[3.25] Armoured Exsanguinate Scion - 40k armour 100% spellsupp 75/75 real block
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!
Change Notes: Updated PoB for 3.25 - switched to dw, but only on Paper, will maybe play the build if time.
Doable Content
T17 clear. Endbosses Down, Simu down. Let's dive into the build:
Sanctum and Tota
Both modes are actually a lot more forgiving concerning tankiness which also enables us to switch some things around. Sanctum: still doable, but use my tornado build instead if you're a runner Due to low density Awakened swift affliction always outperforms chain.
We only use exsanguinate to do Damage, no corrupting fever, as the damage increase is too low for a 4link and not needed anyway. Supporting damage auras are: Pride, Malevolence, Herald of Purity. This is a selfcast Build! We have about (0.4 seconds casttime => 2.5 casts per second, yes it's fast.) Realistic dps is at 7+ mil for both trash and Bosses with Gem switch. (up to 15 mil with gg gear)
Block This build utilizes Block with Daressos shield and without glancing blows. Without Rumis currently sitting at 75/75% full block get strong corrupts (dmg taken as fire, Crit reduce, life on block) Armor Armour is now the way to even if we have a little bit evasion. With mageblood we realistically push 60k armour, depending on flask setup up to 120k(with enduring composure and switching onslaught flask to 2nd armor flask) Spell Suppression we have 100% Spell Suppression. Elemental ailments Immunity with a combination of mageblood and stormshroud. Elemental Defense Thanks to the prismatic skin as well as soul of steel and new masteries we get at least 81/79/79, with fire flask we push this to 89%-90% resist for fire and tempered by war converts 50% of cold and lighting to fire (which also defends against penetration mechanics) Life gains We have lifeleech thanks to eater Gloves Enchant. (standard 20%) which can be pushed further with the life recovery mode of the watchers eye(23%). This is also a slayer type leech, it won't stop when you reach 55% as long there is enough space (at least 56% unreserved life) We also have a strong life regen(about 2000+). Even with active righteous fire it still regenarates about 1200 hps 1 Life flask(charge gain + bleed immunity) With the new life mastery (55% life is low life) and anomalous petrified blood our life pool is the same as maxlife concerning hits. Last but not least we also have life recovery on block through one with the shield. This is primary for trash survival Dots aka the bane of our existence. This is why we use arakaali as our main pantheon. We overcap resistances and try to reach 35% chaos resist. (we get a lot of resistances on tree so that should be quite easy.) You can stand in the degenfield of uber maven and wait for all the orbs to arrive without risk of dieing Misc anomalous petrified blood protects us from hit and keeps low life active as well as enables the slayer leech. Stuns: - Now immunity with mageblood We are quite hardy but sometimes stuns do come our way, so wie use one eye Jewel in belt and 2 Tattoos to minimize this. It feels enough currenty with ~60% avoid. We could also utilize a flask craft.
Pros & Cons
Pros: Tanky and Fast Build, outside of bosses nothing will kill you. No need for unleash/Spellslinger or Echo, des Build can substain 3 stacks of exsanguinate without problems, even with awakenend Swift Affliction. Cheap Entrypoint for the build to work, can even be used as a league starter (see leveling section) Cons: Low damage - even with GG gear 15-20 mill is cap, normal version will reach ~9-10 mill with gem switch, enough, but not powerful. Cannot do Phys reflect maps (Aztiri only with minor god and phys mastery) While it can tank most strafe hits even from endgame bosses, Movement skills are still required when dealing with Slams. (Dodge those is the best way even if you could gamba for block or evade.) Gem switch for Endgame Bosses(maven/shaper/uberelder/guardians etc) Feels slow without onslaught, but mageblood and/or daresso fixes it. Otherwise use Raider Ascendancy, Bloodrage and Endurance Charge generation at bosses fixes that Int/Dex is hard to come by sometimes. Without good gear Damage suffers. Especially in the beginning.
