[Deadeye] Spectral Shield Throw [1m shaper DPS - 6k Life] 90% Conversion - Fast clear
Video Guide __________________________________________________________ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzZstVuUg2k __________________________________________________________ Basic Info __________________________________________________________ Updated: 24/03/18 Pros: - Lots of armour from shield allows for a decent arrmour/evasion hybrid - Clears maps faster than you think. - Lots of room for upgrades in gear. Cons: - Torture to use while leveling (shield throw doesn't scale well early game.) - Will never be as fast at killing bosses as Bladeflurry/RF/Barrage ect. - Can't do elemental reflect maps __________________________________________________________ T16 Map example __________________________________________________________ [playstv id="5abbde7580793dd323"][/playstv] __________________________________________________________ Important Notes __________________________________________________________ Bandits: Help Alira. This build requires a lot of uniques, and needs the 15% all resistances from Alira. +1 chain from Ricochet: No more, no less. SST is very different from any other projectile in game. It's very important to control where the shield explodes. (Think of it like frostblades or Molten Strike, You want that damage focused, not all over your screen) Ideally you want to target the strongest mob in a pack, the shield will then chain to the mobs behind it, exploding on the second hit, and thus "shotgunning" the strongest mob with the shards. Any more chains, and you completely lose control of where the shield explodes. Any less, and the shield explodes on the first mob, sending half the shards back towards you, and wasting a ton of damage. With +5 projectiles on helmet, from the uber lab enchant, Your shield will be exploding into 14 shards. This coupled with overkill burn from Herald of Ash, and pierce should be more than enough to one shot almost all pack sizes, barring a few heavily modified maps with breaches. Point Blank + Shield Charge: Shield charge Is a very fast movement skill, but one that gives you a lot of control over where you move to. This allows you to dash directly into a specific mob you want to target, in order to take advantage of both Ricochet and Point Blank. Weapon swap for Blink Arrow when you need to move over obstacles, or go up/down a level. To make this easier, be sure to set Blink arrow on the same hotkey as Shield Charge. __________________________________________________________ Gear __________________________________________________________
Every single stat this helmet gives is useful for the build, but the most important thing is the +5 projectiles enchant. This really speeds up the pack clearing. Swap for Lion pelt(with +5 shards enchant) If you're having trouble maxing out resists. This one is mandatory, 50% cold conversion is vital to the build. Hrimburn or Hrimsorrow will function the same, since we have Elemental Focus Great res and attributes. Phenominal damage for a belt. Although it's low life, the increased flask charges are very helpful for maintaining buffs Shaped amulet with "Gain % of phys damage as extra cold damage" As high life and resists as you can get. Don't forget intelligence if your stat stick requires more than you have. Farrul's Fur fit's perfectly into the hybrid armour/evasion stats. Free aspect of the cat gives us a massive amount of damage from permanent +4 frenzy, and 3 power charges keep Elemental overload running. The occassional phasing and damage mitigation is just an added benefit. Any evasion boots will do. As high life as you can get, at least 15% movespeed, and resistances. Main goal here is to get as high armour as possible(anything over 2,000 should be fine), craft life/res if needed. For your statstick, you'll want ele pen, and as much extra damage as possible, ideally with WED/base ele damage. Ewar's is a no-go. The extra chain put's us over the golden rule of 1 chain. All other uniques are simply less dps than your average shaper stat stick. Mark of the elder is a good source of life, and an amazing source of DPS. The lack of resistances isn't ideal, but you'll be hard pressed to find a better source of DPS for the price. Again, as high life as possible, filling resistances where needed. Get as much flat damage, WED, Accuracy, and/or Cold Damage as possible. (Make sure this ring is shaped if running Mark of the Elder)
Atziri's promise, cheap good damage and the additional chaos res always comes in handy. Taste of Hate is a no-brainer. Extra cold damage and damage mitigation. Use Overflowing chalice until you can afford one, as that will help keep Kiara's running to make up for the damage difference. Ele pen for an ele build. Remember to keep Fire and Lightning res the same for the 10% damage reduction. Alternatively use Rumi's Concoction. Onslaught is a big dps boost, and this flask is our main "get out of jail card" for stuns, freezes, and curses. Not much to say here, standard life flask for bleed immunity. Use this until you can afford Taste of Hate. The increased flask charges gained helps us keep kiara's topped up. The consecrated ground helps mitigat degens.
Poacher's Mark for Pierce, +1 is more than enough for this build. Enemies that don't get pierced are generally going to be too far away for pierce to take effect. Grab Increased Damage/Global Physical Damage/Cold Damage/Maximum Life/Attack Speed/Attack speed while holding a shield. If you're struggling with res, you can slot a few percents in here as well.
6 Link: Spectral Shield Throw - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Damage on Full Life - Physical Projectile Attack Damage - Faster Attacks - Maim (Faster attacks is less DPS than cold pen, but it really helps with map clear speed) 4 Link: Cast When Damage Taken - Enfeeble - Increased Duration - Immortal Call 4 Link: Cast When Damage Taken - Frost Bomb - Summon Ice Golem - Tempest Shield 4 Link: Ancestral Protector - Vaal Grace - Increased Duration - Vaal Haste/Portal (The last slot here can be swapped for Vaal Breach, along with lightpoacher for heavy life regen and/or headhunter) 3 Link: Hatred - Herald of Ash - Enlighten Support 3 Link: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify Support Weapon Swap: Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks - Faster Projectiles For all the things shield charge can't do. (I have no idea if faster projectiles make the teleport faster or not. It seems like it does, but it might just be a placebo effect.) Lightning warp is an acceptable alternative to blink arrow, but requires more links, leaving you with less slots for leveling gems. __________________________________________________________ Skill Tree __________________________________________________________
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Последняя редакция: FiftyOW#2551. Время: 28 марта 2018 г., 14:44:14 Last bumped1 авг. 2018 г., 14:26:51
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The jewel is poacher's aim, right?
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Just leveled this build up to 60. Didn't have any issues when leveling, actually felt very strong. I used a Tabula then stacked adds phys dmg on amulet/ring, second ring runs Praxis for mana. Craft armour on shield with a rolled armour % and you have a ridiculous dmg SST. Hrimsorrow and Princess also good for leveling.
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Do you have a recommended level for the two CWDT support links?
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strike damage can give more upper limits
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Hello would u still recommend this build for flashback?
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