[3.6] OneShotKill Reloaded (v2.0) Elemental Hit Totem Scion - Bazillion DPS - EZ Boss Killer
Hello community, I like to share an insane damage and safe to play build with you. My beloved "OneShotKill" Guide on the Scion class. Welcome to "OneShotKill"-Reloaded v2.0
GAME VERSION & CHANGES / HISTORY: This build was created in Version 3.5 (Betrayal League) This build is a second version of my "OneShotKill" guide on the Hierophant/Templar class (3.4 Delve league), which went kinda viral. Find the Hierophant Version under "My other Guides". 3.6 (Synthesis)
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With the huge re-balancing along with patch 3.6 many builds have to struggle with nerfs. The core skill tree is the same. This build got hit only by minor changes: 1) Tombfists got nerfed (no more attack speed roll) If we are honest to ourselfs, we all knew that they were overpowered. But even without the attack speed roll, the 2-socketed version is very potent. You get the 10% attack speed with the two abyss jewels. Now you can consider very very good "gripped gloves" (with projectile damage as implicit) as an alternative for the tombfist. Aim for 16% attack speed, good life roll and resists. You may consider crafting gripped gloves with delve fossils to even get an abyssal socket on them. 2) Life leech mechanic has some changes. Since we are a Chieftain as one of the two ascendency notes, we leech 1% of the totem damage as life. But the leech effect will be slightly reduced. But nothing you should be concerned about. 3) The elemental wheel (left from the templar starting point - with the celestial notes) will have a different layout, but with stronger notes. Feel free to chose the most potent notes in the new wheel. 4) Since the highly endgame items provide a 2 damage course setup, we deal a ton of extra damage to bosses, because their curse immunity is lowered to 66% (from 80%). 3.5 (Betrayal)
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Since the Hierophant Ascendency got changed with patch 3.5 (esp. the reduced maximum number of "ranged attack totems", I started Betrayal League as a Scion and managed to improve the original / core "OneShotKill" build even further. The original "OneShotKill" build was created in Version 3.4 Hierophant vs. Scion version
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Note that since the hierophant is limited to 4 totems with the current patch 3.5 (down from 5), the scion version has no disadvantage with also 4 totems. Hierophant Version: -->> this version is more budget friendly. 1) has a maximum of 4 totems. 2) has much better mana regen as the scion: Since much mana is reserved (blasphemy curse(s) and other aura(s), you need a good mana regen, to be able to frequently cast your totems. 3) with patch 3.5 the hierophant casts two totems per cast: faster on maximum number. 4) Hierophant generates power charges with ascendendy. 5) 6% increased damage per enemy killed recently: with ascendency "pursuit of faith" -> scales a lot while clearing maps. 6) Hierophant has a higher totem placement speed Scion Version: -->> this version is more expansive, since 2x "Might of the Meek" and "Unnatural Instinct" unique jewels are highly recommended. 1) has a maximum of 4 totems (Hierophant notes in ascendency) 2) has a bad mana regen. The lavianga´s spirit unique mana flask is highly recommended and "blocks" a flask slot. 3) has 1% life leech from totems (Chieftain notes in ascendency). You can also get Vaal Pact note, if you feel the need for a stronger life leech effect. 4) deals even more damage with no life leech (Deadeye notes in ascendency instead of Chieftain). 5) the hierophant ascendency of the Scion comes with a "mini" mind over matter, which is annoying because most of the mana is reserved and when you take (DoT) damage you will run out of mana (due to the bad mana regen compared to the hierophant) -> lavianga´s spirit flask mandatory. YOU WANT: -bazillions of DPS at 6.4k life with totems and totem life leech? (high-end items = 15+ million) -oneshot T15 bosses? -insane clearspeed? -kill every endgame boss within seconds (per phase)? -a budget-friendly build to get it started? (but expansive to max) -solid Delve grind? -a build, where you don´t need a 6-link? -a safe to play build? THEN "STAY A WHILE AND LISTEN" ;-) LITTLE PREAMBLE: ==>>Many of you thought "Elemental Hit" got nerfed (combat focus jewels nerf) in 3.4 & Chin Sol bow in 3.5-> still insane damage -> everything works more than fine :-) DISCLAIMER: I try to explain every mechanic to you. You will learn to understand every choice I made. If you learned something new or you just like this guide, please leave me a comment. Thank you for your interesst and thanks GGG for this game. MEDIA / VIDEOS:
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NOTE: Videos provided by my good friend careface41 / Thanks for recording, buddy. You really love all my builds :-) Speedkill deathless uberelder (2min 5sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqtCaSS7_Qo Mastermind (Betrayal Endboss) with all Challanges at once: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGDlorcsWPo Aul Delve Boss Kill: https://youtu.be/oCkT11BcEtM Kurgal Delve Boss Kill -> carry 6 ppl party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB-AsODItkM Ahuatotli Belve Boss Kill -> carry 6 ppl party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb2TA1jEHt4 See more showcases / videos on the hierophant version of the "OneShotKill" build. Find the link to the other guide under "My other guides". SCREENSHOTS / PoB STATS:
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Mouseover Ele Hit Damage:
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![]() PoB Config:
