3.7| Stress Free PoE - DEADITOR, "EH"? |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)
The 3.8 version of the guide is up: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2627964! Thanks for trying this build out so late in the league! See you on the other side!
WELCOME to my DEADITOR, "EH"? guide :)! With this build, using a bow with Elemental Hit, we'll Ignite, Freeze, and Shock enemies from a distance. Everything else is automatic. It's so automatic that the game chooses which element you hit with! I know, I know, it's not really fair to kill enemies before they've experienced each elemental ailment, but that's the burden of dealing so much damage :). But that's it! Game passed. Atlas cleared. (The character name is just a portmanteau of the two ascendancies I suggest choosing.) Anyway it's easy 1 button fun! The build doesn't require any specific items or mods to play so you can just pick up and play like a good old fashion "dungeon crawler". If you're curious about any aspect of the title or why my builds are the way they are, I give the details here. The guides I post will easily clear the Atlas despite the limitations I play with. *For those with similar limitations to mine, I can play this build on Console. I can't play bow skills on PC, too much aiming (if you're curious, I explain that here. (Thanks Tagz for always being willing to figure out the Wiki with me.) I'll make a specific gameplay example video after 3.8 is launched on console. In the meantime, here's my most recent sessions with the build. Here's what my gear looks like. (My character name doesn't match my build anymore...too many respecs.)
The Guts (Gems/Gear/Tree/Attributes)
Gem Links
PoE restricts which gems are available to each class until Act 3. Until then you can get some gems for free from quest rewards, purchase some from specific NPCs in each town, or find them as loot.
There are two NPC's that sell all purchasable gems: the first one is Siosa in the Library in Act 3 (you have to do his quest first (the Library is connected to The Imperial Gardens)), the second NPC is Lilly Roth in Act 6. *If I have a level next to a gem, stop levelling that gem at that level. For example, Cast when Damage Taken (Level 1). Don’t level Cast when Damage Taken beyond gem level 1. 5/6 Link - Main Skill (Socket in your Bow) -Elemental Hit - Our main skill. It's an Attack that can be either Melee or Ranged. I chose Ranged. If you choose to level with it (which I always do), you'll find levelling pretty slow until you're done your second ascendancy. This skill is complex in the background but all we do is shoot :). It'll do no physical damage. It randomly chooses one of the three elements (Fire, Cold, Lightning) to shoot, never choosing the same element two times in a row (perfect for Elemental Equilibrium). It also has a much higher chance than other skills to apply the ailments of each element (Ignite, Freeze, Shock). Once your arrows start piercing or you're shooting more than one arrow at once, you'll see the big defensive perk to ailments :). -Elemental Damage with Attacks Support - You'll never guess what this does. But if you guessed that it increases elemental damage on attack skills, you win :). -Increased Critical Strikes Support - This greatly increases our skill's Critical Strike Chance. I focused on Crit chance quite a lot with this build. Of course, it's big damage, but it's awesome to constantly apply ailments too. -Increased Critical Damage Support - This increases the amount of damage to our Critical Strikes. (It'll do nothing for our Hits that are not Crits.) -Faster Attacks Support - Any guesses? Yup. It increases your attack speed. -If you get a 6 link bow use whatever you want. There are a wide variety of bow preferences out there. I prefer Slower Projectile Support. It's a good damage boost and I find that after the Deadeye ascendancy node is taken I don't really need more projectiles. For those that like gem-swapping, many will probably like GMP for clear speed. 