THEM: - In Raider we take the frenzy nodes in exchange for life nodes and Berseking IF we choose to get Way of the Poacher. With Way of the Poacher, this means Molten Strike set-up changes slightly: Molten Strike-Multistrike-Elemental Damage /w Attacks-Increased Critical Strikes-Ice Bite-Conc. Effect. Another difference is that you can drop Onslaught from Herald of Ice and replace it with Culling Strike, Innervate, Blind Support or another utility skill (i.e. Vaal Lightning Trap, Vaal Haste) - In Deadeye we do not take any frenzy nodes. Both shield or dual wield options are viable. I went for Dual Wield to be a bit different from my Standard/Abyss characters and hence as a result I am taking the Twin Terrors node in the passive tree. - Pathfinder does not take frenzy nodes. - See the POB links below for reference. INTRODUCTION Hi. Acknowledgements of this build goes to 1322837, GornoDD and CynthiaCrescent and their builds. This build is a fusion of all the builds linked above, and yes certainly check their builds out as it is definitely all content viable as well. Here are the links to their builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1973752 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1971701 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1915297 I usually look to play all-round builds that can do (almost) everything, I'm talking about good single target DPS and good mapping. All content also need to be doable, and I can happily say with this build I have done everything in the Abyss league and that includes Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri and Hall of GM. I know it's greedy but that's what I wanted to push for as I do not plan on playing multiple characters. I decided on Molten Strike as it is one of the highest DPS skills in the game but in the past it has been pretty awful for mapping. I played the Molten Strike Ele-Claw Inquisitor version to the end game this league and whilst strong and able to do Shaper, I wasn't happy enough with the clear speed even with Ancestral Call being added to the game. That is why I have chosen the Pathfinder class. The reason why we are using the Pathfinder is to abuse its 5 flask setup for elite damage and mapping ability. Whilst the inquisitor class can theoretically put up better single target damage numbers, I just think the sacrifice in clear speed is too major, especially with a skill like Molten Strike. VIDEOS 3.2 Bestiary League:
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First Uber Atziri: https://streamable.com/x8hnz Uber Elder - FIRST ATTEMPT, BLIND https://streamable.com/oijcv
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Gear at time of kill
Red Elder (T15): https://streamable.com/6i3ln Red Elder (T14): https://streamable.com/cczza First Red Elder (T12) attempt: https://streamable.com/aza96 First Shaper attempt: https://streamable.com/81lau
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Gear at time of kill:
First Hydra: https://streamable.com/h90rp First Chimera attempt: https://streamable.com/b7q6u First Minotaur attempt: https://streamable.com/08kre - Deadeye version *note: none of my gems are lvl 20 or have quality on it. I stacked %blind on hit Abyss jewels and the Minotaur was essentially permanently blinded in this fight. Another thing is that the video cut off because I disconnected trying to portal out and bring my friend in for the map completion. But the video shows how one sided the fight was. Whilst I had a 6L in this battle, this could've easily been done on a 5L as I was stationary in this entire fight and was constantly leeching life. r3dd09's stream who is currently playing the Deadeye version: https://www.twitch.tv/travv801 3.1 Abyss League:
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https://streamable.com/m1r6r - Shaper clear RAIDER version with Corrupted 6L Belly of the Beast - Lightning Strike Hybrid setup - POB link: https://pastebin.com/M2bh9Jy5 https://streamable.com/979e7 - Minotaur Map clear - Frost Blades Hybrid Setup https://streamable.com/t8876 - T15 Shaped Siege clear - Frost Blades Hybrid Setup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwuYr6BwJR8&feature=youtu.be Minotaur boss + clear by MajWoody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ9f9OdVOTc&t - T15 Red Elder + Final Memory Fragment! /w SHroud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5ji8Dj1Smw - T14 Red Elder /w Shroud https://streamable.com/u3ke6 - Shaper run /w 6L Carcass Jack https://streamable.com/ch3cu - Shaped Vault /w 3x MF gear https://streamable.com/pu0g9 - Hydra /w Shroud https://streamable.com/6tj27 - Chimera /w Shroud https://streamable.com/z4qbz - Minotaur Map Clear /w Shroud https://streamable.com/2x46h - Phoenix /w Shroud https://streamable.com/me1uh - 3rd phase Shaper where I forgot to record from the start /w The Shroud PATH OF BUILDING LINK AND PASSIVE TREE
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My Deadeye update @Uber Elder kill https://pastebin.com/gefepnNx
https://pastebin.com/qgwwMtnr Updated 29.01.2018 Note that we swap in Tombfists gloves for our Frost Blade linked-Gloves against Shaper/Red Elder/Uber Atziri Deadeye: https://pastebin.com/8NKJckmb Raider: https://pastebin.com/can4CY3M Pathfinder: https://pastebin.com/qgwwMtnr
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PROs & CONs:
