[3.1] Enki's Immunity Sprinkler - a CI Molten Striker for all content
Welcome to my Molten Strike guide, fellow exile!
This is a semi-highend build able to safely get you to high levels and crush all content. When properly geared, we gain permanent immunity to Chaos Damage, Bleed, Freeze, Chill, Ignite, Stun and immunity to Shock and Curses during flask effect. On top we have several damage reductions, lots of regeneration, leech and ES gained on hit to make this a fairly tanky build. Please read this guide carefully to understand the whole concept and to avoid any mistakes while gearing! _________________________________________________________________________ Videos ‣ Guardians & Shaper ‣ T15 Lava Lake ‣ Xoph's Domain _________________________________________________________________________ Pros & Cons + can do all bosses + great damage output + high survivability + immune to most ailments + fairly cheap to get started - proper gear is a huge currency sink - only average map clearspeed - can't facetank everything - can't do ele reflect maps _________________________________________________________________________ Leveling this build
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This is probably the most annoying part. You have two options: Either level with the actual endgame tree and get all your life and damage from leveling uniques, or do some easy leveling setup and respec into this once you hit maps. Easiest way to do the former is with an Oni-Goroshi and Thief's Torment, this combination will carry until you can equip your proper gear. Alternatively you could also level with a Brutus' Lead Sprinkler and Tabula Rasa, whatever you prefer. Here's a passive progression on how to roughly level. If you find some other pathing more beneficial then feel free to go for it, just make sure to spec into the Mapping Start tree at Lv69: Bandits: Kill All | 20pt - 40pt - 60pt - 80pt - Mapping Start _________________________________________________________________________ Passives, Ascendancy & Pantheon
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‣ Path of Building Code ‣ Endgame Lv90 Tree ‣ Finished Lv100 Tree ______________________________________________________________________ Right Click > Open in new tab if it's too small. ![]() ![]() _________________________________________________________________________ Gem Setup
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Gems are listed in order of importance! Molten Strike is our main damage skill. This setup is laid out to get as many hard-hitting projectiles out as possible, while amplifying their damage and increasing the probability of multiple projectiles hitting the enemy. I've decided against Elemental Focus due to the extra crit we get from Inquisitor against burning enemies, which helps keeping up Elemental Overload. This can be used as switch for Ancestral Call to maximize single target. We get enough damage to do all bosses without even needing this, but there's no downside so why not. ______________________________________________________________________ Недоступно Ancestral Protector gives us a decent attack speed boost and does some extra damage on top. It's also good to distact monsters in some situations, so you can safely kill them. ______________________________________________________________________ The basic Cast when Damage taken setup. Immortal Call helps surviving quick physical damage bursts, Enfeeble helps surviving in general. Keep them at the shown levels! ______________________________________________________________________ Our movement skill and Fortify-applicator. ______________________________________________________________________ Anger is a great damage boost, Discipline gives us decent base ES. You can link them to Enlighten if you want, or just use the free socket for Portal or whatever you want. ______________________________________________________________________ The last 4L is all up to you. I'm using Vaal Lightning Trap for some extra damage, and Orb of Storms for Elemental Overload uptime and to blind enemies. You could also put something like CwDt + Vortex + Blind and a Golem here, or use these slots to level some extra gems - it really doesn't matter that much. _________________________________________________________________________ Gear, Jewels & Flasks
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This is a strength-scaling build, so that should be your #1 priority on all rare gear. We also use a variety of uniques which amplify our Strength or have other, often strength-related mods that are beneficial to us. This makes the initial gearing fairly cheap, until you decide to get the build to the next level and get caught in the currency sink. ______________________________________________________________________ Brutus' Lead Sprinkler is our weapon of choice and atleast partially the name giver for this build. It has some decent damage, attack speed and crit, but the really important stat is the last line. We easily get 1000+ Strength with this build, which translates into roughly 780 base eDPS from this weapon! Ignore the corruption, ideally you'd want one with elemental damage implicit. If you can't afford a Lead Sprinkler, you can also get yourself a Shaper Karui Sceptre and alt craft until you hit the Fire Damage to Attacks per 10 Strength prefix, then aug + regal and hope for attack speed and finish it off with either mastercrafted strength or attack speed. This obviously results in much lower overall damage, but is good enough for low and mid tier maps. High strength, ES and some resistances should be the basics, additionally you can also get elemental damage and x% life regeneration. I recommend Archon Kite Shields for their implicit resistances. This chest has all we need - decent base ES, resistances, free Zealot's Oath and gives a huge amount of flat ES through strength-scaling. And it's easy to chrome for this build. Again, what you want here is as much ES as possible, some resistances and strength. Pure Int-based pieces can't naturally roll strength, so you either have to mastercraft it or spam some Rage essences. I recommend the latter only on an already enchanted base. Speaking of which, the +3 Molten Strike Projectiles enchant is absolute BiS but will also give you a heart attack when looking up prices on a Hubris Circlet base. Still, if you plan to take this build into endgame bossfights i absolutely recommend getting it. Another BiS unique for us, and pretty cheap to get. They provide us with a high increased ES % modifier and also give all the accuracy we need to reliably hit. Our first immunity-giving unique. A little expensive, but the stats are overall great for this build. Can be substituted with