[3.12] Aura Stacker CI - 50ex Budget Guide | Upgrades to 500ex budget | Immortal

This is a build starting template.

You must reach 75% reduced Mana reserved (its easy), or the build won't work with CI

  • POB - Fork
  • Skill choice - Arc/Spark/Ethereal knives
  • Leveling to 86
  • DPS at 50ex
  • Defense
  • Prism Guardian shield and CI
  • Ascendancy
  • Items
  • Jewels
  • Why these Items
  • Gem links
  • Flasks
  • Cinderswallow Ingite
  • Amulet crafting
  • Reduced Mana Chart
  • Cost breakdown
  • Cluster upgrade
  • Defense upgrade
  • Offense Upgrade
  • Corruptions
  • Gear upgrade
  • Headhunter vs Torrent's
  • Crafting your Jewels
  • Immortality

POB - Path of building fork


POB Fork

50ex 3.56 Aura effect - Level 90

75ex 4.0 Aura effect - Level 95

500ex High budget spark

120ex Budget Spark, 3.65 aura effect, upgrade clusters for 4.0, see upgrades section

I recommend the immortal transition as soon as possible, try at level 96 using 2 Voices and when you have 4.0 aura effect. See the last section. The guide will show how to attain 4.0 aura effect.

Which Skill to use

Arc vs Spark vs Ethereal Knives

Vaal Arc - Has good clear, chains, great boss and single target DPS, Vaal arc is good for legions, strongboxes and bosses

Spark - It expensive, needs more Reduced mana reserved and helm enchant
Spark needs Malevolence aura and it gets costly to run it at budget
Spark has good clear, back and front, and good preloading of DPS in bosses and Very High DPS in long fights

Ethereal Knives - Great clear, expensive.
You need to use Watcher's eye with Physical to lightning conversion.
This watcher's eye costs 10 exalts

If you want to use EK, just remove arc and use this. The build is the same. No change to items.

Ball lightning - It gets complicated, you don't want that at budget.

Leveling guide


Hollow palm Smite is great
Hollow palm Ice Crash, Consecrated path

Hollow palm anything

You just have to stack dexterity. Take every dexterity on the tree. And you will be level 90 in no time.
Watch the Hollow Palm guide.

After you are done, sell the Hollow Palm, they will sell quick.


DPS for 50 exalt Aura stacker.

2.5 million DPS without flasks.
6 million with flasks and Aspect of the Avian's Might
8 Million Vaal Haste DPS burst for bosses
10 million Vaal Arc dps, will completely wipe Legion and large packs.


3.7k ES
89% All resistance
16k Evasion, 80% Evade chance
4k Armor
48% Physical damage reduction from Guardian ascendancy
Immune to Ignite/Freeze/Shock
60% Movement speed

All resistance will become 90 as you increase your aura effect

Prism Guardian with CI

Free Aura

We acquire more than 75% reduced mana reserved from Tree, Items and Jewels.
And prism guardian provides 25% reduced mana for skills socketed inside.
Hence Skills inside prism guardian have 100% reduced mana reserved.
And since Prism has Blood Magic, it will reserve 0 life. Auras in Prism are free.

Zealotry in Prism Guardian, a 50% mana aura is now 0 mana.


Assuming aura effect is 4

Don't forget to pick Guardian Ascendancy. This will give you 64% physical damage reduction. 16% for each 16 of the auras. Then multiply that by 4. Also regen and curse reduced on you.

Necromancer gives 8% cast speed for every aura. For 16 auras you get 64% more cast speed. Here 2 is multiplied by 4. Your aura effectiveness.

Aura effectiveness can be checked in POB.
Go to Calc section and in the drop down select any aura.
The middle widget will display Aura effect mod.

Items, get cheaper versions


9 jewels with reduced mana reserved corruption

You can buy an jewel.

Most of the Jewels have INTELLIGENCE. Because intelligence will give you a lot of energy shield.
You can buy any jewel high intelligence or energy shield or % maximum energy shield.

One Conqueror's Efficiency.

