[3.5] COLD ARC Trapper - "4 Link" - BUDGET - Shaper Viable

ARC is good. But with the noise of shattering the packs, is better.

- Insane Damage
- Really Budget
- Excellent Starter Build.
- Does not need a 6 Link Armor!
- With more investment, can shatter everything!
- Low Life Pool
- Squish
- Another Arc Build
Mind Over Matter
Born In The Shadows


Path of Building:
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This ring will convert part of your Lightning Damage in Cold Damage

Look for Shaped Helmet with Hypothermia and Trap Mine Damage for make your "Fake" 6 Link.
If find with Life and 1 Resistance, for a low price, just buy and reserve.
I bought this one for 30 chaos. So keep looking in Trade sites.

Essence Worm + Clear Mind Combo for more mana pool to MoM

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ARC + Trap Support + Cluster Traps + Increased Critical Strikes

Lighting Spire + Lighting Penetration + Concentrated Effect + Trap Mine Damage

Low Elemental Penetration: Vaal Impurity of Ice ou Lightning
High Elemental Penetration: Orb of Storm + Curse On Hit + Elemental Weakness

Bear Trap(Increased Trap Damage)

Immortal Call + Enffeble + Cast When Damage Take + Summon Ice Golem

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Search for:
Spell Damage, Trap Damage, Lighting or Cold Damage.
Critical for Spells, With Wands, or With Daggers, Lighting Skills.
Crtical Multiplier for Spells, Lighting Skills, With Wands ou With Dagger.
And of course, Maximum Life.

Expensive Itens for more improvements

Helmet with +1 Arc Chain;
Gloves with Trow Additional Trap;
Wrath Lighting Penetration Watchers Eye;

- Level 70, buy Arc LVL21. No need 20%!
- Because of 2 Rings Uniques, resistances can be a problem.
Use a Rare Body Armour with T1 Life and with a lot of Resistances. They don't cost so much without 6 Links.
- Be careful with Maps with low chance of Elemental Ailments. You need the Chill and Shock for maximum damage.
- When you pass 55% of Critical Chance. Go for Multiplier, until 450%.

More Updates Soon.
Last bumped12 дек. 2018 г., 7:40:38
i can just swap to GC with no issues if i need to right? i dont see anything id need to change
i can just swap to GC with no issues if i need to right? i dont see anything id need to change

Yes, you can. Just take off the Call of The Brotherhood, because it's function is convert Lighting to Cold. And GC scales better with Wand/Sceptre with Gains and other Jewels.
Wrath to Hatred.

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