[RIP/WIP] Ultimate Aurabot | 11 Aura+1 Curse+7 Vaal Aura | 29er Wrath/Anger+202% Aura Effect | Smite
3.7 killed this build :C
this aurabot is dead. until they changed it back somewhere in the future. so far i will try to make this build viable for 3.7 " there are some aurabots which will still work, but they utilize ALOT of corrupted jewels. and these will be expensive af in the future ![]() Hi Guys, i played the last few leagues always an Aurabot (Necro, Guardian) and now its time to do the Scion as an Aurabot. And this time i wanted to do the Ultimate combined power from Defense and Offence. This features high ES and ES-Reg, Strong DMG boost, fast movement etc. More details are in the Pro & Contra section ;)
Q: How should i level my aurabot? A: You have two options: 1) Play together with a friend and let him do all the work until you get your items to fully support him. 2) if you are solo, than pick a high damage spell which dont need any special gear requirements like all Essence Drain / Bane / Soulrend / Arc etc (now you can decide if you want go straight the Aurabot Skilltree or pick some Life & Damage notes on the way and respec later) Q: Whats the skill tree order you prefer for lvling? A: i hope this will help you
Aura Node Order
![]() Table of Contents 1. Videos 2. DPS Boost 3. Pro & Contra 4. Vaal Skills 5. Bandits 6. Gear 7. Skilltree 8. Ascendancy 9. The Pantheon 10. Enchantment 11. My other Builds
ATM i cant upload videos because the Internet is very bad here. Can take some while T16 Chimera | Me supporting a friendly Elemental Hit Player [This is HIS, not my Youtube Channel] ![]()
DPS Boost
Here are some Screenshots from random dudes wich i boosted with my auras. If you want see your own Defense/Offence with my Aurabot, just give me a PM ingame: AurazWitAttitudes
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Pro & Contra
Pro 11 Aura (up to 29er Anger & Wrath + 24er Generosity | up zo 27er Grace, Haste & Determination | up to 25er Purity of Fire / Ice / Lightning | 21er Vitality & Discipline | 3er Clarity) 7 Vaal Aura (up to 25er Vaal Impurity of Fire / Ice / Lightning | up to 27er Vaal Grace / Haste | 21er Vaal Discipline | 3er Vaal Clarity) 1 Curse (20/23er Blasphemy / 20/23er Temporal Chains + Enhance lvl 4) Enough ES with up to 7k & over 1k ES-Reg (all 5sec for 1sec up to 2,5k ES-Reg) + up to 2,7k ES Recharge 202% Aura Effect (69% Tree + 60% Belt + 43% Generosity + 20% Ring Corruption + 10% Guardian) No Movement Mana Costs (Pick wich you prefer between Shield Charge and Whirling Blades) Ele Weakness Cap just for safety High Defense with over 20k Armour (without Flasks) 25% Reduced Curse Effect on you (wich means we only need 25,5% over max to be Elemental Weakness cap) Shares Charges between Party Members Contra: i would avoid NO REG map mods need 3 jewels with 1% Reduced Mana Reserved Corruption to fully shine obviously expensive AF at Min-Max ![]()
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Keep in mind that the Vaal Skills share their Soul gained. So you should decide carefully wich Vaal Skills you realy need at your Aurabot. I Prefer Vaal Haste, Vaal Grace, Vaal Discipline & maybe Vaal Clarity The Vaal Puritys are only good in very specific situations. ![]()
Kill all these Bandits and pick 2 additional Skill Points ![]()
Normal Budget
Our Helmet is the Alpha's Howl. We need lvl 21er Puritys for the Max Maximum Resitances. Gems: (Vaal)Purity of Fire / Ice / Lightning + A free Spot wich is later for the Enlighten lvl 3 to upgrade into the Ultimate Build We take a Shaped one handed Weapon with a high Movement Speed craft, Socketed Movement Skills cost no Mana and if you can additional Socketed Gems are Supported by lvl # Faster Attacks. This opens the use of Flame Dash for additional movement. Another good option is using Smite as an additional Lightning Damage "Aura" BUT you will need a Watcher's Eye with at least -10 to Total Mana Cost of Skills while affected by Clarity. Gems: Shield Charge, Whirling Blades or Leap Slam (depends on your weapon and wich you prefer) + Faster Attacks or Flame Dash + Fortify The Prism Guardian is our Shield Gems: (Vaal)Grace / Haste + Determination The Shavronne's Wrappings will be our Chest. We dont need a 6L, becrause we use a 4L CWDT setup and a 2L Portal Setup Gems: CWDT + Immortal Call + Stone Golem & Bone Offering + Portal + Faster Casting Our Gloves are the incredible Voidbringer wich provides us +1 to Socket of Elemental Gems at the cost of increased Mana Cost, but we dont care because thanks to our Shaped Weapon