[3.21] 🪃 Non Omni Venom Gyre 🪃 [1 to 100m Shaper DPS]
For all questions and concerns either pm me ingame @Kleanup or leave a comment in this thread.
https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/30Creptus/Kleanup?i=0&search=name%3DKleanup Link to my character on poe ninja. Damage calculation is not correct due to various scaling scoures. ![]() Why not omni? Instead of using omni we use suffixes in order to get other mods, on top of synthesis items this leads us to around the same/better damage at the end, and it's cheaper to craft synth items compared to buying omni, esp early on the in the league. Plus it's fun using a different apporach compared to a standard one. ![]()
This is an all content build, capable of handling everything in the game. Certain content like ubers, will require good gear although this build is capable of farming and doing anything. This includes, 100% deli maps, uber farming, lab running, blight farming, speedrunning maps, leveling to 100 on your own and bunch of other stuff as well. BOSSING = 7/10 Ability to kill tanky enemies. It's pretty good, depends on your gear, although capable of killing everything without much trouble. AOE CLEAR = 7/10 Ability to clear mobs swiftly. Clear is pretty solid from the start, although really gets better once you throw in Divergent Vaal Venom Gyre + Awakened Fork. With these two, clear goes up to 9/10. DEFENSE = 8/10 Ability to play the game without dying. Build is pretty tanky all around. You can self farm lv100 while mapping like i did , with a bit of extra defensive nodes on the tree. In it's normal state it is pretty good at not dying. (except crucible one shots, fuck that) SPEED = 8/10 Ability to be fast. You will be fast with or without mageblood. Mageblood obviously will make you faster although the baseline movement speed is pretty good from the start. SCALING = 9/10 How far can the build scale. You can pour a lot of money into the build, it scales well from multiple sources. Build does pretty well on everything.
We use venom gyre and whirling blades to do damage. There is a small technical component since our shotgun burst damage comes from whirling blades. At the top of the screen, you can see how many venom gyre blades you have stored, each time u whirl you will lose blades, if you have 0 blades, whirling blades will do NO DAMAGE. Watch out for that, you will use a combination of attacking + whirling to always have blades up. ![]() This is how the icon looks like. It is important to use VAAL VENOM GYRE because it will allow us to proc a buff which will auto-regenerate our blades, making us only need to whirl in order to do damage.
RAGE With the use of these gloves we will be able to regenerate rage, which allows us to use Berserk. Rage regeneration will increase only per 100 life regeneration you have, having 538 or 678, will do nothing past that 500 or 600 mark. Berserk is a gem and when activated will give us MORE attack speed, damage, movement speed and reduced damage taken. Overall extremely beneficial and worth adding into the build.
For specific mechanics that will affect our damage we have scaling of the effect of non-damaging ailments. We get brittle as an boot implicit, shock from dealing lightning damage and stacking added lightning on jewels and possibly shock as though dealing more damage on the helmet. And to cap it off we are capable of using scorch using the crucible tree. All of this will allow us to always inflict max ailment effect which will grant us: - MAX CRIT CHANCE - 30% ELEMENTAL PEN - 50% INCREASED DAMAGE
We are using Grace + Precision + Aspect of the spider. Later on Vitality can be added in as well, but will require an investment of around 10-40d. Aspect of the spider is an aura that will slow down enemies and apply nets to them increasing damage taken by 15%. This equates to 15% more damage for a price of 25% mana reservation. The aura is added on as a suffix mod using beastcrafting, it can be added into ANY OPEN SUFFIX SLOT, on any gear piece excluding jewels. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/vyjZQzsE Link for Fenumus.
Other scaling is pretty simple, more added damage on jewels, more attack speed on claw/jewels, more added damage on claw, more crit on claw and stacking crit multi everywhere. Other bonuses to damage deal come from synthesis implicit on rings, crit multi, ele dmg, inc dmg, etc. We also have double damage, coming from aisling unveils on weapon and shield along with double damage nodes on the tree with Lethal Pride. This will allow us to hit quite hard. ![]()
Here's the gear that i have on my char, keep in mind this is nearly perfect. There are ways to scale gear and i will include trade links for budget, mid tier and high tier items. Build works well from 100c up to multiple mirrors of investment.
