[3.25] Toxic Rain Girl - All hail to our pod Overlords
Hello all!
Precia: Cloak of flame/Foxshade | Obliteration | Death Rush - enjoy. This is a Take of the Ever popular Toxic Rain Skill, but not with a Ranger but a Scion :) Why Scion? High Damage and insane Duration plus easy Defenses. Currently Top 10 of poe.ninja TR Builds, without any tricks to push dps. Top 5 if switching to more duration for Boss only fights. Could reach top 1 with minion damage build, but that will disappear after settlers, so lets ignore that. Changelog(3.25): - Removed Mirage Archer and switched to awakened swift affliction. Momentum, faster Attacks and More duration were all tested and found wanting. (Momentum is nice for lab and sanctum through). For more information see gem section. - Switched back to Discipline. Now features ~2k+ ES which is instantly refilled with ghostdance. - Switched to Ashes of the stars in endgame as we reach gem level of 30 even with only that. the quality increase buffs almost everything. - The new rare bases are insane so switching to the new shit. - Mageblood finishes our defense and gives the onslaught we lost through raider removal. - Forbidden flesh changed to jugg for Qol and Defenses Progress Cleared all t17, uberbosses etc. This build can level in Simu, it can phase tank korvis and the thick one, just don't stay inside the degen Zones. Cost & Starter Things To start this you would need about 6 Divines for decent clear. You could theoretically leaguestart with this(i did), but its a pain. if you still want to do it, Look into the Starter section for more information and some useful tricks. Videos: 3.25: Simu last two waves
Toxic Rain: We use toxic rain as our only Damage skill. To scale the Damage we have 5 different levers: Skill duration: The longer a pod exists, the more pods you can stack, increasing not only damage instances on a single mob but also help with clear as your damage areas increase as well. This also increases Curse uptime (30 Seconds!) as well as the duration of vaal skills and Steelskin. Current pod lifetime: 4.5 seconds Damage over time Multiplier: The strongest scaling mechanic outside Gemlevel. Also very hard to obtain. Can Mostly be found as crafts or on jewels or jewelry. Skill Gem Level: Gem level increases are done with Amulets with +gem level enchants, and Bow prefixes(+1 to socketed gems, +2 to bow gems) or the catharina enchant if you're packing Empower. Max level here should be 30 as levels above only give linear damage and other investments are usually better. Flat (Chaos/Projectile) Damage: Standard Damage increases, mostly done with Hunter slam on belt or essence craft on jewelry or jewels on the skill tree. Attackspeed: This increases the number of pods we have active at the same time as well as adding defense layers as you are more free to move with better attack times. Area of effect and Overlapping: As we can read here The optimal area of effect is 36%-43% This guarantees to maximum overlap of pots. This requires bow mastery and the aura enchant(either two or passive skill tree). Weirdly with one additional Projectile it feels like having ~30% inc AE range is enough. Still testing through. Aspect of the Spider Final Aura to use, hinders and gives as up to 15% more Damage. Despair and Punishment: Our selfcast Curses. Thanks to hexpbloom it isn't as annoying as you would think. Just cast it on a pack and with the right chaining it follows you through the whole map. On Bosses the curse stays up for 30 seconds thanks to increased duration mods. Our casttime for curses is 0.24 seconds, its well worth it and the deliberate effect holds out for 4 seconds. - Current Problem with hexbloom: Together with aspect of the spider dual curses introduces lag - > can't play it... Withering Step: Stacks up to 14 Withered Debuffs on all mobs inside range. this is an instant 14*6% damage multiplier (84% increased damage taken) Duration of those wither stacks is 8 seconds. Manaforged Arrows link Frenzy for charge generation plus toxic rain of wihtering to stack that last possible witherstack.
