3 6 UberElder Storm Brand 10 Million DPS Assassin English

Full equip real DPS before mods reductions:
x2Brand DPS + Lightning tendrils + Ball Lightning

Full Buffed = 10.6 Million DPS
Mapping: 3.8 Million Solo con las Brands
Sustained: 2.8 Million Brand + 1 M Lightning Tendrils + 3.7 BallLightning

-Movility on bosses
-Not speedy
-Need enemies to leech and sustain ES

Attack mechanics is simple, cast 4 brands run and use brand recall to kill all that are arround you.
In bosses cast 2 brands and run in circles to stay save.
If you can facetank the boss just use channeling on his face (remember use recall while holding the channeling :-)

Defense mechanics:
Watcher eye's

I calcs 1000/150(Hits from BallLightning) * 2.6castSpeed(chanelling)+7.4(LightningTendrils hits)+8.2 (x2BrandHits) *30 = 988 Insta ES leech/second. + 1700 ES/second normal leech = 2700 ES/second

English (I'm tryning to talk in english)
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Spanish With subtittles
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Same video you can see all kills, guardians, uber elder, shaper, pure

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Here is my actual gear is around 30ex. I'm thinking to look for shaped void battery to test the new body armor that give ele damage as extra chaos to "test awesome dps" XD

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I hope you like and feel free to ask & feedback!

Or ask in my stream: Spanish/English

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/anubisquall
Last bumped1 апр. 2019 г., 6:22:50

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