[3.10] ED + Contagion Max Block CI Trickster | 1+M DPS | All Content | Super Tanky | Awakener Farmer
![]() Patch 3.10 Update: Due to the corona situation i cannot fully update or rework this guide before playing the league myself. I can just give some short points: # This build received no nerf of any kind looking at the patch notes. If i have missed something, feel free to gimme a hint in the comments :) # Some of the cluster nodes are really good, because a lack of chaos dot nodes is something that this build really has, when it comes to "being more offensive". 3.10 cluster nodes could fix this. # You can build into this variation from any other chaos dot based trickster available. In the end it's just slight nouances in defensive choices that make this build stand out on it's own. # I will leaguestart with a choaos dot trickster, but i am still indecisive, if i will do ed/cont all the way or maybe do all my low to mid levels with a bane setup. --- Hello fellow Exiles, This build is based on the ED-C Tankster by mbXtreme [0] This isn't really a full guide, but i added all decisions i made converting mbXtreme's LL-build to a CI variation into the Path of Building Notes. (also see below) If you have any questions, just ask! Maybe i will upgrade this to a guide in the future. Achievments:
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# Deathless Awakener on A8 # All Conquerors on A8 # All Shaper Guardians # All Elder Guardians # Deathless Shaper # Deathless Elder # Deathless Uber Elder # Many Full Power Metamorphs in Tane's Lab Pros and Cons:
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Pros: # Can do every boss ingame deathless without much effort # Damage over Time lets you focus on boss mechanics # Very fast Map clear # Can run any map mod # Fast Delve Cons: # Average single target dps # ED-Cont playstyle isn't for everyone Path of Building (Level 95):
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I min-maxed a bit around with my gear and adjusted the tree a little bit to my playstyle. To give you an idea how the tree can move around, i will let the old versions still be in the guide. Most recent: https://pastebin.com/rMgAiX1z Old PoB-Variations: https://pastebin.com/xhMb1v3J My Current Gear:
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Kill 'em all, we need those juicy skill points ;) Special Map Modifiers:
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Reflect Elemental Damage: No Problem! Reflect Physical Damage: No Problem! Players cannot regenerate: Runnable, maybe carry a manaflask Players have 40% reduced chance to block: Runnable, don't facetank enemies Cannot Regenerate AND Reduced Block: You can run them if you like pain Suggestions:
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# If you don't know what metamorph you have built, do not facetank it, some have ridiculous one-hits then, just dot and run around # On "Players cannot regenerate"-Maps, switch in a Mana Flask for bosses, especially if they don't have adds, have in mind, that your ED Regeneration isn't active here, so don't facetank too much # Beware of "Players have 40% reduced chance to block" You get squishy in those maps, you can run them, but don't facetank then. The Path of Building "Notes":
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#### About this Build #### This build is based on the ED-C Tankster by mbXtreme (Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj0L6PvZSd0) I switched it to a CI (Chaos Innoculation) Build via the following decisions: * I can live without full stun immunity, since i am stun immune as long as i have ghost shrouds (Ascendancy) -> Drop "Presence of Chayula" * I want to play CI so i do not need "Shavronne's Wrappings" * I cannot play Pain Attunement, so i use this Keystone for my Lethal Pride conversion to Glancing Blows * I want to play Malevolence, Discipline and Aspect of the Spider -> Skill all reachable "X% reduced Mana reserved" * I play two very good auras and damage scaling is hard enough for dots -> Skill all "%X increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills" which usally go with or are directly next to the "%X reduced Mana reserved" nodes. * I want to block as many hits as possible, so i skilled additional Block Chance nodes (vs. mbXtreme's variation) * I wanted to get rid of as many ailments as possible so: * Crafted (and got on boots as a stat) all in all 105% chance to avoid elemental ailments * Using a Watcher's Eye with "Unaffected by Bleeding while affected by Malevolence" * "Spreading Rot Jewel" with "Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you" * If you do not want or can use all of that, just use corresponding potions for ailments you want to get rid off * To scale Damage i use "+1 Chaos/Intelligence Gems" wherever i could find it * To scale ES i use Crusader-Influenced Fossil-Crafted Jewellery with mods like: * "X% increased maximum Energy Shield" (Crusader) * "X% increased Energy Shield from Body Armour" (Fossil) * Crafting Process: