Shield Charge bug

Sometimes my shield charge will just stop working; I won't be able to use the ability until I go to town and then take go back outdoors. Not sure what causes this, I am thinking maybe using the ability and getting stunned out of the animation? Not sure.
Last bumped8 марта 2025 г., 3:08:55
+1, same here - bumping thread.
I noticed that if you zone anywhere it seems to fix it.
I've noticed it happening after getting stunned(was breaking every time getting stunned by the heart tether in the chaos trial). Unsocketing the skill fixes it too btw.
Последняя редакция: kenzuboi#7647. Время: 20 дек. 2024 г., 5:20:27
+1 I noticed that it always happens after skeleton spriggan cast on me their green roots in Hunting Grounds or Freyton areas

Bug report ID: 759 746 425
+1 it happened to me a couple of times, i dont know if its related or just coincidence but i noticed it's happening to me in that map with a lot of small wood bridges (I call it the bog witch map cause its where you fight the bog witch during the campaign), it happened once during the campaign in cruel and 2 times during mapping. I couldn't use SC from the start, i would enter the map and it would just not work, no hits taken from mobs, nothing. I'm playing a bow build and my shield charge is low level, i use it only for mobility. All my main skills are binded to my first weapon set (bow and quiver) and SC is the only spell binded to my second set (mace and shield).
I use shield on my 2nd weapon set.

1. Sometimes Shield Charge stops working completely until I interact with town portal.

2. There has been cases, where using Shield Charge puts it on like 27sec cooldown.
+1 same issue for me on my Legion go using controller setup
I have the same issue, using shield charge with shield in second weapon set. Works after I unequip and re-equip.

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