As usual in POE we employ different layers of defense to survive: Life/ES on Kill This is our Main Source of substain in large Packs and maps. We get 2% of life and ES with every Kill. We also leech a small amount. To maximize this, we invest a little bit into hit. Flasks: Mageblood, done. If you don't have one yet, you can easly get at least two flask clusters directly. In progress times i would skip one of the cluster jewels to automate flasks. Evasion: This Build uses Evasion as its Physical hit mitigation. ~60k with one evasion flask, 95k with both. You will always have 95% dodge. (and 15 seconds vaal grace ;) ) Spell Suppression: We aim for 100% chance to spell suppression. Together with Suppression mastery and Scion skill nodes we can reduce the suppressed damage to 38% in the best case. You will need only one item with spell suppression chance to cap the chance. We also have a 15 seconds vaal grace which gives unlucky SpellDamage to enemies Energy shield: We use energy shield as a buffer to protect our low life(only 4.4k). Try to get enough ES to fully utilize Ghostshrouds(3% of your Evasion) Real As soon as ES+ Life reaches 6k the build begins to feel immortal. Currently sitting at 2.5k ES which are fully replenished with ghost shrouds and leech. In case of danger, trigger vaal Discipline which also holds out for 8 Seconds Armour: While this build can potentially run Determination, its weaker than before. Even flesh and stone outperforms it now. You could go full on Armor with eva/armor bases through. But PoB still shows that the offset of losing ES is too big. For small Hits, take one granite flask into mageblood setup to gain ~6k Armor. Chaos Resist: Unfortunately chaos masteries were nerfed hard. But we still can and should stack this. Thanks to scion starting area we get a lot if resistances on the passive tree, so we have enough item budget for chaos resist. Steelskin and Automation: We use Steelskin, with gives a 2.6k Shield and makes us immune to bleed. Uptime of the buff is ~6 seconds with a 2 seconds cd. Elemental Ailments: Thanks to essence craft, Elder mod and the unique Jewel Ancrestal Vision we are now immune to elemental ailments yay. With mageblood you can also use Stormshroud and the avoid Shock craft. Speed: Last but not least, this build is quite fast with permanent onslaught and rage and about 0.25 secs attack time. You can shoot and dodge at mostly the same time. You can make a killing field of flowers and enjoy them offscreen. How To Die: 1. Degen fields. While we migitate with phanteon and chaos damage is not a problem other Degens will hit us hard as we haven't any real regen outside Enduring call. So stay out of it. 2. Ubers and T17 - need special tactics to manage their damage(Like single ress flasks) 3. Ritual orbs... Be vigilant! 4. The only dangerous mapmod is reduced evasion. And even that is not that problematic. 5. Titanic shenanigans. Rogue exiles have some hit cannot evaded bois, those will kill you if don't see them first.
Gods and Bandits
Just kill all bandits. Major is Arakali Minor god is hands down abberath. Burning ground is insane in POE. Just skip that shit. Other Option would be shakari if you believe chaos will be in your near future.
Gem Links
Mainlink in Bow: Toxic Rain - (Awakened) Void Manipulation - (Awakened) Vicious Projectiles - Efficacy - (awakened) swift affliction - (Empower) Damage on full Life All costly Choices can be found in brackets. As first choice update to awakened void manipulation, the plus one to chaosgems is insane. Swift affliction is seldomly used with Toxic rain as the duration loss is steep. But this build has a pot duration of 3.66 seconds WITH this support. This increases clear significantly. Switch to more duration for stationary uberbosses if you really need the dps. Everywhere else Swft affliction will outperform it. If you want to go fast, use momentum. Thanks to our duration specc, swiftness holds out for 7 seconds. Auralink: Vaal Discipline - Vaal Grace - Malevolance - Enlighten lvl3(lvl4 only gives a little quality of life) Main aura link, but it in the armor slot you have +1 to auragems/area increse crafted. Support Link(4link): Steelskin - Enhance(lvl4) lvl4 - More Duration - Automation Defense Link: Socket location is not important. Support Link(6link): Despair - Hexbloom -Punishment - Enhance(lvl4) lvl4 - Withering Step - Enduring Cry Curse link etc. If you want, you can also drop enduring Cry for Vaal Haste to get another DPS CD for bossing. But dps is fine. Support Link(4link): Frenzy - Toxic Rain of Withering - Manaforged Arrows - Flame Dash
Playstyle and Mapmods
Shoot away in front of you, mobs will die behind you - loot. At bosses pop your Cds (vaal haste and vaal Grace) and shoot away. Thanks to a lot of movement speed, dodging most shit is as easy as pie. Most mapmods don't pose a problem,but be aware that increased accuracy will be dangerous and reduced aura efffect will be annoying. Try to dodge Charge steal and hexproof too. On a positive note, All reflect modes, all leech and regen modes etc don't pose any problem.
Learn the fights, and bring the right flasks: Maven: Frost Resist flask Exarch: Fire Resist flask Shaper: no need for flask switch, get out of degen and slam. ultimate chaos can be easily tanked. uberuber elder: same as above, care for degens and slams, and ignore the rest. sirus: DEEEGEN, uber cortex: freeloot? uber eater: pure movement
Path of Building
Current Target: https://pobb.in/obguppxHE4tv
Most of our uniques are gems. The rest is craftgear. With crafted gear try to get as much defense and life as you can while still having resists capped. Remember that we need one item with Spell suppression Example Items: Body Armor: Helmet: Gloves: Boots: Weapons: On a sidenote: If you have too much money(for a Lock) you could Double corrupt chest to get +3 to duration gem. Then the best bow would be Widowhail.