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(to compare with my stats) ![]() PoB Items & Flasks:
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![]() Final Skilltree:
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![]() Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/qcGE6sdP ==>> Late Endgame (min-maxed) My other guides:
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Original "OneShotKill" on Hierophant / Templar: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2224772 OneShotBoom IceNova on Frostbolt Quad Curse Occultist: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2330578 Poet´s Pen Arc Warper maxMF Assassin +84% quantaty: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2183006 TABLE OF CONTENT: 01. General Thoughts / Concept 02. Pros / Cons 03. Gear (including recommended corruptions) 04. Jewels 05. Flask Setup 06. Example Gear & outlook on perfect gear 07. Gem Linking 08. Defence Layer Overview 09. Offence Layer Overview 10. Map Mods (mitigation) 11. Skill Tree & Ascendency 12. Pantheon & Bandits 13. Leveling 14. Thank you note X.. FAQ 01 GENERAL THOUGHTS / CONCEPT:
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I wanted to evolve my original "OneShotKill" to a Scion based char. I wanted to create a build with very high clearspeed (the same speed as an ele wander) in combination with strong capability to clear all bosses including Uberelder. Also the "delve-potential" should be strong. I wanted to use the "close range" mechanic from Chin Sol Bow with the Skirmish quiver (for one extra totem) and the quiver corruption "Point Blank", so you don´t have to skill it in the passive tree. This is a total damage buff of 100% (patch 3.5) at close range and an extra 33% damage buff because you have 4 instead of 3 totems. Veeeeeery juicy! In combination with a Yoke of Suffering amulet this build has a 100% shock mechanic for nuts DPS. Damage is converted to fire. If you like some more toughness, you can easily switch gems and don´t need to respec or use alternative items. 02 PROS / CONS
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Pro: -insane damage output -kill Uberelder as fast as a GC Miner -no 6-link required (easy to get started) -very great clearspeed (nearly the same speed as an ele wander) -cheap to get the build running (1-3ex - depends on time of the season) -safe way to play -life leech with totems Con: -expensive to min max (corruptions on items like kaom´s heart or frostferno) -the recommended unique jewels for endgame are quite exopansive (2x might of the meek + unnatural instinct) -> the hierophant version is more budget friendly -Totem playstyle is not for everyone... 03 GEAR SECTION - slot by slot (see the whole gear at once also under chapter 6)
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First things first, the following items are essential for this build: -Frostferno (Helmet) -Chin Sol (Bow - due to its bonus on close range) -Yoke of Suffering (amulet - grants shock mechanic on fire damage) HELMET:
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Frostferno is the key. Since the Elemental Hit skill counts as lightning, fire, cold and projectile at the same time, this helmet grant +4 level on Elemental Hit. For more damage you can corrupt the helmet with a vaal orb or the corruption altar. Useful corruptions (in this order - best first): +2 level to socketed fire gems (boosts ele hit and combustion) +2 level to socketed projectile gems (boosts ele hit and ranged attack totem) +2 level to socketed cold gems (boosts ele hit) +2 level to socketed lightning gems (boosts ele hit) +2 level to AoE gems (boosts ele hit) REMEMBER: You can have a double corruption from the Incursion Temple / Corruption Altar! With a level 21 Elemental Hit and the right corruption you play with a level !27! skill (level !29! with double corruption). Way better than every 6-link could every be. Keep in mind, that we use a corruption on the helmet, there is no space for an uberlab enchantment. The +2 corruption is very very very much better than the "+15% Elemental Hit attack speed" or the "40% increased Elemental Hit damage" enchantment on the helmet!!! Until you have a Frostferno (while leveling): any rare helmet with life, resists. Or a Starkonja, Rats Nest, Devotos Devotion WEAPON:
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The Chin Sol bow grants +50% increased (legacy version even +100%) damage at close range. And we put our totems near enemies. Boom - a ton of extra damage. The wall of totems stands between us and the monsters. We take fewer aggro, because monsters try to attack the totems - but they die trying :-) Useful corruptions (in this order): +1 arrow +% increased attack speed +% (base) critical strike chance +adds elemental damage +adds physical damage REMEMBER: You can have a double corruption from the Incursion Temple / Corruption Altar! QUIVER:
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Skirmish grants us +1 Totem. This is a great damage buff. Useful corruptions: We want "Point Blank" on it. This is a further 50% damage increase at close range (50% from bow) -> total buff = 100% at close range. (150% with legacy Chin Sol) Point Blank grants more damage than "+1 Arrow" REMEMBER: You can have a double corruption from the Incursion Temple / Corruption Altar! BODY ARMOUR:
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Kaom´s Heart to reach a solid total life pool of 6.0k and more. The increased fire damage is a great buff for our ele hit. Get at least +35% on it. Useful corruptions (in this order): +up to 50% increased damage +% increased life +reduced damage taken NOTE: If 40 or 50% increased damage as implicit, isn´t that important. Main thing is to have the additional multiplier in the "damage multiplication chain". It is useless to have a low "increased fire" roll of about 20-25% and the corrupted implicit. At least it should have 35+% increased fire damage. Don´t buy crap for many ex... GLOVES:
