Claw Poison build for Scion and Shadow nearly identical, which to play?


Been casually theory crafting poison builds.
Since Scion's Ascendancy lets them start at another classes spot on the skill tree, the builds are almost identical.
Which leaves me with little on which to base a decision of which to actually use.

Like I said, this is casual, I don't need to be uber min maxed ideal built, I just wanted to have fun making a poison centric character, so I don't need any build advice of "do this" or "don't do that".
But I could use help choosing between the Scion and Shadow for the build I'm making myself.

The difference is basically using the Shadow's Assassin ascendancy skills vs using the Scion's lesser version thereof but getting more passive points and another jewl slot.

Links to both:
Last bumped21 нояб. 2019 г., 1:52:53
Well, it looks like the Scion Ascendancy combination you chose will put a higher emphasis on blocking and might allow you to combine poison and bleed, whereas the Shadow is more focused on poison alone and crit.

Personally, if I wanted to really focus on poison and crit, I'd take the class that's more focused - in this case the Shadow.

The jewel slot also depends on how good your jewels are. If you have something stellar that you can't squeeze into the other setup, fine, but otherwise...

Although you said you didn't want build advice, I traced the Shadow skill tree on quickly and saw that you have:
- 140% chance to poison on hit - this is overkill, especially since some skills, supports, and claws (e.g. The Wasp Nest) come with chance to poison as well.
- no defences to speak of, other than 40% block chance and elusive against crits
- 20% (!!!) increased life from the tree. Even at 120%, that would be rather squishy.

I feel like I should warn you that you won't get far with that little life, which will probably ruin all the fun you could have with that build. I also feel like this will ultimately be more important than the choice between Scion and Shadow because a dead character won't be fun either way. :s

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