Selfmade Build help

Hi, I created my first Build and played it this Season.
It is an Assassin that uses claws and Viper Strike. It's okay, but I think I would benefit from some feedback.

My background: First League was Delve with an Arc Witch from Enki's Guide. I watched / read some Guides, but I feel there's much and more to discover for me.

The Character: I wanted to create a Ninja that uses poison and claws. I ended up with Viper Strike which seems to be a nice skill. As defenses I chose evasion and Leech to fit the Ninja theme. I try to go for Attack Speed for offense.
I am satisfied with the skills so far, but I'm not sure about the support gems. The tree might need some work.
Here's the PoB link:

So, feel free to leave some feedback! =)
Last bumped22 февр. 2019 г., 21:25:51
Best i could do while trying to keep to your theme

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