[3.11] One With Nothing / Hollow Palm Ice crash + Warcries

Welcome to my guide.

Foreword - this is a different take on a Hollow Palm build, which utilizes warcries and flask efficiency for slow but big slams. It requires you to play around a rotation of warcries and flask uptime, so if you're looking for a one button build, this is NOT the build for you.

This build is excellent for softcore, easily leveling up, dying is extremely rare and almost always because of flasks not being up or doing a reflect map (yes, I did that, I am not proud of it)

I am confident this build can work on Hardcore, with some adjustments. I have done deathless Sirus 8, 20/20 simulacrum, delved to around 300 without any issue (not a huge delve fan), and heart of the grove on a t16, as well as 3 x t4 seeds at the same time deathless. It is NOT a max block 8k life build, so it does require player input to work, but when it works, it does work.

Constructive criticism is welcome :)

Disclaimer - this is my first build guide, so it will be very simplistic but I'll try to make it efficient.

Sirus 8

Level 97 passive tree
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WARNING - disregarding the rest of the guide may confuse you and/or break the build, I strongly advise you to read the explanations and examples below before looking at the level 97 tree + gear

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https://pastebin.com/r0Lp49MT this includes a jewel with APPROXIMATE damage calculations added in manually for the things path of building does not support, it assumes you are rotating warcries correctly and attacking only when fist of war support is up

How the build works
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1. Hollow Palm scales our base damage through stacking dexterity, we want around 800-1200 dexterity, anything above that is a luxury.

2. Warcries multiply our damage by insane amounts if we play them correctly.

Seismic cry exerts the next 5 attacks, each attack being stronger than the previous, the 5th one dealing 150% MORE damage
Intimidating cry exerts the next 3 attacks, dealing double damage

3. Fist of war support makes one attack every 1.76 seconds (at level 21) deal 150% MORE damage

4. Flasks we use have increased efficiency through our ascendancy and passive tree, getting passive charges, chance to not consume charges, increased effect etc.
This means both the offensive and defensive stats we get from flasks are increased which makes us really tanky and deal much more damage during our flask uptime


Warcry rotations

Mapping - Seismic Cry, Intimidating cry, walk into pack, slam 2 times, Intimidating cry, slam 3 times - repeat (use enduring cry to sustain endurance charges, especially after taking damage / proccing immortal call)

Bossing - Seismic Cry, slam 2 times, Intimidating Cry, slam boss 3 times, repeat


Warcries remove ailments through our passive tree notable Admonisher, combined with our Ascendancy removing elemental ailments on consecrated ground, as well as a corrupting blood jewel, rotating warcries and keeping flasks up means we almost never get aflicted by anything.

Gems and Links
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6 link in chest

One 4 link

One 2 link + 2

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a jewel with corrupting blood immunity
life and resistances
life, resistances and damage
a brutal restraint jewel, aimed towards the center of duelist, giving any combination of life, dexterity or elemental damage
a watcher's eye with increased cold damage while affected by hatred

Cluster jewels
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Large jewels - vengeful commander on both + doryani's lesson on both, at least one corrosive elements, and one extra corrosive elements for consistency or blanketed snow for damage, whichever you find works

Medium Jewels / Megalomaniacs - we need a spiked concoction somewhere, as well as cold conduction, fit them in however you like, doesn't matter if it's a megalomaniac or a small cluster jewel, the rest can go into life notables

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phasing flask is a must have, with movement speed(since we don't use a quicksilver) and whatever else you like, without phasing the build feels very clunky, and the extra dodge is great for defence
sulphur flask with curse immunity, which doubles as elemental ailment immunity from our ascendancy because of the consecrated ground
extra damage AND damage reduction, best flask for this build
more melee damage? sign me up. armor? give it to me baby
reduced elemental damage taken, and elemental damage penetration depending on resists, if you can make all 3 of your resists the same, this is a HUGE flask

We are not using a life flask because the amounts of regeneration we get from enduring cry, leech, life on hit/kill etc is so high it feels like playing an ES occultist, except with life

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Before getting stun avoidance enchant on boots, we use Soul of the Brine King
After getting stun avoidance on boots, we use Lunaris for mapping, and Solaris for bossing.

Minor god - Garukhan
Minor god for running lab - Ralakesh

Core gear
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Advanced Gear
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combo with a shaper + redeemer ring for frostbite on hit as well as increased attack damage on the mark of the elder

a helmet with the 15% ice crash damage, with good life and resists (in theory, the best would be a redeemer lion pelt ilvl86 with the -9 cold resist to nearby enemies AND life and resists, but get what you can)
A redeemer jade amulet with any of the following mods:
-Gain (11–15)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
-(9–12)% increased Dexterity
-1% increased Damage per 15 Dexterity
-Damage Penetrates (8–10)% Cold Resistance

and then life, resists, whatever you may need on it, this amulet is still a work in progress, bless harvest for enabling us

Leveling Trees
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Level 17 (15 with 2 points from act 1 quests)

Level 30 approximately

Approximately end of acts (around level 60 give or take)

After ascending to be able to start from Ranger

Последняя редакция: DanteKorvinus#7832. Время: 16 июля 2020 г., 10:54:59
Last bumped2 нояб. 2020 г., 9:13:41
Can you explain how you deal with chaos and poison damages ?
bisore написал:
Can you explain how you deal with chaos and poison damages ?

That is probably the biggest weakness of the build.