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PROs: - Flexibility for Gem/Gear swaps. I have used many different uniques and setups have been able to do multiple Shaper runs several times. - Amazing boss killer. A modestly geared setup using Molten Strike will easily push you past the 1M dps mark. - Fantastic mapper. Thanks to this build synergising VERY WELL with Frost Blades, a setup with Pseudo 6L gloves will push you to clear speeds almost to that of Kinetic Blast. The Pathfinder class also gives you incredible movement speed, so you can zoom through each map. - Good defensive mechanics. We take evasion nodes, we have a healthy life pool (5.8k+), we have vaal pact, we run a very nice Abyss Jewel that lets you blind enemies on hit. We can even push the defensive mechanisms further if we decide to take Phase Acrobatics. - I strongly believe this is the fastest mapping Frost Blades or Molten Strike build in the league at the moment. The bonus is that we are not losing single target damage for this. - Can do every map mod! All you require is a Sibyl's ring for Ele/Phys reflect and a hybrid flask for cannot leech. CONs: - End game content to be able to facetank Shaper beams for example have unfortunately gotten more expensive as the league has progressed. The core items of the build such as the Lyco are unfortunately pricey. - Lots of chromatics/jewelers are required. - I am not sure whether to put this as a con but this build heavily relies on good flask management to thrive. PLAYSTYLE:
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When mapping, we use Frost Blades (or Wild Strike if you prefer) to clear for a majority of the time. If mobs are able to get close to you and are within melee range, we drop Molten Strike balls on them which should in most cases, one shot them. The only time when I only choose to use Molten Strike for clearing itself are for the Abyss troves as the mobs that come out can be quite rippy and Molten Strike will let us delete them in an instant.
Against bosses, we will use Molten Strike exclusively. Frost Blades in this setup just doesn't have enough damage to clear bosses effectively. When facetanking bosses, remember to put up Fortify and the Ancestral Protector totem. Against the end game bosses such as Shaper, I like to carry Tombfists in my inventory before reaching the boss arena and replacing my current Frost Blades gloves setup. This is to boost Molten Strike single target damage by over 10%. Orb of Storms with Power Charge on Critical are to be linked in these tombfists and should also be used. LEVELLING GUIDE:
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Useful Levelling Uniques/Items: - Thief's Torment (this is my choice for the most ideal Unique to level with. I would definitely pay the 5-8c it's worth. Will solve a big chunk of resist and mana problems. Can be used until you finish your Uber lab and then spec into Vaal pact) or Elreon rings. - Wasp Nest, Ornament of the East (until you get Lyco) - Tabula Rosa or Corrrupted 6L (3R-3B), whatever is cheapest - Ondar's Clasp Wrapped Mitts - Wake of Destruction Mesh Boots - Darkness Enthroned, Prismweave, Belt of Deceiver if you're struggling with resists - Goldrim or Honourhome Level 20 Tree: https://poeplanner.com/AAsAAF0ACzIAACubjQgu7YMZjgBe0359df6673ruDvzFDY1br04qTP9DMdrBLlPTb41-t7Z1y76nZU29Nkd-hNkB3HfjqW7AGm87dO0FLRR1pMKjiiP2jX0wfFFHjb_UIwAAAAAA Rush straight to the two jewel slots to be able to put in the Wildfire Jewels. Afterwards we fill out the remainder of the level 20 tree prioritizing Point Blank and Acrobatics. Level 44 Tree: https://poeplanner.com/AAsAAI0ACzIAAEObjQgu7YMZjgBe0359df6673ruDvzFDY1br04qTP9DMdrBLlPTb41-t7Z1y76nZU29Nkd-hNkB3HfjqW7AGm87dO0FLRR1pMKjiiP2jX0wfFFHjb_UIwW1wuy0xWKsbIydqhX9jYHBoHgZb1c2PetjES8rCl3yKgtwUonTjDZVS2HiJpUWvwAAAAAA Get Soul Raker ASAP. Then we take the linear path to Coordination. All the core nodes on the tree are now taken. Use the final passive tree and complete the nodes from here on out. The only thing we don't take is Vaal Pact until we finish Uber lab. We start the game using Frost Blades-Added Lightning Damage-Ancestral Call (need to get another class to get Ancestral for you) until we pick up the first jewel slow for Wildfire where we then dump Frost Blades for Molten Strike (again need another class to get you MS this early). In Act 1 we take Orb of Storms for supplementary damage. In Act 2 we pick up and use Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder. Also add Concentrated Effects to the MS links if you have the sockets for it. In Act 3 we drop Herald of Thunder for Wrath if you do not have mana issues due to gear. Otherwise stick with HoI/HoT. We add Weapon Elemental Damage to our links. Molten Strike-Ancestral Call-Weapon Elemental Damage-Added Lightning Damage-Concentrated Effect. By the end of Act 3 after getting Siosa we get Ancestral Protector (if you didn't get it already from another class/character). By the end of Act 4 we set up the HoI-Onslaught-Poacher's Mark-Curse on Hit links. Increased Area of Effect should also replace Concentrated Effects when you get access to it. As soon as you get Lilly Roth in Act 5, we can then finish off all the gem links. BANDITS, ASCENDANCY, PANTHEON:
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Help Alira: I like the crit-multiplier and res bonuses, and frankly I currently cannot find a spot on the current skill tree where the 2 passives outvalues it.