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With 2 abyss sockets and a murderous eye jewel attached to the gloves, enemies are intimidated (take 10% increased damage). No other pair of gloves in the game deal more damage in our case. Up to 10% increased attack speed (legacy roll) plus the intimidated mechanic + 2 additional jewel sockets - be(a)st gloves! The nerf in 3.6:
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Tombfists got nerfed (no more attack speed roll)in patch 3.6 If we are honest to yourselfs, we all knew that they were overpowered. But even without the attack speed roll, the 2-socketed version is very potent. You get the 10% attack speed with the two abyss jewels. Now you can consider very very good "gripped gloves" (with projectile damage as implicit) as an alternative for the tombfist. Aim for 16% attack speed, good life roll and resists. You may consider crafting gripped gloves with delve fossils to even get an abyssal socket on them. Useful corruptions (in this order): +% increased attack speed +attacks have +% to (base) critical strike chance +% increased maximum life +Curse on hit -> Temporal Chains (!Only with a +1 Curse Yoke amulet!) REMEMBER: You can have a double corruption from the Incursion Temple / Corruption Altar! Keep in mind, that enemies just can have one debuff (curse) at a time and we curse them with flammability. So we can´t use the "curse on hit" corruptions on the gloves. The only possible way is, if our Yoke of Suffering amulet is corrupted with "Enemies can have 1 additional curse / Apply an additional curse" or you skill "Whispers of Doom" in the passive tree (not recommended!) BOOTS:
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Gang´s Momentum are the best in slot boots for maximizing our damage. With ele hit and other items and passives in the skill tree we have a >100% chance to ignite enemies. And the boots grant a +40% damage buff agains ignited enemies. We don´t want curroptions on the boots, just an enchantment from the (uber)lab. The only two enchantments (in this order): 1) +120% increased critical strike chance if you haven´t dealt a critical strike recently (this buff is always on, because we never crit -> our totems do!!!) 2) Damage penetrates +10% of enemy elemental resistance if we haven´t killed recently (buff is always on - we never kill -> our totems do!!!) ALTERNATIVE: I wanted a bit more life and found some shaper based Boots with +35% totem damage (Important: Elder based boots won´t work because of the "socketed spell totem"). In PoB the following boots will decrease the overall damage output by 0.5% (compared to Gang´s Momentung, But I gained +200 total life with the change. I needed to get some new jewels aswell to get fire resist highest for the Wise Oak Flask. BELT:
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A Stygian Vise is the best belt in slot (besides Headhunter of course...) With fossil crafting, a belt can have up to +110% increased WED (short for: weapon elemental damage -> or = "elemental damage with attack skills"). With a double WED roll (80% max) (+50% elemental damage with attack skills AND +30% elemental damage or fire damage), the belt can only roll two resists. Keep that in mind with your resist cap! FIND MY COMMENT TO HEADHUNTER UNDER CHAPTER 6 AMULET:
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The Yoke of Suffering brings a huge damage buff due to the mechanic, that our fire damage can shock enemies. And we have a 100% ingnite chance, so we shock them all the time. Insane damage buff! Important: You can´t see the damage boost on mouseover in the game, but you see the boost in Path of Building (PoB). There is no other amulet in the game with this kind of damage buff for this build! Useful corruptions: +1 curse on enemies (now we can run flammability + enfeeble at the same time -> read more about gems in chapter 07 "gem linking". Or even flammbility and elemental weakness for nuts debuff on enemies (the biggest damage boost of the build = double debuff curse) +X% attack speed Some of you prefer the "Xoph´s Blood" amulet. You can run this too, if it suits your playstyle. But the shock mechanic is completely disabled with this amulet. RINGS:
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We use two Opal Rings, each with WED (weapon elemental damage -> or "elemental damage with attack skills") and +% increased fire damage. Then stack your resists and get some life. Note: Two tripple WED rings (implicit + WED + increased fire damage) are more efficient than a setup of "Mark of the Elder" ring + a shaper based "Call of the Brotherhood" ring. An alternative ring setup: "The Taming"
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I´ve tested a setup with 2 Tamings already. "The Taming" Ring has a good DPS-scale mechanic. The 20% increased damage per Freeze, Shock & Ignite on enemiy looks really nice. BUT: This is only an advantage against monsters, not bosses (too few bosses to ramp up / scale the effect). AND we lose 2 itemslots to get Life rolls. Against regular monsters (not bosses) there is absolutely no need to get more damage. And against bosses, the tripple WED rings are better (because "the taming" won´t scale / ramp up) I tested it with 2 taming rings and at map clearing on T16 and delve 600+ I felt no difference damage-wise (everything is oneshot on the one way or the other). But with the 2 Taming rings I lost over 250 HP and this I felt in bossfights and in deep delves. If you guys are looking for more DPS on trash mob you can do it with the Taming. But I won´t recommend it, because in the late boss fights, there is no advantage. The other mechanics on the ring are obsolet: 10% chance to shock & ignite (have them already at 100%) 30% increased elemental damage & 30% increased WED (60%) -->> we have more boost on a tripple WED ring. up to 40% resist all -->> great, but it is not very hard to get our resists capped with our gear and the passive tree. Don´t get me wrong, you can play with "the taming", but in my opinion, a tripple WED ring is just better (most likely more plain boss dps + can have life roll on it). But please feel free to customize the guide to your needs and playstyle. 04 JEWELS