We're looking at 3 prefix, light/fire/cold claws. We don't use HITS CANNOT BE EVADED, so a bit of accuracy has to come from other items or the skill tree. BUDGET---COST 30-80c https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/oRd5JrGcl Budget claw has 500 total ele damage and 1.8 or above attack speed nothing fancy here. MID TIER---COST 1-5d https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/3rD4qZGi5 https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/rj2KpmzfQ Same as above but with critical strike chance mod. First link is 500+ edps, Second link is 600+ edps. HIGH TIER---COST 10d-100d https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/n0a3kozS0 Best claws you can find. 800-1300 edps, with attack speed and crit.
There's a couple of things to play around with the crucible trees. BUDGET https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/RGDy8gOc7 Any 1 added elemental damage node Any t1 node, here's a link of every claw listed for sale that has a t1 added ele damage node, you can slam in one of these to your claw, it's not needed but u can slam one of these into your claw for around less than 100c cost. Any usable node will be fine too, trees don't matter much at all until you start to gear better. MID TIER Any 1 added elemental damage node + 15% increased explicit elemental damage modifiers Mid tier will have any of the t1 added ele nodes along with 15% increased explicit elemental damage modifiers. You'll have to slam in t1 into your claw, then slam 15% ele ones untill both are kept. Will cost around 1-4d. HIGH TIER T1 added ele > 10% increased attack speed > 15% ele explicit > 6-10% chance to scorch This is the best tree, it costs around 10-30d to make, and if you dont feel like going really into it 3 nodes will do, added ele, 15% and scorch, all you need. 2nd node is not mandatory, something like my claw.
The shield we use will be a mixture of defensive and offensive stats. There are many options you can pick. The mandatory roles for non budget is anything with 20% supress and t1 life regeneration. All else is a bonus luxury. BUDGET---COST 20-80c https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/23VLM55Ik Any shield with t1/t2 life and 20+ spell supression. You can also go for lower life and grab a 5c 10c shield if you want, it doesnt matter early on. MID TIER---COST 100c-3d https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/gmdrpygfQ T1/T2 life, spell supression 20+ and t1 life regen. Since when we replace the budget helmet we will need regeneration on gear. HIGH TIER---COST 3d-100d No trade links since these do not exist for sale and need to be crafted. If you are interested how to craft these post a reply or ping me ingame.
Basically this, you can also avoid using +20% spell suppression if you get the supression node like on my synthesized shield. BUDGET https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/gmdrzO6uQ +80 life -5 to all elemental resistances Slam a +80 life -5 to all res first node into your shield, any other nodes are welcome, especially block ones but not needed just +80 life will do. Costs around 10-30c. MID TIER +80 life > 10/12% block We don't block spells anyway so extra block is very nice. Costs around 100c-1d. HIGH TIER +80 life > 10/12% block > 10/15% increased explicit life modifer magnitudes > +25% spell supression/sap on block/enlighten 3 This is very hard to make and will drive you insane. Costs 5-20d.
We're using Kaom's Spirit for rage regeneration. Different versions depending on your budget. BUDGET---COST 10-100c https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/Wm04dpVIm Uncorrupted Kaom's Spirit. MID TIER---COST 1d-6d https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/Ej2G9QBf5 Since budget helm gets replaced, it will allow us to use corrupted items, thus we'll be using a curse implicit here, granting us elemental weakness on hit (THIS WILL REQUIRE +1 CURSE on chest or on the amulet) HIGH TIER---COST 5d-250d High tier ones will be double corrupted. Attack speed, critical strike chance, life, +1 to level of socketed gems, etc. Very rare and expensive.
BUDGET---COST 1-25c https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/d6KqGVvcJ Uncorrupted Voll's Vision. Synergy for Kaom's Spirit. MID TIER---COST 100c-3d https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/GGwbZ4DHb Blizzard crown with life regen. As long as there is regen here we don't have to use vitality aura. If none exist you will have to craft one yourself, just spam life fossils until u get t1 regen and some other suffix which you find useful. HIGH TIER---COST 10d-100d Custom crafted blizzard crown with influenced mods, life, mana reservation, etc.