Ascendancy: Deadeye: Gatherind Winds > Rupture > Powerful Precision > Fast & Deadly Raider: Rapid Assult, any choice after that. Many posters here have different ascendency paths after this. My preference is: Rapid Assault > Way of the Poacher > Quartz Infusion> Avatar of the Veil PF: Nature's Adrenaline > Nature's Boon > Master Alchemist > Veteran Bowyer Pantheon: I use Soul of the Brine King for stun protection and Soul of Yugul for ele-reflect protection CORE GEAR DISCUSSION:
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These are the core uniques. For the Raider and Pathfinder class, a Lyco is mandatory and can unfortunately be pricey. 2x Wildfire Jewels are required in all Molten Strike setups - just way too powerful and useful to leave out. The amazing thing about this build is that there are many gear options you can interchange between. I have cleared up to Shaper with 5 chests using this build - The Shroud, Carcass Jack, Belly of the Beast, Yriel Fostering, Inpulsa's Broken Heart and Farrul's Fur. I have not tried the new Loreweaver chest but just based on POB numbers alone it has by far the most DPS out of all the chests out there. Now my preference after having tried all these chests is Farrul's Fur. Aspect of the Cat is amazing. If you're using the Fur chest, then you beastcraft Aspect of the Cat onto your boots and stick Less Duration Support in your gem links. Why? Because of the way Aspect of the Cat cycles, this shortens its cycles to allow you to have permanent Frenzy and Power charges. To further enforce how amazing this is, this means you can drop some links such as Orb of Storms-PCOC, Blood Rage, Assasin's Mark, Poacher's Mark etc. Furthermore because this is a damage aura, this gives you the option to be more defensive such as running Enfeeble as a curse on hit link (what I did in Beastiary league) or using Arctic Armour instead of Herald of Ice. Also when people talk about bullshit builds in POB because they ticked Frenzy and Power Charge, this doesn't apply to us as we have these charges up permanently against any boss in the game. As for the other chests, for some of them, it is very difficult to get the 4R-2B combo with this chest. You are looking at above 2k Chromes to try and get this done. At the very least, we will require 3 reds for the chest piece. Alternative combos that are roughly the same when it comes to pure dps numbers are listed in the gems link. Imperial Claws are a given. Gives a nice flat hp leech and the most APS. Make sure your APS is >2 when searching! It actually serves more as a defensive mechanic than offensive as a means to leech life at an incredible rate. Prioritize: Attack Speed > Critcal Strike Chance (master craft okay) -> Flat Ele damage (lightning most ideal) > Damage Penetrates Res. (Shaper/Elder mod) > Crit Multiplier -> Elemental Damage with Attacks POE search: http://poe.trade/search/ihukonotasiniw (sort by EDPS) The Elder shaped rare gloves are our clear speed babies and lets us make Frostblade clearing possible. I have also tested Wildstrike and Lightning Strike but I feel Frostblades is just that much better when it comes to clearing. For the rare gloves you want: Elder Socketed Gems are supported by Level Faster Attacks and max life. Ideally, you grab extra pseudo links to it but of course that will rise the price. However, a budget alternative you can use are Lightning Mitts. Lightning Mitts actually give higher damage than that of Socketed Faster Attacks and Socketed Fire Damage setup but I prefer using the rare elder shaped gloves as you can roll life onto it. Abyss jewels are OP and Tombfists gives you LIFE, APS, and an extra 10% dmg from intimidate? Sign me up! You don't actually need the dual socket requirement on your Tombfists but I just had that luxury. Add Culling Strike to the links if you have the 1 abyss socket version. Note that with Tombfists, we only use it for difficult/end game bosses where we carry it with us in our inventory and equip it before taking on the boss itself Lightpoacher with average or above abyss jewels are BIS for this build (can be 2 socket). This gives as much life as a Starkonja's and with a solid jewels, gives more damage than a Rat's Nest. In addition to that, Spirit Bursts are a joy and aids in survivibility. While my helm is enchanted, you don't actually need the MS projectile enchant with this build, it's just a nice topping lets you do nice damage if you have the currency for it (it's ridiculously expensive atm). A single Abyss jewel with %chance to blind enemies on hits with Attacks. With Molten Strike and Frostblades, especially with our setup with Multistrike and Ancestral Call together, we are pumping so many projectiles/balls that we are just going to blind enemies even if there is only one jewel. This is absolutely amazing for survivibility and I highly recommend that you have at least one of this type of jewel. Here is a POEtrade link: http://poe.trade/search/zuramahamohonz I always keep Sibyl's Lament in my inventory to equip for whenever I roll an elemental reflect or physical reflect mod. Unfortunately as we are now using Lightpoachers, due to Spirit Bursts, we now have to account for phys reflection. The rest are rares. IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT TO FILL IN THE INT AND STR REQUIREMENT WITH YOUR RARES. Even in my tree I am still taking a +30 INT and +30 STR nodes. Boots: Life and resistances. Adds Lightning Damage to attacks and Damage penetrates 10% resistances are the 1a and 1b for the best enchant for this build