[3.5] CCC - "Cospris Cool Crit" - Assassin | Cyclone + Ice Nova (+GC)| fast mapper and boss killer

henry4200 написал:
As it is still very early in league this guide is not in its final state. I will try to improve the guide as well as possible.

Shaper damage on a 5 link

This guide revolves around the reworked Cast On Crit Support Gem. The whole idea of this build isn't new and there seem to be a few videos/guides showcasing this build or similar ones out there but I wasn't able find any up to date guide to this exact play style. In order to fill this gap I decided to write this guide.

!!!!!!!!!NOT UP TO DATE!!!!!!!!!
I generally recommend to use this guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2285205

You might also want to check out my new guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2482139

Scion vs Assassin:
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- slayer overleech, can be helpful while mapping, during boss fights it doesnt help that much as we do not leech fast enough
- 6k+ life, not necessary imo
- cannot run ele reflect maps
- 20% increased AoE
- a bit easier to gear for as we get a lot of ele res from the tree, but this build is expansive anyways
- a bit less defensive but still quite tough
- tonns of damage, more than Scion
- more damage seems to lead to faster leech
- more crit chance results in better bossing and less dead spins
- assassin nodes are just way better than that scion stuff
- take assassin, its hust better

Some videos that showcase the build.
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Change log:
- added new videos
- added flask options for carcass jack
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- changed 12% cdr speed to 14%
- added new gem set up
- updated my own gear section
adjusted basic section
- redone gem setups
- redone passive tree
- added helmet mod thats quite good
- uptated passive trees
- removed GC from the setup as it doesnt help with damage and with clear, just left a note for those who still want it for the asthetics
- adjusted the dps calculation according to this
- chnaged the helmet options in the gear section
- added new body armor options
- reduced cdr speed recommendation to 12% down from 15%
- added Watchers Eyes in Gear Section
- added note in leveling section
- changed GC in the Cospris Malice Setup for Elemental Focus as this will increase Boss DPS but doesn't decrease fun
- removed Arctic Armour as it just works while stationary which we never are... I should start reading skill descriptions before including them into a guide ;)
- corrected some spelling mistakes hehe^^
- Added and corrected some information here and there
- rewrote Leveling Section
- rewrote Basics section
- added PoB guide
- Fixed some huge mistakes in the passive tree while adding trees for certain custom level caps
- changed ascendancy order
- added some IMPORTANT information concerning Vaal cyclone
- Changed some things in the flak section.
- Added new options for Amulet and Ring Slot as well as some new information about Cyclone
- made some changes concerning the warlords mark setup
- added notes about Vaal Skills

+ great clear speed
+ can easily shred Shaper and his Guardians
+ boss damage is great as well
+ okish survivability
+ freeze and shatter
+ delving is great fun
+ clearing incursion is very easy
+ can run reflect maps
+ huge fun, overall a great mapper
+ dont want to play Arc Traps anymore? You dont have to level a new char, just change your Ascendancy Class and tree!
+ gret gear curve, even during the end game
+ 6 link is only required to face bosses, t16 maps on 5 link are no problem

- bad league starter
- not HC or SSF viable
- quite expansive
- definitly NOT for beginners

READ THIS GUIDE CARFULLY! I highly recommend the Wiki pages of CoC and Cyclone as well!

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The main mechanic of this build is the updated Cast on Crit Support Gem paired with the Cospris Malice Sword. Go check the Wiki Page of CoC and the Sword now in case you are not yet familiar with them. This Guide originally started as GC+IN CoC build. I removed GC almost fully from the guide tho as it simply cant compete with IN only. The base damage and aoe of IN is just way better...
I will explain how CoC + Cospris work in detail because you will need it to calculate your total damage and to know what actually happens.

1. Cast on Critical Strike Support (CoC):
This gem has to be linked to an attack skill and at least one spell skill (we will use Ice Nova). As soon as the attack skill deals a critical strike the first in order spell skill will be triggered. The order is as following:
o o -> 1 2
o o -> 3 4
o o -> 5 6
There is a cooldown between each spell cast which is 0.15 seconds (6.67 casts per second). So when the first spell is triggered the spell which comes after it will be triggered after 0.15 seconds. Spells are not triggered at once!

