[3.3] Miss Thursday - a zappatastic Charged Dash, Mjölner, Arc build

Thor and The Flash had a daughter (much to Wally's surprise). Her Name is Miss Thursday and she's been exiled for being too much fun.

Quick yet clumsy video of Miss Thursday in action in a shaped Atoll at lvl89:
(Sorry for taking that shrine, it works without it, I swear!)

You should play this build if

You like fast paced gameplay and screenwide zappatastic lightning effects.
You don't have tons of exalts to spend on statsticks.

You should not play this build if

You want millions of shaper-dps.
You get confused by "whats going on?" and "where am I?" easily.

I wanted this to be a destroy while moving kinda build and it worked out really good.
This build uses Charged Dash to zoom around and Mjölner to trigger Arc on every hit CD does on its way.
For single target (with lots of collateral) we switch to Double Strike.

Several layers of defense were set up to keep you alive in the biggest of clusterfucks (tested in Flashback with AbyssBeyondHarbinger-situations):
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- at least 200% inc. life from tree at lvl 90
- Enfeeble aura
- Acro and Phase Acro for Dodge
- Quartz Flasks for more dodge (Protipp: Forbidden Taste)
- Vaal Grace to cap that dodge stuff
- Evasion and Block
- Fortify and Phasing
- Blinded enemies
- a little Life gain on Hit
- speed to not get hit by things we don't want to
- consecrated ground in a flask

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For pack clearing and ranged damage (in dangerous boss situations) we use Charged Dash to either dash through till everything is dead or channel from a distance.

For close combat Double Strike hits them more sturdy enemies to sparkling mash.

Damage comes from:
- permanent Frenzy Charges
- permanent Onslaught
- shocked enemies
- cursed enemies (conductivity in addition to enfeeble)
- Iron Will to make use of all that STR required by Mjölner
- Wrath
- Overflowing Chalice (sulphur flask)

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Your Double Strike Attack speed (with 3 Frenzy Charges and Onslaught) should match Mjölners 250ms cooldown.

If you have no attack speed increases or cooldown reductions on your gear the sweetspot is hit with Multistrike at lvl19 + a 20% Quality Double Strike - that makes 3.99 APS. Anything above will mess up the spells timing and thus your DPS.

Take care your accuracy is not too low or those 4 Arcs/sec won't trigger too often.

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This is a Raider because you want a fast build and she wants to whield that hammer hard.

She specs into
1 Rapid Assault (free Onslaught)
2 Way of the poacher (free Frenzy Charges)
3 Quartz Infusion (Dodge and Phasing)
4 Avatar of the Veil (Spell Dodge, Movement Speed, incr. Damage)

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3L in Mjölner: Arc - Lightning Penetration - Controlled Destruction

4L: Double Strike - Multistrike - Additional Accuracy - Life gain on Hit

The CD-setup needs not to deal damage itself (Mjölner does), so it can carry utility gems depending on your budget:
4L Charged Dash - Curse on Hit - Conductivity - Fortify
5L add Faster Attacks
6L add what you want like Culling Strike or another Blind

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One unique is required to get us going

It comes cheap some days into the league (under 10c) and should be affordable if you're not superfast or super unlucky by the time you reach level 60 or 400 STR.

Another supercheap unique boosts your damage because it gives Iron Wil which makes strength's damge bonus apply to spells:

The rest CAN be geared with rares. You will need additional Strength and some Intelligence on most of your items though, since Mjölner has high requirements on those.

You can get help from Inertia which is socketed next to the bow wheel below Acro to get >80 STR on top. Astramentis can work too but wastes the amulet slot IMO.

Inpulsa's fun improvement

I always wondered what's the fuzz about Inpulsa's Broken Heart - until I dropped one and tried it out on this build. Clear speed skyrockets with that neat corpse explosions and so does the fun this build is. Increased effect of shock is a good damage scaling too. So if you can get one get one. If your on a budget you will do fine with a rare evasion chest.

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Pathing first: Go up the tree and around in early levels to reach the strength side of the tree by level 60 (take some life and damage nodes on the way to keep going). Then flesh it out with the second curse, Elemental Overload, life and damage.

Use whatever levelling uniques you can find spells, attacks, bows, wands, doesn't matter. Lightning Arrow is decent. Arc can be good, too but you will need to manaflask hard if you're going to self cast Arc. There's no need for mana once you switch to Mjölner though.
Without leveling uniques (I played it as a league starter in Incursion Flashback) you will lack damage around mid lvl 20s until you reach the shadow area and go over to witch.
Take Acro/Phase Acro and some life nodes to survive.

If you struggle to reach Mjölner's requirements you can equip use Atziri's Foible and/or Meginord's Vise in the meantime.

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at lvl 60: http://poeurl.com/b1WE
at lvl 90: http://poeurl.com/b1WB
PoB link lvl 89: https://pastebin.com/nxbML6L6
unfortunatley PoB can't show Arcs DPS when triggered in Mjölner - it's 100% increased, which should be around +9k on Hit times 4 a second

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(those corruptions were lucky outcomes, nice but not needed, I bricked a 6L rare chest in the process, so know what you are doing).

Unique shield variant
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Take Esh's Mirror if you want to stack flat lightning damage on killing shocked mobs. Since it costs you a shield slot and does fall short on bosses it's recommended to keep a good rare shield in most situations.

MTX used
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- Obsidian Seraph Helmet
- Obsidian Seraph Gloves
- Shadowstalker Armour
- Shadowstalker Boots
- Outlaw Cloak
- Legacy Footprints
- Legacy Weapon-FX
- Holy Eyes
- Elegant Round Shield skin swap
- Raven Pet
- Voidgate Portal

While this might not be a meta build it's one of the most fun I've ever played.

Hammer time!
I came here to drink milk and kick ass...and I've just finished my milk.
Последняя редакция: King_of_Limbs#5747. Время: 19 авг. 2018 г., 10:17:26
Last bumped24 авг. 2018 г., 23:02:47
Seems like a fun build!
How about choice of Bandits?
jfalegard написал:
Seems like a fun build!
How about choice of Bandits?

his POB says to get the 2 passive points

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