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We need 6 specific unique jewels: 1) Rain of Splinters -> get 2 extra projectiles (aim for a low reduced damage roll) 2) Combat Focus, Crimson Jewel base -> ele hit can´t roll cold damage 3) Combat Focus, Viridian Jewel base -> ele hit can´t roll lightning damage 4) 2x Might of the Meek jewels (endgame) 5) Unnatural Instinct jewel (endgame) NOTE: ele hit is now forced to roll only fire damage. Keep in mind, that the (unique) jewels can have useful corruptions, as "immune to corrupted blood" or "increased damage" or "increased critical strike chance" or "immune to silence" We have 2 more jewel sockets in the passive tree and three more abyss sockets on gloves and belt: aim for the following rolls: -attack speed -> biggest benefit for our damage hint: non-abyss jewels can roll double increased attack speed (flat increase and increase for bows) -% increased accuricy rating -> very good damage boost -% increased life (or +X to life on abyss jewels) -% increased critical multiplier (third best roll for damage) -% elemental resists to get your resists capped LATE ENDGAME ALTERNATIVE: Get a "watcher´s eye" with buffs for "Grace" (toughness) or "Haste" (for damage). You can have a double or tripple roll on a watcher´s eye jewel. Possible Grace rolls (in this order - best first): -(6-10)% chance to Dodge Attack Hits while affected by Grace -(5-8)% chance to Evade Attacks while affected by Grace -(10-15)% increased Movement Speed while affected by Grace -(30-50)% chance to Blind Enemies which Hit you while affected by Grace -Unaffected by Enfeeble while affected by Grace Possible Haste rolls (in this order - best first): -(5-8)% chance to Dodge Spell Hits while affected by Haste -You have Phasing while affected by Haste -Debuffs on you expire (20-15)% faster while affected by Haste -(30-50)% increased cooldown recovery speed of Movement Skills used while affected by Haste -Unaffected by Temporal Chains while affected by Haste -You gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill while affected by Haste (useless, because we have an Onslaught Flask equipped -> you can have this and equip a diamond flask (for better crit) but you´ll lose the important onslaught buff during boss fights, because you won´t kill when you are fighting big bosses) 05 FLASK SETUP
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1) Quicksilver Flask -> for movement (aim for increased duration + increased movement speed during flask effent) 2) Life Flask (aim for instant recovery) or get a "Blood of the Karui" is best in slot 3) Wise Oak -> for up to 15% fire damage penetration during flask effect (NOTE: your uncapped fire resist needs to be the highest elemental resist to work. Don´t forget that in you resist planning!) 4) Silver Flask -> grants Onslaught -> increased attack speed -> most beneficial to this build for damage. Note: you are up to 6.2 seconds immune to any kind of curses and during the flask effect you will recharge the flask by killing monsters. You are effective immune to curses all the time (example: temporal chains as map mod). 5) Lavianga´s Spirit -> Since the Scion has a relativly bad mana regen, this mana flask is mandatory. In some situations, swap "Silver flask" with a Quartz Flask in delve mines. Phasing is very helpful in the DELVE mines, you can discover the sideways and walk through monsters on your way through the darkness. Get a utility flask (silver or/and quartz or/and diamond) with: 1) immune to freeze (esp. for uber elder) 2) immune to curse (mostly for mapping, if temp chains rolled on it) 06 EXAMPLE GEAR & OUTLOOK
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My setup for deep delve mines - a second defence curse: IF CURRENCY DOESN´T MATTER: -You can speedfarm maps with a Headhunter. I tested the Headhunter in Delve (400+), but I experienced a lack of rare monsters to steal the buffs, at the delve bosses the Headhunter is useless. -You can go MAX Quanitity with a Headhunter + 2x Ventors Gamble + Goldwyrm on T15+T16 maps. My mouseover DPS with the MF gear was 69k and the Headhunter will provide many speed and damage buffs at map clearing See my MF sample gear: BTW: I tested a Rigwald´s Quills Quiver - In theory the Fork mechanic is great, but the damage with this build is so nuts, that after our totems volleyed, there is no target left alive to get hit by the forked projectiles. Another downside by using no "Skirmish" quiver is, that we lose a totem (3 instead of 4 - in version 3.5) -> equals a huge damage loss... 07 GEM LINKING