2. Cospri's Malice:
Works basically like the CoC gem:
Socketed Cold Spells will be triggered on dealing a critical strike with an melee attack skill. Exactly like with a CoC Gem the spells are triggered in order:
o -> 1
o -> 2
o -> 3

There is a cooldown between each cast of 0.15 seconds as well (6.67 casts per second).

All together we trigger a lot of spells in a very short time!

The attack skill we are using to trigger these effects is Cyclone due to its high attack speed and attack range. It works great with high movement speed as well.
Cyclone hits twice per spin/attack. When we can cast 6.67 times a second we want Cyclone to attack at least 3.335 times a second.

Some advanced notes on Cyclone:
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Once triggered Cyclone will start spinning for a certain time. During this phase you cannot do anything else but spinning. The first hit on an enemy during this phase will define whether the remaining hits on this enemy will be critical too or not. That means it might happen that you do not deal a single crit during a series of spins to for example a boss although you have a crit chance of 90%+ - in this case the first hit simply wasnt a crit. But the "no crit" brand of a spin doesn't count for the spin itself but for the enemy that wasnt hit critically. All enemies that you hit during a spin have their own chance of being hit critical or not and will save this result for the rest of attacks during this spin.

All of this is very important when using Vaal Cyclone. Basically VC is a very good Skill to kill bosses. But there is a chance that the first Vaal Cyclone hit wont be critical which means that all following wont as well. Now you are spinning without dealing damage which means no leech... that can be pretty dangerous. Use VC on your own risk ;)

As the whole mechanic of this build revolves around crit chance we have to get a lot of it. This will ensure smooth and fun gameplay. Remember that stacking crit chance for spells wont serve this purpose, it will only make our spells deal more damage, but wont make them trigger more often.
Crit chance is gained from following sources:
1. Tree
2. Lycosidae, that gives 100% Hit Chance
3. Diamond Rings
4. Rat's Nest
5. Cospris Malice
6th and most important: the Ascendancy Class!
7. Diamond FLask of course
Crit chance on Jewels shouldnt be required.

Offensive Mechanics:
Sources of Damage:
We only deal cold damage. Other tags that help scaling our damage are Area Damage, Cold Damage, Physical Damage, Spell Damage
biggest power spikes:
- Added Cold Damage by Cospri's Malice
- Critical Strike Multiplier
- Frost Bomb for reduced Cold Resistance
- Upgrading Gems to 21, especially Ice Nova
- Lycosidae: 100% Hit chnance results in a higher crit chance
- increased cooldown recovery speed
- Support Gems: Concentrated Effect, Cold Penetration and Hypothermia
- Vortex+Bonechill+Frost Bomb makes enemies take much more cold damage
- Ancestral Protector boost our attack speed for bosses
- we do not have to increase the damage of Cyclone as it only serves us to hit critically as often as possible, just look for its crit chance! Scaling its attack speed

Defensive Mechanics:
Primarily we are evading/dodging attacks and spells. Sources for this are:
Passive Tree:
- Acrobatics
- Phase Acrobatics
- x% increased Evasion Nodes
- Dexterity
- Life nodes
- implicit Evasion stat on rares and uniques (mainly QotF and Rat's Nest)
- Focus mod on Boots give additional attack dodge chance
- explicit evasion mods on rare gear should not be required but isn't bad
- Stibnite and Jade Flask are pretty much the most important evasion buffs
- Stibnite Flask makes near enemies blind which makes them hit 50% less

Life comes from the tree and jewels. Try to get some good life mods on your gear. A lot more than 5500 hp is hard to obtain I think. Aim for x% increased Life or +x to Life on all of your Jewels!