and I highly recommend farming Uber lab for it. (PS. don't buy boots for extra with the enchant, buy the twice-enchant prophecy and do it yourself - proc the prophecy before 3rd phase Izaro if you did not get Twice Blessed in a Shrine. Boot enchants actually do not take too long to get). Belt: Stygian Vises (no reason not to use this). Prioritize: Life = Resistances > Elemental Damage with Attacks. Rings: Life = Resistances > Increased % elemental damage > Critical Strike Chance > Added Lightning Damage > Added Fire/Cold Damage Opal rings with double %Increased Elemental Damage and Life/Added Lightning Damage are the GG rings. Amulet: Life > Crit Multiplier > Added Lightning Damage (master craft is fine) > Crit Chance (I don't try to fill my res/str/int requirements on an ammy since I have a Bisco's but feel free to do so if you do not plan on getting one). If you feel you have a have a nice life pool and are happy with your resists, then Choir of the Storm, which I am currently using is absolutely incredible with the build. It gives you lots of Crit Chance to allow for the shocksplosions to occur more frequently. For Deadeye classes, Marylene's Amulet is a solid amulet that gives you as much dps as an end game 5-10ex amulet. It was the amulet I used in my first Shaper attempt of the Bestiary league. Normal Jewels: Life% > Res% > Attack speed% > Global Crit Multiplier Abysss Jewels: Life > Res% > Attack speed% > Added Ele damage > Global Crit Chance This is my POEtrade search for Abyss jewels: http://poe.trade/search/tabanahiraorau (sort by sum) OR Diamond flask is by far the most important flask and gives you the most damage. Make sure your Vessel of Vinktar has 'adds lightning damage to ATTACKS' and perhaps do not use it if you do not have an Elemental Immunity ascedency. Atziri flask provides nice additional damage and leech. Note that the Dying Sun is NOT required, and I do not suggest buying it yourself. I am that confident that those trying this build will reach a point where Shaper will become easy to farm. I myself did not use a Dying Sun Flask until I had one dropped for me in my many Shaper runs so I don't consider it a required core piece. For the Deadeye or Raider class that are NOT using Inpulsa's as a chest, I am no longer recommending Vessel of Vinktar's as the class does not have elemental protection from shock. Even when I ran an anti shock flask, I found that I had to sacrifice a Bleed/Freeze flask or had to be constantly on top of the anti shock phase. I am now recommending the Wise Oak flask instead but this is very difficult and requires planning ahead if you get the Dying Sun. With a Wise Oak flask we need Lightning res overcap to be highest and that includes taking into account Dying Sun's +50% fire res. If you feel this is too tricky to obtain, then a simple Onslaught Flask is just as good (~3% dps less). MY CURRENT GEAR: Bestiary League (Deadeye):
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Abyss League (Pathfinder):
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6L Setup: There are different 6L setups depending on the situation. Scroll to the bottom of the Gem Links section to see the slight changes to those using Farrul's Fur as a chest. Molten Strike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Multistrike - Ancestral Call - Added Lightning Damage (OR Added Cold Damage) - Concentrated Effect Molten Strike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Multistrike - Added Cold Damage - Added Lightning Damage - Concentrated Effect For RAIDER with Way of the Poacher & Frenzy Nodes: Molten Strike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Multistrike - Ice Bite Support - Increased Critical Strikes - Concentrated Effect If you are NOT using Inpulsa's as a Chest: Molten Strike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Multistrike - Elemental Focus - Concentrated Effects - Added Lightning Damage 5L Shroud Setup (single target): Molten Strike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Multistrike - Added Lightning Damage - Concentrated Effects These setups lets you spam the most Molten Strike Balls/projectiles giving you more chance to hit, meaning more chance to cirt, more chance to do damage, more chance for shock explosions, and more chance to blind enemies if you are using a bind on hit abyss jewel I recommended! *** NOTE: Please refer to the Gem Links setup in post #2 if you do not have or do not plan to use the Pseudo 6L Frost Blades glove setup *** 4L Setups: Frost Blades OR Wild Strike - Elemental Damage /w Attacks - Multistrike - Ancestral Call Like Molten Strike, this setup lets us spam projectiles. With the other 2 socketed suffixes from the rares, it is effectively a pseudo 6L with Faster Attacks and Added Fire damage. This sick setup lets us delete packs in an instant. Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark - Blood Rage This is the setup to setup our Frenzies/Power charges. Due to the use of a 4L clear skill in addition to Lightpoacher's taking up gem slots, we are using this setup to allow us to manually gain these charges. 3L Setups: Orb of Storms - Power Charge on Critical - Culling Strike This should be placed in your Tombfists. For 2 Abyss sockets, we drop Culling Strike. Increased Critical Strike Chance for Culling Strike can also be used if you'd like to proc Power charges up more. Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Ice Golem I level all of mine to 20 just because I am lazy to summon the Golem and honestly I think it helps in boss fights because casting a Golem is a delay that can kill you. However if you're struggling with the Strength requirements then feel free to keep CWDT and Immortal call at low levels. I do however, recommend levelling up the Golem regardless as they provide a nice damage boost. We are using Ice Golem in this setup to increase crits for the shock explosions. 1/2L Setups: Wrath, Ancestral Protector Wrath gives the most ele and flat damage. Ancestral Protector gives us a massive attack speed boost and lets us facetank bosses or delete them. Farrul's Chest setup: - Beastcraft Aspect of the Cat onto Boots. - Offensive setup, on boots: Less Duration (lvl 1) - Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Elemental Weakness (most dps), Enfeeble (defensive) or Onslaught (best at mapping) - Defensive setup on boots : Less Duration (lvl 1), Arctic Armour - Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 1) - Temporal Chains/Enfeeble. Make sure Less Duration is not linked to anything. Lvl. 21 gems vaaling/levelling priority: Wrath > Added Lightning Damage > Herald of Ice > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Molten Strike HARDCORE:
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I do believe this build is hardcore viable for Pathfinders or Raiders. I facetank into everything and rarely dodge at all and I don't really die with this build. It has lots of life, it takes the evasion nodes. If I were to play this on hardcore, the changes I would make are:
- Drop Wrath and use Herald of Thunder. - Remove Berserking and a Life node in the skilltree and take the 4 points to Phase Acrobatics - Drop the Curse on Hit setups. - Add Blasphemy-Enfeeble-Enlighten-HoT/HoI. - Make sure each abyss jewel has %chance to blind enemies on hit with attacks Thanks for reading! Feel free to ask any questions or make suggestions to this build! Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 31 мая 2018 г., 6:09:44 Last bumped23 дек. 2018 г., 20:51:19
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This post is basically a page history of what the build begun with (it still EASILY clears all content in Abyss league) and then eventually grew and evolved thanks to suggestions of posters here. I recommend anyone who only want to play Molten Strike for both single target and clearing (still very good!) to use this version. BESTIAL LEAGUE CHANGES - 1.03.2018
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" INTRODUCTION Hi. Acknowledgements of this build goes to 1322837, GornoDD and CynthiaCrescent and their builds. This build is a fusion of all the builds linked above, and yes certainly check their builds out as it is definitely all content viable as well. Here are the links to their builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1973752 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1971701 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1915297 I usually look to play all-round builds that can do (almost) everything, I'm talking about good single target DPS and good mapping. I know it's greedy but that's what I really wanted. In this league I planned on playing Molten Strike as it is one of the highest DPS skills in the game but in the past it has been pretty awful for mapping. I played the Molten Strike Ele-Claw Inquisitor version to the end game this league but I wasn't happy enough with the clear speed even with Ancestral Call being added to the game, and franky I had already sold my self 6Linked BOTB to afford the Shroud which is an incredibly fun chest piece to use (and that the Shroud is probably not the best item for Inquisitors). There's no question that the Inquisitor or Raider ascendency would do more single target and overall damage but I just prefer Pathfinder route just to make it more all-rounded and better at mapping. I also believe that by taking advantage of the Pathfinder class, this is arguably the fastest Molten Strike mapping build (non pseudo 4/5/6L skill variant) around whilst also keeping its single target capabilities. MOLTEN STRIKE PATHFINDER PASSIVE TREE CHANGES 28.01.2018:
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- Drop the 4 points to Phase Acrobatics
- Drop Vaal Pact (OPTIONAL - determine this for yourself, for those that are well geared, you will probably not need VP for survival) - Take 3 points on Beserking - Place the other 2 nodes on Life nodes. I am also recommending an Abyss jewel With Molten Strike, especially when we setup Multistrike and Ancestral Call together, we are pumping so many projectiles/balls that we are just going to blind enemies even if there is only one jewel. Basically try to fit in an Abyss jewel with blind enemies on hit somewhere in your tree. I'm already knee deep into my jewels but I'd like to see what happens if I fill the abyss jewels with % blind on hit. But right now, one seems to be doing a fine job. I have definitely noticed a difference in survival with it. I've been able to facetank the Shaper beam (flasks need to be up) and Minotaur boss without these nodes. The only thing that I find that can actually kill my character are 1 shots, and a high life pool is the best way to avoid that. Updated POB link: https://pastebin.com/dR6MuaSK PATH OF BUILDING/TREE
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*Note: I don't believe POB calcs the Shroud accurately but I'll go with that for now. Molten Strike itself is a bit awkward to figure out the DPS for. If I had to estimate, I'd say that at the very minimum I'd be doing ~1.3M Shaper dps - very minimum is emphasized here.