One Watcher's eye, for DPS. Please buy any watcher's eye that you like. See this link for possible rolls

Two large cluster Jewels and one Voices

5 Medium cluster jewels with First Among Equals, get jewel with 5 passive nodes for budget. Upgrade to 6 passive nodes soon.

2 Medium cluster jewels like this. Uncompromising and Sublime form. They will make Determination and Grace aura free.

Why STORMRIDER on cluster jewel

The above large cluster jewel has StormRider, this will give you free Power charges.
Get a large cluster jewel with Stormrider + Any other notable/option. You only need 2 notables. You can get 3 if you have the budget.

Item explanation
Items why
Saqawal's Nest - This chest gives 10% reduced mana reserved and plus to all attributes. Get a chest with 50+ to all attributes

Alpha's Howl - 8% reduced mana reserved, +2 to socketed auras, immune to freeze

Nebulis - Damage scales based on resistance over 75%, we have 89% resistance. So this gives us 560% increased damage.

Maligaro's gloves - Good gloves for DPS

Call of the brotherhood - Wrath aura increases lightning damage, then we convert this to cold using this ring and then double the dps using Hatred aura.

Prism guardian - free auras with 75% reduced mana reserved

Sin Trek - Cheap boots with high ES, Or Buy a rare boots with 150 energy shield. Sin Trek isn't needed. It easy to get Sin Trek. Also its easy to get Sin trek with +1 corrupted to all socketed gems.

Belt - Stygian vise for jewel socket, strength, intelligence, energy shield, open suffix to craft Aspect of the Avian

Amulet - Redeemer amulet for 6% reduced mana reserved, shaper influence for Clarity

155 strength.
Make sure to hit 155 strength through items and jewels, else Determination Aura can't reach level 20.

Budget gem links

Gem links
Make sure that all your skill gems have 20% quality, else build may fail.


Arc setup
Vaal Arc - Spell Echo - Controlled Destruction - Arcane Surge Support - Cold Penetration - Inspiration Support

EK Setup
Anomalous Etheral Knives - Spell Echo - Controlled destruction - Arcane Surge - Anomalous Inspiration support - Anomalous Physical to lightning support

You can also remove controlled destruction and use cold penetration.

Discipline - Smite - Hatred - Vitality

Anomalous Purity of Fire - Anomalous Purity of Lightning - Purity of Ice - Enhance support

Divergent Precision - Grace - Determination - Anomalous Purity of Elements

Dread Banner - Molten Shell - Flame Dash

Vaal Haste - Zealotry - Wrath


Use Phasing flask for Heists

Cinderswallow ignite

You need to have a jewel like this for the flask to give you 10% more damage

Adds fire damage to spells
Adds fire damage to spells while holding a Shield.

You can also get this on the Nebulis.
The Nebulis implicit must say Adds Fire Damage to SPELLs.
Must add to spells. Not "Adds Fire damage", this is wrong.

Amulet Crafting guide

Buy two Agate amulets first Shaper and another Reedemer influence
Chaos spam till you get Grants Level 22 Clarity on Shaper amulet
Chaos spam the Redeemer amulet till you get 4-5% reduced mana reserved.

If you don't want to chaos spam, just buy from the market. Clarity and RMR amulets. Total 100c. Cheaper actually.

Make sure first Amulet has only 1 Shaper modifier, Grants Level 22 Clarity!
Make sure second amulet has only 1 Redeemer modifier, 4-5% reduced mana reserved

If you are confused about this, please see craftofexile.com
Or just buy this amulet form the market.

Use Awakener orb
Divine it for 5 mana reduced reserved.
Use Fertile catalyst to make it 20%, so that you get 6% reduced mana reserved
Craft 20% Maximum energy shield in the open prefix. Hopefully your amulet has an open prefix.

If your amulet doesn't have an open prefix, then use Bestiary to remove a prefix and add to suffix.

On the open prefix craft 20% maximum energy shield.

With a total of 75% Reduced Mana reserved, Auras in Prism Guardian become free

Reduced Mana Reserved Chart, total 75

Cost breakdown

IMPORTANT: The open suffix should be belt only. This open suffix will be used for Crafting Aspect of the Avian. Craft in Bestiary using Saqawal first of the sky.