To prevent being one-hitted from physical damage we should stack some physical damage reduction too.
You can gain it by:
- Endurance Charges by using Warlords Mark Curse
- Focus mod on Gloves
- Molten Shell (+CwDT) gives some armor and flat damage prevention
- Pantheon

Another important part is how we gain back the life we might loose when we get hit.
We choose Life Leech over Life regenration. Best source is the Warlords Mark curse.
Sources that may support our Leech:
- Focus Mod on rare Amulet
- Carnages Heart
As long as you are leeching you are basicly immortl!

As soon as you think you deal enough damage you can swap out all the focus mods as you will leech enough damage.

Movement Mechanics:

We are using Cyclone which means, we are always moving and never standing still, keep that in mind! Movement speed is primarily obtained by wearing the Queen of the Forrest and pretty much mandatory to make Cyclone feel good.
But we will need more sources of MS next to QotF:
- Onslaught (either by a jewel or by the gem connected to Herald of Ice) - 20%
- Ascendancy - 20%
- Boots - 30%
- Quicksilver Flask - 70% (including explicit mod)
- Pantheon - 14%
There is one special information to add, if you read the Wiki entry of Cyclone you can skip that. Movement speed means we make a certain distance faster but not that we attack more often during this time. Travelling the same distance slow will make us hit more often in this distance. More movement speed means less attacks. So going low on ms during boss fight can be good stratagy.

In cases we dont have any flask charges we can use Leap Slam + Faster Attacks to quickly move around. By using Leap Slam stacking Attack Speed is even more attractive.

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Rat's Nest: Crit Chance, Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Evasion... choose it for more speed.
Starkonjas: best option becuase of the survivability.
Devotos: For 20% movement speed which is 10% more than Rat's Nest... Choose this for mapping only
Rare Helmet: Evasion base with good Life (and resists), Added Cold Damage to Spells, -# to enemies cold resistance
Enchants: Basicly all Enchants that affects Ice Nova are good. I would prefer the pure damage one tho.

Body Armor:
Queen of The Forrest: Great for movement speed, best option for mapping only
Carcass Jack: More AoE (Damage), but that much AoE is not necessary in my opinion, only a nice to have. Clear speed is still fine, QotF adds just a bit of total mapping speed. When you decide to play with Carcass respec the flask nodes and choose the Carcass Jack flask set up.
Loreweave: Best defensive option I think. Pick this one if you want to face some nasty bosses like Shaper/Uber Elder.

(Bronns Lithe is not an option btw, we do not need the attackspeed and damage on Cyclone is senseless as well. +2 level for Movement Skills isn't that good as well, because we only benefit from Cyclone on Lvl 21, 22 and 23 or 24 is not necessary)

Main hand:
Cospri's Malice: Best Option if not mandatory. Gives us another CoC Setupt, Crit and Flat Cold Damage (3D Art looks absolutely amazing as well!!!!)

Off Hand:
Lycosidae: Best in Slot because of "Hits can't be Evaded", which gives us even more crit chance

Rare Gloves: Life, Resists, Attack Speed, Additional Physical Damage Reduction while Focussed OR 20% phys to cold conversion which would save you 1 Skill point! There is another great mod: x& increased damage with hits against chilled Enemies.
Hrimsorrow: Is a good alternative if you don't need resisits and life, because it can safe you 3 Skillpoints...

Rare Boots: Movement Speed, Life, Resits, Chance to Dodge Attack Hits while Focussed
- 16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently
- Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently
- 8% chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've taken Spell Damage Recently
Those are all fine.

Rare Belt: Socket, Life, Resits, (Attributes if requiered), at least 14% Cooldown Recovery Speed (get up to 7,69 casts per second from 6,67 cps) or Increased Flask effect on you (increases Movement Speed) or Flask Effect Duration

Rare Amulet: Life, Resists, Crit Chance, Crit Multiplier, Spell Dmage, Dex/Int/Strength if required, You have Vaal pact while Focussed - 10% of Damage Leeched as Life while Focussed (more information about Focus in Gem section) or +1 to meele weapon range (adds nice AoE to Cyclone which is very usefull), #% Coold Damage Leeched as Life
The Pandemonius: is a great option for damage and survivability due to its blind effect, at the moment it is very expansive tho (5ex+). I will definitely start using it as soon as I got the ex for it.