a rare pair of ES boots with mastercrafted strength until you can afford them. Use Attack & Cast Speed enchant for better clearspeed, or Elemental Penetration enchant for higher single-target. The next immunity-giving unique, with a bit of planning we even gain two immunities here! Our lowest attribute will be around the 400 mark, which makes this practically an 80 WED belt. Aim for a 15% increased attributes roll. for true minmaxing you could also get +1 Endurance Charge corruption. Attributes! Do i even need to mention why this is BiS for us? Strength, elemental damage with attack skills and resistances should be the main focus here, ideally on an Opal base if you can afford that. You may also need a high dexterity roll to balance attributes for dual immunities from Cyclopean Coil, or alternatively get 2x +30 Dex nodes in the passive tree. Using two of these will give a total of 4 additional projectiles, some extra damage and AoE. The Cannot be cursed with Silence corruption isn't required, i just happened to get that. Put one into the jewel socket at Shaper, the other into the socket at Berserking. This one is needed to convert Golem's Blood and Bravery to ES nodes. Put this into the jewel socket near Nullification for a huge strength boost. Brawn is needed to balance our Dex/Int ratio for Cyclopean Coil, and gives some strength too. Use Path of Building as help to figure out which roll you will need. The important mod here is Energy Shield gained on Hit while affected by Discipline, this one will make us incredibly tanky in combination with the sheer amount of projectiles Molten Strike generates. The second aura mod isn't as important, go for any beneficial Anger mod only if you can afford. Strength and flat ES or ES % are mandatory, fill the other slots with either attack speed, fire damage %, flat fire damage, resistances, dexterity or whatever else you need. Each flask should be self-explanatory, just make sure to mimic the affixes on all magic flasks. Use the Jade Flask until you can afford a Dying Sun. _________________________________________________________________________ Mapping & Bossfights
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Regular mapping is very simple, just charge into the pack and burst them down. You can even play onehanded if you want, we got most immunities covered permanently and won't need to rely on flasks for surviving. Although in harder maps i recommend to keep them up. Most mapmods are possible to run, only thing we can't do is Elemental Reflect. You have to fully rely on your regeneration and ES on Hit in Can't Leech maps, in No Regeneration maps you'll be very limited in your Shield Charge usage. Decide for yourself if it's worth to run. Bosses are facetankable for most of the part, except for the obvious stuff you aren't supposed to tank. Keep your Ancestral Protector up, pop your flasks and burst them down. If you want more damage you can also switch Ancestral Call with Damage on Full Life, i personally barely bother doing this. Guardians, Shaper, red-tier Elder, Uber Atziri, Vaal Temple - it's all possible with this build. It's also a great Uberlab farmer, but i have to add that i haven't tried the craziest possible Izaro buffs yet. _________________________________________________________________________ My Character Path of Building Code _________________________________________________________________________ Changelog
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‣ 12th January 2018: Added Bandits, fixed PoB-codes ‣ 10th January 2018: Guardians & Shaper video added ‣ 9th January 2018: Guide created _________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for checking this guide out! Hope you enjoy the build and have a nice day! twitch.tv/enkivt Последняя редакция: Enki91#7725. Время: 12 янв. 2018 г., 6:44:16 Last bumped17 янв. 2018 г., 5:51:28
Некоторые предметы в этом сообщении в настоящий момент недоступны.
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Hello i'm interest buy your guide and have question, is it viable without the Es on hit watcher jewel it is a little expensive ^^'
Look good |
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" Hi there, thanks! Just tried a map without the jewel, works fine but you gotta be a bit more careful when it comes to tanking huge groups or bosses. twitch.tv/enkivt
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LVL 76 Hydra kill : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYtRG6PuRlk *oh and not take damage on full life gem :D Последняя редакция: TheGrammaton#7787. Время: 10 янв. 2018 г., 12:37:45
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@TheGrammaton: Looks good!
___________________________ Added a video of all guardians + shaper to the guide. twitch.tv/enkivt Последняя редакция: Enki91#7725. Время: 10 янв. 2018 г., 15:06:46
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Thanks so much for the guide! I'm in the process of acquiring the items so I can try out this build.
The Wise Oak flask gives you all 3 effects since all 3 of your resists are equal (I checked on PoB). When you use Rising Sun, does Wise Oak only give you 1 effect since fire is your highest uncapped resistance? Also, since your resistances are at 31% for Cold, Fire, and Lightning, the Wise Oak brings it up to 75% right? But since it's only at 76% uncapped, are your resistances not capped in ele weakness maps? Edit: Is fire damage% instead of elemental damage% on the shield okay? It should be the same right? Последняя редакция: qwbarch#7300. Время: 11 янв. 2018 г., 16:11:37
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@Tiki_Naga: Hey there! The PoB-code contains example gear without resistances (except for uniques that already have them), if you check through it most rares have no suffixes except for strength.
When gearing, you should of course get your resistances capped through those open suffix slots, the 31% to each res (after all resistance penalties) is just what we naturally get from tree and core uniques. With Dying Sun you will most likely have fire res overcapped the highest, which means you will get the fire penetration and the reduced damage taken for the lowest res (or for both cold and lightning if they're even). If you manage to somehow balance all three the same, you will get penetration and reduced damage taken for all three. Fire damage on shield is exactly the same as elemental damage for us, but keep in mind that mod is restricted to pure ES shields which naturally can't roll strength, so you'll be limited to haku craft. twitch.tv/enkivt
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This build is great! Thanks for your sharing.
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