Anti-BS JuggerMancer HC Viable Final Version
No Pictures/Vids sry, assure you it works. If it doesn't do what I've written here, you can try sending me a PM and I'll refund you exalts.
Gear Costs: 2.5/5 General Clear speed: 2/5 (around 3-5 minutes while picking up stuff) Boss Clear Speed: 4/5 (Depends on really how much moving around boss does) Content Clearance Ability: 5/5 Map Safety Rating: 5/5 PVP Rating: 2/5 (You can kill people real fast its just that they would have to walk into your trap and stand relatively still, will not work against someone who is serious about PVP) Mine Shaft Safety Rating: 5/5 Lab/Trial Running Speed: 4/5 Lab/Trial Running Safety: 5/5 HoGM Safety: 5/5 HoGM Clear Speed: Average 10-15 minutes (I do not recommend rushing in HC), only 1 portal required. Anti-BS Mechanisms included:
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Ignite/shock/freeze/chill/Stun immune
-Hinder/Maim/Corrupting Blood/Silence Immune -Bleed/poison immune possible only if there is a worthwhile unique ring to use for double corrupt. -Critical Strike Immune -Perma Physical Immunity from immortal call -High EHP 10-15k solo depending on gear (Much better with Mana Guardian Support) -Bypasses Enemy Aegis Aurora just fine -High Pseudo Aegis Tanking Ability (Gets to about 900+es when hit, .25sec cd which is just fine for bosses) -No Detonating Corpse of the Boss BS -High Resistances achievable with fair gear, chaos res as well. -No dying to Porcupine Spikes BS -Low Odds of Death due to damage spike intake from running out of fortify BS -No Damage Reflect BS -No Proximity Bubble Can't touch me from a distance BS -No not doing DMG to boss because you are too busy avoiding hits BS -No Lag Generation BS -Low room for flask management error
Skill Tree
Currently used version. I tried EO, if you never move vs a boss you can keep it up just fine, but I find getting the extra HP with those points was better, helps more with tougher boss fights.
Gem Link
Helm: Wither/Storm Burst - Unearth/Desecrate - Spirit Offering - Cast While Channeling Chest: FlameThrower Trap - Lightning Spire Trap - Empower/IronWill - Controlled Destruction - Trap&Mine Damage - (Elemental Penetration) Glove: level1 CWDT - Unearth - Spirit Offering - GMP Boots: Siphoning Trap - Vigilant Strike - Rally/End Cry(or Bear trap) - 1 free gem slot - (Increased duration) Wep1: Phase run - lv1-4 Arcane Surge - Increased Duration Wep2: lv20 cwdt - lv20 Immortal Call - Increased Duration Ring1: Determination Ring2: clarity
Weapon: x2 Grelwood Shank (or x1 Aurumvorax if your Res is really bad) Helm - Devoto's Devotion/Ahn's Contempt (Cheap starters) trap/Vigstrike/End Cry on Wep2 with your CWC spirit offering combo on the boots or gloves instead Chest - Shroud of Lightless Glove (Rare)- Dex life chaos res // else shaper's touch (I'd go with shaper's touch) Boots (Rare/Elder)- Dex life chaos res (+increased duration if possible) Belt - Cyclopean Coil Amulet - Aul's Uprising Determination Version Ring - x1 Essence Worm/rare unset // x1 Rare unset ring with Dex Jewels - x3 minimum Unstable Payload x1 Watcher's Eye (Determination Reduced Crit + Clarity Damage Taken gained as mana Priority) You will want to roll at least 3 jewels with the mana fossil for dmg taken gained as mana Also Consider The Vigil, your fortify from Viglant strike will easily last over 30 seconds. **Using shaper belt/boots for cooldown recovery is not advised; that will give small chance to screw up perma immortal call when set on CWDT if the mobs have any sort of elemental dmg mixed in their hits, if you are manual casting cwdt then this won't matter so much** For the most part I'd use wither, storm burst is an option when you've got a rare shaper ring with life gained on spell hit, it helps when you are mobbed, but rolling a good shaper's ring is hard, wither is going to win out in most cases. Weapon swap: You can use a bright beak to leap slam gaps. Set this on your Phase run button that way when you weapon swap, you can press the same button to leap.
