3.25 Gryph's Spinning Raging Spirits! SPIN2WIN SRS of Enormity Minion Instability!
I will be writing up a full guide for this in the coming days and anything you see now is technically an unfinished guide. Once this message is gone, the guide will have been completed. For now, here is a video showcase with some technical explanations and my POB:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suVi_l1Snbg https://pobb.in/Ec0OJ732rz8H ![]() *At the heart of every Path of Exile player is the desire to press exactly ONE button and "do all the things." Regardless of how many times GGG nerfs us and breaks our builds, we dare to strive for that simple style of play no matter how complex the process is to get there. It has been unanimously decided (by me of course) that the singular superior way to do this is to Spin2Win. :)
The Concept
At its core, this build was designed to be tanky, fun, and use interesting mechanics to achieve true Spin2Win perfection!
![]() How do we DO that? The basic idea behind this build is to utilize the new Axe Enchantment from Settlers of Kalguur to trigger a fire spell when we hit enemies. Using Cyclone to trigger the spell is the beginning of Spin2Win.
The Axe
Of course, there are many spells that can be used and even more ways to build around it. The goal here is to have a cohesive strategy to successfully accomplish this task. My goal when making this build was to have decent damage, be solidly tanky, and just make it feel good to play. No zDPS, no glasscannon, and ONE button! This is how I decided to play with it: We are using the Summon Raging Spirits of Enormity skill gem (SRSoE from now on) as our fire spell of choice. This will trigger every time we hit an enemy with an attack skill, with a 0.25s cooldown. Additionally, we will combine this minion with the Minion Instability Keystone on our passive tree so that when our minions reach low life, they explode, dealing MASSIVE fire damage equal to 33% of their maximum life. ![]() Why SRS of Enormity specifically? This skill has two very powerful effects: The Minions have 90% More Maximum Life (scales up with level) and The Minions' hits always critically strike, this ALSO includes the Minion Instability explosion, which otherwise has a base crit chance of 0%. Basically, the way we will scale our damage is NOT through the minions' attacks, but rather what happens when they DIE (they go BOOM!). To that end, we are going to scale the following modifiers: Minion Life Minion Damage Minion Critical Strike Multiplier Debuffing Enemies' Resistance to fire
Path of Building
My Mageblood POB (still a WIP): https://pobb.in/6mbhGEf2tP4B
PROS: -The Floor on DPS is pretty high. It's not difficult to see decent DPS from this setup, even on lower investments. Getting your axe online+bare bones gear will still get you to 10m+DPS pretty easily. -SPIN2WIN!!! One button playstyle with everything fully automated while cycloning. -We are making use of interesting and unique mechanics! -We are very sturdy with multiple layers of defenses stacked on top of each other:
Defense Layers
-54%/50% Block -55% Chance to Evade/10k Evasion -43-55% flat physical damage reduction -18% of Physical Damage taken as Cold -~25k Armour -4 Endurance Charges for additional Elemental Mitigation -80/85/80/77 max resists -ES on Hit+Ball Lightning proccing constantly -Defiance of Destiny adds additional passive recovery -Elemental Ailment Immunity via Stormshroud and 100% avoid shock chance -Forbidden Taste Unique Flask with enchanted "Use When you take a savage hit" to full heal when we DO take a big hit -Enemies near corpses deal 10% reduced damage -Eldritch Battery+Mind Over Matter to bolster health pool and sustain mana costs -SPIN2WIN!!! Playstyle is defensive on its own because you are constantly moving. One of the most deadly things in this game is standing still. CONS: -The build requires the axe enchant to function and the enchant itself is rather expensive (4 power runes). This alone excludes it from being "budget" or "league start viable." Definitely something that would be considered as a second or third character of a league for all but the most dedicated of players that have an intimate understanding of how to transition into it. -BECAUSE the build requires the Settlers of Kalguur axe enchantment, there's no guarantee that it will survive for more than this league. -While this build is fun, interesting, and powerful, it's not the *most* powerful thing to do this league.
Building characters that are tanky is very near and dear to my heart. I don't play Hardcore, but I tend to build and play my characters as though I were. Frankly, I just don't like to die. Below is a list of defensive layers that I've implemented into this build (same list as seen in the pros/cons section)-54%/50% Block
-55% Chance to Evade/10k Evasion -43-55% flat physical damage reduction -18% of Physical Damage taken as Cold -~25k Armour -4 Endurance Charges for additional Elemental Mitigation -80/85/80/77 max resists -10% Instant Leech from our minions -ES on Hit+Ball Lightning proccing constantly -Defiance of Destiny adds additional passive recovery -Elemental Ailment Immunity via Stormshroud and 100% avoid shock chance -Forbidden Taste Unique Flask with enchanted "Use When you take a savage hit" to full heal when we DO take a big hit -Enemies near corpses deal 10% reduced damage -Eldritch Battery+Mind Over Matter to bolster health pool and sustain mana costs -SPIN2WIN!!! Playstyle is defensive on its own because you are constantly moving. One of the most deadly things in this game is standing still.
