[3.6] Storm Brand MF (65%~85%) Quant 5K+ hp 1.2M dps [All map mod] [All content viable] (13Mil dps)
Hello, I love autobomber style mapping characters. With introduction to storm brand, ascendant mapper now safer, faster, and stronger than ever before.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 19/03/07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is league start version you can use https://pastebin.com/f9p3Mqr1 some notes, +2 aoe tabula ( around 0.5~0.7ex on day2), 3 Meek (usually around 10c on day 1 and day 2). You can get those rare scepters for around 40~50c each. And couple disclaimer We are using Offering to the serpent and bottled faith: I am not sure how rare these would be but I am expected them to be priced under 1 ex each. With ascendant elementalist shock, your shaper dps should be around 900k (after considering the storm brand damage nerf) Just swap to non-MF for early uber elder kill for your 5th sextant. However, starting league with scion is generally a terrible choice as you will have really tough time for act 5 ~ act 9, as your ascendancy gives 0 bonus. I would suggest you to try trickster channeling skill, inquisitor holy skills, or occultist chaos DoT starter, then level up scion as your second char with some currency in your hand. For a few tips on league starter, unnatural instinct usually cost around 3~5ex on day 1 to half way in day2, so grind that asap since the price will skyrocket from day 3. Early on, MF gear will be very expensive, expect to pay around 1ex for each, so 5ex on your basic MF gears ( 2 x pariah, Bisco's collar, Bisco's leash, Goldwyrm). However, if you can, get unnatural instinct asap since it will become a better investment for you. I will update the page around day 5, when I get some feel of the new uniques and league mechanics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 19/01/17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am ending my league now, and before I finish, I wanted to do full-meme damage everywhere possible storm brand dps. It ended to be 13Mil shaper dps https://pastebin.com/RKwXkmPj here is the video to killing shaper phase 3 in 1 second https://youtu.be/A5IBasRYvO4 (50% -> 0%) Uber Elder 1min 50sec https://youtu.be/3Yr7iEyKYEE gear
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UPDATE 19/01/08 Super Budget
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https://pastebin.com/B7M5yApS It uses only two meeks to start with and uses Tempest Binding for pseudo 6L body armor doesn't even need to be linked Still enough damage to farm up to early red maps. Try to upgrade your weapons to what I described in below asap to get higher dps. Real Rich 75~85% MF
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after some investment (when you get all your helm enchant and 21/20 gems, and HH for life and Dex) I found out you still do enough damage with windripper.
That's right, we even give up weapon slot for 15% quant lol put the gems that were usually in ur weapons into windripper. coloring can be hard, so try vorici Research rank3 3 white socket. For your storm brand link Storm Brand - Added Lightning Damage - Increased Critical Strikes - Lightning Penetration - Concentrated Effect - !!!!Ice Bite!!!! Ice Bite is the important one. Ice Bite lets us to do enough cold damage to freeze and shatter enemys for windripper 15% quant bonus. Since our only chance to freeze is crit, we drop controlled destruction for Ice Bite. Controlled destruction has 100% reduced crit (5.5%) so we take this one out. Damage will go down by 20%, so it will take a bit longer on T15~T16 syndicate and bosses (about 2 seconds). However we can get that juicy 15% quant. If you want to go further and beyond, you can drop gloves for 10% quant sadima's. For missing resistance, you can either go for wise oak instead of cinderswallow's urn. Or, you can grab couple 50%+ res jewels and replace them. (I prefer using +0.8% crit chance corruption on sadima) For Missing Dex, we get 45~55 from HH, 52+ dex from quiver, and +30 big dex node between witch and shadow to fill 212 windripper requirement. For your orb of storms set up, try to put power charge on critical strikes to get 3 power strikes to further increase your crit chance Play style
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You want to drop few brands, then when you encounter a pack just use brand recall and keep moving to next pack. By the time you get to next pack of mobs, all previous mobs would be dead. For boss & Syndicate, Drop brands on where they will be likely to move or directly drop next to them. Then, run away and watch brand doing all the work off-screen. PoB
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https://pastebin.com/iHQNLBDg Video
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T16 Elder Precinct https://youtu.be/aUOR_t3O7M8 Shaper Kill with MF gear https://youtu.be/sy1gDQDIT60 Ascendancy
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Elementalist-> Path of Witch -> Slayer Bandit
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Help Ailra Gear
