Help with the build
I am kind of new to Poe, played a lot last league, but played other people builds, For this league i have been wanting to make my own and after spending a few hours in Pob clicking on stuff i have realized that i have probably bitten more than i can chew. So im kind of in need of your help. I'm trying to make Ascendant Magma orb dude (inquisitor(for conc ground) + assasin(mainly for damage from crits cannot be reflected)). But as i selected most of the crit strike chances just to see if i can get 100% crit now that is possible, im kinda stuck on whats next.. my char needs more life, es, damage and... everything else :D And im retarded for implementing and evaluating items based on crit chance. I would realy like to add ES leech to him + maybe CI with pain attunement. If anybody thats is prob. far better in this game than me, can check and comment for what and how i need to change things for that to work, or thoughts on is the build any good to tryout based on thair own respected player exp, i would realy apriciate it. pastebin, prob the worts you have seen :D Thanks in advance, all thought on it are apriciated Ps. Sorry for bad english, i havent writen Eng for a long time Last bumped7 марта 2019 г., 15:22:23
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