Crit Shield spectral throw deadeye 3.4

This is my take on the skill that everyone loves to hate

tdlr: 320-350k shaper dps, 188% life tree @lv90

Current char lv92 with loreweave + shaper stat stick (522k shaper dps)

Retired this league beacause FPS is garbage after windows reinstall, It was pretty decent char and could have kept on improving it.

Atlas 158/159, missing shaper (and uber elder and atziri + uber atziri (since chan and didn't want to respect out of richocet))

atlas proof:


video guide With horrible audio

Character is KilpiLentaakovaa


My goal with the build was to make it map red tier maps and go deep in Delve. The build focuses on getting life, while dealing decent damage. The build also gets 26k armor (when flasked) without investing anything to armor.

One of the downsides of shield spectral throw is its low attack speed. I counter this by using Deadey's tailwind and abyss jewels that give me attack speed if I have crit recently. Abyss jewels give flat life as well that allows high health pool. You can get 200% easily if you sacrifice damage.

I use ewar's mirage for +1 chain, that synergies with ricochet. Using it gives the skill decent clear speed. I plan to use "statstick" in guardian fights. Since it just gives more damage. It doesn't matter what element it gives, since I am currently using shroud of the lightless and my kaom's roots have 10% ele penetration enchantment that I farmed my self. The build is pretty good labfarmer as well, since its has high armor and life pool (just drop blood rage).

Update for lv82+ zones. I started using loreweave and shaper statstick. It was just safer than using my 50% less damage from crits corrupted shroud. Stat stick was for bossing and really tanky rares.


There are 2 map mods that the build can't run. Elemental reflect and Cannot leech. Ele reflect is just instant death and cannot leech is slow death.
Random ele reflect mobs aren't problem.

I avoid following map mods as well:

Cannot regen life and mana (just painful)
Elemental weakness (I am not currently over capped)

Gearing alternatives:

You can replace shroud of the lightless with 6l armor of your choice (like loreweave) and use cold penetration as sixth link. Shroud is just really cheap compared to other choices and gives me another abyss jewel socket.

The helmet enchantment and starkonja's can be replaced too. that combo just gives damage and life.

Ideally you would swap granite flask for taste of hate, but that is too expensive for my liking.

Minor stuff:

Cheap alternative for shield is magna eclipsis

bandit alira
pantheon Soul of Arakaali, Soul of Ryslatha

Perfect Fossil for 30% shield

opal rings with % elemental damage with attacks for rings. Flat phys isn't as usefull since the shield gives flat phys. Crit multi is beneficial as well.

For shaper stat stick I will craft harpy rapier.


I used 4/5l and Titucius' Span (lv30), at lv50(?) I bought 900 evasion shield for few chaos. Just go point blank, leech node and IR first.

I would get fast and deadly for my last ascendancy. While it is really good, It isn't needed for early game.

Последняя редакция: vejket#6845. Время: 8 окт. 2018 г., 9:12:12
Last bumped25 сент. 2018 г., 12:57:26
Nice spectral throw guide! Always happy to see these skills get some love.

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