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You want a rare helm to fill in your life and resistances. Preferably, buy an enchanted helm with storm brand penetrates 12% lightning resistance to attached enemy. Then you want to do use either just metalic fossil or metalic&priatine fossil to get high life roll as well as -9% to near by enemys lightning resistance. On a budget, you can use tempest binding for easy 6link. It will free up your body armor slot for more life and resistances. Gloves
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You want a pair of shaper gloves with cast speed since it will increase your brands trigger frequency. Other important options are life and resistances. Since sadima has been nerfted I believe its better to get some defensive and offensive stats from glove slot. Boots
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Goldwyrm with 20% quant. For enchant you want 16% attack and cast speed if killed recently or 0.6% of damage leeched as life and mana if killed recently. Belt
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BiS is Headhunter with high dex since our build lacks Dex. 2nd best option is Biscos leash as it provides 5% quant 40% cold resistance amd rampage. Rampage detonate dead and stun projectiles help with survivability. Budget option, Perandus Blazon, it provides 8% quant and 30 all stats. The Flow Untethered, it is ridiculously cheap this league. It provides cast speed and and life recovery rate and cooldown recovery speed which all benefit us. Also the harbinger of time will provide MORE speed multiplier for us to move around much faster. Ring
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For mapping, use 2 of white socket pariah as it provides 15% quant bonus as well as 10% cast speed on each ring. For boss fights, swap out one ring for berek's grip since it will provide plenty of leech Amulet
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You do NOT want biscos here, as we need some life and damage. Get either shaper amulet or spinefuse talisman with 8% or more quant. Other options you want are Global Critical Strike Multiplier Maximum life Resistances Weapon
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You have two options here. With shield or without shield Sceptre & Shield or Dagger & shield
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For either dagger or septre, You want 1. Global Critical Strike Multiplier 2. Increased Critical Strike chances for spells 3 Added fire/cold/lightning damage to spells And try to craft (44~50)% spell damage & 6% of non-chaos damage gained as extra chaos damage(prefix) For shield, You want 1. Increased Critical strike chances for spells 2. Maximum life 3. Resistances 4. Spell damage And you want to craft 5% of non-chaos damage gained as extra chaos damage(prefix) This route is more defensive as you can utilize shield charge with fortify as well as life and resistances from the shield Dual-wield
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You can either dual wield sceptres, daggers, or wands You want 1. Global Critical Stirke Multiplier 2. Increased Critical Strike chance for spells 3. Added fire/cold/lightning damage to spells And you want to craft (44~50)% spell damage & 6% of non-chaos damage gained as extra chaos damage(prefix) For movement skills, you will be using Flame dash. In dual dagger, you can use whirling blade to utilize fortify. With this route the damage will be about 15% higher but your life will go sub 5k, so use with caution. Body armour
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Inpulsa is BiS, since the 5% explosion provides so much clear speed, and it lets us to drop herald of ice for wrath to do more damage. Try to look for high increased damage if you have shocked an enemy recently. Budget options, Try to use +2 level of AoE gems tabula rasa, as it will provide significant damage boost. If you are using tempest binding for helm, you can use rare body armour for life and resistances. Jewels
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We want to utilize 2 Might of the Meek & Unnatural Instinct combo. Might of the Meek will go to left and down side of scion, and Unnatural Instinct will be on the right side of scion. If you are using inpulsa, you will be using wrath, so you want a watchers eye with 15% lightening penetration while affected by wrath For rare jewels, Try to look for 2 slots of Critical strike Multiplier. You can use Global Critical Strike Multiplier Critical Strike Multiplier for spells Critical Strike Multiplier for elemental skills Critical Strike Multiplier for lightning skills Other 2 options can be Any other damage modifier Or Maximum life & 1 damage modifier. Gems
