[3.3] Flicker.COM (Cast On Movement)
![]() after the succes of my COLB build, adn the great success of my concept COI build (got showed on build of the week) i found new cool mechanic to use. this buid : tired of seeing your screen and your enemies? always wished for a little bit of eye cancer? say no more! Demostration video
this is the key here, we use the damage taken when we use movement speed, and scale it. together with we take ~300 damage every time we use a movement speed. in the video i almost have 30 attacks per sec (fastest movement speed per sec - flicker strike), but that can easily scale above 40, maybe even 50 with alot of investment. in order to use fast attacks flicker, we use and make sure to have enough chance to bleed on tree (have 30% on tree + 25% from ascendancy)
so we use to take 200 damage every time we flicker. with that become 300 damage each time. in order tom maintain all this damage, we use: quality life on hit gem (can get to 54 life on hit) + watcher eye life on hit from vitality ( i have 22 life on hit) , this also work for spells! + the belt grant us lvl 30 poacher mark, so that is 34 life and 15 mana on hit (work less on unique bosses) + ascendancy point that give us 30 life on hit vs bleed enemy (also work with spells!) (can also use thief torment, but you need the stats for res and life etc..) all in all we have ~ 100-170 life on hit... that is not enough... this is why we use multistrike, we attack 3 times and that count for the belt as 1 use. (this is also great to make sure you will make the enemy bleed in order to gain the frenzy charges).
this is my gear, most of it can be much better! alot of room for improvement:
will update shortly
Single target problem
use vall molten shell, should do alot of damage.
Pros anc Cons
+ unique mechanic and fun + really cheap + versitle - can choose alot of skills to play with this concept, in alot of ways. + can work with alot of different ascendency classes + good for most map mods - not HC vailable - can be laggy - not great single target
maybe ill update later if ill continue to play (love more to theory craft than to actually play, and dont have alot of time to play)... have the demostration video at the top my builds: - COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595 - the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774 - the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823 Последняя редакция: The_x_ile#7220. Время: 24 июня 2018 г., 14:00:11 Last bumped1 авг. 2018 г., 16:57:29
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Insane timing as I just leveled a raider to try something like this out.
My only real question: do you think it's worth removing multistrike from flicker for increased spell procs? Because the extra 2 hits from multistrike don't actually count as hits for things like LGoH, poacher's regen, gluttony damage, etc, not using multistrike actually speeds up the procs of these things. I'm just curious if the flicker animation becomes too slow at that point, but I think with the 2 brightbeak setup and faster attacks it might still be good. I'll test it out soon prolly and see it how it goes! |
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" this was my first thought, but without multistrike, you loose 2 things: 1. will be much harder to proc the initial bleed, and get the frenzy charge. so you will always get stuck in the initials flickering, and that is suck (you can weapon switch to quill rain and shoot frenzy as a solution) 2. sustain the life on hit... its really really hard (not sure if even possible) to get 200 life on hit, which is the minimum you will need to do without multistrike... and event than, you need more to out-heal other dmg sources my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595 - the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774 - the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823 |
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For more life gain on hit you can use claws bit Will lose atkspd...
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