3 Link - Bonus Damage (Socket Anywhere) -Cast when Damage Taken - Automatically casts linked spells. Linked spells can't be self casted. (For this build, gem order doesn't matter when linking spells to CwDT.) -Summon Ice Golem - When this golem is alive, it'll increase your accuracy and crit chance. -Blood Rage - This is a tricky skill. It's a buff that gets refreshed with every kill (if it's up when you kill). The buff actually hurts you for 4% of your life per second, but your hits leech life to cancel it out. The big perks to this buff is the HUGE increase in attack speed along with the chance to gain Frenzy Charges with each kill. 3 Sockets (2 Linked) - Auras (Socket Anywhere) *You may want to hang onto a mana flask with your auras turned on until your damage is good enough for the mana leech node on the tree to be effective. -Precision - This increases your accuracy and crit chance. It doesn't reserve a % of mana. It reserves a flat amount of mana that increases as the gem levels. It won't be an issue. It's just good to know. This skill doesn't need to be linked to anything. -Blasphemy Support - Reserves 35% of our mana to make a curse an aura instead of an AoE spell we have to cast. The gem level of Blasphemy determines the size of the aura. Unlike normal auras, enemies must be inside Blasphemy's area of effect to have the curse applied to them. It's not a buff for us, it's a curse on them. -Assassin's Mark - This is the curse to link with Blasphemy. It a busy skill; it does lots. For the enemies within Blasphemy's range: they'll take more damage from Crits, they'll be more likely to be hit with a Crit, and they even might give us a power charge if they die. 2 Link - Escape (Socket Anywhere) -Cast when Damage Taken (Level 1) - Automatically casts linked spells. Linked spells can't be self casted. (For this build, gem order doesn't matter when linking spells to CwDT.) -Phase Run - When Phase Run is active, we'll be able to move through enemies (not obstacles) with "way too fast for me" movement speed :). It's an automatic "getaway card". Sooooo, you'll notice that there's lots of space for more gems. Do whatever you want! I prefer to have everything automatic. I like the "one-button" builds. So here's what my setup looks like if you're looking for ideas or just feel like copying.
If you’re new to PoE, check out the Tips for New Players link. It gives lots of help and tips on gear, mods, currency, levelling, and endgame mapping. Some good to know stuff that you'd hate not knowing. - Weapon - Any bow you like. - Quiver - Any quiver you like. - Head - Anything you like. - Chest - Anything you like. - Hands - Anything you like. - Feet - Anything you like. - Amulet - Anything you like. - Ring - Anything you like. - Ring - Anything you like. - Belt - Anything you like. - Jewel - Anything you like. - Flasks - Anything you like. I simply use 4 health flasks (that remove bleeding) and a Quartz Flask that removes Chill/Freeze. Weapon Mods: EH benefits from: - Increased Elemental Damage - Increased Crit Chance - Increased Crit Damage - Increases to Damage - Increases to Area Damage - Increases to Attack Speed - Penetrating Elemental Resists - "More" of any of the above. In PoE, the term "More" is much stronger than "Increased". So choose "More" over "Increased" when you can. EH does NOT benefit from: - Increased physical damage. Your goal on the rest of your gear is: - Maximum life - Resists - Movement Speed (typically on Boots) - Ensuring you have high enough attributes for your skills. - Any suggested mod you want on your weapon would be welcome on gear too. - Here are my customized loot filters (PC). They will make looting a lot more relaxing for those that play my builds. This is my setup if you're interested. I play the same as the guide unless I'm testing something out.
Passive Tree
Passive Tree Explained
This passive tree is a little more tricky than my other guides but still easy to follow. We'll start as the Scion. The Scion only has one ascendancy (subclass)(all the other classes have three to choose from) so we'll obviously be choosing that when the time comes. After you've completed your third ascendancy, the Scion actually gives you the option to have a second starting point to your passive tree. We'll be taking advantage of that, so unlike my other guides, I'll have a suggested starting path for you to take as you level.
Passive Tree Levelling Path
Refer to the picture I've included. (Here's a link to the picture if you need the picture bigger.)