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Storm Brand With inpulsa and wrath set up Storm Brand - Added Lightning damage - Increased Critical Strikes - Lightning Penetration - Concentrated Effect - Controlled destruction With tabula and herald of ice, Storm Brand - Added Lightning damage - Increased Critical Strikes - Lightning Penetration - Concentrated Effect - Ice bite With Tempest binding, Storm Brand - Increased Critical Strikes - Lightning Penetration - Concentrated Effect Cast When Damage Taken (CWDT) CWDT lv1 - Immortal call lv3 - Increased Duration lv20 - Cold snap lv3 Golem Lightning golem in Pariah Brand recall Brand recall in Pariah for +2 level Movement skill Flame dash - Arcane Surge lv3 - Faster casting (- Increased Duration) With shield Shield Charge - Fortify - Faster Attacks (- 20% Culling Strikes or Additional Accuracy) Aura and mana reservation set up Herald of Thunder - Curse on Hit - Warlords Mark With Inpulsa, Wrath Without Inpulsa, Herald of Ice-Ice Bite (for extra damage) Leveling
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For gears to prep before leveling weapon: 2x Lifesprig Helm: Goldrim Boots: Wanderlust or Seven-League steps Gloves: lochtonial caress Body Armor: Tabula Rasa Ring: Berek's Grip & Praxis Amulet: Karui ward Belt: String of servitude with 45% or 48% all resistance Gems: Use Freeze Pulse & Frost Bomb on Lifesprigs. Drop the frost bomb as you move through act 1 to get some flask charges. At Level 12, you can get Storm Brand. Use Storm Brand - Onslaught - Added Lightning Damage - Added Cold Damage. At Level 18, put controlled destruction and faster casting support to storm brand. At Level 31, change Added Cold Damage to Ice Bite and change Onslaught with Lightning Penetration At Level 38, grab yourself Cast when damage taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Cold Snap to get some survivability. Around Level 64, you can change your gears as above. Drop Faster casting and add Concentrated Effect to boost your damage in Storm Brand Current Gear
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Potential non-MF damage
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https://pastebin.com/LzimPyBE this would be non-MF setting Firstly, shock in PoB applys 50% more damage, but shock effectiveness on above PoB would be 62%, which means our shock does 16.2% more damage, so it would be 2.9M shaper DPS with 2 storm brands attaced. you can uncheck vaal RF for more realistic damage, which is 2.1M shaper dps Последняя редакция: SisterHell#1136. Время: 4 апр. 2019 г., 4:54:52 Last bumped4 авг. 2019 г., 9:52:34
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nice gonna try this out could u run me down briefly of how u started ur leveling process
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yes! would love to try this out as a league starter. a leveling guide would be nice if possilble
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Hey mate! Thx for your guide, seems interesting.
Would be nice if u add some dmg potential, without mf gear, to show what this build can achieve. Some recomendations?? Cheers! |
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I'm leveling this build up at the moment. I'm not yet sure about the optimal passive tree progression, but here's what I learned so far:
- Use an additional 3L or 4L damage spell in addition to storm brand while leveling and only switch to full storm brand when you feel you're not using the damage skill too much (probably when starting with maps, not sure yet). Arc, freezing pulse or flameblast work, but there might be better options. Otherwise fights like Kitava will take ages and Syndicate might not work at all - Decoy Totem helps a lot for bosses and syndicate. - If your damage feels low, consider using Conductivity instead of Warlord's Mark temporarily |
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what would be the most important item/flask/equipment/jewel to thing to aim for first?
im using this as my league starter and am now level 80 but have no idea what to save up for first. im just using all rares + a tabula. i would love to get inpulsa but theyre hella overpriced. a priority list would help! |
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" I would say: Goldwyrm (Boots) -> Bisco's Leash (Belt) -> Amulet with Quantity -> 2x The Pariah with a White Socket (Rings) This way you'll have increased item quantity with every upgrade.. Once you got those, you got a nice quantity boost to farm for an Inpulsa (which will still take ages) Other than that, upgrade your damage whenever you feel you're not killing fast enough (or keep damage gear and farm currency in lower tier maps) Последняя редакция: timmeey#5031. Время: 24 дек. 2018 г., 4:31:01
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what would be the most important item/flask/equipment/jewel to thing to aim for first?
im using this as my league starter and am now level 80 but have no idea what to save up for first. im just using all rares + a tabula. i would love to get inpulsa but theyre hella overpriced. a priority list would help! gotcha i thiink ill follow this, but my HP worries me. I have every skill from the tree except any jewels. i have 3.8k hp loool i think ill lose even more hp if i put all the mf gear on |
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Nice man. 12ex Unnatural Instinct build :) the rest gear is 5-10ex more.
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