[3.6] The Shimmeron Killer | Lightning Trickster | Everything explodes | Budget friendly
“Fate whispers to the Warrior, 'A storm is coming. Can you withstand the storm ?' And the Warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm.' ![]() Hello Exiles, with this build, we unleash the full potential of lightning powers. This is what I call the Triple Storm : Orb of Storms, Storm Burst and Storm Brand. PROS ![]() - Good clearspeed, particularly in Delve Encounters. You cast Orb of Storms and Storm Brand, and watch those rains of Plummeting Ursas just explode. - High DPS against bosses. 1M+ DPS and 1,5M+ fully buffed. Easy Guardians, Shaper down. - Unexpensive : < 10 ex. Only expensive item is the body armour : 6ex for a 6-link. 1 ex for a 5-link. CONS - Can be squishy - No-go mods : elem reflect - Unsafe mods : no regen / no leech - Annoying mod : x% chance to avoid ailments (less clearspeed) This build is for those who do not like Arc/Mines builds and prefer to do the job themselves, going all Palpatine-style with self-cast powers (ULTIMATE POWER !!!) Obliterate everything on screen and walk on the smoking corpses of your enemies. CLASS/ASCENDANCY Trickster * Ghost Dance + Escape Artist : More ES and Evasion + Dodge and cast speed. * Swift Killer : more DPS with +1 power and frenzy charges. * Weave the Arcane : Cast speed and free movement skills Other option would be Assassin : more DPS but less defense overall. And possibly some mana issues, as the skills we use require lots of mana, which we get with Weave the Arcane. I'm sure Elementalist/Inquisitor could also do great. GEAR Safe version : The best all around weapon : cheap (30-35c for a average roll), inc cast speed and more lightning damages. Dangerous version : With 7 power charges up, Shimmeron Wand gives us : * +70% crit multi * +(21-63) lightning damage to spells * +2.1% base crit chance * +14% chance to block spell dmg Caution advice : Shimmeron inflicts you 200*7= 1400 lightning dmg/sec for 4 sec when you crit. Perfect roll of +10% crit multi / power charge is worth 1ex at least. To counteract the degen, we use : Unnatural Calm on the skill tree : +1% max lightning res. + Purity of Lightning : +4% max lightning res, for a total of 80% lightning res. You could also get a level 23 Purity of Lightning for 81% max res. > Doryani's Delusion boots can give you a level 25. > You can link a lvl21 + Empower lvl3 (much cheaper than a lvl 20 with Empower 4). + Ethereal Feast node on the tree for spell dmg leech as ES + some life regen on the stuff. + Energy leech support on our spells. + An Elder ring with Warlord Mark on Hit > You can also check this very good build, a Trickster with two Shimmeron wands, which uses the unique Soul Tether belt + Atziri's Acuity gloves to improve leeching. I don't always use the Shimmeron for farming, because you don't need that much DPS against mobs. So why put your life in danger when the additionnal DPS is not necessary ? Between the Singularity and the Shimmeron, we have the Void Battery. More DPS than the former, less than the latter but it does not inflict you any damage. I also have these alternate weapons : the wand is equivalent to an inferior Void Battery ; the sword is equivalent to an inferior Shimmeron and the Sceptre is like an average Shimmeron The wand I've found, must be 50c top. The sword 2ex and the Sceptre, at least 15ex. Thx to Filipciuccristian for crafting the Sceptre ! For levelling, I've used this good all-around shield : Prices vary a lot whether the rolls are good or not : from 2c to 60c or more. Uber Elder has dropped me this marvelous shield, so this is now the one I'm using : It has everything we need : life, ES, Spell damage, tri-res, mana regen and some block/dodge. Of course, we also need : Shock immunity, shocked mobs explode and additionnal lighning dmg if you've shock recently. 3.5 has nerfed this item to 5% of mobs life dmg as lightning damage when they explode. Mine is legacy 7% and has pretty good rolls. Any pre-3.4 version with+ 6%+ is at least 2ex base price (meaning with 2 sockets...). For a good 6-link, 6ex or more. Rings : Mark of the Shaper + Elder ring with Warlord Mark on Hit. On the rest of the stuff (gloves, boots, belt, amulet), nothing too special, just the usual : life, ES, life regen, spell dmg, res etc. And now, my friends, it's time to unleash the power of lightning !! FARMING WITH ORB OF STORMS We blast nearby mobs with Orb of Storms. I was using this skill as a support to my main attacks, just to put a curse on enemies, but then I realised it was actually quite powerful. So I decided to buff it and now, it has become my farming skill. Run, put the Orb, run and watch your screen EXPLODE. I've socketed the skill in