1) Get all the nodes in section "A". 2) Then take the brown triangles to the blue circle. (The blue circle is the mana leech node. Once your damage is high enough, the mana node will remove the need for a mana flask. The brown triangles are the nodes we'll remove from the passive tree once we earn the ability to have a second starting point on the tree.) 3) Go from the blue circle to the pink circle. Then you'll be ready when the time comes, for your tree to have two starting points. 4) Then go anywhere you want. -Just note that we can't allocate the nodes in section "B" until we have our second starting point. ![]() Tree Focuses (in no particular order): - Damage: The biggest focus I had with damage was Crit Chance and Crit Damage. But you'll see a bunch of with a good amount of Accuracy, Projectile Damage, Attack Speed, and whatever else was close that gave the most damage per node. - Health: My favourite thing about going Scion with this tree is that we'll have 184% to maximum life. Along with great damage. I couldn't get close to the same life AND damage with the Deadeye starting as a Ranger. - Dodge: I'll explain the mechanic itself in the section where I explain Mechanics ;)...but it's an excellent amount defence for a build that can't use Fortify Support, or anything of that sort. Mana Leech: There's one mana leech node. I suggest rushing to it as described in the Levelling section, but it won't show its value until you do enough damage. But the one mana leech node will easily be enough...eventually :). - Phasing: There's a small section where I took some phasing nodes out of personal preference. The three nodes have a lot of defence in them. - Elemental Equilibrium: Again, I'll explain mechanics elsewhere, but EE is a HUGE part of this build. Elemental Hit is made for EE, even after it gets it's eventual nerf. - Jewels - Jewel slots are amazing. Jewels are items you can find that you can actually allocate on your tree. They can give almost anything from health, damage, resists...anything. We will only have one jewel slot selected :(. As great as jewels are, I find managing them and remembering what I have exhausting. So I typically only have one or two jewel slots per character. The Passive Tree I have for you takes you to level 90. That'll be really easy to get to. Pick what you want after that. You can't go wrong (unless it doesn't apply) so have fun! Don't forget about attributes. You'll pass some nodes on the tree that give +30. If you don't have items to cover what you're short in as you're levelling, feel free to select some of these as you pass them. You'll get respec points that will let you remove them later once you have better gear. Now, feel free to modify this is anyway. This is just my preference for easy Solo Self Found. Take your time to look at each skill as they come along. Some of the nodes are pretty dramatic. Some quests earn you respec points in case you regret any decisions you made on the tree. You can also use Orbs of Regret for the same thing. Save 6 for when you finish your third ascendancy.
As you go through the game you'll come across Trials of Ascendancy. Starting in Act 3 you'll see their value. Once you have completed all 6 of the first set of trails, you'll get to attempt your first Labyrinth (lab). Good luck! Upon completion choose your only option, Ascendant. You get two ascendancy points per lab. There are four labs for a total of 8 points. (Redoing the same lab difficulty will not reward you with more ascendancy points if you've already completed it.)
The Scion's ascendancy is unique compared to all the other starting classes. You only have one ascendancy to choose from, but you can choose between "compressed" versions of every other classes' ascendancies. Out of the 8 ascendancy points you get, you'll get to choose 2 major nodes that represent other classes. You can honestly choose any you two you prefer but I've found the ones that I suggest to be a GREAT for both clear speed and single target damage without any gem-swapping. You can spend your points in any order you like. My preference is as follows: - 1st Two Points - We're heading to Deadeye, but we can't reach it yet. So take the Dexterity and Passive Point that leads to it. - 2nd Two Points - Select Deadeye and the Passive Point after it. If you've been having a hard time levelling, this is where your troubles end. You get more Accuracy, your arrows pierce 2 more targets, you now shoot two arrows at once, you won't take extra damage while moving while bleeding, and you get bonus damage the farther away enemies are. - 3rd Two Points - Select the Path of the Ranger node and then the Strength and Intelligence node on the way to Inquisitor. Path of the Ranger is the node that lets you start building your tree from a second location, in our case, the Ranger's starting location. You can now "un-spec" out of the "brown diamonds" nodes (as long as you reached the Ranger's starting point as previously suggested) and put them where you like. - 4th Two Points - Take the Passive Point and then Inquisitor. Inquisitor is awesome. It gives our critical strikes more damage almost all the time, more damage with extra Elemental Penetration, enemies that are close to us take extra damage, when hitting a rare or unique enemy we have a good chance (with fast attack speed) to create consecrated ground, AND we're immune to ELEMENTAL ailments while on that consecrated ground. Busy hey? Good job! You did it! :)
Choose any you like as they come across. I personally like physical damage reduction and movement speed but there are no make or break options here. Just preferences. I find I standstill with this build more than my other builds, so I keep that in mind when I pick.