Diamond Rings: Life, Resists, Crit Chance, Crit Multiplier if you've shattered an Enemy recently
Rare Ring: same as above but there are some nice delve/elder/shaper mods to go for with higher budget:
- Elder Mod: Curse Enemies with Level X Warlord's Mark on Hit (can be paired with Mark of the Shaper)
- Delve Mod: x% of Cold Damage Leeched as Life
- Shaper Mod: Life Gained for each Enemy hit by your Spells
Best option would be getting all of those mods on a shaped/elder Diamond Ring base... thats what I dream of at night ;)

ALWAYS KEEP YOUR RESISTANCES IN MIND, this is a unique heavy build so you will need a lot of resists on your rare gear!

Devine Life Flask with Beelding Mod
Diamond Flask with Freeze Mod
Stibnite Flask with Curse Immunity
Jade Flask with Increased Evasion Mod
Quicksilver Flask with Increased Movement Speed
! Make sure to get the rolls of the explicit mods as high as possible as this can make a huge diffrence in movement speed! Make sure to get the flask nodes in the top tree early as they improve you MS by a lot!

For Carcass Jack:
Life Flask
Granite Flask
Diamond Flask
Jade Flask
Cinderswallow Urn with crti chance

Crit Multiplier
Attack Speed
Area Damage
Cold Damage
flat Phys/Cold to Spells

Skill Tree/Ascendancy/Pantheon etc.:
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Skill tree:
Level 95: www.poeurl.com/cdzQ
Level 91: www.poeurl.com/cdzM (you shouldn't go lower)
Old trees (a bit more defensive, much less damage tho...)
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Level 95: www.poeurl.com/ccUQ
Level 91: www.poeurl.com/ccUS (you shouldn't go lower)

Leave Alira alive or pick 2 Skill points, you can get some nice things with those.

in the following order:
1. Unstable Infusion
2. Ambush and Assassinate: 99% crit Chance on first hit and last hits as well as Culling Strike...
3. Deadly Infusion: Even more crit chance and multiplier
4. Opportunistic: Nice movement speed, boss damage and basically no reflected damage anymore

- Soul of Lunaris, as we are cycloning into mobs we always have a lot of monsters around us and projectiles are often very dangerous to as they come in your count and not all of them will be evaded/dodged
- Soul of Garukhan, even more evade chance and movement speed
- Soul of Yugul when running reflect maps

Gem Setups:
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Cospri's Malice Setups:

Most Fun: You got GC for the fanciness and FB and IN for damage
Glacial Cascade 21/20 - Ice Nova 21/20 - Frost Bolt21/20

Most Damage: This way you just cast endless FBs that deal damage and create vortexes that deal damage as well... quite FPS heavy fromt itime to time tho
Frost Bolt - Ice Nova 21/20 - Greater Multiple Projectiles 21/20

Most IN Action: If you want IN only for whatever reason^^
Elemental Focus 21/20 - Ice Nova 21/20 - Concentrated Effect 21/20

Life Leech Support Gem: swap out warlords mark for enfeeble. Thats actually a more tanky way to get your leech. Hexproof maps arent a problem anymore, but you should get some mana leech nodes in the tree! Do not use this for boss fights like shaper because you do not leech as much damage as with wm with this setup!
Life Leech Support 21/20 - Ice Nova 21/20 - Frost Bolt 21/20

Body Armor:
Vaal Cyclone 21/20 - Ice Nova 21/20 - Hypothermia 21/20- Cast on Critical Strike 21/20 - Concentrated Effect 21/20 - Cold Penetration 21/20
- (Increased Area of Effect 21/20 for mapping)

Some notes on the Area of Effect of Cyclone:
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Area of effect is scaled by attack range obove everything else. You character itself has a range of 2. Your weapon has a range of 12 and the gem itself adds 2 additional range. Level 21 Cyclone has a range of 3. That makes a cyclone range of 17. By allocating the AoE wheel in the tree we get up to 19 range. Using Increased Are of Effect Support will result in additonal +3 range for Cyclone while increaing the AoE of IN at the same time - great for mapping, but dont out IAoE in the Cospris Setup as this wont affect Cyclone. Increasing the Cyclone Gems quality to 20% will give you +1 range. So we end up in 23 range.