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HELMET (4 link): 1) Elemental Hit (quality grants more damage) 2) Ranged Attack totem Support (quality grants faster summoning) 3) Elemental Damage with Attack Skills Support (quality grants more damage) 4) Combustion Support (quality grants more damage) WEAPON (6 socket - 5 link): 5-link: 1) Cast When Damage Taken on level 8 (quality grants faster casted trigger) 2) Immortal Call on level 10 (quality grants increased duration / consumed endurance charrges) 3) Increased Duration Support (quality grants more duration) 4) Vaal Haste (more movement speed and attack speed (no quality needed) 5) Vaal Grace (no quality needed) 1 socket left: Blink Arrow (to jump cliffs) Important Note: Use the Haste aura (from Vaal Haste Gem) for mapping and better clearspeed. Use the Grace aura (from Vaal Grace Gem) for more survivability if needed. Since both are 50% mana reserve auras, you just can use one of them at a time. BUT: even if you use the haste aura, the vaal grace effect (due to increased duration in the setup) is your "panic button" and gives you at level 20 huge 34% plain dodge chance for 10 seconds. The perfect first defence layer... (see more in the defence layer chapter of this guide). GLOVES (2-link): There are two options for the link: 1st option (damage max): 1) Increased Duration Support (quality grants more duration) 2) Blood Rage (quality increases effect) Blood Rage gives us over a period of about 20 seconds 20% increased attack speed, but during this time we have a life-degen. We also get frenzy charges with blood rage (limited to kills with the burning damage). 2nd option (movement): 1) Increased Duration Support (quality grants more duration) 2) Phase Run (quality increases effect) With Phase Run, you gain a movement buff and it can be helpful while exploring the Delve. Make your choice, what suits your playstyle best... BOOTS (4-link): There are several different options you can choose: 1st Option: 1) Blasphemy Support (quality increases curse effect) -> grants an aura to curse nearby enemies with the linked gems 2) Flammibility (quality grants better value) -> lower enemies fire resists (huge damage buff -> you don´t see this on mouseover dps, but in Path of Building) 3) Enlighten Support -> grants a mana multiplier below 1.0 to lower the mana revervation of th curse aura (minimum gem level 3) 4) Enfeeble (quality increases curse effect) -->> second curse for narrow spaces -->> it debuffs enemies and is the most effective way to increase your toughness, because cursed enemies deal less damage and will hit less likely. Important Note: You can only curse enemies with one curse at a time. Therefore we activate the curse aura we need in a specific situation (example: delve or bosses or mapping). Chose Flammability for maximum damage and Enfeeble for maximum toughness. With a corrupted Yoke of Suffering you are able to apply a seconds curse on enemies. 2nd Option: 1) Frenzy (quality grants additional attack speed) 2) Greater Multiplier Projectiles Support (no quality needed) (GMP) 3) Curse on Hit Support (quality grants better curse effect) 4) the actual curse: Flammbility or Enfeeble Note: the frenzy attack doen´t deal damage (due to the note "Ancestral Bond" in the passive tree), it just curses monsters or destroys baskets (clickables) in the map. Therefore we dont need a quality GMP gem. DIFFERENCE EXPLAINED: With frenzy you can curse the enemies from great distances, but you need to curse them yourself. With Blasphemy you can be lazy and the aura will curse automatically, but you need to get a bit closer to an enemy to inflict the curse (compared to the frenzy method) Pick the way that fits your playstyle... LATE ENDGAME: Option 1 (max damage - my personal favorite) premise: you have a "Yoke of Suffering" with +1 curse 1) Blasphemy 2) Flammability -->> first curse mechanic 3) Projectile Weakness -->> second curse mechanic 4) Enlighten (level 4) OR Frost Wall (for deep delve mines to keep the monsters away from you) Option 2 (max defence) premise: you have a "Yoke of Suffering" with +1 curse 1) Blasphemy 2) Enfeeble -->> first curse mechanic 3) Enlighten (level 4) 4) Frost Wall (to keep monsters away from you) AND: Corrupted Tombfist Gloves with: "Curse Enemies with Level X Temporal Chain on Hit" -->> second curse mechanic 08 DEFENCE LAYER OVERVIEW
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1) Grace Aura -> grants evasion to evade attacks (arround 25ish %) 2) Acrobatics + 3 notes -> 40% plain dodge chance to attacks 3) Phase Acrobatics -> 30% plain dodge to spells 3) Quartz Flask -> additional 10% plain dodge chance 4) Pantheopn -> Soul of Lunaris -> capture all souls 5) Vaal Grace -> additional 34% plain dodge chance (the "panic button") 09 OFFENCE LAYER OVERVIEW
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1) up to effective level 27 Elemental Hit (level 29 with double corruption) 2) 100% chance to shock (due to Yoke of Suffering + ignite chance) 3) much elemental damage penetration (items + skill tree +flasks) 4) damage versus ignited enemies (item) 5) huge debuff mechanic (flammability curse) 6) 3-6 arrows per totem (Rain of Splinter + dying sun + corruption on bow) 7) four freaking totems = 12-24 arrows 8) 3.4 attacks per second = 41-82 projectiles piercing & hammering monsters up to 3 screens away... a gore feast 10 MAP MODS (mitigation)
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-reroll "no mana regen"... -ele reflect is a bit annoying, but feasable -40% ele resist -> only at guardian maps (T16) real cancer, reroll on T16 maps 11 SKILL TREE & ASCENDENCY
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Skill Tree: https://pastebin.com/qcGE6sdP ==>> Late Endgame (min-maxed) Hint: If you want more life: See the screenshot under the "13 Leveling" section. Ascendency: Scion / Ascendent 1) Get "Hierophant" first for additional totem (3 points required) 2) Get "Chieftain" next (3 points required) 3) Get the two additional skill poits after completing uberlab If you don´t need the life leech from Chieftain, you can get with the "Deadeye note" for even more damage. When you go Deadeye, you don´t need the "piercing shots" notes in the tree. respec the free points to even more damage. Screenshot Skilltree lvl 100:
