[3.21] ❄️ Hopeshredder Frenzy ❄️ [1 to 60+ million SHAPER DPS]
....) .....\ ......) ##--------> ......) ...../ ....) You can contact me ingame for any questions/help by whispering @Kleanup 3.21 Notice Haven't played the build in two leagues, some medium sized changes are present to the build. You can see my current setup at poe.ninja. Gem links, gear, jewels i have, all of that can be found on poe ninja, i won't be linking it here. Read 3.21 changes before you decide to try the build up, there's some changes there compared to the older part of the guide. Keep that in mind. 3.21 poe ninja link >>> https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/30Creptus/MollyOnMyWatch ![]()
Notable non-gear changes are: - BUILD IS CHEAPER TO GET GOING > Due to +2 arrows on the tree which we will be taking, the build starts staight away using LA. Which cuts the cost down a lot and replaces RoA or Scourge Arrow for early play. - Spell Suppression 100% > Ineverate is taken, along with hyrri's ire, you need 7% on helmet or as boot corrupt to cap out at 100. I misjudged spell supression, it is mandatory to have 100%. - Soul of The Brine King is taken instead of soul of lunaris. It's just better. - Mine support setup is removed, that's gone, instead it's replaced with Mark on hit + Sniper's mark + enhance + blood rage. Notable gear changes are: - Different Glove choices, any glove with +1 frenzy does the job but there are a couple sweet choices compared to before, i'll be going over it in a section below. - Mageblood is welcomed in. Two flask mageblood fits very, very well into this build, you can cap your resistances and permanently increase your movement speed while at 0 charges which is HUGE. You can use 3 or 4 flask as well although the most damage comes from 2 magic + 3 unique flask setup. - Regeneration on gear. There are a couple of ways to deal with degen. Having flat regen on gear is pretty good. I'll go in detail in a section below. FURTHER DETAILS ON GLOVES
This is a very good cheap pair that allows us to freeze pretty much everything. It's a very good defensive option, anything u hit will not move pretty much from early on. On top of that it provides us with ignite in order to proc which is the cheapest way to get single dmg up. This pair will remove instant ailment application from critical strikes so we will be taking left path to Primeval Force in order to get 20% chance to chill, freeze, ignite and shock. There is also an alternative version of herald of ice with chance to freeze on it which is nice. TRADE LINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/lDWKOBrIV You can use pretty much anything for gloves, if you happen to need resistances really badly, take a rare pair with resistances. I recommend trying out Painseeker if you like any of the old unique gloves that i linked in the guide. RINGS & REGENERATION
Couple of ways to deal with degeneration. Getting regen on helmet, amulet, amulet, rings. A very good ring option is a precursor's emblem with regen on it. It will pretty much remove all degen from the build. You can use any of these rings and then look to upgrade to ones that have good nodes, x1 damage mod, x2 damage mods, +1 frenzy. At the higher level you only need 1 ring since of the existence of Kalandra's Touch. TRADE LINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/9R6GbkYtK Older build part that covers rings is still valid, although consider AT LEAST ONE PRECURSOR'S EMBLEM with regen on it. We still use darkrays with 100 regen corrupt, don't forget to take that, it helps a ton. WHAT TO DO IF NO MAGEBLOOD
2 Flask mageblood is extremely good, and should be considered. If you do not have enough for it, you will lack resistances. -78% to all elemental resistances. You'll have to get them on your belt, helmet and quiver in order to compensate. That's about it. I suggest 2 flask over 3 or 4 so that we can use unique flasks for big burst damage. ![]()
![]() SPEED The build's main strength is it's high default movement speed, without specializing into it, the build moves very fast and allows you to easily farm content that benefits from speed. AoE AoE is very good once you have extra arrows, before that you'll need to sacrifice a gem slot. BOSSING Bossing scales with your gear, the build is capable of high damage, although it is not a bosser. It can kill and farm most bosses once the gear is good, although it's not a bosser by default. DEFENSES Defenses are low. They consist of HP, evasion and blind. Character is a bit of a glass cannon. It's possible to opt out and increase defenses and make the build pretty tanky, although you have to pay with your DPS. Personally i am not a fan of that approach, although it is possible. SCALING Build scales a lot, every parameter, speed, clear, single target DPS, defense, can be scaled a lot with a lot of gear. Most items tend to cost a good chunk, although the ceiling is high.