this unique Helmet : Gems setup : Orb of Storms + Arcane surge lvl 10 + Elem Proliferation + Energy Leech Arcane Surge lvl10 procs when we spend 64 mana. With this setup, Orb of Storms costs 50 mana, so we get Surge every two Orbs. The Tempest's Binding gives us free Innervate + Ice Bite for Frenzy charges. Some cold dmg are cool, since we have lot of crit, so it will chill/freeze some mobs even before they explode. This helmet also gives us the Harbinger of Storm : « The minion will occasionally apply a Chill or Shock to an enemy that chains to other nearby enemies. » Against mobs, you can also use a 3L Storm Brand : Storm Brand + Conc Effect + Elem Proliferation Particularly useful in Delve Encounters, against those rains of Plummeting Ursas, for instance. KILLING BOSSES Against rare/bosses, you can use two skills : - Lightning Tendrils : faster since you immediately get the full DPS, but you gotta be in melee range, so that is a risk since we are not tanky. Furthermore, LT damages are very unpredictable. At level 20, most skills have a 1.5 ratio between min and max dmg dealt. For instances, Freezing Pulse (888-1332), Flame Surge (563 to 844) or Ethereal Knives (633-949). So your DPS is quite predictable each time you use them : not much difference between hits. Now compare with Lightning Tendrils lvl20, which deals 37 to 703 dmg, a 19/1 ratio ! You can never know whether the Guardian will lose 1% or 15% of his life during the next 3sec when you are going to channel LT ! So this is a very dangerous skill to use, and when you do, it feels annoyingly clunky. On the other hand, - Storm Burst has the usual 1.5 ratio : 114 to 171 dmg per ball. Also, it has more AoE, even though it takes time to reach max stage and get full dps. But with SB, you can keep your distance during the fight. - Storm Burst : Conc Effect + Infused Channelling + Elem Focus + Energy Leech + Physical to Lightning - Lightning Tendrils : Conc Effect + Infused Channelling + Elem Focus + Energy Leech + Lightning Pen You can easily try both, as you only have to swap the skill gems and PhysToLight / Light Pen. For bosses, you should add a Wave of Conviction spell totem, to inflict them with a lightning res debuff. Wave of Conviction + Spell totem + PhysToLightning --> Put the Storm Brand on the Singularity Sceptre setup, and then weapon swap to Shimmeron with the Wave of Conviction totem. OTHER GEMS SETUP
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* CwDT + Immortal Call (+ Lightning Golem for cast speed / Chaos Golem for Phys dmg reduction / Stone Golem for life regen)
* Lightning Warp + Faster Casting + Less Duration (+ Swift Affliction for even more speed) AURAS - Purity of Lightning - Wrath (+ Enlighten lvl3-4) Add a Watcher's Eye : Damage Penetrates 10-15% lightning res while affected by Wrath. You can swap PoLightning with Zealotry : more DPS, less survivability (more degen due to the Shimmeron), more mana reserved. ![]() FLASKS Thanks to the Inpulsa, you can use the Vinktar flask without getting shocked. With Purity of Lightning, your Lightning Res should be higher than Fire and Cold, so you can also use a Wise Oak flask for Elem Penetration. PANTHEON
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- Arakaali for inc recovery of life and ES after DoT.
- Tukohama for life regen, while standing for channelling skills. CURRENT GEARING
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PRICES I think this build is quite budget friendly. All in all, the only expensive item is the 6-link Inpulsa : 6ex for a good roll. About 40-50c for each ring, 70c to 1ex for a Shimmeron wand. 60-90c for the Tempest's Binding helmet (which is not mandatory)... All the rest of the stuff depends on your budget. PoB and skill tree - https://pastebin.com/xEBf46X4 - poeurl.com/cm5r Note : PoB says I have 15% less uncapped res than I really have. I don't know why. But my ingame Cold resis is 75%, while PoB says 60%. * Thanks for reading. You can check my other build on the forum : Dual-dagger Blade Flurry Assassin, physical-chaos damage. Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443 Последняя редакция: rahsaan#5526. Время: 11 мая 2019 г., 8:12:26 Last bumped6 мая 2019 г., 13:19:36
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" I'll be the judge of that! |
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Let me know how you feel with the build ;)
- Done some improvements to gem setups and the overall presentation of the build. Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443 Последняя редакция: rahsaan#5526. Время: 7 дек. 2018 г., 9:23:29
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Yeah, 3.6 is here, and with it, some long due improvements for us self-casters !