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Wildfire jewels go into the most left jewel slots LEVELLING GUIDE:
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Useful Levelling Uniques/Items: - Thief's Torment (this is my choice for the most ideal Unique to level with. I would definitely pay the 5-8c it's worth. Will solve a big chunk of resist and mana problems. Can be used until you finish your Uber lab and then spec into Vaal pact) or Elreon rings. - Wasp Nest, Ornament of the East (until you get Lyco) - Tabula Rosa or Corrrupted 6L (3R-3B), whatever is cheapest - Ondar's Clasp Wrapped Mitts - Wake of Destruction Mesh Boots - Darkness Enthroned, Prismweave, Belt of Deceiver if you're struggling with resists - Goldrim or Honourhome Level 20 Tree: https://poeplanner.com/AAsAAF0ACzIAACubjQgu7YMZjgBe0359df6673ruDvzFDY1br04qTP9DMdrBLlPTb41-t7Z1y76nZU29Nkd-hNkB3HfjqW7AGm87dO0FLRR1pMKjiiP2jX0wfFFHjb_UIwAAAAAA Rush straight to the two jewel slots to be able to put in the Wildfire Jewels. Afterwards we fill out the remainder of the level 20 tree prioritizing Point Blank and Acrobatics. Level 44 Tree: https://poeplanner.com/AAsAAI0ACzIAAEObjQgu7YMZjgBe0359df6673ruDvzFDY1br04qTP9DMdrBLlPTb41-t7Z1y76nZU29Nkd-hNkB3HfjqW7AGm87dO0FLRR1pMKjiiP2jX0wfFFHjb_UIwW1wuy0xWKsbIydqhX9jYHBoHgZb1c2PetjES8rCl3yKgtwUonTjDZVS2HiJpUWvwAAAAAA Get Soul Raker ASAP. Then we take the linear path to Coordination. All the core nodes on the tree are now taken. Use the final passive tree and complete the nodes from here on out. The only thing we don't take is Vaal Pact until we finish Uber lab. We start the game using Frost Blades-Added Lightning Damage-Ancestral Call (need to get another class to get Ancestral for you) until we pick up the first jewel slow for Wildfire where we then dump Frost Blades for Molten Strike (again need another class to get you MS this early). In Act 1 we take Orb of Storms for supplementary damage. In Act 2 we pick up and use Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder. Also add Concentrated Effects to the MS links if you have the sockets for it. In Act 3 we drop Herald of Thunder for Wrath if you do not have mana issues due to gear. Otherwise stick with HoI/HoT. We add Weapon Elemental Damage to our links. Molten Strike-Ancestral Call-Weapon Elemental Damage-Added Lightning Damage-Concentrated Effect. By the end of Act 3 after getting Siosa we get Ancestral Protector (if you didn't get it already from another class/character). By the end of Act 4 we set up the HoI-Onslaught-Poacher's Mark-Curse on Hit links. Increased Area of Effect should also replace Concentrated Effects when you get access to it. As soon as you get Lilly Roth in Act 5, we can then finish off all the gem links. BANDITS, ASCENDANCY, PANTHEON:
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Help Alira: I like the crit-multiplier and res bonuses, and frankly I currently cannot find a spot on the current skill tree where the 2 passives outvalues it.
Ascendancy: Nature's Adrenaline > Nature's Boon > Master Alchemist > Veteran Bowyer Pantheon: I use Soul of the Brine King for stun protection and Soul of Yugul for ele-reflect protection VIDEOS
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ9f9OdVOTc&t - T15 Red Elder + Final Memory Fragment! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5ji8Dj1Smw - T14 Red Elder https://streamable.com/u3ke6 - Shaper run /w 6L Carcass Jack https://streamable.com/ch3cu - Shaped Vault /w 3x MF gear https://streamable.com/pu0g9 - Hydra https://streamable.com/6tj27 - Chimera https://streamable.com/z4qbz - Minotaur Map Clear https://streamable.com/2x46h - Phoenix https://streamable.com/me1uh - 3rd phase Shaper where I forgot to record from the start /w The Shroud PROs:
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- Arguably fastest clearing (non-pseudo AOE 5/6L socket skill) Molten Strike build without sacrificing too much if any single target damage. - All end game content viable, I've done Guardians, Shaper, Uber Atziri, Vaal Temple and Red Elder - Can do every map mod (Sibyl's Lament equipped for ele-reflect, hybrid flask for cannot leech - I use divination distillate) - Most bosses can be facetanked and facerolled - It's a pathfinder, so fast @ mapping and can support bisco's! I don't even switch to the single target gems on non end game bosses CONs:
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- Unfortunately I didn't level with this build and can't think of it being a league starter atm due to Ranger not having access to a lot of the core gems in this build. I would certainly not recommend this for SSF. On request I can provide levelling uniques and a levelling guide.