Single Dense Fossil-Craft till good and missing only a prefix (maybe annul if just a third prefix is bad) -> Slam with Crusader's Exalted Orb and hope for good luck #### Potions #### I just use Bottled Faith and Witchfire Brew, because i had them from my previous char and i am immune to all ailments so i do not need normal potions for that #### Pantheon #### Solaris -> Good for Bossing and Metamorphs Tukohama -> Good to facetank enemies while applying blight(wither) #### Possible Upgrades #### * Double Corrupted Chest with +2/+2 Gem Levels (Projectile, AOE, Chaos, Intelligence or Duration) * +1 Chaos AND +1 Int Gems on Amulet without loosing Chaos Dot Multiplier * Shield with 350+ ES & +1 to Chaos/Int Gems without loosing "Recover 5% of Energy Shield when you Block" * Watcher's Eye with one of the following (or both if you are super lucky/rich) * #% to Damage over Time Multiplier while affected by Malevolence * Gain #% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity * Swap "Portal" with "Clarity" (Lvl 1) in that case #### Budget/Leveling Alternatives #### * Any item that has +1 Chaos/Intelligence Gems, can just be used without that mod -> Just loose damage -> Items without max life tend to be cheap enough * Belt can be replaced by "Bated Breath" unique belt, which is super cheap * Use any shield that has "Recover 5% of Energy Shield when you Block", every other stat is optional for the beginning * A 1R2G3B-Skin of the Loyal can be used until you have a very good other 6L, before that and for leveling just use a Tabula (Bonus for every +gem level on that) * Use 5 magic potions, works fine too! #### Note on the "Level 22 ED" in PoB The +1 to Level of all Chaos Skill Gems" on my amulet is just not recognized by PoB, so i had to increase my ED manually by one level for calculation #### Custom Item in PoB ### "Lethal Pride Simulator" Jewel: Official PoB does not support Lethal Pride. So i had to create this gem to simulate all of the Lethal Pride effects. Only Important Stat is "under Kiloava". The number doesn't matter, but good stats on "Arcane Vision" and "Melding" would be nice to have. Mine does: * Pain Attunement ---- changes to ---> Glancing Blows (Doubles all Block Chances + 50% of blocked damage is taken) * "Melding" -> +20% increased Burning Damage (useless) * "Arcane Vision" -> 4% increased maximum Life (useless) * +32 Strength over all skilled nodes My Lethal Pride's actual stats: * Commanded leadership over 16343 warriors under Kiloava Stay sane, Exile! ;) Credits:
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[0] The mbXtreme ED-C Tankster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj0L6PvZSd0 [1] Origin of the Lethal Pride / ES-Gain Combo: https://www.twitch.tv/dirtydan79 Update History:
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Update 03.01.2020: Added current gear for reference Update 01.01.2020: DanielAppelkvist's post inspired me to tune my tree a little bit, leading to the following update: Tree Updates: * Moved Annointment from Deflection to Tranquility -> More ES and Dmg * removed one Mana-Reserve/Aura-Effect Cluster -> don't need it for mana issues * added "Faith and Steel" -> very good ES/Defense node * removed the "Energy from Within"-Gem -> removing the socket and just skilling more ES provided to be more effective * skilled "Foresight" Cluster -> More ES and Dmg (due to Tranquility) * skilled "Unnatural Calm" Cluster -> More ES and Dmg * removed "Blast Radius" -> Too weak Item Updates: * Got a +2 Socketd Projectile Gems Corrupted Chest -> Way more dmg * Enchanted ES on Boots instead of Armor/Evasion -> More ES * Added Rumi's Concotion -> fix some missing block % i removed from tree Последняя редакция: Belvince#7684. Время: 13 марта 2020 г., 12:00:35 Last bumped11 авг. 2020 г., 10:05:28
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* Added some more information to the forum post itself * Changed title |
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I give it a try, i like the changes due to "cheaper" Items and CI. |
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Thanks for trying it out :-) I never tried to play the character without some of the items, cause it wasn't my first char. I started with Lethal Pride and a 5% Block-ES-Gain shield from the start on. But since it is commonly known that "Chaos DOT" Builds are great for leveling and starting a league, since they scale almost purely over skill level, it should be no problem to "grow into it". I think with 20/20 ED and no increases on to gem level on your gear you can still do red maps, but bosses may tend to take annoyingly long. The higher my ED-Level, the less i want to relog to my burst berserker for bosses *g* I think it would be even ok, to just grab a cane of unravelling on your second weapon set to switch to higher gem level whenever you need less defense, but more single target damage. Greetings Belvince |
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Ah, yes, hopefully a good block CI ED trickster guide.
