Queen of Filth hit box
During the boss fight the queen does a roll charge forward frequently. During her roll animation the hit box on her seems to override the dodge roll mechanic and throws you wherever she is going. It it feels like the hit box is wider than the boss model sometimes and others not. The fight just feels really inconsistent on when she will land the hit and when the dodge roll will succeed.
Last bumped4 февр. 2025 г., 10:24:36
Thank you for your report, I'll pass it on.
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I can also confirm this. From far beside her (at least outside of standard range) when she does her tenderize attack with 2 spins with the slam, even if I dodge, my character gets pulled into her front and held there, almost like I'm teleporting. Even when playing ranged attacks, if I'm within roughly 3 feet of her to the side, if she spins past me I still get pulled into her front (with her tenderize attack). Dodging feels inconsistent as well with avoiding her attacks.
Bug reference number: 1,501,734,376 |
Replying here to confirm and to vent a little. I'm just dying over and over again against her in Cruel because even if I dodge as soon as I see the attack start, I get "stuck" to her and take every slam to the face and die.
Can Confirm that this is still ongoing. I even got a dodge off and rolled behind and was pulled back infront and killed. Its borderline un playable when thats all the queen does is spam roll
Bump, still an issue