Path of Building
All my Pobs require the Community fork! 3.25: https://pobb.in/RSp0Ye-8Q9r7 This is maybe the max currently possible? 22m dps on bosses, ~6mill on uber pinnacle, 300k ehp max block, max supp, real 2k hps. 3.24: https://pobb.in/K83KtkqoDBRH Old: 3.22: https://pastebin.com/hpUfAPqm https://pastebin.com/yUPWVMy3
requisite Gear
The gear we need that this whole Spiel works: Daressos defiance gives us permanent onslaught even at bosses with enduring composure. This makes the selfcast dream come true. If you have Berserker Tattoo you can skip the node. This shield makes capping block and spell block very easy. It also gives Elemental resistances and even counter the -block enchant on maps for trash. Sure a rare shield may be give more dps, but defense this thing is awesome, espically with a good double corrupt. Rare shield with glancing blows is also an option but can get expensive fast! (If you want dps on shield flat spelldamage >>>> Gem level at this point) This makes sustaining our auras a piece of cake and gives us access to eldritch battery. If you don't have it, take a Helmet with Reservation mastery from eater Eater (at least grand) or Essence craft, but you will need Life tap for Trigger Setup. As soon as you get a good rare helmet, Diadem fades out, because of Armour mastery. watchers eye with life leech mod. As soon as you have gloves with phys leech, get a damage watchers eye. Life regen mod of malevolence is still op through. Amulet: The "cheapo" Ashes of stars gives us many things we need. Purity ring with good mods: Buff effect/phys dmg is BiS Unnatural instinct(4?ex): This quite expensive gem gives as MS CS as well as life and dmg for 4 points, its awesome but not that important. Crafting: Gloves: get Gloves base (Dragonscale is best) with life recover fractured, the more the better. get Fossil für Life mod crafting. Try to get max life Life regen and max life Helmet: get helmet with life regen or chaos fracture would be best. get Exsanguinate enchant(yep also still working on that :X) use Essence craft for 10% reservation efficiency. Either spam essences until you have another decent suffix and then use eldritch currency to get two fine prefixes (Max life and Armour/Evasion). As finishing touch craft + 1 AOE gem level for better auras. Boots: Dragon Scale Boots with a good fracture. Life recovery would be best. we also need an open prefix as Runspeed/cannot be chilled is best. Best is fossil crafting for life regen and max life. Chaos res is also always fine. we can also use eldritch currency here.
Forbidden Jewels
Just Short and sweet: Recommended additional Sub classes are: Trickster with mageblood is the highest damage option, as we can substitute Raider almost completely with flasks. Currently Gladiator as raider costs too much.
Cluster and other Jewels
We need a physical Damage Cluster(battle-hardened, furious assault, master the fundamentals). One small cluster jewel with enduring composure(or Megalomaniac with two other good nodes) 3 point reservation efficiency cluster with either grace, pride or Malevolence(best) mod Medium cluster with blood artist and student of decay. Yellow jewels fill resists if needed and provide mulitplier and flat damage.
High Money Options
Unnatural instinct (which is actually not expensive anymore): In the right Position this baby gives us 9% MS and Block as well as ~30% increased damage and 10% skill duration. Quite a good deal. Combined with lethal pride it also gives a load of strengh. Progenesis: Stagger even more of our incoming damage. While this flask is strong it mostly helps in thrash fights, and there we should be immortal anyway. Mageblood: Nothing to see here. Ok, the greatest weakness of this build outside hard hitting Boss skills is the lackluster flask uptime as we only generate flasks through being hit. Mageblood negates this weakness. With Mageblood most uberbosses get manageable as we can gear our flasks toward their Powers.
Links and Usage
Main Link(Chest): Exsanguinate + (awakened)Brutality + (awakened)Controlled Destruction + Cruelty + (Level4)Empower/Efficacy + (awakened) Chain/(awakened)Swift Affliction Head: Grace + Malevolence + enlighten + Pride Wand(Trigger setup): Bone Offering + Desecrate + Lifetap(Stone golem with Diadem) Shield: Vitality + Herald of Purity + Arrogance Boots: Automation + Flame Dash(lowlevel) + (Blood rage)/increased duration + Molten Shell Gloves: Righteous Fire + Defiance/war Banner + Petrified Blood + Vulnerability
Bandits, Gods and Ascendencies
Bandits: Kill all Major God: arakaali Minor God: Depends on map type and mods but i prefer infinite Lifeflasks at the beginning - with mageblood, chaos reduce. 1st Lab: 2 points towards Gladiator Node 2nd Lab: Gladiator Node 1 node on Witch cluster 3rd Lab: Necro Node 4th Lab: Path of the Witch --- after forbidden Jewels remove Gladiator and specc into raider
Tips and Tricks
Mapmods to avoid if possible(Tiered for severity): Life regeneration reduction/negation (deactivate RF and it works, but no.) Aura Effect (not that bad but still, avoid if your'e leveling ) Reduced maximum resistance (not that bad) Block reduction(not that bad) Impossible: Physical reflect -> only with minor god and physical mastery.