My Gear
This is it. This is the weapon we want to see.
How To Craft Your Axe
Under normal circumstances, getting two elder suffix mods together is fairly difficult to manage. BUT, thanks to the current recombinator system, we can deterministically isolate our two required suffixes.
This entire process (not counting the enchant) will cost 9 raw divines from the crafting bench, 3 raw exalts, plus however many alterations/regals/annuls you end up using.
Step 1
Get yourself two Elder influenced siege axes and spam orbs of alterations until you have 1 axe with the "5-10% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you hit a bleeding enemy" and the other axe with "Socketed Gems are Supported by level 20 Increased Critical Damage"
You will then REGAL these axes. If you regal a prefix, move on to step 2. If you regal a suffix, annul to remove it. Go back to alt spamming if you remove the Elder suffix we want.
Step 2
When beginning this step, you should have two axes that look *SOMETHING* like this (rare with 1 suffix and 1 or 2 prefixes, preferably 1)
The actual prefixes, don't matter, but you don't want to have too many prefixes in the pool or you may end up with 3 prefix mods and complicate the rest of the craft. Moving along...Once you have these, you will take them to the crafting bench and craft on: "Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers" onto each of them, and then a *DIFFERENT* "of the order" suffix craft (the ones you unlock when unveiling items) They should look like this: ![]() ![]() To briefly explain what is going on, you know, BEFORE you go recombining these...The crafted modifiers on these items are treated as "exclusive" mods by the Recomb Bench. MEANING only *ONE* of these mods can be transferred to the new item. But because both items have full suffixes, the odds of receiving an item with full suffixes is substantially higher (72% chance according to this reddit post) So when your item is produced it will want to make a 3 suffixed item 72% of the time, and when it does it can ONLY choose ONE of the crafted modifiers, leaving only the two Elder modifiers left. Now that you're at this stage, go to the recombinator in Kingsmarch and SMASH EM TOGETHER! Good luck!
Step 3
With any luck, your recombination has left you with an axe that looks something like this:
![]() From here we craft "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" for 2 Divines, and then SCOUR to remove any bad prefixes left on the item. THEN you craft on the "cannot roll attack modifiers" craft (1 divine) and Exalt for guaranteed +1 to level of socketed gems. ![]()
Last Steps
Once you're at this stage it's just a matter of using the bench to multimod on Minion Damage/Life and +2 to socketed support gems. Afterward you will need to enchant it at the Runesmithing Table in Kingsmarch. The "Trigger a socketed fire spell on hit" enchantment costs 4 Power Runes, 88 Sun Runes, and 88 War Runes. End Product will look like this:
The squire gives us +3 links to support our SRS. They're not very expensive this league either. If you can grab one with the Level 23 Discipline corruption, that'll save you a socket. Definitely something you'll want eventually.
Body Armour
Rare Armour+Energy Shield chest piece is the ideal here. You want to have something with at least 500 es, 2k armour, and no life mods (for the 15% life mastery). Obviously, more is better and you can always get one with a fractured mod to craft onto. Easiest way to make one is to use dense fossils to spam for good AR/ES rolls. Any resistances, chaos res, and Physical Damage reduction make excellent suffixes for us. If you want to get fancy with recombinators and transfer over either "Global Defenses" or "Cover Enemies in Ash when they hit you," go for it. It's just going to (obviously) be much more expensive. For implicits, I went for +max res and X% of phys taken as cold damage. To make use of the chest piece's defensive stats with the AR/ES mastery, we will need Armour and Energy shield on our Gloves, Boots, and Helmet slots. ![]()
For the helmet slot, ideally we want +2 to all Minion Skill gems, life, res, and reservation efficiency. Life regen is nice to get here as well. If you are just buying a helmet rather than crafting (the craft can be kind of pricey) you'll have to give up the Phys taken as Cold implicit to get some Reservation Efficiency instead. Make sure to get Armour+ES on the helmet
Pretty self explanatory. Life+Resists+Chaos Res Apply Fire Exposure on hit implicit MAKE SURE YOU HAVE Armour+ES on this slot! (bench crafting ES or AR works if you are missing one of them)
Pretty important slot. This is where we will get our 100% chance to avoid shock (ideally). We are looking for Resists/Chaos res, Avoid Shock, Life, and movement speed. For Eldritch Implicits, you'll want 7%+ CDR and enough chance to avoid shock to reach 100% (41% in my case). ONCE AGAIN->Must have Armour+ES on boots!
You'll want to get a belt with Cooldown Recovery(as close to 20% as possible) Rate+Res+Life
Eventually a Mageblood :D
One ring should be flammability or elemental weakness on hit. Ideally a Bone Ring Synthesized for it so you can also have Minion Damage/Life on it as well. For the other, we want a Gloam Ring in the RIGHT ring slot that has Minions have -xx% to all elemental resistances. Aim to have at least -40%. Avoid getting +Minion Ele Res as it will slow down how fast the SRS die.