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1) Soul of Lunaris 2) Soul of Gruthkul Note: capture all souls with divine vessels -> solid defence buff! Keep in mind, that it is beneficial to swap the minor god on "Aul, the Crystal King (delve boss) to: Yogul Kill all bandits for the extra 2 points in passive tree. 13 LEVELING
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Here you see a guideline for leveling the character: ![]() Important while leveling / hint: skill "avatar of fire" at the time you have both "combat focus" jewels & put the jewels in the exact same jewel slot like in the guide (because the jewels need some stats in radius to get active). I skilled it around lvl 50ish... Level with "Smite" + usefull support gems until act 3. After the Quest "a fixture of fate" you can change to ranged attack totem + elemental hit. Or buy the gems on poe trade. An Alternative: Until you can get the "Ranged attack totem" & "Elemental Hit" skill you can also run "Spell Totem" + "Arc" + useful support gems (you can get the combo with level 12). So you can run Totems very early. Although we don´t stack any spell damage (arc scales with spell damage), it is more than enough damage to run until you can get the elemental hit combo. When you have Elemental Hit, get a Quill Rain bow + Skirmish Quiver and level trough until you can wear a Chin Sol. Decent level uniques: "Thief´s Torment" ring (in combination with the +100% increased attack speed of Quill Rain bow = easy leveling... Get frenzy or barrage with faster attacks + LMP / GMP for AoE (learn more in the "gem linking" chapter -> ("curse on hit gem linking"). You won´t do damage with frenzy / barrage (due to Ancestral Bond note), but you apply curses (debuffs) on hit AND according to the "Thief´s Torment" rolls you get much life and mana on hit. Play the "Elemental Hit Totem" 4-link (change combusion with lesser or greater multiplier projectile support for AoE) gem setup for ele hit (see under chapter 07 "gem linking") -> until you can afford (or produce your own) frostferno, try to get a cheap Tabu. Add "added fire damage support" and lesser or greater multiplier to the six link. stack life and resists on yellow leveling gear. try to get the combat focus jewels as soon as possible. get a splinter of rain (than you don´t need GMP anymore). feel free to skill "Ancestral Bond" when you want to start to play with totems. Then try to get as soon as possible to the very right side of the skill tree to get the very important "additional 2 targets piercing" note. get attack speed and ele damage and totem notes, last the crit and bow notes. always try to stay healthy with your life pool. LEVELING GEAR GUIDELINES: Aim for the following rolls on items while leveling: Weapon + Offhand: You need a bow (don´t mind about using a wand) for "ranged attack totems" + "ele hit". Keep looking for rare bows with great attack speed and at least two flat elemental damage (fire prefered) rolls. I recommend the unique "quill rain" bow, because it has +100% increaswed attack speed (even with the nerf in v3.5 it is still ok for leveling), because it will work great with "thief´s torment" ring (with life/mana on hit + curse on hit - learn more in the "gem linking" chapter (find it here: recommend linking on boots). Get as early as possible the "skirmish" quiver for extra 1 totem, it will most likely be very cheap to buy, because it is a common unique item. Other recommend item rolls: -Life -Resists -Attack speed (when you have elemental hit equipped) -Flat Elemental damage (because of low itemlevel - ilvl - the percentage increased fire rolls or the WED rolls are not very high, it is better to use flat elemental damage) -increased fire / elemntal damage COMPACT INFO: 1) start with smite (melee) or arc + spell totem (lvl 12). 2) if you want to use totems very early on, get "ancestral bond" note fast (only skill it, when you play totems - because other skills wont do damage anymore). 3) If you start with arc totem (spell based) use some spell damage gear until you change to elemental hit + ranged attack totem. 4) be aware to use a bow + quiver when you start running with ele hit totem. 5) get a "rain of splinter" jewel for passive tree to get more projectiles (otherwise your totems will only shoot one projectile!) 6) stack flat elemental damage during leveling (story mode). 7) you will be able to do the story mode on a 4 or 5 link (elemental hit + ranged attack totem + LMP/GMP + elemental attack damage (on a 5-link faster attacks), very easily... 8) try to stay healthy with your life pool and your resists. 9) after story mode - try to upgrade your gear piece by piece 10) ENJOY :-)))) MILESSTONES: 1) start running ele hit totems 2) progress story mode 3) force ele hit to roll only fire (combat focus jewels) 4) get the recommended gear piece by piece 14 THANK YOU NOTE
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Once again a special thank you to my pal "DieserNerd" for testing the original OneShotKill in delve league and trying all combinations, variations and items ingame and in PoB. Always great to spend time with you trying out new things and discussing ideas! Also lots of thanks to "LiftingNerdBro" for featuring this guide in his Youtube Video for great & new build guides. Check out the video and subscribe to his channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mYRzhM2nZU Big thanks to my buddy "careface41" for min-maxing the build and doing lots of testing on endgame, such as deep delving and endboss farming. You rock. Thanks to "chupacabra87" for the opportunity to introduce this build on the Twitch Channel "TheGermanAllstars". Check out his Channel on Twitch and follow (german language). https://www.twitch.tv/videos/322544351?filter=all&sort=time (beginns at 1h:44m) --==APPENDIX==-- FAQ: Q: What does it cost to get started?