This is old: There is an awesome thread here for a league stater ;) Leveling PoB(Different Trees and skill grps): https://pastebin.com/zYULgYFR Act 1: Pick up splitting steel and maim in act 1 and play it until level 12 where you get exsang. Switch to exsang as soon as you get a 3link. If you already have currency get lifesprig and use it with lifetap and efficacy. Pick and use vitality and Warbanner. Clarification: the 3link is Exsang + Efficacy + Lifetap! Act 2: With gg leveling gear you could switch to 4-5link setup as soon as getting controlled destruction(and faster casting). Also, Pick up herald of purity. Act 3: Get determination(and use it) as well as malevolence/pride to level(don't use them yet). $ link should carry you well, get more defense. Do lab after dominus, it should be easy. Act 4: Finally we get the clear. If this is the starter get a second 4link with chain+brutality+controlled destruction, and change Lifetap to brutality in Lifetap link. Otherwise build 6link in tabula with: Exsang+controlled Destruction+chain+brutality+cruelty+(faster casting|unleash|efficacy) Act 5: Nothing to do here, just get on with it! Act 6: Pick up petrified blood(don't use it yet) if you haven't already. Pick up the rest of the needed gems and level them. Act 7: Nothing but going through there(maybe get the onslaught on kill ring) Do cruel after spider. Act 8: After lab after you breach about 2.4k life and armor above 5k as well as max resists you could switch to lowlife, but as long as the damage suffices don't bother. After that finish the story (do merciless lab before kitava) and level until you feel ready to do uberlab(protip: while in lab zones don't use petrified blood and life reservation outside vitality, you don't need the dmg, and traps are easier to deal with, you can enable everything for izaro.) Done! Now the normal entry level Pob should work fine! Current Build: Penance Brand God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 Последняя редакция: tsunamikun#0433. Время: 15 окт. 2024 г., 8:56:19 Last bumped18 нояб. 2024 г., 7:19:16
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Hi, thank you for your guide, I followed one of your earlier build from andreshki's blood queen. I was having trouble with DOTs from enemies, shaper beam almost kills me instantly but i have no problem with sirus. then combined it with gryph's bloody mistress, removed MoM, but i have yet to try shaper again. I seem to be able to take some DOTs now. Again thanks.
this is my build: https://pastebin.com/Zd91Gpkj any tips to improve damage? |
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" DoTs are annoying as petrified blood doesn't stagger them. I'M currently testing tempered by war and 81% max FR and of coruse arakaali as main god as i have flask enchant for stun. @ build your phys dmg over time medium cluster is not that good. get one with rend and blood artist(about 2 ex) which bushed dps by a good margin (26% phys over time multiplier) maybe get a ring with arcane surge on spellcast or trigger it yourself as you actually cast on mana :) Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 |
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Nice build, good damage and survival. I'm enjoying it so far.
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I'm trying this build out and for quite a while, it's felt very strong. I'm starting to feel very squishy in red maps though, anything I can do to upgrade my tankiness? I've got at least 5 ex to spend.
https://pastebin.com/AuzgE31w Thanks for any advice you might have! |
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Decided to switch to this version of the build to try it out, but holy crap how do you live with Shield Charge as your movement. More than half the time I just slam in place and die. Having Fortify seems like it would be nice, but not actually moving when I want to move has lost me half a level of xp or more.
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" hmm it will feel better when you get to Sanctum of thought. For leveling i would use lori's lantern above cirlce of guilt if dmg feels good enough. You also have quite enough resists, you could get your watchers eye for one point less and get to armor faster. Another option would be a small cluster jewel wie auto generate endu charges and 30% armor. Also one of the more important things: I use the belt enchant regen ES while Boss/yellow is near. This is one of the strongest def mechanics as it trivialies ES reg for MoM. Try to rebalance your resists so you can use it. Boot enchant: get 80% avoid to be stunned. While it's not as good for bosses, it still gives stun immunity with arcane swiftness, which may help you against ultimatums. For damage: get to arcane swiftness asap, gives good def and a wooping 75% increased spelldmg. " It's an aquried taste! :D Just switch flame dash in your second wind link and go wild, or maybe drop shield chage completely and do with flamedash and supports. I think it will work out fine. small stuff stops to matter anyway after a certain amount of gear, and you need to dodge the big stuff anyway. Current Build: Penance Brand God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 Последняя редакция: tsunamikun#0433. Время: 13 мая 2021 г., 13:54:54
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Can you check my build and tell me what you think about ? It can't fit war banner, don't have enough mana reservation reduction, can you tell me how you do it ? TY anyway, my rez are really low and i can manage T16 ^^ |
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" Well i do have an enlighten 4 gem :) but if you don't have the currency you could switch replenishing presence/master of command to pure might on your medium aura cluster for the time being Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 |
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updated entry post with the last version of the build, and with that i declare that it is done. Unfortunately not a build to facetank Endbosses, but everything else? no problem.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 |
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