- Build gets expensive the more you upgrade - Stats/Resistance minmaxing - Many buttons to press - Can be a little bit troublesome to setup for newcomers to the game (I'm glad to offer help, although it's worth noting) - Without farruls fur, bosses like maven and invitations can be a pain in the ass - Can die to chaos damage ![]()
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The main component of the build, is the Hopeshredder weapon. It allows us to scale a lot of cold damage, it has life degeneration as a drawback although it's easily fixable. BUDGET: Use a 5L, socket your single target setup in it. NORMAL: Use a 6L, socket your AoE setup in it. HIGH COST: Buy one with either critical strike chance or +1 projectile vaal implicit. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis /byBE2aHL[6 Linked Hope] QUIVER
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These will depend on your budget. Budget quiver will be 10-100c, +1 will be 4-10ex and +2 will be 40-100ex depending on the current market pricing. BUDGET: Rare Quiver. NORMAL: Rare +1 Quiver. HIGH COST: Synthesis +2 Quiver. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/EdpY8nRH5[Budget Quiver] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/7KJBoQ7S5[+1 Quiver] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/MB72RgJsJ[Synthesis Quiver] CHEST ARMOR
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There are 3 options for chest armor. Rare Crit Chest +A bit of everything Hyrri's Ire + Very Strong Damage + Lots Of Evasion - No Health Farrul's Fur + Frenzy Generation - Less DPS/HP than other options, requires a suffix for farrul's mod BUDGET: Any rare 6L. NORMAL: Rare crit armor or 6L hyrri. HIGH COST: Double corrupted unique chest or double influenced rare chest. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/p60yDrJt0[Rare Eva Chest with crit] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/PJEwOJFL[Hyrri] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/O62O2OTE[Farrul's] HELMET
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Helmet needs the searing exarch mod for reduced mana cost, so we use a regular non influenced base. As an upgrade we can use a Lion Pelt with an abyssal socket since we can spare a gem slot. Helmet needs an open prefix so we can craft +1 pierce on it. BUDGET: Any rare helmet with life, res and maybe int/str. NORMAL: Rare helmet with 9% frenzy damage per frenzy charge enchant, along with life and res. HIGH COST: Lion pelt with abyssal socket. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/3eyJja9T5[Helm with enchant & res] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/jJzngzluX[Lion pelt with abyssal] GLOVES
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Serpent's for early, since they fix our stats, once the stats are good, we can swap to hands of the templar. It's also possible to use rare gloves with +1 if you desire so. BUDGET: Any unique or rare with +1 frenzy. NORMAL: Offering to the serpent or +1 hands of templar. HIGH COST: Hands of the Templar with 2,3 or more useful implicits. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/WylgyGVCm[Serpent] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/RJqZmr4c7[Hands, +1 frenzy only] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/rmEvm5mtQ[Hands, x3 stat] BOOTS
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Darkray Vectors. You can get stun immunity here unless you have it on a flask or jewels. After you go above 9 frenzy charges, you'll need to use a pair with 100 regen while moving vaal implicit. BUDGET: Darkray Vectors. NORMAL: Darkray Vectors, with enchant and vaal implicit. HIGH COST: Darkray Vectors, double corrupted. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/PrGZDhL[Stun Avoid] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/7KJGQlri5[100 Regen While Moving] BELT
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A stygian wise with an open suffix so that we can craft lucky crit while focused on it. 2 res on top if needed. BUDGET: Leather Belt. NORMAL: Stygian with open prefix. HIGH COST: Influenced Stygian. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/3eEQZ9i5[Stygian x2 res] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/KBWKlpqI5[Stygian, res + ele dmg] AMULET
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Pandemonius, high damage + blind. Use 20% ele quality on your pandemonius. Uul's as a high damage alternative. BUDGET: Pandemonius. NORMAL: Pandemonius. HIGH COST: Uul-Netol's Vow. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/VapXip[Pandemonius] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/ELq9deVT5[Uul's] RINGS
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x2 Circle of Fear, caps cold res, gives lots of damage and is cheap. +1 circle or +1 precursor or +1 rare ring for maxing out. BUDGET: Circle of Fear. NORMAL: Circle of Fear, added cold/intimidate. HIGH COST: +1 Frenzy Rings. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/qJrvGJ3Sg[Weak Circle] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/bpJOmZOtL[Good Circle] https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/eXdy0oIL[Every +1 ring, non sorted] FLASKS