We get no less than 3 sources of buffs : 1) new gems, 2) new node and 3) reworked Trickster Ascendancy ! First, we can enjoy the two brand new supports gems : Energy Leech + Infused Channeling. We buff ourselves with a stronger Orb of Storms, we farm mobs with the reworked Storm Burst skill, and we now near the million DPS mark with Lightning Tendrils against bosses. New gems setup : - Orb of Storms + Arcane Surge lvl.11 + Innervate + Energy Leech - Storm Burst : + Energy Leech + Infused Channelling + AoE/Conc.Effect. - Lightning Tendrils + Energy Leech + Infused Channelling + Light Pen. + Elem Focus + AoE/Conc Effect. Then, as far as the skill tree is concerned, we use two new clusters located between Shadow and Witch : Lucidity, for stun protection while channelling and Ethereal Feast for improved ES leech. I'll make a more complete update of main msg after some more testing with the reworked Ascendancy nodes. Anyway, 3.6 looks very promising and I hope you'll enjoy this reworked build. Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443 Последняя редакция: rahsaan#5526. Время: 9 марта 2019 г., 10:03:11
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Skill tree doesn't open... i really wanted to see it :X
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" Sry, I've just seen your posts ! I have made a lot of changes to the build and I have a lot of updates to make to the first message. But, here's the PoB link and the tree : PoB link : https://pastebin.com/5ZZj64fX Skill tree : poeurl.com/cm5r Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443 Последняя редакция: rahsaan#5526. Время: 24 апр. 2019 г., 18:53:18
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Complete update of the build :
- Gem setup for farming and bossing - Gearing - Budget infos - PoB and skill tree links - Flasks, Pantheon... Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
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Hey there!
I started playing again on ps4 when it dropped. My build was pretty close but I use this guide as kind of a reference point if I feel like I’m lacking in certain departments. I also play league so I can’t get all the same stuff. My gear is almost the same but the ps4 market is wayyyy out of whack. ( 20 exalted for non 6 or linked impulsas. Haven’t quite pushed to elders yet at t11 maps. I’m wondering if you’ve ever considered taking the hit on some energy shield and running Surge-binders dex/str gloves you might not need the dps like I did but they seem to fit very nicely into shadow dps ramping let me know what you think. Also due to lack of inpulsas I’m running varnished coat which really just dominates anything in a close proximity I obviously see how inpulsas is better but it is a good alternative for someone who’s not sitting on 20 exalts yet ^_^. Otherwise I love the guide would you mind telling me your base defense stats I’m sure you’re capped at elemental but like energy shield/ evasion / hp? Thanks a bunch! |
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" Hi, thx for your msg. When you say "Varnished Coat", I guess you mean the Carcass Jack unique. It must be very powerful if you use Storm Burst / Lightning Tendrils with it. A good alternative for Inpulsa to be sure, since it has nice EVA / ES stats. But be aware though that Orb of Storms is not really an AoE spells, as it does not do area damage : it hits enemies with lightning arcs, so the damage will not be affected by the Carcass, only the width of the aura. Now, Inpulsa allows you to make shocked mobs explode : it does clear faster and safer, but you can make do without it. I think Carcass allows more safety against bosses, since you get a larger AoE. I've used the Surgebinders gloves for a while. They synergize very well with this build in terms of DPS ; but i've found they lack life / ES and elem resis, which I needed badly. My current stats : - 4,7k life - 2,7k ES - 28% evade chance It's good but not that much. More would be nice, less than that would be insufficient for endgame. + 80% lightning resis Thanks to this other build, I've discovered this belt : In standard market on PC, it costs 5-10c, so if it's not too expensive on PS4, you could try it out : you begin level without ES but when your life is full, the life leech goes on and refills your ES ! An excellent feature as you need a lot of regen in combat. With this, your ES will be full most of the time, and it helps a lot for the degen dealt by the Shimmeron. Hopes it helps and gl hf :) Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443 Последняя редакция: rahsaan#5526. Время: 27 апр. 2019 г., 7:08:26
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I was just wondering how this performs with Arc? I would assume that it works well considering you can use lightning tendrils
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