But why does range matter?
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- 4-Link: Cast when Damage Taken 1 - Immortal Call 3- Frost bomb - Ancestral Protector

- 3-Link: Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Fortify

- 4-Link: Herald of Ice - Onslaught - Blasphemy - Warlord Mark

- Utility:Blood Rage, Lightning Golem, Vortex, Bonechill Support

- Focus: Don't forget to put Focus in you skill bar. As you might have noticed in the gear section I am using quite a lot of them, mostly in a defensive way. Especially the Leech mod matters to me. I usually trigger it during boss fights, as these are currently pretty dangerous.

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Leveling with CoC is impossible as we do not have access to enough crit and some core items like Cospris Malice.
You should choose your own way to level this character. There are 4 pillars that matter while leveling: Gems, Gear, Tree, Movement.

1. Tree: You can level this build as Trapper with the Saboteur Ascendancy if you have the currency to respec at Level 68. As this is very expansive I recommend to follow the tree as shown in the guide. Of course you can take some roundabout ways if this will improve your current situation.
2. Gems: most important - chose a skill that can carry you to level 68 without the need of support from the tree.
We only get crit chance, cold damage and spell damage from the basic tree. So picking a cold spell is a good idea but not that much better than anything else. For me Arc turned out to be the most powerful and most fun option. At Act 5 my suitability was that much lackluster that I went for Arc Totem which is a bit more defensive.
Another good way to find a suitable skill is reading similar build guides or league starter guides.
3. Movement: Of course you should use a Quicksilver Flask. As this was to slow for meIpicked Brightbeak as main weapon an Leapslam+Faster attacks as movement skill which worked fine for me.
4. Gear: Simply choose the common leveling uniques: Tabula Rasa, 2x Praxis Ring, Goldrim Cap, Wanderlust Boots, Anxiom as off hand, Brightbeak as mainhand (or two Anxioms).

Thats all I can tell you. I will add a the leveling set up that I used but worked rather bad then good. It took me about 10 hours and 90 deaths...

Just keep mind to level all the gems that are required later. Especially gems like IN (x2), Cold penetration, Increased Crit Support, Concentrated Effect.

What comes after leveling? Well, the build starts basicly with level 68. Of course you should have all the mandatory gear already purchased. Start wearing QotF (5-link at least) and lycosidae, Cospris Malice and Rat's Nest. Put all the gems where they belong and start mapping. As alway it might feel uncommon to play a new build. Just atke your time to get used to the play style.
You will very likely not have eough critical strike chance at the beginning. Use the Increased Critical Strikes Gem until you have at least 50% crit chance an Cyclone (without Diamond Flask, without enemy beeing full life or low life)!

My leveling setup:
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Goldrim, Praxis, Tabula Rasa, Brightbeak, Anxiom, Lochtonials Gloves, rare Amulet and Belt.
Tabu Gems: Arc, Spell Totem, Multiple Spells + any support gems that are best option regarding to PoB (can't remember them, sorry^^)
Other nice stuff: Storm Brand+Onslaught, Leap Slam+Faster Attacks, CwtD+Immortal Call+Molten Shell, Enfeeble+Blasphemy... that kind of stuff, maybe you are more creative than me.

Quick PoB tutorial:
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The Problem with PoB is that it doesn't show the combined damage of all Spells at once. Even the DPS of the spells connected to CoC isn't fully visible. To fix that I have prepared a quick guide. After this I will explain how to calculate your the total amount of damage that you can deal per second!

