DOT Trikcster -Soulrend Build ( Need Advice)

Hello, exiles. I have a trickster Soulrend build with Bane and Blight totems. I can run almost any map mod till t16 but my Shaper DPS is really low and I want to get it to at least 700k DOT. I am not sure what to change or improve to get me there so I need some advice on what am doing right or wrong.
I run with a Cerberus Limb and Lioneye's Remorse when I want to be tanky and Dual wands when I want to deal more damage. I also gain 4 power and Frenzy Charges.
Here is my build

Build :
Последняя редакция: Odongo#4855. Время: 25 апр. 2019 г., 14:06:08
Last bumped2 мая 2019 г., 7:26:30

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