Cluster Jewels
Map Mods to Avoid
First of all, if you aren't using a regex to roll your maps yet then go here and educate yourself: https://poe.re/#/maps T17 maps aside, there are two map mods we absolutely DO NOT want to deal with: Less Cooldown Recovery Rate -Less CDR obviously just kills are dps and feels bad. It's not like it's impossible to do, just really annoying. Monsters Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield -THIS mod is bugged. Under normal circumstances our SRS spawn with 0 ES and would recharge to full from there, however instead of recharging they immediately start taking fire damage degen from the Infernal Legion support. If you run a map/zone(watch for it in Delve too) with this mod the SRS spawn with FULL ES and take much longer to die, so if you're non-stop spinning the SRS will continuously respawn instead of dying. Again, it's not IMPOSSIBLE to do this mod, you just have to stop spinning long enough for the SRS to die. It's just really REALLY annoying. Some Honorable Mentions: I choose to avoid some mods because I run with a lot of map mod increased effect and they're deadly/annoying but certainly doable. If I roll an 8 mod map with these, it won't stop me from running it. Monsters Chain # Additional Times = If my spectres die, this is usually why... -Maximum Resistances = This turns into -20%+ max Res. ofc I CAN do it, but why subject myself to it? No Regen/Less Recovery/Monsters Cannot be Leeched from -These are all fine on their own. We don't need regen for our skill sustain, less recovery doesn't apply to ES/Life on hit, and we don't exclusively leech. I opt to avoid these in general though because I don't like stacking them together. Less Armour+Less Block Chance - One of my major defensive layers. I choose to avoid this more often than not.
T17 Maps Mods
I do not farm T17's really so my list of "avoid these" will not be exhaustive. That being said, ABSOLUTELY avoid these in addition to the ones listed above and their T17 counterparts:
Rare and Unique Monsters remove #% of Life, Mana and Energy Shield from Players or their Minions on Hit -Remember, our minions instantly DIE upon reaching 50% health. This is a death sentence for your spectres. I ran one of these (value was 8%) with Harbingers and all my spectres bit the dust and my AG's life ping-ponged like crazy. Surprised he survived tbh. Players and their Minions deal no damage for 3 out of every 10 seconds -This is probably just massively annoying more than anything, but merits not running. I like having fun and this is NOT it. Monster Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances -I mean, it's like you CAN'T run it, but are you sure you SHOULD? xD (T17) Area contains Drowning Orbs (T17) Area contains Petrification Statues (T17) Area contains Runes of the Searing Exarch (T17) Area contains Unstable Tentacle Fiends (T17) Area has patches of Awakeners' Desolation -I don't really know which of these are fine or would be a pain in arse. But in general, ground dot effects are painful to our ES(mana) pool and if we OOM, we are likely to die. If you know of any other T17 mods that are total bricks, let me know and I'll adjust this.
*This statement may not reflect every Path of Exile player, but it definitely reflects me!
Последняя редакция: Gryphenprey#0653. Время: 7 сент. 2024 г., 15:50:08 Last bumped7 сент. 2024 г., 15:01:04
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Hey man, watfch your youtube video and try to copy it. Unfortunately I have 2 main problem.
1. Spectre keep die every 5-10 map. Anyway to make it tankier? 2. Im using -58 minion res and allocate 1 notable inside fortress covenant. But apparently it not enough to kill srs within 1.2sec. Compared it with your gear and it should be enough. I really dont want allocate another notable as it waste passive point and I cant afford make my spectre even squishier. Any possible solution? Here is my ign: MsMuffin |
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" Regarding the Spectres: They're going to be undercapped on res because of the -res ring so that's a problem. For me they rarely die, but I've heard from a couple others that theirs die more often than we'd like to see as well. SO! I've been working on a solution for this which basically drops Death Attunement from the tree to save points (turns out, Hulking Miscreation's buff is a duration thing and while it TECHNICALLY works, it's not a persisting buff)...ANYWAYS, take those points to get another jewel socket and an 8% reservation node and then use a helmet like this: Having the minion life support means we get an extra socket for Elemental Army to get more Elemental Resistances and max res on the AG and Spectres, which should help with their survivability immensely. Regarding which spectres to use, I like: Perfect Warlord for Vita+Endurance Charges Perfect Guardian Turtle for Determ+PDR% then for the third it's kind of whatever you want: Ancient Wraith has +1 max curse and enfeebles on hit (so it stacks with our curse) plus it's free to resummon! Pale Seraphim is not one I like but it does technically give damage for single target. Perfect Primal Thunderbird is cheap and Grace is really nice, especially if you have a jade flask for more evasion scaling. Regarding the SRS not dying fast enough, looking at your gear and tree there is nothing to suggest that they shouldn't be dying in time. What I think COULD be happening is a bug with a specific map modifier: "Monsters gain xx% of maximum life as extra maximum energy shield" For some reason (a bug presumably) this mod makes our SRS spawn with FULL ES rather than spawning at 0 ES, which would make them not die quickly enough. |
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