First of all: to display the DPS of IN in the CoC setup just unselect the CoC gem. To compensate the spell dmage multiplier from CoC just add the same mod to any item. Remember that CoC casts a spell every 0.15 (or any lower number if you have cdrs, check your cooldown by selecting cyclone as main skill) second. Obviously thats a much higher cast speed than what PoB thinks our cast speed is. To corrrect this we just add a cast speed mod on any item until the cast speed is about 6.67, its been 352% increased cast speed for me. Now PoB displays the correct dps vlaues.
When checking IN socketed in Cospris you have to remove the spell damage mod that you just added on an item.

Now just sum up the DPS of your CoC Set Up and your Cospris Set Up.
I you have more than one Spell in any of thse setups you will have to devide your total amount of damage by the amount of spells after summing up all of their DPS values.

Calculating my current DPS:
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Make sure to set up your config correctly (I did not check enemy is on full/low life) and to check your gear for any red colored mods (like crit multi if shattered recently, compensate such mods like the spell damage and cast speed mods)!
1. Remove CoC
2. Add Cast Speed and Spell Damage modifier to any Item.
3. Note the Damage of IN:
- IN: 519,800
4. Remove the Spell Damage Modifier, keep the Cast Speed Modifier
5. Check IN DPS in your Cospris Setup
- IN: 291,700
6. IN+IN=INtotal
- INtotal = 811,500

Some more crazy complicated shit:
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Just kidding ;*

sorry for the grindgy name btw, that was the only catchy pun that came to my mind ^^ creating a pun is very hard if it is not your main language ;)

Последняя редакция: henry4200#7090. Время: 6 апр. 2019 г., 16:17:27
Last bumped8 марта 2019 г., 18:30:40
What would you use instead of the heavy Uniques (Rats, QotF, Lyco mainly)
I've been lucky today, got Poet's Pen, Atziri's Mirror and now a Cospris, so I was wondering. I like the idea of CoC, so I was wondering what other (Non-)Uniques you could use there.
As explanation to me asking: I'm going through the SSF Struggle cause why not.

Any help would be appreciated, have a good one ;)

Edit: What Bandit would you suggest? Alira seems fine, but after checking out the Skill Tree, it seems you picked +2pts? Why so, what would you improve upon getting those 2 extra points?

Also: Your opinion on GC - Ice Nova - Frostbolt linked into Cospris, since FB and IN have a pretty nifty interaction. Could help clear, no?
Последняя редакция: Xangar_Ferbar#1018. Время: 17 дек. 2018 г., 2:10:55
Xangar_Ferbar написал:
What would you use instead of the heavy Uniques (Rats, QotF, Lyco mainly)
I've been lucky today, got Poet's Pen, Atziri's Mirror and now a Cospris, so I was wondering. I like the idea of CoC, so I was wondering what other (Non-)Uniques you could use there.
As explanation to me asking: I'm going through the SSF Struggle cause why not.

Any help would be appreciated, have a good one ;)

Edit: What Bandit would you suggest? Alira seems fine, but after checking out the Skill Tree, it seems you picked +2pts? Why so, what would you improve upon getting those 2 extra points?

Also: Your opinion on GC - Ice Nova - Frostbolt linked into Cospris, since FB and IN have a pretty nifty interaction. Could help clear, no?

Playing CoC without a high crit chance is a big struggle. So playing wihtout Lycosidae and Rats Nets is pretty difficult i think. Additionally you dont have a QotF so this build will feel very bad for you. This really isnt a SSF build, sorry.
Последняя редакция: henry4200#7090. Время: 17 дек. 2018 г., 5:55:24
henry4200 написал:
Xangar_Ferbar написал:
What would you use instead of the heavy Uniques (Rats, QotF, Lyco mainly)
I've been lucky today, got Poet's Pen, Atziri's Mirror and now a Cospris, so I was wondering. I like the idea of CoC, so I was wondering what other (Non-)Uniques you could use there.
As explanation to me asking: I'm going through the SSF Struggle cause why not.

Any help would be appreciated, have a good one ;)

Edit: What Bandit would you suggest? Alira seems fine, but after checking out the Skill Tree, it seems you picked +2pts? Why so, what would you improve upon getting those 2 extra points?