The ones I use are: Chemist Stibnite of Warding - This should give you enough to have perma Curse immunity for all fights you've to encounter. Chemist Bismuth of Iron Skin/Adrenaline Bubbling Divine Life Flask of Dousing Saturated Eternal Life Flask of Dousing x1 more bubbling divine or saturated eternal of staunching (or mana flask for no regen maps)
Building up to your endgame gears
You don't really need a tabula, picking out the 4links from quest rewards will be just and you can get to the last act solo without a problem. The key thing early on is making use of phase run, decoy totem, and extra gem slots for seismic trap, the three duration traps will be enough to easily get you to blood aqueducts where you can farm a tabula and the rest of your levels for the wearing of end game gears. For the start I would try to get an aurumvorax or two, along with a praxis and dreamfrags. The praxis will sustain your mana, and dreamfrags will give you freeze immunity, you will likely be using these two for a long time as you work up towards replacement gears. Save Lucent fossils for jewels(ilv83 abyss for chance to roll T1 flat mana). Save Aberant Fossil for boots/helm/gloves (prioritize rolling boots, try to get a high ilvl elder evasion boots). Though you can use other fossils, I'd just try rolling with these on primitive, especially with the aberant fossils, I found tht to be most effective in getting decent gears at a low cost. **Also Focus on getting a watcher's eye with the reduced extra crit dmg taken determination mod. Keep collecting Shrouds/other uniques for this build as you progress thru game, Once Incursion is implemented back in game you will want to incursion corrupt the shrouds for reduced crit You will want to corrupt increased AoE on your shanks If you can double corrupt +1 projectile with damage penetrate resistances on aurumvorax from incursion, that would also be really nice and worth using 1 over a shank. Pantheon: **Arakaali Passives does not boost es gain rate from offering. Ryslatha + Lunaris I enjoy having Ryslatha for upkeeping HP flasks during any extended fights and find it particularly helps in lab/trial running and no regen maps. The only other minor pantheon I would use here is Shakari.
-Siphoning Trap is really good. Massive regen+Chill. Each Regen instance from Active Siphoning Traps will stack. -Arcane surge uptime is permanent with phase run. -You Will need rallying Cry & spirited Response at the start of League for when you don't have damage gained as mana jewels yet, either this or use a praxis. -x3 Unstable payload effect is basically a 1.36x more damage, but the main reason to have this over a rare is that they are cheap and far more plentiful to corrupt with making these BiS. -If it is a tough boss fight, pre-buff END charges with Ralakesh's Impatience this will allow you to cast a full duration immortal call instantly right at the start. -You want for the most part to keep phase runned for any kind of boss that is capable of degen like shock&Horror or the Goddess, depending on the map mods you can actually tank straight thru Goddess degen, not sure about Shock&Horror haven't tried. -You will need at least 30% damage taken gained as mana when hit for a full mana recovery when hit in a no regen map. As of 12/6 it currently works like this: say if you had 20% dmg taken gained as mana and 10% damage taken dealt to mana before life. You take 100 damage (90 to life, 10 to mana). You will gain 20% of that total damage dealt on your life pool (not es) as mana over 4 sec which comes out here as a +5mana/second not affected by mana regeneration mods (maybe mana recovery can affect this not sure). -AFAIK the extra ES gained from spirit offering is deducted first when hit, for example if you take a 1k dmg hit and your cwdt spirit offering proced to give you 1k es, you will see no ES loss (this is a good thing, higher constant EHP) -The CWC spirit offering is useful for countering some degen/loss of es from physical hits. -Ideally on HC you want to play with a capable mana guardian, the two of you should pretty much never die as long as you aren't trying to. Your EHP will be high enough to safely tank through everything the game has assuming you got 100% the 100% reduced crit down. -Both end cry & rallying cry have their uses I'd run end cry and let a support do rally. **Monsters gravitate towards a trap if you throw it then phase run; when it actives you will see them vacuumed in as if a mini vaal cyclone effect was taking place due to them trying to attack the trap** This is very useful for clearing maps. -The traps work well without AoE, but the Bigger the AoE the better, particularly for lightning spire trap. Последняя редакция: SIQI#7936. Время: 6 дек. 2018 г., 19:37:06 Last bumped2 дек. 2018 г., 15:33:06
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1st post may have been too long.
Boss Tips
**Before you try any endgame bosses, make sure you have at least 15-21% damage taken goes to mana over 4 seconds. This is your only reliable way to recover mana from huge hits. **Though you could fit phase run on boots, and have some cwdt enfeeble, I found it better overall to have phase run on wep1 linked to arcane surge and increased duration, leaving 1 gem slot open for another support/active gem on the boots.
Battling: Throw traps whenever shaper does his beam. Keep phase runed and shaper will stay in the trap taking damage. Best time to fortify if you want is against his adds or when he does the beam. Bullet Hell: For the safest route, spend all you've got to protect zana from adds, meanwhile when shaper is summoning them pop the balls behind him. Lastly during the actual phase itself, keep phase running so you are attracting balls to your safe zone. Degen Balls: Try to lodge them on top corner. They don't follow you while phase runned. You can pop some of these on the sides from where they spawn while shaper is doing his beam and you are waiting for him to take the full damage from your traps. Shaper Slam: I do not advise tanking this. With high end gear you will survive which is good enough for all purposes HC.
