Fix Mighty SIlverfist damage

We shouldn't have to dodge. He oneshot a character with 67PDR(+4, so 71PDR) 1.2k hp completely overgeared for the zone. Oneshots are bad game design and shouldn't be ingame, give us proper tools to mitigate the damage without overleveling with hp.

Silverfist is not the only one that does nonsensical damage. Colossus sometimes can oneshot too with the knife attack that has buggy teleport animation.

Other "oneshots" in campaign can be mitigated. Silverfist and Colossus knife are badly balanced and are very hard to mitigate.
Последняя редакция: swo0plt#5433. Время: 16 дек. 2024 г., 12:38:36
Last bumped8 марта 2025 г., 11:55:31
1.5k life have do dodge with 74% armor mit
still dodging sometimes it kill you... super lameassshit
because silverfist one shot is shit
Последняя редакция: RedZinStyles#4950. Время: 18 дек. 2024 г., 17:51:22
RedZinStyles#4950 написал:
1.5k life have do dodge with 74% armor mit
still dodging sometimes it kill you... super lameassshit
because silverfist one shot is shit

It's crazy you can get oneshot with 6.5k armor wtf.
- He always triggered to attack from a too large and invisible area and you can't runaway on hardcore. You can't cleanup a map before to fight with him for close range classes and any mob can push you to triggered area, than you die
- He can push you to tree roots and you can't escape from roots! This bug is absolutely awesome and never tested! Please fix the geodata on this map, because you can get stuck anywhere
- One shot mechanic, lovely this. He can kill you from invisible area (really large), because is one shot mechanic design!
- You added a game mechanic to play sound for strong attacks, why didn't it not work for him?
- Rolls, his roll is instance and not is readable and has magnetic effect, what can i to do when a roll is rolled to critical damage?
Последняя редакция: kernigz#2455. Время: 8 марта 2025 г., 11:35:15
Shrug, I can tank a hit from him and I only have 5k hp. Yall are doing it wrong

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