we dont need Mana. We have an open slot for the Empower wich we can use if we have at least one Jewel with a 1% reduced Mana Reserved corruption. Gems: Anger + Wrath + Generosity + Optional Empower lvl 3(4) As Boots we take the good old Steppan Eard wich provides us with nice Bonus especially Uneffected by Desecrated Ground (Chaos Degen) or the Sin Trek wich are also a good choice. We have a free spot for the Enlighten wich we need to merge into the Ultimate Aurabot Gems: Vitality + (Vaal)Discipline + Increased Duration + Enlighten lvl 3 Our rings are The Pariah (with the lvl 1 Clarity in it) and The Lori's Lantern wich provides very good defense and even more chaos res. As amulet we take the Presence of Chayula wich provides us with Stun immunity and high Chaos Resistances. Thanks to Incursion we can choose between some realy nice Belts wich provides a huge Buff for our Aurabot life We DONT take the Hatred one because we dont run it in our setup :D NOTE: Until Incursion comes into the Coregame we have some good alternative options for Belts: And if Harbinger is in the Zana Rotation you can also pick this nice Belt: We take a Soul Catcher(Ripper) with at best 40% reduced Soul gain Prevention (remeber to always pop first this flask and than our Vaal Skills). The rest of our Flask Setup are up to our prefered playstyle. I prefer these ones: And at the end we come to our Jewel Setup. If you have the Money you can also switch the rare jewels and use a Watcher's Eye. I prefer one with mods like this because they are a huge QoL bonus. ![]()
Ultimate Budget
IMPORTANT: You need at least one %Mana Reserved corruption on one of your jewels to run all auras. OR you need the Mana Multiplier Corruption the Alphas Howl. OR you need a Mana Reservation enchantment on your Alphas Howl.
Our Helmet is the Alpha's Howl (if we want to be Elemental Weakness Cap without using a Flask and dont have +2 gems on Helmet but have a corrupted Prism Guardian we need at least 26% Cold res on our Alpha's Howl) Gems: (Vaal)Purity of Fire / Ice / Lightning + Enlighten lvl 3 We take a Shaped one handed Weapon with a high Movement Speed craft, Socketed Movement Skills cost no Mana. Here we put in our Movement Setup. And if you can additional Socketed Gems are Supported by lvl # Faster Attacks. This opens the use of Flame Dash for additional movement. Another good option is using Smite as an additional Lightning Damage "Aura" BUT you will need a Watcher's Eye with at least -10 to Total Mana Cost of Skills while affected by Clarity. The best combination you can have would be this. Fossil crafted aura dmg together with no movement and additional Aspect of Spider (wich offers additional 15% more dmg for our friends). If you have problems with crafting one yourself i also offer Mirror Service for 10ex fee Gems: a) 2R+1G for Shield Charge/Leap Slam + Fortify + Faster Attacks b) 2R+1B for Shield Charge/Leap Slam + Fortify + Flame Dash c) 2G+1R for Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify d) 1R+1G+1B for Whirling Blades + Fortify + Flame Dash The Prism Guardian is our Shield (if we want to be Elemental Weakness Cap without using a Flask and dont have 2+ gems on Helmet we need at least 26% Cold res on our Alpha's Howl) Gems: (Vaal)Grace / Haste + Determination The Shavronne's Wrappings will be our Chest. We dont need a 6L. Just two 3 Links are all we need. Note that 23 Quality is better on Curses than lvl 21. If you want to run the Curse in your Armor you realy need three Jewels with 1% Reduced Mana Reserved Corruption (more in the Jewel section). If we cant efford them we can also pick a 5L Shavs with Desecrate and Bone Offering in our CWDT-Setup for some additional Defense (than you also have 1 open Socket for a Portal Gem) Gems: CWDT + Immortal Call + Stone Golem & Blasphemy + Temporal Chains + Enhance lvl 4 If you play with an Aspect of Spider crafted weapon we dont play with Temp Chains. Instead we play with an Animated Guardian and, if you like, a Portal Gem in the Shavs. The only way to play with booth, the Aspect of the Spider and the Temporal Chains Curse would be that ALL the jewels have the 1% reduced Mana Reserved corruption included the watchers eye (7x 1% reduced Mana Reserved Corruption in Total). Gems: CWDT + Immortal Call + Stone Golem & Animated Guardian + Minion Life & Portal Gem (the Colour doesnt matter for the Portal Gem and the Portal Gem doesnt need to be linked)
Animated Guardian Gear