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A: It depends on the time of the league. Please don´t compare with my gear -> it is quite expansive I guess. Lets have a look at each slot: (market prices: 3rd week of delve) Helmet: buy a heatshiver (0.5c) + the prophecy "A vision of ice and fire" (30c) and make your own frostferno -> craft your sockets with the jeweler method Bow: buy a Chin Sol (5c) or exchange the div cards. Roll 6 sockets (or craft the off colors with vorici bench and then 6 socket it for 350 jeweler orbs), then use your fusings to get the correct 5-link (across the first 3 red sockets + 2 green sockets) -->> with some RNG it takes 50 tries to hit the 5-link? Or just buy a Chin Sol with the correct 5 link and 6 sockets and roll 3 red sockets for 120 chromatic orbs (30c). Body Armour: If you can´t afford a Kaom´s Heart, use any armour that gives you the most life (as you see you don´t need sockets on your body armour) - You´ll find decent life rolls on yellow armours for less than (10c). A Kaom´s Heart costs right now (3rd week of delve league) with minimum +35 fire damage (2.5ex). Boots: The Gang´s Momentum with decent roll cost (1-3c). What makes the items expensive, is the enchantment. Run a few uberlabs (when the layout is good) and make your own boots. Quiver: Skirmish without corruption costs (0.5c), Buy 15 and slam vaal orbs and make your own Point Blank Skirmish. I needed 18 tries = 9c for the Quivers and 18 vaal orbs (25c), or start without the corruption... Amulet: If you can´t afford a Yoke of Suffering (75c), than take any amulet with ">40% increased elemental damage with attack skills" and life and resists (15c) Belt: If you can´t afford a good stygian vise, take any other belt with WED + resists + life (15c) Wise Oak Flask: an alternativ is a diamond flask, craft your own one (2c) Gems: check prices for 20/20 corrupted elemental hit when you don´t want to level it by yourself. level lvl 1 20% ele hit and other major attack gems in your off hand. required unique jewels: 2x combat focus (5c) each, Splinter of Rain (1c) Gloves: If you can´t afford 2 socketed Tombfists, craft yourself a nice pair of "Gripped Gloves" (with increased Projectile Damage as implicit) crafting base (1c) Rings: start with opal rings with just a little WED and life or resists or both, depends on your budget. You get decent ones right now for less than (12c) each. Other jewels: use what you have or craft what you want with the jewels you found. TOTAL COSTS TO GET STARTET: with a maximum of 131c you get started and can pretty much farm all content according to the previous thoughts excluding uberelder - therefore you need some of the better gear. There is always room to improve. Get your upgrades one by one and keep going. After a while you have all the key items and you overtake me :-) Q: What was your mouseover DPS on ele hit when you first kissed the shaper easily goodbye?
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A: about 42.500 (but with a Yoke of Suffering) Q: How did you get your implicit roll on the frostferno (+2 lvl)?
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A: I vaaled it myself. It took 28 tries to hit it. I don´t know what the average is. If you buy the helmet with the recommended corruption, you will probably pay around 10-12ex for it at the current stage of the league, I guess. With the corruption altar in the temple, you can get two implicits and a +4 ele hit corruption to play a level 29 elemental hit. Q: How does "Avatar of Fire" benefit this build?
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A: Weapon deals phys damage + the base fire damage of ele hit is buffed with 50% of the cold and lightning damage of ele hit. Due to the combat focus jewels, we only have the fire attack roll on ele hit. After all that the "damage multiplier chain" sets in -> mostly elemental damage and fire damage increases -->> Boom, a ton of damage. Explained in detail:
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" Hi buddy, there is no such thing as stupid questions, just stupid answers... Let me do the math and explain the concept: On level 20 Elemental Hit has the following base damage rolls: FIRE____________COLD____________LIGHTNING 590 to 1096_____483 to 896______95 to 1802 (Min + Max roll /2 = average damage) 843_____________689.5___________948.5 Now we know the average damage rolls of each elemental damage type. But it is very important to understand, that all damage types are still existing - some are just "inactive" - when we force Elemental Hit to just roll the 843 fire damage with the two "combat focus" jewels (crimson + viridian base). Keep in mind, that our Chin Sol Bow deals Physical damage. The "Avatar of Fire" note in the skill tree has the following effect: "50% of your Physical, Cold and Lightning damage is converted to Fire damage. Deal no Non-Fire damage." NEW FIRE DAMAGE OF ELEMENTAL HIT: The fomrula (simplified) for the new damage of Elemental Hit: Step 1) (843 average Fire damage roll) + (50% of the average 698.5 Cold damage) + (50% of the average 948.5 Lightning damage) + (50% of the average Physical Damage from Chin Sol) FIRE___COLD___________LIGHTNING________PHYSICAL 843 + (698.5 * 0.5) + (948.5 * 0.5) + (phys dmg * 0.5) 1666.5 + (phys dmg * 0.5) --->>> phys damage depends on your roll on the chin sol bow and other items and the passive tree. Let´s assume a physical damage roll of 250 for this example. 1666.5 + (250 * 0.5) = 1791.5 FIRE DAMAGE Step 2) Frostferno grants a level 30 "Cold to Fire" support gem. According to PoE Wiki this is 39% of Cold damage as extra fire damage. 698.5 * 0.39 = 272 EXTRA FIRE DAMAGE = 1791.5 + 272 = 2063.5 This 2063.5 Damage is the "base fire damage" for all damage multiplier on items and in the skill tree, such as: +increased fire damage +increased Elemental Damage +increased Elemental damage with attack skill +increased Totem Damage 2063.5 compared with the initial 843 fire-damage. You see, this is a huge delta / difference. (a relativ boost of about 245% increased base damage) VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please keep in mind, that this damage calculation is a very simplified version of the actual / real damage calculation. But now you will understand the concept and how it works. The detailed damage calculation is shown in PoB. Cheers Q: What is the most beneficial damage multiplier on jewels or items for this build?
