I Should delete this

yeah i should
Последняя редакция: giogimic#7440. Время: 9 дек. 2022 г., 14:47:21
Last bumped18 февр. 2021 г., 12:15:15
Sorry to be "that guy" but feel free to ignore if you don't want to hear it, just trying to save you from the build:

The build is basically non-usable. You are trying to use 2 skills that are scaled pretty differently, which is not really viable in PoE. You have 0 defenses with no life and the skill tree is mostly non-sensical.

If you enjoy the skills I would highly recommend trying a Caustic Arrow build with a guide attached to it. Combining Caustic Arrow and Burning Arrow is not really feasable.

Just as a quick comparison: Your Caustic Arrow does 12k tooltip DOT DPS, a properly built budget CA-build does something like 500k to a million.
I agree with the last comment.. there are 2 major problems with your build (for me at least): 1- you are scaling two completely different damage types that dont interact with each other, so if you were at least using the same damage base ( fire, or chaos) for both skills, the damage would scale for both of them; The second problem is that skill tree. I have wasted long hours trying to "do my own thing" and beeing frustrated because, at the time, i didn't know what was i suppose to do, so what i would recomend is for you to chose a skill that you like to play ( doesn't have to be the most op skill of the league) and try to find some guides on how other people usualy build them. You dont have to follow them by the letter, but at least you're going to have an idea of how those skills are built usualy. If you cant find anything on youtube or here on the forum you can try poeninja and search for the skills you want to play. Just be careful with other peoples builds, expecialy on youtube there are a lot of builds that dont funcion the way they try to sell to us. Good luck... ^^

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