[3.17] Life based aura bot - fire link + 12 auras + blasphemy curse
Play an interesting twist on an aura bot with a fire link skill. Show your friends how powerful their fire builds can be! The main idea of this build is to offer you a new way to play an aura stacker with a little more active playstyle while utilizing IMHO the least used skill in PoE (together with other link skills). You will be running anywhere from 10 (low budget) to 13 auras (high budget) including temporal chains with blasphemy support for increased protection. [/spoiler] Build Theory
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Just heads up, it is worse in almost every aspect compared to a "classic" aura stacker, you run fewer auras (3-4) with less aura effect (50-100% depending on how insane you are). The only 2 areas this build excels at are playing something you have never seen or never played before, and maybe being a bit stronger when it comes to supporting a character whose skill is fire-based. Here, in this guide, we are using the aura stacker to support a tectonic slam totem chieftain – there is nothing special about this one so I will not go in-depth when it comes to the supported character (see down below). As said above, the build is utilizing principles of a classic aura stacker while sacrificing some auras that we can do without and incorporating fire links into the build at the same time. What is the Fire link and how does it work? - Fire link is a recently added skill gem that allows you to link to another player or minion and give them benefits corresponding to the type of the link. - The firing link does 2 things. First of all, it adds flat fire dmg to the supported character from the gem itself (at lvl 21: 187-281). This alone is quite a bit but more importantly, it also adds flat fire dmg based on your HP – 5% to be exact. - With this, we are adding anywhere from 400-ish to 550+ flat fire dmg to supported character – based on your maximum life. That is a LOT of flat dmg for a 1-link skill you can pop in anywhere you want to. Pro’s and Con’s
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+ Immune to all elemental ailments (chill, freeze, ignite, shock, brittle, sap, scorched) + gives immunity to all allies + 80k+ armor and 40k+ evasion + 500+ life regen with 20% life regen over 1 second every 4 seconds + 85% all elemental resistances + Much more active play style than “classic” aura bot - Aura bot which means you deal 0 DMG and you cannot play solo - Quite expensive: 100+ex with budget version starting at around 50 ex (depending on market prices) - Niche use case – can only support fire dealing abilities - - Is this a good league starter?
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Oh hell no, league starting this kind of aura stacker is not advised. But it is possible if you have the time, dedication, and a buddy to help you fund the gear. But my advice is to wait till your 2nd or 3rd character. As with a classic aura stacker, the gear can be bought on the fly and in act 10 you could be starting your supporting carrier with a couple of the most important auras. You can buy low ilvl cluster jewels and roll a 25% increased effect on them (see gear below). One by one, you can acquire most of the gear and push the build to a low-functioning version (low aura effect and only a handful of auras). PoB data
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Kill them all Ascendancy
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Ascendant: Guardian, Necromancer, Path of the Templar - in that order Later, when your budget is higher, you can buy Forbidden flesh and Forbidden Flame jewels and allocate Necromancer or Deadeye (whichever is cheaper and allocate the other). A possibility is also Champion for the aura effect or Raider for movement speed and spell suppression (tho Raider is the worst out of all these IMO). It is up to you – I suggest getting Deadeye/ Necro. Pantheon
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Major: Soul of the Brine King (upgrade the stun) Minor: Any you see fit (I picked Shakari but others can be useful too) Gear
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Mod explanation: - You want 3 mods: "auras from your skills grant...", "Anger has X% increased buff effect" and empty prefix to craft "+2 to socketed support gems" - Any other stats are useless for us. The only semi-useful stat might be mana which would allow you to run higher lvl clarity/ vitality/ precision without "%increased mana reservation efficiency" - YOU DO NOT want to have any affix that would be adding fire dmg to spells. IT WILL brick out Elemental Equilibrium. - We are running Stabilising Scepter because of its implicit that allows us to inflict exposure (-25% to resistance) - we are inflicting it via brand (you can use any other spell How to get it: 1) Get 1 scepter with anger or aura mod (both are influenced - Redeemer/ Warlord) 2) Get our base (Stabilising scepter) with the other mod 3) Use awakener's orb to put both mods onto our scepter and prey you will not get any fire dmg to spells/ added fire dmg 4) If you do, use annuls or beast crafting to get rid of it Shield
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Mod explanation: - Easy and cheap shield and can serve us for a long time due to its aura effect - Nothing else to it, just an aura effect - We could get 10% on a rare shield but I prefer this one to it. Just because I like to see that 300%+ anger aura effect. But getting rare with life, chaos res, and 10% aura effect would be the best Helmet
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Mod explanation: - Aura effect - self-explanatory - Mana reservation - Life - Chaos - Must have one of the fire/ cold/ lightning purity reservation enchant, otherwise we would not be able to fit in the last aura. How to get it: 1) We need a helmet with a synthesized implicit 15% aura effect 2) Essence craft mana reservation until you hit decent life or other stats 3) Enchant the helm with one of the 3 purities Body armor
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Mod explanation: - BiS armor we can get. Gives us a great opportunity to lower our mana reservation on auras we do not need ourselves - anger, clarity, precision, and bonus for blasphemy temp. chains How to get it: buy it Rings
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Mod explanation: - We need life and chaos res - Craft prefixes for mana regen so that you have enough regen to sustain flame link Amulet
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Mod explanation: - We need simplex for the extra mana reservation efficiency - Get some life - Great with chaos res - Do NOT roll for ele resists - we get enough from auras Belt
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Mod explanation: - We need life and then some - Chaos res Boots
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Mod explanation: - MUST HAVE, there is no way around it, and the only way for us to cast our determination Gloves
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Mod explanation: - Life - Chaos res - Abyssal socket - awesome stat boost - Grace 20% mana reservation efficiency (must have) How to get it: - Buy the grace synth base - Spam hollow + prismatic + aberrant fossils until you hit something good Jewels
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