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1) increased attack speed 2) accuracy rating 3) critical multiplier 4) adds fire damage Q: I have problems to reach my resist cap, any suggestions?
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A: Have a look at the Screenshot under the "leveling section". There you see optional notes to get more resists. Q: HINTS FOR DEEP DELVES:
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A: If you like more defence mechanics during deep delve runs, you should run the following gem setup (It is a guideline - keep that in mind - feel free to run whatever suits your playstyle): In General: Try to mitigate the little fire/ice explosions with the white beam. If you see the beam, you have about 1.5-2 seconds to run around them. Also try to mitigate running through poison from zombies, in deep mines it will hurt much. 1st aura: Grace (with a solid watcher´s eye and buffs for Grace) - find out more information on great watcher´s eye rolls in the "jewel" chapter of this guide. 2nd aura: enfeeble with blasphemy - enemies will hit you less, due to the curse debuff from enfeeble, AND: You have a free socket in your boots (take out your flammability gem - according to this guide you have one equipped in the boots. Now you have a free blue socket -> Get a "FROST WALL" gem with 20% quality (be aware of the intelligence requirements of the gem) and use it in deep mines as a protective shield/barrier. I like to cast it between monsters and myself in vaal outposts or abyssal cities. Helps a lot to stay healthy :-) ----------Further Information / Suggestion---------- A corrupted "Yoke of Suffering" with "+1 curse" in combination with corrupted "Tombfist" gloves with "temporal chains on hit" will slow the monsters for around 25%. Slower monsters equals fewer attacks or casts and results in more toughness. (enfeeble aura curse + temporal chains on hit on gloves is a great defence buff) ->>> this is highly endgame / min-max and will cost much, please keep that in mind. It is just a guideline, if you feel the need in high delve levels to grind towards depth 1000. P.S.: I get so many ingame whispers, I hope I could help you all for now. I try to answer all your questions to get this build out in the delve :-) PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT - THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTERESST IN THIS BUILD Последняя редакция: Lunasicc187#5022. Время: 7 марта 2019 г., 10:53:43 Last bumped3 сент. 2019 г., 19:49:03
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Последняя редакция: careface41#6106. Время: 18 янв. 2019 г., 9:10:14
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This is hype, once I get the gear all fleshed out on my heiro, I might reroll my scion to run this.
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so i still dont understand how is scion bettEr than tampler?
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" Hi buddy, there is no clear winner. I love both versions! The Scion version has a bigger maximum damage output (with high-end gear) and life leech with totems, which may help some of you. But there is not a single situation content-wise, where you will need the extra damage. It is just for min-maxing a build. The Hierpphant version is the better league starter, because you don´t need the expansive jewel setup (2x Might of the Meek & Unnatural Instinct ->> about 20ex total). Both versions work very well, as you all know. But if you are "hunting" the maximum numbers, the scion version is ahead. But to be clear, the "maximum" is always very expansive (every build maxed out is expansive). Cheers |
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I learned that I'll never be able to afford the min-max version of this build.
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" Thanks man I love the build and i planning to spend everything to minax to get the best thats why i am asking eRaAlter_Juge
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In order to sell the build I feel like you overinflated the POB damage numbers a bit, the boss isn't checked and your shock will not apply that much damage (it assumes 50% once checked). It still is an impressive amount of damage though and clearly shows a lack of skill instead of a lack of build potential if you can't kill something.
You certainly aren't joking when you went min max on the gear either, your whole set up hurt to think about in cost especially with some of those corruptions. But then again, that's the fun of it I suppose. Cool build though, I've been keeping an eye on this one for the league and I think I'm going to try the Heiro version for ease of play/cost. I appreciate the write up because I certainly was curious what a scion version could potentially do. Thanks |
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Amazing Scion iteration. Thank you Lunasic. You can always trust a build made by Lunasic to be streamlined, viable, working and truly endgame.
Thank you once again. |
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Thanks for going a different direction seems like you used the same pieces from the last league for this build...how did you get the same everything again. I think seeing what you using this time around would be a bit more realistic.
Последняя редакция: Dontbejello#2741. Время: 13 янв. 2019 г., 4:58:59
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