- This is not a budget build if you want to faceroll everything. The builds I took inspiration from above are better when it comes to bang-for-buck (does sacrifice clear speed though). - I am not sure to put this as a con or not but this build thrives with good flask management CORE GEAR DISCUSSION:
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These are the core uniques. Unfortunately Lyco is the most important piece of this build and is costly atm, I bought mine near the start of the league at ~140c The increased AOE from the Carcass is very noticeable. The combination of Ancestral Call and Multistrike forcing you to repeat your attacks is kind of insane. Getting the colours is difficult, you're looking at possibly more than 2k chromes. A 3R-3B setup would also work but you sacrifice a bit of clear speed and arguably damage. Now this is very optional and as well as luxury. It makes me sad to bump The Shroud down a bit since I was going for an Abyss theme but The Shroud does have its advantages especially when it comes to mobility and survivability but at this point, I'd say a 6L Carcass is a marginally better choice. The Shroud is an awesome choice, Shadeform is like an automated Vaal Haste, Vaal Grace and Immortal Call for free. I've even let a Shaper Slam go off on me for the lols in Shade Form. OPIE OPIE OPIE. Belly of the Beast is also fine and gives you better resists/life but this build gives you a lot of life and you get resistances from Alira anyhow, I consider it below The Shroud and Carcass Jack for choices. Imperial Claws are a given. Gives a nice flat hp leech and the most APS. Make sure your APS is >2 when searching! Prioritize: Attack Speed > Critcal Strike Chance -> Flat Ele damage (lightning most ideal) = Crit Multiplier -> Elemental Damage with Attacks POE search: http://poe.trade/search/okadakanotahom (sort by EDPS) While my helm is enchanted, you don't actually need the MS projectile enchant with this build, it's just a nice topping that makes you go faster if you have the currency for it (it's ridiculously expensive atm). Lightpoacher with average or above abyss jewels are BIS for this build (can be 2 or 1 socket). The damage is just insane and the mapping experience with Spirit Bursts are a joy. I went from having to dance with the Phoenix using the Rat's Nest to downing it in less than 20 seconds using Lightpoacher's. Spirit Burst actually magnifies the clearing as it acts as its own link in a way. With lightpoacher's, we link: Orb of Storms-Power Charge on Critical-Increased Critical Strikes for 1 Abyss socket Power Charge-Increased Critical Strikes for 2 Abyss sockets (swap in Orb of Storms for Increased Critical Strikes for bossing). Next best are the Rat's Nest. Starkonja's are also fine but Rat's Nest are a better choice for similar cost as this build gives you a ton of life and has great defensive mechanisms. I first cleared Guardians and Shaper using the Rat's Nest without the MS enchant. Abyss jewels are OP and Tombfists gives you LIFE, APS, and an extra 10% dmg from intimidate? Sign me up. You don't actually need the dual socket requirement on your tombfists but I just liked having an Abyss jewel more. Use Blood Rage, Vaal Haste or Vaal Lightnig Trap if you're using single socket. The rest are rares. IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT TO FILL IN THE INT AND STR REQUIREMENT WITH YOUR RARES. Even in my tree I am still taking a +30 INT and +30 STR nodes. Boots: Life and resistances, strength/int requirements. Adds Lightning Damage to attacks is the best enchant for this build but add fire damage, critical chance, increased attack speed are also fine. (PS. don't buy boots for extra with the enchant, buy the twice-enchant prophecy and do it yourself, boot enchants aren't too bad to get). Belt: Stygian Vises (no reason not to use this). Prioritize: Life = Resistances > Elemental Damage with Attacks. Rings: Life = Resistances > Increased % elemental damage > Critical Strike Chance > Added Lightning Damage > Added Fire/Cold Damage Opal rings with double %Increased Elemental Damage and Life/Added Lightning Damage are the GG rings. My Opal ring was a drop that I then crafted using alterations, scours, regals + master mods. I always keep Sibyl's Lament in my inventory to equip for whenever I roll an elemental reflect mod. Amulet: Life > Added Lightning Damage (master craft is fine) > Crit Chance > Crit Multiplier (I don't try to fill my res/str/int requirements on an ammy since I have a Bisco's but feel free to do so if you do not plan on getting one). Normal Jewels: Life% > Res% > Attack speed% > Global Crit Multiplier Abysss Jewels: Life > Res% > Attack speed% > Added Ele damage > Global Crit Chance This is my POEtrade search for Abyss jewels: http://poe.trade/search/itonihomanamad (sort by sum) Diamond flask is by far the most important flask and gives you the most damage. Make sure your Vessel of Vinktar has 'adds lightning damage to ATTACKS' and perhaps do not use it if you do not have the Master Alchemist ascendency. Atziri flask provides nice additional damage and leech. I actually didn't run a Dying Sun Flask until I had one dropped for me in my Shaper runs so I don't consider it a required core piece. MY CURRENT GEAR:
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Updates: GEM LINKS