The Animated Guardian can be equipped with a helmet, body armour, pair of gloves, pair of boots, a shield, and melee weapons. Items can be of any rarity, but must be identified and on the ground to be used. Animated items are consumed by the spell and cannot be recovered. Items containing skill gems cannot be animated, so the Guardian cannot use trigger gems. Animated guardians cannot use skills granted by items. Using this skill on an identified item on the ground creates an Animated Guardian that moves and attacks similar to a zombie. Similar to Spectres and unlike other minions, a Guardian stays with you even after logging off and on. If you unequip the skill gem, the Guardian disappears until you equip the gem again, at which point the same Guardian (retaining all its equipment) reappears after casting the spell again. Attention: Items deleted on Death! When a Guardian dies, all its equipment is deleted and cannot be recovered. Note once more that equipment will not be lost upon de-spawning, only death. These Items offers the Animated Guardian alot of defense and offers you and your party members additional Dmg and Movement Speed.
How we get so much off colours
the best way to get so much off colour is to master craft it with Jeweller's Orb. The crafting process looks like this:
Step 1) Craft 3 Sockets -> craft 3R Step 2) Craft 4 Sockets -> If it get the right colour go to Step 3. If not, craft again 3 Sockets to remove the 4th socket and start again with Step 2. Step 3) Craft 5 Sockets -> If it get the right colour go to Step 4. If not, craft again 4 Sockets to remove the 5th socket and start again with Step 3. Step 4) Craft 6 Sockets -> If it get the right colour your done. If not, craft again 5 Sockets to remove the 6th socket and start again with Step 4. this is way cheaper than try to get the colours with chromas. Our Gloves are the incredible Voidbringer wich provides us +1 to Socket of Elemental Gems at the cost of increased Mana Cost, but we dont care because thanks to our Shaped Weapon we dont need Mana. With the right Corruption we come uo to lvl 29er Anger / Wrath (+2 AoE or +2 Aura Corruption) Gems: Anger + Wrath + Generosity + Empower lvl 4
![]() As Boots we take the good old Steppan Eard wich provides us with nice Bonus especially Uneffected by Desecrated Ground (Chaos Degen) or the Sin Trek wich are also a good choice Gems: Vitality + (Vaal)Discipline + Increased Duration + Enlighten lvl 3 Our rings are The Pariah (with the lvl 1 Clarity in it) and The Lori's Lantern wich provides very good defense and even more chaos res, try to corrupt it with additional aura effect (the Shavronne's Revelation in the right (!!) slot is a good alternative wich provides around 400ES and 300 ES-Reg). As amulet we take the Presence of Chayula wich provides us with Stun immunity and high Chaos Resistances Thanks to Incursion we can choose between some realy nice Belts wich provides a huge Buff for our Aurabot life We DONT take the Hatred one because we dont run it in our setup :D other good options are: And if Harbinger is in the Zana Rotation you can also pick this nice Belt: We take a Soul Catcher(Ripper) with at best 40% reduced Soul gain Prevention (remeber to always pop first this flask and than our Vaal Skills). The rest of our Flask Setup are up to our prefered playstyle. I prefer these ones: And at the end we come to our Jewel Setup. The Watcher's Eye is up to you. I prefer with these two Mods because they are a huge QoL bonus. If you want to run the Curse in your Armor you realy need three Jewels with 1% Reduced Mana Reserved Corruption. If you want run the Aspect of Spider you only need 2 Jewels with the 1% Reduced Mana Reserved Corruption. We also need the Conqueror's Efficiency from the Quest. We also NEED an Abyss Jewel with at least 12% fire res to be capped, in addition with some Energy Shield it would be perfect. I Vaaled ALOT Energy from Within to get them. As a nice side effect i got these other good Corruptions too: ![]()
Path of Building - Ultimate --->>> Keep in mind that this PoB is with the Aspect of the Spider Sword. So the gems from your Body Armour can be different/depends on the Setup you choosed in the Gear Section (also the number of the Corrupted Energy from Within Jewels) My lvl 100 Aurabot in 3.5 Betrayal League Skill Tree ![]() ![]()
We take the Guardian and the Necromancer Notes: ![]() ![]()
The Pantheon
As Major God we pick the Soul of Arakaali ![]() And as Minor God you can decide wich you prefer between these two ![]() ![]() ![]()