League Start
First off, i would not recommend to leaguestart with this. Damage is low throughout the story if you don't luck into a quillrain early. With a quill rain the build gets a lot stronger but you will need a lot of mana at bosses, so plan with two slots for mana flasks in the worst scenarios. List of the best Level Uniques: Bow: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Quill_Rain This Baby carries you to endgame. The Insane Attackspeed guarantees high stacks of Pods. You will only switch it with a +3 skillgem Bow with attackspeed. Its worth the chaos you need to invest in the first days! Ring: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Praxis This bad boy has helped many an exile to reach maps. And it clear why. Cost reduction paired with regen. You will likely use the ring until you have eleron ring crafts. Here is a PoB for leveling(work in progress): https://pastebin.com/LkQ7DnBi Current Build: Penance Brand God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 Последняя редакция: tsunamikun#0433. Время: 21 февр. 2025 г., 18:19:49 Last bumped15 дек. 2024 г., 15:46:13
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Crucible Update:
First in Path of building deployed in build section This Build will not only work in Crucible, it will likely be a lot more powerful. Not only because of weapon trees, but because mainly changes in masteries. This build can easily reach 150% spell supp so the new masteries as well as the new jewel will be insane. As soon as there is a working PoB Version I will update the build. And thanks to the league mechanic leveling this may not be as much of a pain as last season ;) Also: Manaforged Arrows opens up some interesting interactions like auto frenzy shots or entangling arrow and lets not forget the nerfs: Chaos masteries are gone :( meaning that withered annoint reign supreme. And was also nerfed :( (Corruption is now 20% withered inc.) ALL reservation efficiency masteries gone yay. Current Build: Penance Brand God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 Последняя редакция: tsunamikun#0433. Время: 3 апр. 2023 г., 7:00:28
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Would this be viable to level with and transition into Tornado Shot late game?
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" I don't think so. Tornado shot needs other paths on the skill tree for the most part, seems like a waste. And this build is a mid-game build for clearing standard endgame bosses and a delirium farmer. At this point you should have enough currency to comfortably change anything you could possibly have to a tornado shot build. Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 |
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Will likely league start this to prepare for ward loop later on. I'll let you know how it goes :)
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Same for me, league start with this. Farm a bit currency and respec to wardloop
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League start went well, helped by the fact I got a Quill Rain at level 5 lol.
Gotta be honest, i picked this build without looking at Ascendency choices - Berserker and Raider, with Trickster from Forbidden Flesh/Flame - very interesting. I picked Raider first, and since I won't get the FF for awhile, wondering if I should go Trickster on the tree since it seems more beneficial to early mappin g than Berserker. |
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i still picked berserker, because strength check is easier especally early game without currency and i play softcore anyways so the little rippy playstyle is not that bad. but yeah trickster is, if you have teh strnegth you need on items, the better choice as it gives about the same amount of damage with more defensive options. the main point why i used trickster as forbidden skill is, because it is by far the cheapest option ;)
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 |
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What are the chances you'll be doing a "midendgame" guide?
Just started hitting maps and I'd like to know what now other than the usual - get 75% resistance - get money to buy the stuff from POB. What to focus on buying first and stuff. |
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" Hey there, I'm already past that but i remember doing the following things: 1st: get a cheap 6-link fast bow with the right colors or uncorrupted. best with either socketed gems or +2 bow gems (or both!) 2nd: get the restless ward, especially if you still have overcharged or another source of endurance charge generation. 3rd: get your atlas tree set up for essences and syndicate. You need the area of effect enchant es well as weapon chaos multi recipes and - mana cost ring enchants. Essence is a fine way to craft a halfway decent bow and quiver. get a totem link for bossing if you haven't already. get enough oils for a decent amulet enchant and buy also buy a cheap +1 chaos skills amulet, those with shitty stats are under 10c right now. Farm currency for forbidden flame/flesh, should be around 100c for both last time i looked. try to get a good number of toxic rain gems up for corrupting Don't bother with large cluster until your way into 90+ of level. Specc to dmg over time growth and decay for dps instead. Don't charge crucible all the way ;) brutal is a fine place to be most of the time. Also most crucible trees are shit. and they don't get better. But try to hit wither effect and attack speed. Or a 7link like mine (lifetap adds its own problems through) Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 |
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