PasteBin - https://pastebin.com/9j0y1Z5V - Pastebin for Path of Building. (Copy the link, open Path of Building, click on “New”, then click “Import/Export Build”, click “Import from Pastebin…”, paste the link.) ![]()
You'll get most of the attributes that you require to use your gems from the tree. You'll need a little bit more Intelligence.
You'll Be Short: Strength: 0 Dexterity: 0 Intelligence: 11 Getting 11 Int. on your gear is really easy. But the natural attributes you will EVENTUALLY get on the tree may not come in the order you want. Amulets and +30 nodes are great temporary solutions until you have what you need on the tree. From the Tree You'll Get: Strength: 100 Dexterity: 285 Intelligence: 100 Your Gems Need: Strength: 70 Dexterity: 155 (more for a sweet bow) Intelligence: 111
Media and Extras (Videos/Tools/Filters)
Videos? 2 options:
- My DEADITOR, "EH"? playlist showing my most recent sessions with the build. - My broadcast channel. Mixer keeps the last 14 days worth of broadcasts. I don't always play awake, but I'd rather play than not :). - Software: - PoEMate - The mobile planner I use (if the link doesn't work in your area, just search PoEMate in your mobile store). - Path of Building - The desktop character planner I use. - Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/9j0y1Z5V - (Copy the link, open Path of Building, click on “New”, then click “Import/Export Build”, click “Import from Pastebin…”, paste the link.) Loot Filters: - My customized filters, their details, and how to download them are located here.
For New-ish Players (How I Play/Build Mechanics/Newbie Tips)
How I Play This Build/How it Functions in Gameplay
This build is really easy to play. Sooooo easy.
Quick Version: Stand and shoot. That's it! Honestly! Everything else is automatic!
Detailed Version
So you honestly just shoot your arrows. That's it. One button. But here's what happens in the background:
Elemental Hit randomly rotates between Fire, Cold, and Lightning attacks as you shoot. So Elemental Equilibrium coincides perfectly with this skill. EH has a bonus chance to apply the ailments of each element it shoots, and Critical Strikes are guaranteed to apply the element's ailment. So you'll find your enemies are almost always Burning, Frozen, and/or Shocked. Even though we dodge lots, we'll still get hit as we go mapping. We have (unless you put on more like me) two Cast when Damage Taken gems. The one that's going full level has both Blood Rage and Ice Golem linked to it. Those two skills will likely be active almost all the time, but it's of course not guaranteed. When they are active you'll notice you'll lose some health if you're not attacking anything. That's from Blood Rage. It's mindless to deal with. It's just not something you want to forget about. The other CwDT gem is a low-level one that is only meant to give us Phase Run's Phasing and really fast movement speed if we need it. It's meant to go off often in-case we need an escape. We'll also be running to auras. They are simple enough as explained in the Gems sections. They just increase our accuracy and crit chance. Precision, of course, impacts us, while the curse impacts enemies. So enemies have to be within the curses radius (controlled by Blasphemy) in order for us to gain the perks. You'll also notice that you'll have charges spinning around you sometimes. We have the chance to get Frenzy Charges when we kill while effected by Blood Rage. We have the chance to get Power Charges when we kill enemies effected by our curse. That's really it! Really strong, really simple. (See the Build Mechanics Explained for New Players and Gem Links sections for further details.)
Build Mechanics Explained for New Players
We'll be earning two types of charges with this build: Power and Frenzy charges. We won't have them up ALL the time, but we might :). We have a chance to get Frenzy Charges when we kill an enemy while Blood Rage is active. We have a chance to get Power Charges when we kill an enemy within the radius of Assassin's Mark.