As Helmet Enchantment we are looking for: 150% Increased Buff effect of Stone Golem (provides additional ~150 ES-Reg) 30% Increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect And as Helmet Corruption we are looking for: Socketed Skill Gems get a 90% Mana Multiplier (if needed) (1.6–2)% of Life Regenerated per second (provides additional ~150 ES-Reg) (4–6)% increased maximum Energy Shield +2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems +2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems As Body Armour Corruption we are looking for: +1% to all maximum Resistances +2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems +1 to Level of Socketed Gems (4–6)% increased maximum Energy Shield As Boots Enchantment we are looking for: Regenerate 2% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently (provides additional ~150 ES-Reg) And as Boots Corruption we are looking for: (4–6)% increased maximum Energy Shield 100 Life Regenerated per second while moving As Gloves Enchantment we are looking for: Nothing :D And as Gloves Corruption we are looking for: +1 to Level of Socketed Gems +2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems +2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems (wich is better than AOE because Generosity counts as Aura, but not as AOE) ![]()
My other Builds
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383 Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf Последняя редакция: guggelhupf#2310. Время: 4 июня 2019 г., 14:41:20 Last bumped10 июля 2019 г., 23:49:53
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Super well put together guide, one of the most thorough aurabot guides I've seen.
I have a few questions about your decisions though: I feel like you'd be better off with sin treks over steppan eard I don't really think desecrated ground is an issue if you get chaos res while affected by purity of elements watcher's eye and have the correct pantheon setup for chaos degens. This also mean's you don't need to worry about resist's at all. It's also a strange choice to not get the ES and life while moving abyss jewels. I also don't understand why you don't take a 40% reduced lockout duration of vaal skills soul catcher?this allows for 100% vaal haste and vaal grace uptime. I also think not getting lori's lantern over the shav's is a strange choice, In my experience it makes you far tankier, and feels about as strong as perma fortify, plus they are easy to corrupt for 20% wrath or discipline affect. Последняя редакция: SwitchAu#4559. Время: 15 июня 2018 г., 1:15:49
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" i just prefer the steppan ear, but i can add the treks in the guide as a seccond choice ;) as i said in the guide i only took the watchers eye wich I prefer and its fully up to you wich you decide ;) (but i also dk wich aura i would drop for elemetal purity) good point with the soul catcher, ill add that and the lori's is also a viable point, ill add that as a seccond choice ty for the feedback m8 appreciate that My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf |
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Just ran a map with him on my TS Deadeye. Insanely great support tons of damage and tankiness looking forward to the guide being fully done.
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wowie cool
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i put a question mark behind all those energy from within^^ There far better rare jewels (you can also corrupt) if there is not a lot of life around it (which isn t the case for so many^^)
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Aurabot: Unlimited Budget Edition :D
Still looks amazing and a well composed guide! |
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im really interested in this build can you add leveling method or reply me with how to level it
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Very similar to the aurabot I'm playing this league, just missing the voidbringer corruption, and I'm running soul ripper for perma vaal haste and impurity. My one concern is with 7 vaal auras, it takes a very long time to get any of them online. I'm currently running 3/4 depending on group. How long does it normally take for you to be able to activate haste or grace?
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" ive already added the soul flask into the guide and i nrmally need 3-5 packs do get all souls. anyway i normaly only pop them at bosses. with most players it isnt even needed to pop them while clearing trash My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf |
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