Afterimage wording

So, I'm playing a full evade build with Acrobatics

'can evade all hits'
Then I annoint Afterimage
'8% more chance to evade melee attacks' (not strikes)

But on my character stats it states

'87% Estimated chance to evade melee strikes'

Is this intended? A wording error somewhere?
Last bumped12 февр. 2025 г., 18:55:41
I have the same question, I don't know whether Afterimage is only increasing evasion vs strikes, or all melee, when using Acrobatics.

I replaced some evasion nodes with Afterimage which theoretically gives me more evasion vs "melee", but less overall evasion, but I feel like I die more often to slam attacks.

So I'm thinking Afterimage doesn't work against AOE melee attacks when using Acrobatics, but I don't know of a good way to test.

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