Build recommendation please for disabled player
Hi - I am sure you guys get a lot of these posts.
Firstly, I have tried to scan through the builds, and did see one that seemed plausible but it ended up a very min/max build and unrealistic (IMO) but maybe I am missing something. So here is the issue. I am disabled and struggle to play any type of melee class (before I lost the use of my main arm I used to be both raid tank and raid clerics in many MMOs so it was a real downer to not be able to beat the crap out of stuff...) as I cannot move my arm fast enough to counteract a lot of attacks. However, ranged classes work much easier for me, and as such I currently have a witch (going Necro route), a ranger (gone Deadeye), and my son and I started scions together. I was initially going to go the bow route again, but got a totem skill and LOVED it. So I want to try a totem route with the Scion (duoing with a bow scion) but with ranged skills - most of the totem builds I've found are tanky builds. Sorry for the waffle heh, but hope I make some sort of sense. Any recommendations/pointers would be great, thanks. Deeply Last bumped30 апр. 2019 г., 18:30:21
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Since I play nothing but SSF and make my "builds" based on the items that the game throws at me I can't quite recommend any real builds for you, although I would say that something along the lines of an elemental hit ranged-totem build might be your type then.
I found this guide recently, it was intended for a templar but since scion is quite versatile in terms of builds you might be able to pull something off with her too... Alternately you might want to try something with insanely high attack speed or generally a lot of hits per second, combined with an agony-crawler, type of build, they are meta as all hell but they seem to be quite good and I mean if you like to play with your son he might be able to take on one of the more tanky/taunting builds so the aggrovation of enemies stays off of you whilst your crawler sends the undead back to where they belong. Other than the above I can't recommend much as I played only 1 bow build in my entire poe career
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(it sucked ass)
Also wanted to send some positive vibes about your arm... hope life's going all right with that. |
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Stupid thing deleted my post when I tried quoting.
Check out winter orb, skill auto aims for you. 1ex : many ex: Eternity Shroud with 2 scepters 20% more ele dmg as extra chaos is insanely strong right now. Out of a lot of peoples budget but can do a lot of endgame on the 1ex build, just slower. Winter Orb auto aims at nearest (sometimes) target. Hits 1-7x times (depending on gems/flasks) in like .2 secs. Like barrage you multiple tooltip by projectiles. With trickster ascendancy its insane, and witch can go tankier for less dps. Other thing to check out and is really strong is Herald of Agony for witch. Sorry about your arm my dude. If you don't have one I highly suggest checking out a Razer Naga mouse (or prefered brand) but this mouse gives you 3 side thumb buttons that are magnetically attached and pop out to swap(sometimes its nice too have to big thumb buttons only). More specifically the 12 button attachment - which you can prob find on a cheaper mouse (logitech g600 - cant say if its any good tho). Anywho 12 button side layout giving you something like this with one hand (brackets is my layout): LMB:movement or main skill (move) RMB main skill or move (worb) middlemouse: move skill/ hp flask / portal gem (gem) 1-5 on thumb: skills or flasks q,w,e,r,t (flasks for me) 1-5 or (8-12): flasks (or skills) 5 thumb buttons 6-7: 2 unused thumb buttons Not sure with other mouse but also have middle mouse left/right push which can be used to set to flask/move skill/etc for 2 more buttons on mouse (plus you can reassign the 2 dpi buttons but they are in a terrible spot) Hope it helps and feel free to PM me if you got any questions. " How you know he's not all lefts? Sorry. Последняя редакция: kantermoose#7868. Время: 29 апр. 2019 г., 20:49:48
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" Gotta admit... that one took me a while |
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This isn't a scion build but literally all you have to do is hold down right click. You don't need any of the fancy gear recommended in the guide. I'm currently running t10 maps and level 90 delve very comfortably just with stuff I found on my own. If you are interested I will link my character after work and explain how I am compensating for the lack of fancy equipment. Here is another build that is also not a scion but it will teach you how to make your character do a lot of things without having to push a lot of buttons: |
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May sound stupid but I have a friend with the same type of issue. His fix - learned to use his left hand with the mouse (had to buy a left handed one obviously as well) that way his other arm could just chill and press keys. Has to rebind every game but still. Have you considered this?
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Hopefully this can be a bit of inspiration to ya 1 handed speeder runner, has a genetic issue with his right arm Can't find the link but a friend was also mentioning to me a guy with both arms disabled doing speed runs with a device that fit into his mouth. I'll post if I can find it. Edit: Found it. Not the speed runner but he's playing Seikro better than I played Dark Souls.. with his mouth. :) Just google Quadstick for more vids. Best of luck to ya brother. Последняя редакция: kantermoose#7868. Время: 30 апр. 2019 г., 18:47:16
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