But to answer the question, due to insane life recovery we get from leech, regen and enduring cry, there's ample time to use a warcry to remove poisons from you as they DO count as an ailment for the warcry notable that lets us remove them when we use a warcry.

Chaos damage from hits and ground degen however, is the only thing that requires attention.

Most of the time, evasion and dodge eliminate the majority of the damage you would take, and a single big chaos damage hit will not be a huge threat due to Wind Dancer most likely being up and making you take less damage for it.

To summarize - dying to chaos damage should only happen either when standing still to take many subsequent small hits of chaos damage OR standing in chaos degen for too long - both cases almost always eliminated by simply moving between attacking (which fits the playstyle well with the fact that our big slams can only occur when Fist Of War support is off cooldown)

I hope this answers your question, but if you would like to know more, don't hesitate to ask. :)

EDIT: quite a few of my deaths were in fact to the super slowing ground degen from delirium and trying to use a warcry while slowed and many enemies attacking me at the same time, so movement really is a big factor to mitigating damage indeed
Последняя редакция: DanteKorvinus#7832. Время: 20 июля 2020 г., 8:22:16
That is probably the biggest weakness of the build.

Well this is what I wanted to know, just starting your build and feels great atm (level 60). Can we replace some cluster jewels to chaos resist ones if I want to have more chaos resistance or not worth it ? Or maybe invest late game in a big chaos megalomaniac cluster?
Or maybe atziri flask?
Последняя редакция: bisore#3619. Время: 20 июля 2020 г., 8:24:23
bisore написал:

Well this is what I wanted to know, just starting your build and feels great atm (level 60). Can we replace some cluster jewels to chaos resist ones if I want to have more chaos resistance or not worth it ? Or maybe invest late game in a big chaos megalomaniac cluster?
Or maybe atziri flask?

I have in fact used Atziri flask for some time, and is a solid replacement for Wise Oak. If you really want to be on the safe side, you can bring it with you at all times and just swap it in, since we get charges from our ascendancy, we don't need to waste portals to recharge flasks, just wait in a safe spot.

As for cluster jewels etc.

The chracter which I played this build on (you should be able to view it on my profile) - https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/DanteKorvinus/characters (Oleanoris)

The items are far from being best in slot, there's ways you could improve it and dump tons of currency into making amazing gear which I'm confident could pull hits of around 10 million damage on Sirus/Shaper/Elder, but I was content with pushing it this far and moved on to other build ideas since.

I'm certain you can optimize for more chaos resist through rare and expensive megalomaniacs, pushing to level 100 to add more jewels with chaos resist, crafting rare belts/amulets/chests with resist on them etc.

It all depends how far you want to invest in the build, and to be honest, the build functions just fine with properly rolled flasks, the listed uniques and just capping resists. Cluster jewels, enchanted helms, crafted rares and all are huge damage boosts but of course you can sacrifice damage for defenses if you feel that's more appropriate for you.
Последняя редакция: DanteKorvinus#7832. Время: 20 июля 2020 г., 9:57:41
Well I'm not really confident with high level content nor good with it so I may use atziri and then after push for 100/ and cap resist etc
Thanks for the advices ! Will try my best
Hi :3
I would like to know how you deal with mana. You haven't leech or mana flask. Just a -9 mana cost crafted in a ring ....
So, how you sustain your mana?
Also I want to know why you didn't pick call to arms? Is because you don't want share cd isn't?
Ty so much :)
Последняя редакция: vegashadowclaw#3500. Время: 30 окт. 2020 г., 8:13:29
vegashadowclaw написал:
Hi :3
I would like to know how you deal with mana. You haven't leech or mana flask. Just a -9 mana cost crafted in a ring ....
So, how you sustain your mana?
Also I want to know why you didn't pick call to arms? Is because you don't want share cd isn't?
Ty so much :)

As far as I remember, I didn't have leech because the regular mana regeneration and the rate at which I used my skills was enough with the free mana we have. Since I only reserve one aura, there's a lot of free mana to use.

That aside, you can always take the 1 small passive point on the bottom right for mana leech.

As for call to arms, the build uses 3 warcries, and you want all 3 of them to be free to use most of the time, and that's why the passive tree specs into warcry speed and cooldown, so call to arms gives us nothing with this playstyle.

Currently the biggest weakness of this build since harvest is gone, is making the chest have the colors you want, but other than that it should still function very well even without that chest, you can use a tabula until later.
Hey dude, ty so much for reply!!
Yeah I think the same, getting 6 offcolours will be so rough xD
Maybe a viable option is a redeemer's or elder's astral plate crafted with Deafening Essence of Sorrow and pray to getting flat dex + 10%-12% increased dex
I'm so glad you answered me. I can't believe your post isn't popular.
I think you did a pretty creative build :3
vegashadowclaw написал:
Hey dude, ty so much for reply!!
Yeah I think the same, getting 6 offcolours will be so rough xD
Maybe a viable option is a redeemer's or elder's astral plate crafted with Deafening Essence of Sorrow and pray to getting flat dex + 10%-12% increased dex
I'm so glad you answered me. I can't believe your post isn't popular.
I think you did a pretty creative build :3

thanks for the compliment! all of the builds I try are some weird experimental stuff, most of the time they don't work, but this one worked very very well.

as for the chest, yeah, that would be a good choice, although it would be pricy to make, ultimately it might even be better than the unique

hope you have fun playing with it :)

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