Upgrades 1 - Level 95

6-Node clusters, big upgrade!

Five of these, or six of these

Five cluster jewels like this, they will cost 2-3ex. Buy them or craft them with base.

One cluster with Uncompromising
One cluster with Sublime form.

You can also buy a cluster with both Uncompromising and sublime form. And use Six First among equals 25% clusters.

This should help you reach 4.0 aura effect break-point.

Here after all math is for 4.0 aura effect.

Defense Priority Gems

Defense combo

Anomalous dread banner
Gives you 85% chance to evade attacks and 8% damage reduction at 4x aura effect
Divergent Determination

This will give you 56k armor with Enhance support 4.

Anomalous Grace
Get 8% quality Anomalous grace, cheaper, this put you over 100% ignite and shock avoidance. Immunity.

Anomalous purity of fire and lightning should already provide you 80% avoidance and grace will top it off.

Juicy DPS Gems

DPS gems

Biggest DPS Boost

Divergent Purity of Ice and Divergent Purity of Elements
Buy Ice first then elements.

Link in Boots/Gloves.

Enhance support level 4 - Divergent purity of ice - Divergent Purity of Elements - Divergent Determination

Divergent Purity of ice will give 32 cold pen
Divergent purity of elements will 32 ele pen

Total 64

But if your gloves/helm has +1 to level of all socketed gems. You get 40 pen each. Total 80 pen. This will double your dps.

Divergent Vitality gives 80% spell damage

Divergent precision gives 40% spell damage. Never use in groups/friends

Anomalous Level 21 Discipline gives 40% spell damage at full energy shield

Divergent Level 21 Smite for DPS hit, harder hits

Anomalous Inspiration Support, more crit chance


Helm +2 aura gems

+1 to level of socketed gems, 10% more damage

+1 to level of socketed gems

Rings - Get anything, just remove the useless cold and lightning resistance

Gear upgrades

5p Voices

Simplex Amulet with Clarity and 7% rmr

Bottled Faith

Pure Talent Jewel

Helm with +2 aura corruption

Helm with Enchant, Reduced mana reserved for hatred/wrath/zealotry/malevolence/haste
so that you can switch to Spark and run Malevolence.

Rare Shield

Headhuner or The Torrent's Reclamation

To remove stygian vise, you should get 1% reduced mana else where.
Also get strength some where else, jewels or Pure Talent jewel

You have 3 options to switch to Headhunter
Option 1
4 exalt - Buy a 2nd Voices, remove jewel from stygian vise, put it in Voices
You will have Two Voices and One Large cluster jewel.

Option - 2

Simplex amulet like this, 10ex - 30ex - 100ex, all budget available

Option - 3

30 exalt - Buy a 1% Reduced Mana reserved Conqueror's efficiency.

Throw away Stygian vise
Use headhunter
Use Torrent's reclamation

Get any rare boots with 100+ energy shield. And on the suffix craft Aspect of the avian.
Ideally get a pair of boots with 150+ energy shield

You could also choose to get Tailwind + Elusive boots.

Headhunter good for Legion, Beyond Map
Torrent's reclamation Good for everything else

Jewel farming

How to farm your own 1% reduced mana reservation

Do Heist contracts. Only do Lock-picking, Perception and Counter Thaumaturgy
And loot the Jewellery/Rings chest. It has purple ring icon.

You will get lots of jewels. Corrupt them.

Abyss jewels, Farm Trap disarmament and open only Abyss jewels.
Corrupt them.
You can use dense fossils and then corrupt after you get +energy shield.

If you corrupt 40 jewels, one will have 1% reduced mana reserved on average.

Immortal Transition

Move your gems around to get 90% lightning resistance, 86% cold and 86% fire
Use a Basalt flask, taste of haste flask. Never die in T19 100% delirious maps.

You will have 64% physical damage mitigation
Basalt gives 15%
Taste of haste gives 20%

You will take no physical damage, very less.
Also you will be evading most of the attacks.