Also: Your opinion on GC - Ice Nova - Frostbolt linked into Cospris, since FB and IN have a pretty nifty interaction. Could help clear, no?

Playing CoC without a high crit chance is a big struggle. So playing wihtout Lycosidae and Rats Nets is pretty difficult i think. Additionally you dont have a QotF so this build will feel very bad for you. This really isnt a SSF build, sorry.

I know I won't reach the capability of QotF-Movespeed, hence me asking for alternatives. Thanks to Bestiary, it's not THAT hard to grind the necessary Uniques over time, so I was asking for substitutes in the meantime.
And, just neglecting the gear-choices, I'd still love to hear your input on the Bandit/Gemlink I provided. :)
Xangar_Ferbar написал:

I know I won't reach the capability of QotF-Movespeed, hence me asking for alternatives. Thanks to Bestiary, it's not THAT hard to grind the necessary Uniques over time, so I was asking for substitutes in the meantime.
And, just neglecting the gear-choices, I'd still love to hear your input on the Bandit/Gemlink I provided. :)

Just use some rare gear with defensive stats. Get crit/attack speed/movement speed whereever you can.
I once put frost bolt in my cospris malice but nothing special happened, but i think it will help clearing.
I took alira, because we a are greatly benefiting from those stats... you can take 2 skillpoints as well.
Последняя редакция: henry4200#7090. Время: 17 дек. 2018 г., 8:01:31
i can't stay up with life... the only way is activate focus but is only each 12 secs.
What can i do?
Последняя редакция: PaninoAlPinguino#4250. Время: 17 дек. 2018 г., 9:22:23
PaninoAlPinguino написал:
i can't stay up with life... the only way is activate focus but is only each 12 secs.
What can i do?

depends on what level you are, check to get all life nodes in the tree and get the jewel sockets for jewels with at least 5% life or 30 Life dadded. Be sure that your evasion ration is over 60% and that you got acrobatics and phas acrobatics in the tree. And of course CAP YOUR RESISTANCES ;)

Make sure that you have warlords mark somehow in your setup, that how you get back your life...
And check your flasks, life flask, both evasion flasks, freez and bleeding flask...

Be sure that your crit chance is high enough as well, if you do not crit/trigger your spells you wont leech enough damage... The focus mod on the amulet is very imortant for leeching while boss killing.
Последняя редакция: henry4200#7090. Время: 17 дек. 2018 г., 14:38:06
henry4200 написал:
Xangar_Ferbar написал:

I know I won't reach the capability of QotF-Movespeed, hence me asking for alternatives. Thanks to Bestiary, it's not THAT hard to grind the necessary Uniques over time, so I was asking for substitutes in the meantime.
And, just neglecting the gear-choices, I'd still love to hear your input on the Bandit/Gemlink I provided. :)

Just use some rare gear with defensive stats. Get crit/attack speed/movement speed whereever you can.
I once put frost bolt in my cospris malice but nothing special happened, but i think it will help clearing.
I took alira, because we a are greatly benefiting from those stats... you can take 2 skillpoints as well.

So just basic rare stuff, no Unique substitutes, got it.

And thanks for clearing up the rest aswell, will keep you updated on how I'm doing (so others might follow up) (atleast if you want me to, that is)

As for the IN - FB interaction, this video should clear it up for others:
Basically, IN triggers at the FB location(s).
Xangar_Ferbar написал:

As for the IN - FB interaction, this video should clear it up for others:
Basically, IN triggers at the FB location(s).

this synergy seems to be either not working with coc or just not working because you alway have your curser near your character and not near a frost bolt. Just doesnt work... at least for me.
Последняя редакция: henry4200#7090. Время: 17 дек. 2018 г., 15:09:35
henry4200 написал:
Xangar_Ferbar написал:

As for the IN - FB interaction, this video should clear it up for others:
Basically, IN triggers at the FB location(s).

this synergy seems to be either not working with coc or just not working because you alway have your curser near your character and not near a frost bolt. Just doesnt work... at least for me.

Fair enough. I'll slide it in once I can equip the Cospris and test around with it.

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