To me lowlife doesn't make any sense with trickster, CI is imo much better. Mbx's version is nice and all, but very squishy compared to other versions. Calling it "tankster" kinda hurt my feelings ^^' Waiting to see what you can bring here, I'd like to recommend this as a good alternative to my dodge+hybrid based tank trickster guide. (/view-thread/2581551) I'll read what's said here every once in a while. Cheers! Последняя редакция: Darkxellmc#0807. Время: 31 дек. 2019 г., 4:22:10
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I hope my build variation can fullfil those expectations :) If you seek the highest defense possible without loosing any dmg, i can recommend the following:
# Ailment Immunity Also get ailment immunity, that is just crazy, i can facetank the 5-Beam-Attack of an A7 Awakener (probably also A8, but still have to unlock that) I never do facetank it, cause it leaves me at 2k ES which is "ok", but since dying and having to rejoin the fight is the most dangerous thing on awakener, i just stay in movement :) # Invest ;) If you throw the following items into my current gear: a ES-from-Mana Clarity Watcher's Eye, a 300+ ES Shield with +1 Skills and high ES Boots with 30% Avoid Elemental Ailments, this build would reach ~12k ES with ~75/75 Block Chance, 1.1 Mio Dot DPS and still full ailment immunity. This plan can cost up to 100Ex though :D # Use a phys dmg reduction flask Easy to do, but i never felt the need to do so # Maybe annoint Soul of Steel? It is counter-intuitive to annoint something for armor, but 5% phys reduction and 1% all max resists is a HUGE defense upgrade. Could be worth it comparing to some ES (i am currently using Tranquility, cuz i wanted more damage) Greeting Belvince |
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I can post a good reply on CI ED wand+shield. Im playing all content with this setup. I saw Zizarian blast with it and i got inspired to take it to the next level.(Softcore tho)
Did Sirius awakening 8 very easy. Here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/ANAKYRa0 So guys this CI version is very strong if you have the currency! |
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Update 01.01.2020:
DanielAppelkvist's post inspired me to tune my tree a little bit, leading to the following update: Tree Updates: * Moved Annointment from Deflection to Tranquility -> More ES and Dmg * removed one Mana-Reserve/Aura-Effect Cluster -> don't need it for mana issues * added "Faith and Steel" -> very good ES/Defense node * removed the "Energy from Within"-Gem -> removing the socket and just skilling more ES provided to be more effective * skilled "Foresight" Cluster -> More ES and Dmg (due to Tranquility) * skilled "Unnatural Calm" Cluster -> More ES and Dmg * removed "Blast Radius" -> Too weak Item Updates: * Got a +2 Socketd Projectile Gems Corrupted Chest -> Way more dmg * Enchanted ES on Boots instead of Armor/Evasion -> More ES * Added Rumi's Concotion -> fix some missing block % i removed from tree Последняя редакция: Belvince#7684. Время: 1 янв. 2020 г., 6:15:05
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Hi, I want to try this build, but I've never played an CI.
Would you recommend it as the first build of this type? What recommendations could you give me? Best wishes :) Последняя редакция: AlexMercer0#6642. Время: 1 янв. 2020 г., 22:58:50
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" Hi, as a first build of this kind, you can safely play this. Especially since it is very easy to just not use CI on this until you reach the amount of skillpoints and the gear to do so. ED-Contagion Builds are very common and can be played in many different variations with a Trickster, so you are very safe that you have a useful char in the end. As soon as you can reach ~4-5k Energy Shield and some comfortable levels of regeneration, you can switch to this. With more gear this just get's way more tanky. Most influential in context of defense are the Lethal Pride, the Zealoth's Oath (gives you huge ES regen) and ES stacking in general. I hope you have fun with it :-) Greetings Belvince |
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