Boots will be the source of brittle, which is a major damage boost. What exactly do you want depends on your budget and if you have mageblood or not. BUDGET---COST 20-60c https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/3pJL7RKi5 Just some boots with brittle life, movement speed and ele res. You can alteratively just use , on any pair u have already to get brittle. MID TIER---COST 100c-10d https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/rovRQLGFQ Similar as above but with onslaught, you can also search for regen, spell supression, chaos resistance. HIGH TIER---COST 5d-20d Custom crafted boots, regen if you have mageblood, resistance if you do not. Perfectly elevated for 23% elusive while unique enemies are nearby to get more damage.
BUDGET---COST 5c-30c https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/vYrX8kWIE Whichever belt with x2 resistance, some life and regeneration. MID TIER---COST 100c-10d https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/WGg6omDfm https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/rovR4OziQ https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/23VmlbVsk Stygian wise, 1st link is x2 ele res, 2nd is x1 ele x1 chaos res, 3rd is x1 ele x1 chaos + elemental damage. HIGH TIER---COST 70d-220d https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/yv8MLLgUR Mageblood. 2 flasks is enough, 3 is alright as well, 4 you can but there is no reason to really.
BUDGET---COST 10-100c https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/JPvd2RJcl Any 6 link chest, use some alch + scour or chaos orbs on them. MID TIER---COST 1d-4d https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/5r6kXq2Ca Buy a zodiac leather with hunter/elder influence, spam reforge attack for t1 crit using the harvest bench. HIGH TIER---COST 4d-40d https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/yKkE34esR Once you get elemental weakness on gloves u will need to buy these, the armor will provide +1 curse limit and give you regen to help berserk uptime.
Rings will be there to fill out stats you're missing. If i were to leave links for them there would be over 20, so you need to tailor them to what you need. If you're starting out dont have elemental resistance, use resistance rings, if you need accuracy get some accuracy same goes for int and str. BUDGET---COST 10c-150c Resistance rings, rings with some accuracy, -mana cost, whatever u end up needing. The taming also can be used. MID TIER---COST 100c-3d RING 1 https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/KP3mYPnI5 Buy that and slam essences of scorn into it until u get mods u want, then use life quality catalyst to increase -mana cost which u will craft on an open prefix. RING 2 Amethyst ring with stats you need and an open prefix for -mana cost. Trade link too hard to setup, you'll have to tailor it to what you are missing at that moment, most likely resistances, u can buy the cheapest resistance essence and craft with them HIGH TIER---COST 10d-50d Stuff like this one ring will be custom crafted amytheist with fractured chaos res, other ring will have -mana cost and 2 more good implicits, spammed with essence of scorn.
Same rules as the for the rings, additionally we want aspect of the spider here if possible, if it is not possible, put it on any other open suffix, it is a beastcraft, any open suffix, boots, gloves, helmet, shield, ring, belt, anything will do. BUDGET---COST 1c-100c Literally whatever, probably something which will have int/str, other than that doesnt matter. Use whatever u need, thus no trade link. MID TIER---COST 100c-5d Buy an amulet with a good synthesis implicit, maximum life, crit multi, regen, elemental damage, etc, use essence of scorn on it, or craft attributes. Same examples i made. HIGH TIER---COST 10-50d 3 synthesis mod amulet, spammed with essence of scorn until close to perfect.
WATCHER'S EYE - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/a0OgjaaCe Defensive + offensive pick. ABYSS JEWELS - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/KP3mk2yU5 Offensive added dmg options. NORMAL JEWELS https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/q0PQwR3ug https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/jQnGmYkCX First link full damage, Second link resistances. LETHAL PRIDEJ https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/r80dVGCQ Your strenght bonus will come from here. Ones with good stats u can find with timeless jewel search tool.
Until you have money for clusters the points you will use on the skill tree, anything with life or damage, once money is ready you can start buying clusters. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/b0zR0WdCL Link for big ones, there's a couple of options you can use, i prefer scalling brittle so i use Calamitous. Get extra res or stats you need on them. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/XPWeYO7IP Link for medium ones. Get extra res or stats you need on them.