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Possible Flask Setups: 1) HP Flask + Dying Sun + Oak/Atziri's/Crit Flask + Oak/Atziri's/Crit Flask + Quicksilver 2) Bottled + Dying Sun + Oak/Atziri's/Crit Flask + x2 Quicksilver 3) Bottled + Dying Sun + Oak/Atziri's/Crit Flask x3 3) Bottled + Dying Sun + Oak/Atziri's/Crit Flask x2 + HP Flask Setup 1, until you have bottled. Setup 2, running fast with 70% eff flasks. Setup 3, bossing full damage. Setup 4, bossing with heal. JEWELS
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>>>>>> Unique Jewels - Lioneye's Fall [Good damage for the build, allows you to get immunity to corrupted blood on it] - Watcher's Eye [Life + Damage, get pen or crit ones] - Endless Munitions, Forbidden Flesh/Flame Combo [+2 arrows, amazing clear bonus for Lightning Arrow, increases single target dmg] >>>>>> Regular Jewels Use life + damage + res + stats on a regular one if you're lacking stats, or if you have extra jewels slots due to not having watchers or forbidden jewels. >>>>>> Abyss Jewels HP + x2 cold + multi. Very good damage jewel. >>>>>> Lethal Pride Fixes your strength requirements + good damage potential. I recommend a piece with the number 11234. It's triple DD on nodes we use. Note: You can enchant them to get stun immunity, and open up boots enchant.
>>>>>> Large Cluster Bow base with Feed The Fury, Fuel The Fight and Martial Prowess. If you lack int, get one with 5 int, you probably wont need one as long as you have offering to the serpent as your gloves (along with one rare jewel with int/str or just int). Other cluser you can get with attack speed. If you are low on budget, just 3 notables are needed, no need for stats or attack speed. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/vjW2RJMTE[Large Cluster] >>>>>> Medium Cluster Projectile cluster 4-5 passives with Eye To Eye and Repeater. You can use them to get extra stats and res on top. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/JyDplOYSl[Medium Cluster] >>>>>> Small Cluster Stats + Surging Vitality. You'll need to minmax stats to your needs, i can only provide a general link for the listings. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/YoeJXgrHY[Small Cluster] ![]()
---------DAMAGE STACKING--------- This build scales damage using the following: - Frenzy Charges + Cold Per Frenzy - Additional Arrows - Critical Strike Multiplier - Cold/Bow/Projectile Increased Damage These are what you look out for and which you aim for. Once all of the normal gear (not budget anymore) is on your character. Look for +1 quiver, +1 rings and endless munition jewels as your next upgrade. ---------LIFE DEGENERATION--------- The downside of using hopeshredder is that your life will degenerate as you move. We combat this by doing the following: - Soul Of Solaris, Capture Sumer The Twisted - Increasing HP amount to increase regeneration - Possibly getting life regen on rare pieces of gear - 100 Regen while moving on boots (buy this and pay enchant service for stun avoid, we can enchant corrupted items now, just one tainted blessing needed) - Surging Vitality nodes on small cluster - 2% of life regenerated while moving, life mastery ---------STACKING FRENZY WITHOUT MOBS--------- Link these in your 2nd weapon setup, any bow 6s will, you can also use Maloney's Mechanism. You cast Tornado, then hit it with frenzy and you'll have your charges ready. This way you get max charges per cast, compared to only 4 if you were to use Tornado and your Single Target frenzy setup. Alternatively you can use Farrul's Fur if it's bothering you, or if you're farming Maven and similar bosses where you can't hit the tornado to ramp up. ---------DYING SUN & WISE OAK INTERACTION--------- If you're using both of these make sure your fire res does not go above cold, since dying sun adds quite a bit of fire res. ---------CORRUPTED BLOOD/FREEZE/STUN--------- Corrupted Blood, use one of any abyss jewel once you get stygian, alternatively use an anti-bleed flask. Once you have enough currency, you should buy corrupted Lioneye's Fall with corrupted blood vaal implicit. Freeze, i don't do delirium so i rarely ever get frozen. This league i got frozen mabybe 6 times total. If you need it, roll it on a flask. Stuns will be the most common reason you die if you don't get immunity. You can get a boots enchant, jewels with stun avoid implicits or have it up on a flask. ![]()
Anomalous Frenzy is a MUST!!. 20% quality on anomalous frenzy gives +1 arrow. Other gems, use regular ones instead of awakened until you have enough currency. If you are using uul's vow, add in ele focus, crit damage or hypothermia. TRADELINK: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/95a0W2yiK[Anomalous Frenzy]
1) If you have +2 arrows or more, use lightning arrow. 2) If you have no additional arrows, use scourge arrow or rain of arrows until you afford some upgrades. Note: If you want to use LA while having no extra arrows, use LMP instead of one damage gem.
