Bandits: Alira
Pantheon: Arakali/Shakari for mapping - Brine King/Yugul for Uber Elder
Guys, this build is just an experiment because i wanted try how the dex scaling is.. i'm not really satisfied of dps, i tought it would have scaled better.. i could use wildwarp chest to get more dps and also going dual wield with a similar sword would be a good buff for dps.
Ok guys enjoy the video and if you have any tip or question feel free to write here in thread.
My builds

All my builds: Last bumped4 июня 2019 г., 12:33:13
СообщениеHitma47#75322 марта 2019 г., 20:36:26
I had a similar test in delve league. if u wanna check out what i tried out. The build was actually first going to be using charged dash. But i just love spectral and the lgoh on it was so sweet for delving, no need to worry about flares all the time. My idea was to go for pathfinder and get perma flasks in the end but never got to it.
I only played a bit in the first two months, damn i regret it afterwards. For start that delve seemed so boring. And thats why the build didnt ever get finished. But DAMN was it a nice and fast delver, and safe. With the claw implicit lgoh and slayer leech, +70% evade when enemies were blinded, dodge and even some block. Crazy fast movement with shield charge or whirling, from my delve experience at that time i chose shield charge in the end.
Some things i noticed, added flat ele damage rolls were far superior to even high dex rolls. As i said i didnt play to finish the char/setups, but it did seem that theres no real reason to go for dex stacking purely, especially abyss jewels are so crazy on ele damage rolls. And my jewels were pretty shit but they did what was needed.
Btw that spectral deceleration speed enchant is damn nice qol for mapping and delving, + its the best damage against bosses. It keeps ur spectrals whirling around a bit longer, providing leech and other procs if u have.
On synthesis league, for a build like this, especially if u wanna use swords, you could try to synthesize foil that has that dex cold damage mod and any two: lgoh, attackspeed, crit chance or too many others to remember. Would really like to make something like that for the future, just in case.
Hope you get some ideas out of my mumbling, and get to finish your build.
СообщениеDeGyrst#090830 марта 2019 г., 14:29:19
DeGyrst написал:
I had a similar test in delve league. if u wanna check out what i tried out. The build was actually first going to be using charged dash. But i just love spectral and the lgoh on it was so sweet for delving, no need to worry about flares all the time. My idea was to go for pathfinder and get perma flasks in the end but never got to it.
I only played a bit in the first two months, damn i regret it afterwards. For start that delve seemed so boring. And thats why the build didnt ever get finished. But DAMN was it a nice and fast delver, and safe. With the claw implicit lgoh and slayer leech, +70% evade when enemies were blinded, dodge and even some block. Crazy fast movement with shield charge or whirling, from my delve experience at that time i chose shield charge in the end.
Some things i noticed, added flat ele damage rolls were far superior to even high dex rolls. As i said i didnt play to finish the char/setups, but it did seem that theres no real reason to go for dex stacking purely, especially abyss jewels are so crazy on ele damage rolls. And my jewels were pretty shit but they did what was needed.
Btw that spectral deceleration speed enchant is damn nice qol for mapping and delving, + its the best damage against bosses. It keeps ur spectrals whirling around a bit longer, providing leech and other procs if u have.
On synthesis league, for a build like this, especially if u wanna use swords, you could try to synthesize foil that has that dex cold damage mod and any two: lgoh, attackspeed, crit chance or too many others to remember. Would really like to make something like that for the future, just in case.
Hope you get some ideas out of my mumbling, and get to finish your build.
-i'm agree on that: only dex scaling is limited in dps, i noticed, nearly 800-900 dex, is useless to go up more, it's better to scale with flat cold..
-life gain on hit with claw stop overleech, i tried it before nerf, and so it seemed.
-i love charged dash :D, but low dps in single target, and if u scale movement speed u lose some pulsation so lose dps, if u don't scale movement speed is slow..
-in synthesis there are rings with +%dex, but atm i'm not playing it cuz is a bit boring, it's an other crafting league and nexus is nothing special..
-in next week i will do an other dex stacking build with a raider or pathfinder still working on it
All my builds:
СообщениеHitma47#753230 марта 2019 г., 20:58:26