You can stay in his melee range, this fight shouldn't be too hard as long as you've got upped gems and a good life pool. Tentacle slam: Don't worry about this move, Immortal call will protect you. Elder Slam: When you see elder spin around to release a bunch of black spikes, he is going into a slam, you don't want to get hit by this one. Drain: A saturated flask will do just fine. If your immortal call is active you won't take damage. Keep in mind that you might want to let your mana grow back some if partly depleted before considering tanking things like his rising slam if he is building into that.
Vaal: Don't eat lightning beam & slam. Throw traps n keep phase runed. Trio: Kill Dual striker, then cycloner, then tentacle woman (same order for T16 Vaal temple). Queen: Don't eat double flameblast/storm calls. You should be able to tank the split phase just fine. Don't use all your traps in one go during the minion healing phase.
-HoGM Completion: Set damage traps 1-2 of each on the left, middle, right. Cast Phase run. Active mobs. Step back. Keep Phase Runned, no one will attack you. Repeat. Hall of twisted: DanzGG - lightning arrows guy - is here. Though you shouldn't get hit by this guy, just be aware this guy can hit hard, best is if you are doing the map with 100% reduced extra crit dmg taken. Hall of heroes: There is a scorching ray guy here. The range is about the same if not longer than your trap throwing range. Be careful not to walk into the SR, this guy sometimes keep channeling, have your dousing flask on your panic button. Flame Sentinels/zombie summoner - This one's somewhere in the map, the lag is a huge problem for me more than anything else. 1 trap is all you need, throw one, doesn't have to be directly on them as it is aoe, keep phase runed, and you should be fine. Essence Drain guy - He's also at the end somewhere so look out for the slow moving projectile. If you are hit I suggest you log/portal out on HC, though you probably wouldn't get hit so long as you stay aware of this guy. Aegis - these guys aren't a problem from what I have experienced//The trap damage is indeed blockable, but the damage seems to be high enough that you will be able to kill these guys without needing to use SR
Izaro - I found it quite fine doing merc izaro at lv 75 without tabula, only 3 links (FTT - LST - Controlled Destruction - Trap&Mine damage) was enough. For uber go when you have enough EHP, most importantly is your gem levels. Kitava - Same thing here, having high gem levels helps alot. You can do kitava after merc izaro, I'd suggest using a tabula for this fight. Shaper Guardians - I do not suggest doing these on any sort of added damage/no regen maps. And if the map has a crit mod, you are going to want reduced extra dmg from crits ready.
leveled an old scion I had and geared her with make shift gears, the whole of which one can acquire within one week on a new league. Guardians & Shaper -
This vid shows how to run guardians & shaper with this build on HC. In it my gems aren't maxed and I've no damage jewels except unstable payload. The damage output in this video is significantly less than a fully setup version. You can see in there how rallying cry is not so reliable at times and so it is important to get the dmg taken from mana jewels for better results(watcher's eye mod does not work atm, do not use the watcher's eye mod for this purpose). Another big boost is having increased duration elder boots which I did not have on mine, that will boost cry/vig strike and trap duration all of which makes you alot stronger than what's shown. It doesn't take much to see from the video that I am not a very good player, and that is part of the point is that this build makes the harder contents accessible to be enjoyed for your avg skilled player, you can be clumsy, forgetful and still the build will pull you thru. This was actually my fourth time fighting shaper with the first three used on testing bullet hell, I realized that on HC it may not be the best idea to tank thru BH without zana bubble, the beta version I ran survives thru it because it had dodge, the safest route to go if the bubble is down is simply to log out (unless your gears/jewels/etc are all maxed then maybe you can try tanking thru it in a corner.
HoGM - Elder - Последняя редакция: SIQI#7936. Время: 6 дек. 2018 г., 19:38:06
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A beta version vid would be great along with a POB code/link.
A few words on what the build does, I didn't really understand what is so special about it from the current guide. |
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Pastebins below with maxed out gears set. Additional notes on dps/gearing/etc can be found in notes section in PoB.
Trapper (showcased version)
Melee (Molten Strike) variant For all things SC this one is probably going to be alot better. 75/75 block with both life&es aegis effect along with massive LGoH+leech/regen makes this alot more capable of doing things like delve effectively. The gearing is a bit more expensive to get started with and so I would not run this as a first character. Overall EHP is less but will work well enough with a mana guardian to go thru the toughest contents. Biggest down side is that it has more flask management involved, is not immune to reflect and must be still to do damage. Последняя редакция: SIQI#7936. Время: 4 дек. 2018 г., 11:46:44