>>>>>> Curse + Debuff Curse + Curse Activator + Frost Bomb. You dont need a curse activator, you can cast it manually but it makes life easier to link it to arcanist brand. >>>>>> Aura + Movement Auras + Movement skill. I use blink arrow, you can use anything you prefer. >>>>>> Additional When you place these down, nearby enemies have 30% chance to take double damage from you. It's very useful against bosses, esp very early when your items arent that good. 30% more damage is a lot. If you are not fan of this setup you can throw it out and use anything else. You leave the mines non-detonated so you get the damage buff. ![]()
CURRENT POB = 83m ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ https://pastebin.com/uTsBWYLT POB, No Clusters, level 90 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ https://pastebin.com/CKuv7FBc POB, Clusters, level 90 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ https://pastebin.com/wxyFcmsp Last two links are for the tree only, they include my regular gear.
Kill all.
Последняя редакция: 30Creptus#0534. Время: 14 июня 2023 г., 11:42:20 Last bumped18 авг. 2023 г., 12:23:08
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nice build i have noticed the damage myself looking forward to try it out good job
please continue to add sections for beginners and lvling guide thank you |
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Build is now finished, feel free to have a look!
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The build looks great. Will I be able to farm fractured maps with this?(100% delirium, beyond) I assume damage wise this should do fine but will I be able to survive?
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Great build guide! I was playing this build last league and I highly recommend it, gives so much fun and is very enjoyable to play with.
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" Yes. Pretty certain of it. I was able to do T19 100% delirious maps least league, full clear, with Kosis included. The only possible issue would be unexpected chaos damage, although from my personal experience this is very rare, perhaps mostly from Alva Temples. Последняя редакция: 30Creptus#0534. Время: 23 июля 2020 г., 16:11:09
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" That's amazing, I'll start buying/crafting all of the gear then. Thank You <3 I suppose you did that with the lv 97 pob rather than the 100 with 22m? Is there really no other better options for gloves or boots? and how would I go about getting +2 pierce if I can't get that corruption? I assume through penetrating quiver instead of the accuracy base + craft +1 pierce on helm instead of hybrid life? Последняя редакция: ArkanePanda#2164. Время: 23 июля 2020 г., 16:31:46
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" I did it last league with around 20mil dps, at level 100. In theory, +2 frenzy high rolled rare gloves are better. But that's just theory, getting those is extremely hard, and you need to craft a near perfect ring to replace circle of fear with. Even with that, you will lack around 30-40% cold ress in order to use The Wise Oak, while having fire res at at least 75% without any flask effects. For the boots, there are no better options. No rares or uniques can replace Darkrays. You can craft +1 pierce on the helmet, +1 from jewel cluster (+2 from two projectile clusters), +1 from quiver base. You can play with +2 total as well, it's a bit clunky but possible. Other option is to get pierce from the tree, there is a new tree branch which gives +1 for 2 points, and +3 for 4 points [Piercing Shot]. Although this will lower the dps by a chunk, so i recommend getting it from items. Последняя редакция: 30Creptus#0534. Время: 23 июля 2020 г., 17:13:49
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Wouldn’t ensnaring arrow not work at all due to pierce?
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" Hmm, i did not think that through. Perhaps it would not. Doesn't matter much even if that is the case. |
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