Looking for SRS damage advice
Hi folks,
SkullsItHadToBeSkulls is my SRS Scion (if you want to look at anything on top of what I'm going to tell you). She has a +1 All/+2 Fire staff for her SRS 6L She had been using SRS + Multistrike + Empower + Spell Echo + Minion Damage + Melee Splash but a recent test on a Dunes boss indicated that I should probably bump the damage. She's also using Generosity + Hatred + Precision. (I'm assuming SRS crits and needs accuracy.) I've also just swapped in a Carrion Golem for my Stone Golem. Back when I had 50 Skulls zipping across the screen, I didn't bother with Melee Splash. When we got down to 20, I swapped it in. Now my Skulls have enough speed that I feel comfortable not needing Melee Splash for crowd control. So, which will cause more damage as my 6th gem: Melee Physical Damage or Immolate? Note that this is primarily for Boss damage so I'm assuming that Skulls will crit and then ignite the Boss. Thanks. Last bumped18 сент. 2019 г., 10:40:14
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Hmm, or I could just use Feeding Frenzy.
Well, I'm still curious to see the calculation if anybody feels like doing it. |
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Your build looks solid defensively, so here are some offensive suggestions: You have no reliable way to apply ignite, so forget immolate. Keep feeding frenzy on the golem, so you can free up the gem slot for more damage or utility. With the base accuracy buffs to minions, Precision is worse than haste. If you are taking any of the minion damage + accuracy nodes, then it is simply not worth your time. For your setup, a blasphemy + curse would be even better, as it would free up a ring slot which could give you minion damage, movespeed, life, resists, etc. Alternately, consider the ring for malachai's artifice for easy EE application (put a lightning golem in there), which would mean maybe the aura is best used as purity of elements. With those colours on your 6L staff, I'd check out triad grip gloves. They will make your SRS pure elemental damage, which allows you to use: SRS > Minion damage > minion speed > summon phantasm > inspiration > elemental damage with attacks. The phantasms are a good middle ground between melee splash and single target damage. The minion speed is awesome for your range, killing before monsters they can get an attack or spell off, and clearspeed. 40 chaos orbs on some all green triad grip also gives hatred more damage offered, and would allow your purifying flame skill to procc EE as well for a huge damage boost. If you haven't had fun playing with Path of Building yet, I recommend it as it answers a lot of your questions. Here's a sample on a necro: https://pastebin.com/TUcKYHNi Although the new items are not available, and the inspiration damage is not calculated. If keeping the physical to fire conversion, then feeding frenzy is decent for damage (25% more damage is about the same as a level 4 empower, but the empower gives life too.) |
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