EACH Frenzy Charge gives us: - 4% increased Attack Speed - 4% increased Cast Speed - 4% more Damage EACH Power Charge gives us: - 40% increased Critical Strike Now you know.
Consecrated Ground (from the Inquisitor)
Normal Consecrated Ground is an area on the ground (not something that follows you around) that gives you and allies 6% life regen. The Consecrated Ground we get from the Inquisitor Ascendancy node we chose, gives us the 6% life regen when we're on it, but it also makes us immune to Burning, Chill/Freezing, and Shock.
It's something to keep in mind if you can see it.
Critical Chance & Multiplier
Critical Strike Chance is the % chance you have to make a Critical Shot each hit. Critical strikes do two things, they cause the ailment of the element you hit with, and they deal Critical Damage instead of normal damage. The amount of damage done by a critical strike is determined by your critical strike multiplier. Most of the build's damage revolves around Critical Strikes.
Dodge and Evasion
Evasion only evades Attacks (both melee and ranged). Not spells. By Evades, I mean that it has a chance to have an Attack completely miss us and we take no damage. This stat is based on the amount of bonus Evasion we pick on the Passive Tree and the gear we have equipped. If we have very little Evasion on our gear, no amount of Evasion on the tree will be helpful.
Dodge isn't based on gear at all. It's a flat stat...we always have it. With the nodes we chose, we have a chance to dodge both Attacks and Spells. Dodge is the same as Evasion in the sense that, if the game "rolls the dice" in our favour, an enemy's hit will miss us completely. Both of these mechanics only apply to hits. So watch out for Damage Over Time.
Elemental Equilibrium
Elemental Equilibrium (EE) is a node on the passive tree. It gives enemies negative resists to elements you don't hit enemies with...if you've hit them with an element.
So if I hit an enemy with lightning, the enemy now has 25% extra lightning resistance and -50% to both fire and cold resists. If my spell or attack hits an enemy with lightning and fire, the enemy is only now susceptible to cold damage. So since the effect of EE changes with every elemental hit against an enemy, Elemental Hit (the skill) is a perfect combo with EE as EH never uses the same element two times in a row.
Phasing is a mechanic I love to incorporate when I can. We'll gain it from a few different methods with this build (getting hit, chance on kill, flask(?)). Phasing on its own lets you walk through enemies (not obstacles). Phasing from the skill Phase Run (which we use) gives you bonus movement speed while phasing.
Pierce is a mechanic that shoots through enemies (in a straight line) to hit the next enemy behind the first. The skill you fire will (with some exceptions) "do its thing" with every enemy it hits. SO for example, with Elemental Hit, when you hit an enemy, a small explosion happens around the enemy that was hit. If you're piercing, it will do that explosion on every enemy that was hit.
Loose Ends (Map Mods/Gem Locations/Bandits)
Endgame Mods to Avoid
At the end of the game, the levels (maps) you try and clear will have random modifiers (mods) allocated to them. There are A LOT of mods that can go on a map.
There are only a couple of mods that we shouldn’t run: -Elemental Reflect - Elemental Reflect would kill us instantly. -No Mana Regen - Even though we leech, I don't like carrying around mana flasks, or at least, NEEDING them. So I guess you could run it and just have a flask ready to go. Some mods will be inconvenient, but they won't be impossible to run. You'll learn your personal preferences over time as well.
Quests and Gem Locations - Quick Reference
- I suggest doing every quest in the game. It doesn't take long. If you're too eager to get to mapping in the endgame, here is a link to all the quests that give Skill Points as a reward.
Bandits - With the Bandits in Act 2, I kill them all for the extra 2 skill points. You, of course, do what you like. **Remember to prioritize. You may not be lucky enough to get the gear that'll let you play with all your gems as soon as they are available. So do what works best for you until the gear comes (don't be quick to sell your old gear in case something doesn't work out).