My build at Level 99, Defensive tank setup. Rare shield version With Transcendence.

99 pob

I will update this guide daily on how to upgrade slowly to 500ex budget

Последняя редакция: Akshay#5418. Время: 13 февр. 2023 г., 1:41:30
Last bumped2 апр. 2021 г., 5:48:28
Could you please help me understand how to use Prism Guardian when you pick CI?
thannhan написал:
Could you please help me understand how to use Prism Guardian when you pick CI?

You need to stack 75% reduced reserved mana.
Prism guardian provides 25% reduced mana for gems socketed inside it

So this is total 100% reduced mana

But prism reserves life, so it reserves 0 life. And you have 1 life. You have more life than needed to reserve auras in prism guardian.

Последняя редакция: Akshay#5418. Время: 15 нояб. 2020 г., 5:15:18
Hey, why both amulet and belt need open sufix to craft avian? it is correct or mistake?
xMarox написал:
Hey, why both amulet and belt need open sufix to craft avian? it is correct or mistake?

I just verified, You can't craft Aspect of the avian on the amulet. It has to go on the belt.
Because amulet has Grants Clarity. And an item can't have two Grants skill mods.
Последняя редакция: Akshay#5418. Время: 15 нояб. 2020 г., 13:20:59
Akshay написал:
xMarox написал:
Hey, why both amulet and belt need open sufix to craft avian? it is correct or mistake?

I just verified, You can't craft Aspect of the avian on the amulet. It has to go on the belt.
Because amulet has Grants Clarity. And an item can't have two Grants skill mods.

ty :)
it took me whole day to finish the build,
I would be grateful if You can help me with damage, arround 30-50ex left, no yewel eye yet, but still, damage is really bad, i finished simulacrum, fortunately bosses came @ wave ~17 not 20 xD but blue/yellow mobs needs a lot of time to kill. i need dmg to do 100% delirium mobs lvl84 maps in less than 10 minutes.. ;)

ah, here is my profile: xMarox, 95 ascendant public
Последняя редакция: xMarox#2572. Время: 15 нояб. 2020 г., 14:39:59
Could you make a PoB specific to the Spark version by chance please?
xMarox написал:
Akshay написал:
xMarox написал:
Hey, why both amulet and belt need open sufix to craft avian? it is correct or mistake?

I just verified, You can't craft Aspect of the avian on the amulet. It has to go on the belt.
Because amulet has Grants Clarity. And an item can't have two Grants skill mods.

ty :)
it took me whole day to finish the build,
I would be grateful if You can help me with damage, arround 30-50ex left, no yewel eye yet, but still, damage is really bad, i finished simulacrum, fortunately bosses came @ wave ~17 not 20 xD but blue/yellow mobs needs a lot of time to kill. i need dmg to do 100% delirium mobs lvl84 maps in less than 10 minutes.. ;)

ah, here is my profile: xMarox, 95 ascendant public

Ok buy the Watcher's eye and then upgrade your cluster jewels to 6 passive clusters.

Then divergent ice/elements with enhance support.
And get boots with +1 level of socketed gems. Use this. This will double your dps.

Hades_25 написал:
Could you make a PoB specific to the Spark version by chance please?

Yes will add this soon today. You remove Vaal molten shell and slap Malevolence and get a helm enchat. Any enchant works hatred/zealtory/haste/wrath/malevolence. 15% reduced mana reserved enchant.
Последняя редакция: Akshay#5418. Время: 15 нояб. 2020 г., 20:25:49
Hades_25 написал:
Could you make a PoB specific to the Spark version by chance please?

This is for Spark with budget POB

Using two voices, because its cheaper than Conqueror's efficiency 1%
Also helm enchant, any helm enchant work. Haste/Zealotry/Wrath/Hatred/Malevolence
And healthy mind 1%, its a trick to get more mana.

unlink purity of ice from enhance in this setup

To upgrade this, just upgrade all your cluster jewels to get 4x breakpoint.
Последняя редакция: Akshay#5418. Время: 16 нояб. 2020 г., 4:10:22
How would you level this build?

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