FLASK 1 Any Eternal Life flask with corrupted blood/bleed immunity. Here's my pick. FLASK 2 Defensive flask of your choice, if rich buy Progenesis. FLASK 3 Offensive flask, if you do not have mageblood or SCORCH (IF U HAVE SCORCH IT WILL BRICK THE FLASK), take cinderswallow with 3% regen 10% inc damage taken, put increased effect on it, it will be the biggest boost of damage you can get for extremely cheap. Once you get mageblood and scorch on your claw tree, do not use this anymore swap to Bottled Faith. Otherwise there is also a cheap 3rd choice you can use. FLASK 4 Samething like this, depending on if you have mageblood or not. FLASK 5 Quicksilver, i prefer to have inc effect on it regardless of if i have mageblood or not. Additionally you can always take whichever flask you want, i prefer to have 1 life flask, 1 offensive (bottled with inc effect, cinderswallow with inc effect) and 1 deffensive (progenesis, rumi's, magic evasion/armor flask) and 2 other ones. ![]()
1) Budget VG + Trinity + Nightblade + Inspiration + WED + Fork Buy gems from the vendor, alt quality does not matter at this stage, just get gems going. The links are in this order, most important gem first, least important gem last. ONCE VENOM GYRE COSTS 0-1-2 mana, remove inspiration. 2) Normal setup 3) Damage setup Only after you get divergent vaal venom gyre.
Alt quality once you can afford it as an upgrade. Alt quality whirling blades is top tier, get that one as soon as you can. Tornado and flame wall are sources for additional damage, do not change these links.
Add enlighten 3/4 if you are not using a synthesis shield with 20% mana reservation. Vitality ONLY if you fall below 500 regen naturally, it will be hard to fit vitality in be warned, you need mana reservation on tree or on helm/chest.
Недоступно Berserk is our main dmg mitigation, speed and damage boost, it allows us to use rage we get from Kaom's Spirit.
Curse setup, if you do not have mana to afford it remove enhance from it. Enduring Cry is extremely good, i recommend it as a rege regenerator + defensive layers. Other gems you can use in open slots. Additionally you can use CWDT + Steelskin. ![]()
![]() Chain > Projectiles > Tailwind > Mark/Gale Force If you're leveling and don't want to buy runs and level on your own, spec into gale force, you will die much less. BANDITS - Help Alira
My current POB setup - https://pastebin.com/uXYBMfds
Tanky Setup - https://pastebin.com/sSKpuTWK Setup without clusters - https://pastebin.com/EWA4i1MA
Pick any bow with added elemental damage you find. Pick additional projectiles from tree, play with ligthning arrow. Spec out when you finish the acts, you wont need much more than 15 points. The order at which u pick passive points does not matter. ![]()
I DONT HAVE ENOUGH ATTRIBUTES - Buy lethal pride, get some int/str on jewels, take str/int nodes on the tree, but rings with int. You can delevel your INT gems as well, flame wall, flame dash, hydrosphere, you do not need to have them at max level, they can be develeved. I DON'T HAVE 100% SPELL SUPRESSION - Take 6 nodes from the tree. I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MANA - Craft -mana cost to skills on every piece of jewelry, amulets and rings, use life quality on them for extra reduction. Do not use enhance with your curse on hit. I DONT HAVE ENOUGH MANA FOR AURAS - Don't run vitality OR use mana reservation annoint or spend points on tree for extra mana and mana reservation mastery. I DONT HAVE 100% HIT CHANCE - Get some accuracy on rings, from the passive tree, on the claw, anywhere. One roll of 300-400 will cap you out. With mageblood get 30% inc accuracy during onslaught belt enchant. Large lusters also will help giving you extra accuracy. I DONT HAVE CAPPED RESISTANCES - Get more resistance mode on rings/boots and jewels. You'll have to cap out yourself since i can not provide links for rings. Последняя редакция: 30Creptus#0534. Время: 27 мая 2023 г., 18:51:32 Last bumped18 авг. 2023 г., 12:21:13
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Hi, are you going to make some changes for 3.22 with the addition of new gems? but in any case it will be my start for this season.
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" I haven't looked at new gems yet but yes i will update the build soon. I also plan to do some videos on the build and to make 3 budget tiers for POB with actual gear based on what i have/have had during the league. As a side note, Vengeant Cascade changes probably will be very good, 150% returning projectile speed is pretty sweet. I will be testing it. |
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