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5L Shroud Setup (single target): Molten Strike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Multistrike - Added Lightning Damage - Concentrated Effects 5L Shroud Clearing: Molten Strike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Ancestral Call - Added Lightning Damage - Increased Area of Effect I.E. - swap Multistrike and Concentrated Effects for Ancestral Call and Increased AOE for single target. 6L Setups: Molten Strike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Multistrike - Ancestral Call - Added Lightning Damage - Concentrated Effects Swap Increased Area of Effect and Concentrated Effects for mapping vs bossing. These setups will give you the most damage. 4L Setups: Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Poacher's Mark - Onslaught This is the setup to make map clearing faster. Poacher's Mark for the frenzy, flask and life charges and Onslaught to run around the map faster and not having to use a movement flask. Herald of Ice over Thunder because the small downgrade in dps isn't worth the faster clear speed. 3L Setups: Orb of Storms - Power Charge on Critical - Culling Strike THIS IS FOR SETUPS THAT DO NOT USE LIGHTPOACHER'S AS A HELM Can use Increased Critical Strike Chance for Culling Strike if you'd like to proc Power charges up more, but I just like having Culling strike as an insurance and I find it pretty handy especially against Abyss monsters as they can get quite rippy. Orb of Storms - Power Charge on Critical - Increased Critical Strikes FOR LIGHTPOACHER'S HELM. The increased critical strikes actually links with Lightpoacher's Spirit Bursts so you are getting a Power Charge almost every time when you are mapping. OPIE! Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Lightning Golem I level all of mine to 20 just because I am lazy to summon the Golem and honestly I think it helps in boss fights because casting a Golem is a delay that can kill you. However if you're struggly with the Strength requirements then feel free to keep CWDT and Immortal call at low levels. Lightning Golem is there for additional attack speed. 1/2L Setups: Wrath, Vaal Lightning Trap, Vaal Haste, Blood Rage Wrath gives the most ele damage. As for the others, you have a variety of options here. I personally use Vaal Lightning Trap because I find Blood Rage really awkward to use against bosses and I rarely run life flasks when mapping anymore. As for Vaal Haste, I just keep forgetting to proc and don't pay attention to the vaal soul collection hence why I don't use it. Lightpoacher (2 Abyss socket) Setup: Power Charge on Critical - Increased Critical Strikes Swap in Orb of Storms for Increased Critical Strikes for bossing. Lvl. 21 gems vaaling/levelling priority (I unfortunately have none at lvl 21 atm): Wrath > Added Lightning Damage > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Herald of Ice > Molten Strike HARDCORE:
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I do believe this build is hardcore viable. I facetank into everything and rarely dodge at all and I don't really die with this build. It has lots of life, it takes the evasion nodes. If I were to play this on hardcore, the changes I would make are:
Drop Wrath and use Herald of Thunder. Drop Curse on Hit and Poacher's Mark. Add Blasphemy-Enfeeble-Enlighten-HoT/HoI. This setup would GREATLY improve your survivability. Thanks for reading! Feel free to ask any questions or make suggestions to this build! Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 1 марта 2018 г., 6:51:10
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Mate, this build is so awesome! Just got my first shaper with it! TY very much!
My gear:
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Последняя редакция: kriskostyle#2085. Время: 30 дек. 2017 г., 16:48:52
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Hey bro! Your Elder video looks amazing.
I would love to have a levelling guide. |
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" Glad it worked for you! Congrats on your first kill :) " Sure thing. This will be a bit awkward to put because like I said I didn't level up with this so I'll be sort of doing a blind take on it. I'm uploading my Minotaur kill atm. Also youtube have now allowed one of the videos after I appealed the claim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5ji8Dj1Smw BTW just an update on my progress, I've gotten a +1 Tombfist. I'll be using this to buff Wrath :). With this I have now switched Vaal Lightning Trap to Vaal Haste since it benefits from the +1 more. These are just luxury items for me at this point, +1s or dual sockets are not required if they are too costly. Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 30 дек. 2017 г., 19:53:41
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Have now added a levelling guide + Minotaur map clear.
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Okay I think I've kind of pushed this build to reach a new level of stupid.
Currently experimenting with: Mapping is slightly worse atm for me especially when this helm now forces you to play around Physical refelct mods (Sibyl still blocks this). The 2 slots loss means having to drop the HoI 4link combo for 2 which means less ice shatters and Onslaught. Culling Strike and Vaal Lightning Trap/Haste have been dropped. But the single target damage is ridiculously stupid. POB has my magma balls at roughly ~420k dps which is the equivalent of perhaps 5M dps on a single target boss. Bare in mind that POB is the bare minimum at the most, elemental penetration is not accurately calced (way lower than it should be) and it doesn't take account Shade form which grants additional APS. This is a less than 20s kill of the Phoenix Guardian with the helm. https://streamable.com/2x46h Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 31 дек. 2017 г., 4:50:06
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also i want to ask about second wild fire. There is no 40 str at radius so it not gives 2 additional projectiles and AOE. Should we learn 2 more STR passives for it?
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" Nope no need. Wildfire jewels will trigger as long as there is 40 passive strength within the radius, you don't actually need to assign a skill point to it for it to trigger. BTW at this point, I'm going to say Lightpoacher is definitely BIS over the Rat's Nest. Spirit Burst actually magnifies the clearing, the only difference is that we add a Quicksilver Flask to match the mapping speed or Rat's Nest. |
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Just wanted to say you can save a point in your PoB link (going from 113 points to 112) by doing this:
https://vgy.me/YKBSYp.png |
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