Mage Scion?

Wasn't sure if this is the right forum for this, apologize if it isn't.

I'm looking to go with a mage Scion build that is viable post-game. Doesn't have to be an ultimate wrecking ball class, just something that can keep up with others in red maps.

I saw that Spark Scion is a fairly bug new player trap, so are there any decent Mage Scion builds, or are all of them just inferior to Witch builds and I should focus elsewhere?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Last bumped18 февр. 2018 г., 18:53:18
10 days since you posted so you probably aren't interested in the answer anymore, but just in case, here goes:

It all depends on what you are thinking of when you say Mage Scion.

If what you are thinking of is spellcasting builds, the answer is "sure, there are builds where Scions are better than Witches for that type of spellcasting build". Typically those that use some weird combination of the Scion's ascendancies that the Witch cannot match.

As an example, my Scionic Flametank, a SR-CWC-Firestorm build with extreme survivability (extreme ES + passive regen and leech) and decent but by no means great damage simply cannot be built better as Witch as all three Witch ascendancies lack two of the cornerstones of the build (bonus recovery from Tricster Ascendancy, inbuilt Leech from Berserker) and none of its bonuses can compensate for that lack; It can be built *differently* for Witch with its own strengths and weaknesses, both substantial, and it is also a very strong build for Witch, but it is not better. Likewise, there are other types of spellcasting tank builds that can be built both as Witch and Scion and work well as either, but where they work best as Witch. It all depends on the game mechanics they use (and abuse!)

I haven't updated my flame tank build guide since 3.0 but it is still current as 3.1 didn't introduce any significant changes affecting it. Of course, not everybody is into tank builds, but it is an obvious example.

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Последняя редакция: Pi2rEpsilon#4367. Время: 18 февр. 2018 г., 18:53:44

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