List of Gems in Order of Story Acquisition:
Act 1 - The Caged Brute - Purchase - Level 8 - Increased Critical Strikes Support
Act 1 - The Caged Brute - Purchase - Level 10 - Precision Act 1 - The Siren's Cadence - Purchase - Level 12 - Elemental Hit Act 2 - Deal with the Bandits - Reward - Level 15 - Kill Everyone - 2 Skill Points Act 2 - The Root of the Problem - Purchase - Level 16 - Blood Rage Act 2 - Sharp and Cruel - Reward - Level 18 - Elemental Damage with Attacks Support Act 2 - Sharp and Cruel - Purchase - Level 18 - Increased Critical Damage Support Act 2 - Sharp and Cruel - Purchase - Level 18 - Faster Attacks Support Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 24 - Assassin's Mark Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 31 - Blasphemy Support Act 4 - Breaking the Seal - Reward - Level 34 - Summon Ice Golem Act 4 - Breaking the Seal - Purchase - Level 34 - Phase Run Act 4 - The Eternal Nightmare - Purchase - Level 38 - Cast when Damage Taken Support (x2)
List of Gems in Order by Level:
Level 8 - Increased Critical Strikes Support
Level 10 - Precision Level 12 - Elemental Hit Level 15 - Kill Everyone - 2 Skill Points Level 16 - Blood Rage Level 18 - Elemental Damage with Attacks Support Level 18 - Increased Critical Damage Support Level 18 - Faster Attacks Support Level 24 - Assassin's Mark Level 31 - Blasphemy Support Level 34 - Summon Ice Golem Level 34 - Phase Run Level 38 - Cast when Damage Taken Support (x2) - There are two NPCs that sell all purchasable gems: the first one is Siosa in the Library in Act 3 (you have to do his quest first (the Library is connected to The Imperial Gardens)), the second NPC is Lilly Roth in Act 6 (Do her quest in Act 6). Replies: Feel free to respond to other players' posts! The more that's out there, the more we learn. Please be kind, respectful, and theoretical (not a Know-It-All) when helping others out. I will happily respond to questions but please note that I have multiple guides and I'd like to respond to each equally. I’ll do my best to get back to you as quickly as possible but set your expectations that I'll respond to each guide once a week. (Too much time responding to guides makes an unhappy spouse...an unhappy spouse means less time for guide replies...less time for guide replies makes an unhappy me...Unhappy spouse + unhappy me = an epic hockey fight with sweet uppercuts which I would obviously lose...a lost hockey fight against my spouse = busted hands that I can't type with, no teeth to voice type with, and black eyes that I can't read with. So one build a day, m'kay? K.) Here's a list of my OTHER GUIDES if you're interested :). OH! Don't forget, to support GGG by buying a skin for all your favourite skills you use. They last forever, you look rad, and it keeps PoE going too :). Double OH! I make a new thread every league for every guide I do. So all the comments, questions, and answers you read are all relevant for this current expansion. (At the end of a league I post links in the previous guide to guide players to the newest rendition of the build.)
Build History
3.7 - 3.7| Stress Free PoE - DEADITOR, "EH"? |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Последняя редакция: Wrecker_of_Days#7691. Время: 5 сент. 2019 г., 2:18:07 Last bumped5 сент. 2019 г., 2:22:23
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I re-skilled and re-equipped my former molten strike scion and I'm already so in love with your build. Thank you very much for another great guide! My scion is now level 85 and the gameplay is very smooth on white and yellow maps. Good killspeed, good defenses. Another perfectly-elaborated guide you have given to us. Big thanks!
Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
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"Hey Caligula_Exile, Nice to see you again. Thanks for such kind words! I'm glad you like it. The build gets really strong as the gems level. Let me know how things go as you get into red maps. Also, let me know if I missed anything in the guide. I always miss one or two things with the original post. Thanks again for taking the time to be kind. I hope you keep enjoying the build! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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you actually don't want any source of pierce whatsoever. Fork is broken good.
