[3.4] Poison BV Pathfinder // Obliteration and Queen of the Forest

The idea of the build:

Have super high clearing speed with Queen of the Forest and Obliteration while still being a decent boss killer thanks to Blade Vortex in combination with Path Finder poison.

+ Permanent Flaks
+ Obliteration and Qotf is fast and fun
+ 200% life
+ easy to level
+ good boss killer
+ cheap

- Enemies dont die instantly
- Elemental Ressistances are hard to cap
- Can´t rely on leech

Gameplay of a rare T7 map in early league: https://youtu.be/IeYj6g5e7A8

Leveling and finished Skill Tree:

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Nature´s Reprisal - Master Toxicist - Nature´s Boon - Nature´s Adrenaline

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early league crap gear

Desired Gear:
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You should replace rare items with either Devotos/Embalmers or Biscos leash if you got enough Elemental Ressistances. If you want to kill the Endgamebosses replace Qotf with Dendrobate or Belly of the Beast if you are farming Lab

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Blade Vortex - Spell Echo - Poison - Vile Toxins - Unbound Ailments - Deadly Ailments

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Phase Run - Increased Duration - Blood Rage

Flame dash - Faster Casting - Arcane Surge

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Grace - Blasphemy - Enfeeble - Enlighten

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Cwdt - Immortall call - Increased Duration + Flame Golem

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You can put anything in here I recommend Spelltotem Wither setup tho

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kill all

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Soul of Lunaris for phys reduction and movement speed + Soul of Ryslatha for permanent Life Flasks


We have 260% more Chaos damage and 60% increased damage which is enough for the Obliteration explosion to instantly kill enemies with the same HP as the killed monster.

Life from tree is 200% and Chaos resistance is 75%

With full Poison stacks you can get 2 Million Boss Dps (with Temporal chains).

Evasion rating is around 45.000 with Flask being active at which point Queen of the Forest movement speed is capped.

Path of Building:

Последняя редакция: Kilmory#0913. Время: 4 сент. 2018 г., 14:50:17
Last bumped8 окт. 2018 г., 23:41:33
Can you add some leveling trees so we know which order to take the passive points?
added a leveling section with finished skill tree

gonna add some gameplay footage later once i farmed my qotf
unbound ailments seems better than swift affliction according to PoB.
thanks ill update the 6 link
Interested in using this as my league starter. How has clear speed, survive, and single target felt so far? Have you got to mapping yet?
Currently level 81 and cleared tier 1-5 yet.

Clearspeed is fine (i dont have queen of the forest yet and last ascendancy)

Survivability is good aswell. I don´t have a reliable form of leech but 3 flasks every 3 seconds from Pathfinder and 3 life flask charges from Pantheon means you basically have perma life flask up with lots and lots of life recovery from flasks and flask effect.
So with 4.000 hp i should be fine until red maps until i will have Qotf and Starkonjas.

Also atm im thinking about swapping out Herald of Agony for something else because the minion allready has trouble keeping up and with qotf it will be worse.

check out my character for gear

Currently level 81 and cleared tier 1-5 yet.

Clearspeed is fine (i dont have queen of the forest yet and last ascendancy)

Survivability is good aswell. I don´t have a reliable form of leech but 3 flasks every 3 seconds from Pathfinder and 3 life flask charges from Pantheon means you basically have perma life flask up with lots and lots of life recovery from flasks and flask effect.
So with 4.000 hp i should be fine until red maps until i will have Qotf and Starkonjas.

Also atm im thinking about swapping out Herald of Agony for something else because the minion allready has trouble keeping up and with qotf it will be worse.

check out my character for gear

What should you look for in jewels?
When did you convert from bow to BV? I'm at level 60 so far and doing great with the leveling. It`s really smooth so far. I was just wondering when I should feel able to convert. At 66 with the wands?

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