In addition, you do not have a proper PoB link. Please, gear the character out. Последняя редакция: bvanharjr#5617. Время: 22 авг. 2019 г., 17:56:01
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"Hey bvanharjr, Regarding pierce and fork, you aren't wrong but the Ascendancy gives us one, and not the other. And the build is so strong the pierce clears just as fast anyway. Which PoB link doesn't work? I just tried them out and they all seem to work. And the Pastebin copy and pastes properly. Mind telling which one you mean? Do you mean to add gear to the guide or get better gear on my character? https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Последняя редакция: Wrecker_of_Days#7691. Время: 22 авг. 2019 г., 18:42:29
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What is wrong with pierce and this build? My scion uses a quiver with "arrows pierce an additional target".
Edit: Never mind. I just read that and now I think I understand what you mean. Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1 Последняя редакция: Caligula_Exile#4970. Время: 23 авг. 2019 г., 2:46:38
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Sorry for double-posting. Just wanted to share my experiences. Maybe somebody's interested.
So far, my scion (Milena_Karpenko, if you want to have a look at her) is doing fine. She has reached tier 10 maps and clears them without any problems and with hardly any deaths. The vaal grace-gem (= increased chance to dodge attack and spell hits), I added, helps her a lot to survive in tough situations like for example encounters with the members of the syndicate, breaches, abysses or map bosses. Combined with an "increased duration"-gem, the vaal grace almost lasts 10 seconds, which is a lot and turns out to be very useful. I'm using two different gem-setups for the attacke skill. One for clearing maps (socketed in my chest plate), another one for bosses (bow in the second weapon slot). I am happy that this build doesn't requiere any specific bow. It's fun experimenting with the bows one has in his stash or finds. Holy Relic is a brilliant choice. It helps to keep the ice golem (and myself, of course) alive. Unfortunately, it doesn't work yet with "cast when damage taken", because that gem needs to catch up some levels and the Holy Relic and Ice Golem are socketed in a helmet with a bonus of + 2 to all minion skill gems. I think I'll change the skill tree just a little bit. I already took 2 additional jewel sockets, sparing out some minor life points. Maybe I'll take "Stun Avoidance and Movement Speed" & "Heart of oak" (8 % increased maximum life, 2 % movement speed, 28 % chance to avoid being stunned, 20 % increased stun and block recovery, 1 % of life regenerated per second) instead of 2 points in "Evasion and life" (= 8 % life, 16 % evasion rating). Maybe the increased life regeneration helps her to compensate the negative effects of blood rage. Thanks again for the guide. Have fun, everybody, with this scion :) Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1 Последняя редакция: Caligula_Exile#4970. Время: 26 авг. 2019 г., 10:35:50
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"Sweet changes! I'm glad you're liking the build! There are so many jewels that can be good for this build. It'll do really well next league with the Notable Nodes being able to be added to Amulets too. Let me know how things go as you keep going. Great post. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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First thanks for the build. I'm testing your build in standard at the moment, and probably it will be my starter build for Blight league. I made some changes (added Windripper bow, Frostferno helmet, Belly of the Beast chest). I like EH in Frostferno because it might be cheaper than 6-l Windripper or Belly, and i'm getting nice DPS boost from it (at this moment over 1m shaper dps in PoB) only thing that i don't like is that i'm losing GMP (and now i must aim, and i'm lazy :p). There is only one problem, Leveling to ~40-50 lvl. I was leveling with 6-l EH in gg leveling items like tabula, goldrim, wanderlusts, Storm Cloud bow carried me to 66 lvl!). Leveling was unpleasant, just wonder can you recommend any other levelling skill than EH? My gear at the moment need to change 1 ring and enchant items with x% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills.
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"Thank you very much for the kind words! I'm glad you like the build and I hope you enjoy 3.8 if you start with it. Ya, EH can be rough to level with until the 3rd ascendancy. Two skills I really like levelling with are Ice Shot and Caustic Arrow. That's an exciting setup you have! I like seeing what others are using and doing with my guides. The 3.8 thread is now up (nothing changed with the build though). So I'll see you over there. Thanks again for the kind words! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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